Why am I never enough??

By thatb1tchtot

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what happens when you finally get your long time crush....Dejuane Mccoy More

part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6
part 7
part 8
part 9
part 10
part 11
part 12
part 13
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510 15 8
By thatb1tchtot

after a while of just talking we all got up and got dressed then we went to sports academy and bought hockey gear and we took the kids to dejuanes mom house then we headed to the rink and once we got there we all got suited up and made videos and laughed then we got on the ice playing for a while until kobe got tired so he got off the ice and took off his gear then after a while he was being dumb and he stepped on the ice without his gear on while me and the group yelled at him telling him to move out the way before he gets hurt but he didn't listen so we just dodged him as much as possible then someone that was also on the ice hit their ice puck and it hit kobe on the leg and we all heard a snap and turned our head to him laying on the ground yelling his ass off and holding his leg with shaking hands so i quickly take my stuff off and run to kobe and once i got to him i made mattia hurry up and pick him up then we got off the ice and drove kobe to a hospital and i stayed in the room with him the whole time while the others got the kids and took them home but as me and kobe were in the room they put him to sleep but before they did i promised kobe i would stay in the room with him the whole time so when they were popping his leg back in place i heard the loud snaps and they were making my anxiety sky rocket so i close my eyes with tears flowing down my face then once they finish i open my eyes and wipe all my tears then since he's still sleep i got to pick his cast color so i went with red and they wrapped his leg up and after a while i sat there drinking some apple juice they gave me and on my phone and then kobe woke

Kobe: shit that's crazy
Y: what's crazy
Kobe: i broke my leg
Y: we told your dumbass to get off the fucking ice idiot
Kobe: it was fun
Y: until your ass was on the ice yelling like a psycho
Kobe: that shit hurt
Y: i bet it did dumbass
Kobe: does this mean i can be babied
Y: aww of course
Kobe: bipolar bitch
Y: shut up before i change my mind
Kobe: wait no come here

i go up to kobe and he scoots over so i sit beside him sitting up and messing with his fingers and just talking to him then his food comes and so for fun i start feeding him and laughing then the group comes in the old and new but they took the kids to dejuanes house for a little

Vallyk: girl why are you feeding him like he's a big baby
Y: because he's my big baby
Smitty: feed me
Y: um no
Mike: i wanna be fed
Kobe: stop trying to steal my girl thirsty ass niggas
Jared: what even happened
Sharan: we were telling mr dumbass over there to get off the ice without the gear on but he stayed then someone hit their puck and it got his slow ass on the leg
Donn: so basically kobe was being hard headed
Y: not basically that's exactly what happened
Kobe: it was fun though
Mattia: yea until you were yelling and i had to pick you up on fucking ice
Kairi: and if mattia would've fell y/n would've been mad at you kobe
Kobe: no she wouldn't because my leg was broke
Y: is sweetie your leg is still broke
Kobe: thats besides the point
Cherry: no it is the point because that's why we're here
Justin: i was forced to come
Y: well good thing i didn't ask
Justin: shut the fuck up y/n
Y: and what if i don't the fuck you gone do
Justin: beat your ass
Mattia: don't try it because we will jump your dumb goofy looking ass
Kobe: ong all because my leg broke doesn't mean i won't get up and bitch slap you
Justin: y'all won't do shit
Mike: try something then
Justin: whatever i'm out
Derek: lil bitch

justin stormed out and the groups went with him so i laughed and kobe pinched me so i slapped his forehead and after a while he went to sleep so i gently kissed him then i grabbed my keys and went to dejuanes house so i can get the kids so once i got there i knocked on the door and he opened it and hugged me while i just stood there then he moved away and tried to kiss me but i moved out the way and threw my hand up in between us

Y: i just came here for the kids
Blessing: hey tot are we leaving now
Y: yea come on

the kids get there stuff then take it to the car and buckle themselves in and i thank dejuane for watching them for now then i turn around and he hits my butt so i grab his hand and yell at him then i walk off getting in my car and taking the kids home then i get them ready for bed and after they are sleep i go back to the hospital and lay next to kobe just singing

Kobe: that's an amazing way to wake up
Y: my bad i didn't mean to wake you
Kobe: i might've got woken up out of a good dream but at least it was with your singing
Y: what was your dream about
Kobe: well you had a kid but it was mine then we got married and after that we went to our honeymoon and we were fu-
Y: haha not funny
Kobe: well you asked
Y: you're so weird stop dreaming about me perv
Kobe: i'm good
Y: dream about yourself
Kobe: why would i fuck myself that's a little weird don't you think
Y: or maybe just don't have those type of dreams you perv
Kobe: ehh i'll think about it
Y: omg you're weird
Kobe: it be like that sometimes

me and kobe kept joking around while i babied him then he went back to sleep and i went to sleep with him

not me making a 13 on my test 😭🤭

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