Starman | BTS 8th Member | *ੈ...

By happinessnoise

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Jang Jisung joined BTS in 2015 and caused trouble. More

⭑𝘑𝘢𝘯𝘨 𝘑𝘪𝘴𝘶𝘯𝘨
⭑𝘑𝘢𝘯𝘨 𝘑𝘪𝘴𝘶𝘯𝘨


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By happinessnoise

Jisung pov

I got halfway down the road before i realised i had forgotten my skateboard, my mind was too preoccupied with hoseok. How a man of his calibre had come to fill my mind over the last month i dont know...

I groaned dragging my feet back to the dorm. my skateboard may make me look like a 12-year-old boy but it was better than walking.

I took the stairs, flying up every step pretty quickly for someone who had not long fallen down a flight. i thought about the sealed cuts on my chin, hoseok on my mind again. curse him. so long ago it seemed when he had patched up my cuts.

i snuck back into the dorm, trying to be as quiet as possible, not wanting to alert hoseok and get stuck in his gaze again.

He probably didnt care, as he had so boldly stated yesterday. so no matter how many small mistakes i make, he would assume they reflect me entirely. but i still ached. 

i speed-walked to my room, not wasting any time to get on the floor and start looking for my board. 

I looked around the floor for the board. "fuck" i cursed. the floor was hurting my knees. 

"The indignity" i got onto my stomach, sticking my head under the bed searching for those familiar set of wheels. 

Boxes neatly labelled, made with a label making machine by dowoon.

I moved one box to revile my skateboard. How it got here, i don't know. I admired it for a moment. I was about to remove my self from under the bed , but then i heard shouting.


"-always clinging on you, manipulating you, it's sickening" It was fine before he was here." It sounded close by, like yoongi

Though what he said was muffled, i could hear it. What is his problem?

But i knew what is the problem was. I was pissed. Why couldn't he just let it be?

I grabbed the board and got up, but i forgot i was under my bed. A cold metal bar smacked the bottom of my neck.

Rage and pain shot through me, almost like a survival instinct i threw the board out but hitting my head, this time my crown.

I lay there for a good 2 minutes, waiting for the pain to vanish. My phone vibrated and i knew it was youngk complaining. I crawled out and slowly got up.

My head was spinny again, so i held the wall for support. Or at least what i thought was the wall. I leant on the air, and gravity pulled me down making me knock over my chair.

"Fucking hell" i said to my self.

I was angry. Hearing yoongis voice again made all yesterdays anger return.

I tried to pick up my chair but it kept falling.
So i didn't bother.

I grabbed my stuff to see hoseok and yoongi staring out into the hallway at my room. Oh, so hoseok was talking to him. Birds of a feather.

I gritted my teeth before walking away.

"Told you" i heard yoongi muttered. Closing the door.

"Ever considered YOU a problem?" someone snapped.

I knocked on the door running a hand through my hair waiting patiently for someone to answer the door.

I heard a yell from inside.

"Brian Why is there a random guy at the door? Have you been-" the voice was cut off by a crash and a yell and footsteps.

The door was flung open. It was a sight to see really.

Youngk stood with his hair in a small bunch at the top of his head and was wearing a bigbang t-shirt.


In the back, i saw a younger guy on the floor, a pile of chocolates in his lap and a bowl that Lay centimetres away from him. I assumed this was the source of the crash.

This is who i was also going to boldly assume was wonpil

Another figure stood picking the chocolates off the floor and placing them back in the bowl while wonpil unwrapped a coconut chocolate that i despised. Youngk guesting for me to come in.

"come in" he moved aside. But my eyes were locked about the scene in front of me.

He looked back and had to do a double-take. "

"bro don't eat that!" He yelled running over and removing the chocolate from his hand.

"Is this how you act in front of our guest!" young k panicked pulling me inside.

I stood there in confusion.

"Hello" i waved my hand slightly grinning awkwardly to wonpil,  who grinned at me from the floor. Another member walked over to see what was going on.

"Jisung this is wonpil and b- sungjin" Brian guested in the general direction of each one. Sungjin waved at me, before glaring at youngk "it wasn't funny the first time"

Then, standing with his bowl looking a bit awkward. "Dowoon is gonna be here soon" sungjin looked at the clock

"Okay, so i have decided" youngk stood in the middle of the room. Everyone turned and looked at him

"We shall be making pizza" hd looked very proud of himself and i had to admit, it was a good idea. For a 5 year olds play date

"I just hope you know to cook" young k. looked at me. He was so confident beforehand with his idea like he had planned it on his head, but he was concerned about going into action. "Do you know how to cook?" A pained look came across his face.

Everyone nodded.
Someone definitely lied.

30 minutes later the kitchen had in chaos. The small nods by the other members earlier were proven to be lies and they really knew nothing of cooking at all.

I'm not even sure young k, the one who came up with the idea AND had the instructions, now seemed to be doubting his own choices.

About 10 minutes after i arrived so did dowoon. It was with great pain i had to subject myself to looking at him.

I couldn't really take my eyes off him.  He had a cute smile and his eyes were shiny. Everytime he smiled (however awkwardly) i couldn't help but staring at him in complete awe.

"Right so water? Brian smiled with a large jug of water in one hand.

"No. You need this amount!" sung jin yelled jabbing his finger to what he had stuck on the fringe and grabbed the jug spilling half the water on dowoon and himself. Dowoon cried out in shock, he had been peaceful in the corner grating cheese and sifting the powder.

Lucky the powder was ready-made or this would be even worse.

Young k was about to chuck the cold water into the powder before i ran forward slowly removing it from his grip.

"The water must be lukewarm and judging by dowoons face the water is very cold"

Dowoon from the corner nodded with  small smile and quickly went back to grating his cheese.

"Oh yeahhh" he laughed before going to the kettle.

About an hour later we were done.

The kitchen was a mess. The flower was spiled on the floor and somehow in wonpils hair, something he was yet to notice, it looked like he had extremely bad dandruff.

Me and Brian went outside, unable to control our giggles. We sat on our skateboards for a while after.

We rolled down a hill falling off the boards at the end.

We fell about laughing as we lay on the floor. The sun was setting actually. I could see it from here. I sat on my board staring out at it. The hill gave me some advantage so i could see it quite well.

I hadn't seen a sun like this in ages. I felt so calm and contented, the polar opposite from when i left.

Young k came and sat beside me, a small smile on his face.

"Are you okay" he whispered to me.

I sighed , shuffling my feet, my eyes locked on the sun.

I hummed nodding.  I dug into my pockets for cigarettes, it had felt so long since i had had one, the balcony at home could only do so much. There's only a handful of times you can visit your plants a day.
"can i-? "
Younghyun waved a hand carelessly.
"go ahead."

I told him what happened, the whole argument, and through gritted teeth the mention of my father

"It's not-'s not right" i sighed.

Young k scooted closer to me. "It's not your fault. They just don't know you that well" he held my hand in his. "Have have you tried talking-?" He suggested.

I laughed coldly. "I tried to talk to hoseok, but he didn't listen" i shrugged.

He nodded "he'll come around"

I said nothing, not really knowing at all if he would. I would think ahead of all possibilities then go forward with it.

Young ks phone went off signalling the pizzas were done. I ran inside to take them out. We all surrounded the oven staring at them, anticipation thick in the air.

"Move back a bit" sung jin whispered as he began to open the door.

"I..2..3..." He reached for them quickly with a gloved hand and quickly putting them down.

We all stared at them. We all looked at the pizzas in shock.

Sungjin had a look of relief when he looked at the pizzas together as a whole

"They're not burnt" he sighed getting out plates. Sungjin stared at his pizza with a look of satisfaction. "seems alright" 

Brian stared at his in disbelief probably at how it turned out normal considering the amount of cheese he placed on top. Wonpil and dowoon looked happy with there creations and sat in their seats expectedly.
Mine was okay , not burnt at all thankfully.

I picked the seat next to dowoon. Not for any reason in particular.

Brian smirked. hes noticed-

"We should put on a film" sungjin walks over to the tv.

"Mmmh" i said thinking of films. "Well i brought this the other day" brain took a case from a shelf.

"dead poets society" he said simply and they all nodded.

I gulped, knowing what was next. In for a real treat i am

About an hour  later, everyone was experiencing the worst emotional imaginable.

"this is the worst day of my life" Cried wonpil as what the character was doing became increasingly more evident

"i fear i will never be happy again" Brian was staring at the screen. Eyes filled with tears. I was frowning from my seat on the floor. "it never gets easier to watch" i sighed.

I heard a sob from someone on the floor.

The credits rolled. And the members all lay there, dazed, upset, betrayed, numb.

He chucked a blanket the rest of the members and switched off the living room light off. They didn't notice. Wonpil was asleep, sungjin was trying to remove the sleeping Wonpil, but he failed. Dowoon however, perked up when he noticed i had stood up.
"you going home?" he said staring up at me.
I gulped. "yeah" he was painfully beautiful.
Even in the dim light his eyes still shone.
Brain kicked me, forcing my eyes off dowoon to glare at him. He had alook in his eye that matched the smirk he had earlier..

"I better get going or someone is gonna kill me. I promised id get some things for him at the shop as well" i said rambling to cover up whatever just happened.

Young k nodded. "Okay get home safely and don't talk to strangers" i snickered at this statement. At one point he was a stranger. I hugged my skateboard as he lead me out.

"don't worry, ill tell dowoon you said goodbye" he cackled, jabbing me in the sides playfully.

I ran outside quickly. It was almost pitch black but i got on my board despite this. I was going cautiously as i was afraid of the dark to some extent but kept on going till i found a familiar path.

I hopped off my bored and got out my phone to see the list jin presented to me.

- milk.

- bread.


- grapes

- sugar

- buy yourself something nice.

I laughed at the comments. Entering the empty shop. The cashier gave a final wave before looking down at there phone. I smiled, they reminded me of jeewoo.

The cashier blindly rang up the items and i paid for them. They didn't seem to recognise me, as their eyes looked extremely tired lucky because i didn't bring a mask.

The path was short back to the dorms, but i wish it were longer, as i recognised this to be around the time yoongi got back and loitered in the kitchen for a while until going to his room. I grimaced, a shooting pain shot down my neck and I flinched as I opened the door. It was probably from earlier when i got stuck under my bed. Quite a few of the members seemed to be awake, and i was shocked to see jungkook up past his bedtime. My neck panged again.

I removed my shoes quickly running into the kitchen. "You're back late" a voice said from the corner. It was the man who gives me brain rot.

"Oh hello" i looked away quickly avoiding eye contact. Hosoek narrowed his eyes frowning.

"You're back late" he repeated. I huffed and rolled my eyes.

"As you have already said, hoseok-hyung" i said simply putting away the milk. Hoseok looked taken aback at me using his formalities

"You didn't-" he started but i groaned looking at him finally

"im sorry hoseok-hyung what was that? Didn't quite catch it please repeat yourself?" I said interrupted him on flat tone.

His mouth was agape and looking at me shocked. My neck was throbbing now. And im not in the mood for him. I rubbed it hissing. "Are you okay?" he asked tentatively.

I shot him a dirty look. "piss off" i snapped.

ik day are supposed to have an extra member but he left, so i didnt add him bc im lazy lol

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