By asj_28

3M 71.6K 37.5K

Having been in Catholic School since the age of five, Aspen is naive to society. Her life turned upside down... More

Lesson Learned


85.8K 1.8K 360
By asj_28


There wasn't more than stolen touches and heated eyes throughout the week. 

I had a feeling that when we got home, we would have done more. That Chris would let me practice more and that he'd make me come again, but that quickly vanished as Chris had gotten a call from his friend. 

His friend had wanted to hang out and Chris couldn't say no, so he had dropped me off at home with a forehead kiss. I had hoped he would be back soon, but he didn't. I didn't even see Chris until Monday afternoon as he was coming home from the hospital, his eyes lined with sleep. 

He apologized. I accepted it because I knew that he had a life and what we had was a secret. Both of us had to act as if there was nothing but a platonic relationship between us, that we were both just guardian and ward. 

It wasn't just his life that prohibited us from continuing whatever we had, but also the fact that I had classes. Each day I neared graduation, near that day I knew I had to choose. To stay or leave. To finish what I had with Chris and thank him or to- I shook my head. It was impossible, we wouldn't be anything.

That brought heartache, a brush of pain along my heart. I didn't know what that meant, if it even meant anything. There was that slap of an emotion in my guy, turning and feeling. Something that was new but big, but impossible. 

And with that, with having to complete projects and studying for exams. I was stumped with work anyways, most of my days were spent looking over books and taking notes. To manage the internet which I had found out was way easier than spending hours holed up in the public library finding what I needed. 

I did many things while Chris worked but during the days my mind would wander off to Chris. Thinking about what he was doing, if he was even thinking about me. 

I didn't know if he did think about me during the day, but I did know that he thought about me at night. I knew it because when I was barely conscious enough, I felt his lips on my forehead. Heard his rough voice wishing me a goodnight, my heart squeezing at those words. 

Sometimes I didn't want a goodnight. I wanted something else. But what I wished for was a sin. One that I was more and more wanting to commit. A sin that I wouldn't mind making if only to feel something, just a brush of affection. 

I was a few weeks away from graduating and with the help of counselors and teachers I was able to apply to several universities. Now the chances to get in were slim, not because I was stupid academically but because I had applied to them late. Usually universities took their pick around the end of the year and I was already past spring. 

It should bother me that I had absolutely no plan. But it didn't, for some reason it felt like an anchor that was allowing me to stay. I was stealing time, time that was a lie. Time that in the end wouldn't matter because all I had with Chris would end. 

I was sitting down Friday afternoon going over my notes for next weeks test when there was a knock on the door. Frowning I stood up, smoothing out my shirt as I did. I hadn't invited Penelope or Lilith over and Chris had his keys. 

And to be honest ever since they last came here, I just didn't want them near Chris. There was this protectiveness, which wasn't that but a selfishness of keeping Chris away from them. I didn't like how they looked at him, not once bit. 

Opening the door, I was met face to face with one of Chris's friends. I had met him briefly that day after church, only seen him for a few minutes before he left with Chris. 

Theo. It wasn't short for Theodore, it was just Theo. I guess he was fine to look at, but he was no comparison to Chris. No one could compare to Chris. Theo was the same height as Chris, both towering over me by a lot. But unlike Chris's stoney grey eyes, Theo had those dark chocolate colored eyes. Eyes that were now looking me up and down as I stood there, taking in my white tank top and black shorts. I had changed the moment I got home and considering it was my home, I could wear whatever I wanted..

I felt my cheeks redden at his intense gaze, my eyes dropping. The burn of his eyes wasn't anything like Chris's, I could feel it. It was something else I couldn't place. 

"Hi. Chris isn't home yet," I muttered softly, meeting his gaze again. 

Theo coughed, shifting his feet. "Oh sorry. When will he be here?"

Stepping away, I turned to see the clock that hung near the door. "In half an hour-" I looked back at him- "You're welcome to wait if you want," I said opening the door wider. 

It was my home because Chris said it. But in the first place it was his and Theo was a friend of his. I was just… I didn't know what I was. 

"It's fine. I'll wait for him out here," he nodded to his truck. 

I was raised to be polite and welcoming, to give those who came a place to stay and wait. It felt wrong to have him wait outside, it wasn't hot nor cold. But he was a friend. "No please come in. It wouldn't be nice of me to have Chris's friends wait outside." 

Theo flickered his gaze from me to his car, taking a step forward. Accepting the invitation, closing the door behind him I crossed my arms over my chest. Walking to the living room. "Make yourself at home. I'll be right back," I murmured as he sat down in one of the couches. 

Theo nodded, his eyes flashing to mine as I turned for the stairs. Tripping on the first one as I made my way to my room. I quickly made my way to my closet, throwing clothes on the floor for something decent to wear. Even when I had all these pretty clothes, I was still uncomfortable in certain outfits. Not with Chris, but definitely when I was outside or when there were other people.

Blame it on being a girl. 

I threw on an oversized shirt, the hem barely reaching my mid thigh. I could search for pants but I had already taken long and leaving a guest alone wasn't very host likely.

Running back downstairs, I almost took a hit against the floor. Halting at the threshold of the living room, I found Theo with his phone out. His head jerked up as I spoke. "Hi again. Sorry," I blurted out. 

Theo smiled, shaking his head. "It's fine."

I nodded, my hands going to my back. Not knowing what to say or do. You could say it was almost awkward as I stood there. I had had company over before but they were my friends, now he was uncharted territory. But then again it shouldn't be any different. 

"Do you want anything to drink or eat? I can bring you a beer. Or whatever you want," I said breaking the eerie silence.

"A beer would be nice," Theo answered. I nodded, turning around quickly to get one. I also took advantage of it to pull out something I knew I could use to cook. I was getting better at this whole thing, kinda. 

Finishing, I took the unopened bottle back to Theo. His fingers brushing against mine as he took it from my hand, my body jolting at it. Turning around, my gaze caught onto my still opened books. 


Picking them all up, I struggled to gather them all on my hands. Pieces of paper falling to the floor, bending over to pick them up. My face red at the act, "Sorry," I apologized over and over. Taking them all to the side table, I smoothed out my shirt. "The tv controller is over there-" I pointed to the coffee table- "I'd make you company but I have dinner to prepare which you are more than welcome to stay for."

I watched as he shifted in his seat, "Thank you." 

Giving him a smile, I headed across the foyer and into the kitchen. Hearing the distinctive voice of news anchors, my steps faltering. The minutes breezed by, my fingers moving as quickly as they could to cook. I knew I didn't have to, but it felt nice to do this. 

By the time I was done cooking a simple meal, I heard the door open. I didn't bother to meet Chris at the door, knowing if I did I would want to hug him in a very inappropriate way and Theo was here. I set up the table, bringing out the food in glass containers. I could hear from here the avid talking, Chris's surprised voice cutting throughout the house. 

I couldn't make out anything Theo said, but I could hear the soft tap of their shoes against the floor. I heard Chris tell Theo to take a seat, my body sizzling as I heard the soft tap again. I could feel him, could almost smell him as he came to me. "Hi," Chris whispered, making me turn, soft lips pressing against my forehead. 


There was talking among both of them, Chris and Theo talking about their work. 

I caught on to many things, sorta understanding what they talked about. Spending so much time with Chris, I started to understand the type of doctor he was. A surgeon and on top of that he was also a consultant and met with various patients whenever the hospital was short of staff. 

Theo on the other hand was a civil engineer, which gave an explanation to his toned skin. He wasn't bad to look at, I knew that if Lilith and Penelope stopped by and saw him they'd say he was also hot. But comparing both Chris and Theo, Chris was just better in every manner. From the dark stands that felt silky between my fingers, to the heartthrob smile he gave me. 

Finishing with dinner, I cleaned up before moving to the living room with Chris. Both of them watching a game on the tv, a blanket thrown over me as I half laid on the couch where Chris sat.

My feet were propped up, almost grazing Chris's thigh but not. Theo was here and what Chris and I had was a secret. One I didn't like, but would keep even if it tarnished my soul just to have time with Chris. 

I tried listening to the game, to pay attention but as hard as I tried I couldn't make out what the rules were. All I knew was that there were two teams and they had to score to win. There were so many words thrown around by the commenters, highlights, bounds, fouls and whatnot. 

Time slowly passed, my feet somehow making their way to Chris's lap. Looking around, it didn't seem like Theo knew what I was doing. Which sent a thrill as I dug my feet into Chris's lap, Chris only shifting but keeping my feet in place. 

The more I did it, the more Chris' eyes turned to me. His gaze hooded and scorching, lips pressed firmly together. I could see the restraint he had, the veins that popped out of his neck with every movement I made. 

It made me want to giggle in amusement, to see him like this. And if I was being honest, all I wanted was to sit in his lap. To cradle him close to me, if only to have his hands holding me even if it was purely nonsexual. The more I thought about it, it felt like an addiction. An impossible addiction. 

I couldn't get attached, I hadn't gotten attached. Which was a lie, one I knew would dig deep into me. It would be also a lie to say I didn't know what was going on with me, I knew exactly what was happening but I didn't want to come to terms with it. I had been this well devoted girl, one that at some point had seen herself take the vows to God. 

That is until I learned exactly what the sisters would ask of me, to leave all affection. To cross out the idea of a family, of a husband and children. I wouldn't accept it, not anymore. 

I was devoted until I met Chris, I would have stayed a saint. But I was sinning in every possible way, craving more and more. To taste the bitter sin in the tip of my tongue, to continue whatever I had with Chris. Even if it meant eternal hell. 

Sitting there, images filled my mid. My cheeks heating up at the thought of Chris. Of that salty taste that had filled my mouth, of the way his eyes had rolled back, the way his hands had gripped the back of my throat. I could feel the pulsing, my feet shifting more in Chris's lap, a gasp almost escaping me as I felt the bulge. 

Taking a peak at him, Chris almost looked at ease. But I knew better, I could see the tension in his shoulders. A smile creeping to my lips, my feet nudging him slightly. Trying to get a reaction out of him, but he still sat with a rigid expression. 

Nudging him slightly, finally I felt warm fingers wrap around my ankle. Holding firmly onto me, his voice clipped as he talked to Theo about the ending of the game. I could hear them, but I didn't care to do so. Not as I felt his touch, like a feather dragging slowly across my ankle and to my toes. 

I shivered, rolling my head back as he did that over and over. I was almost lost in this, almost forgetting Theo was with us until he spoke. "Well I should get going-" my head moved to the side seeing Theo stand up, his gaze on me- "Aspen thank you for dinner." 

His gaze still stayed on me as he moved, feeling Chris stand up. My eyes following him as he escorted Theo out, one flicker of Theo shot at me before he left. Well that was a little weird. 

Chris came back, taking a seat back where he was. Grey eyes holding mine as he tapped his lap, "Come."

I crawled to him, my legs falling to his sides. "What do I do?" I asked as I straddled his hips, my hands moving to wrap around his shoulders. 

"What do you want to do?" 


Slowly I moved my hips, as if I knew what to do. Moving my ass back and forth, Chris holding onto my hips as I did. A small growl slipping past his lips, a smile on my face at the sound. 

I could feel the wetness in between my legs, feel my toes curl in anticipation. My mind reeling in the free reign Chris was giving me.  


Aspen moved her ass, grinding into me with a knowledge. There was this twinkling in her brown eyes, a smile that made my dick twitch inside my pants. I was half lost in that movement alone, feeling how she moved along me. 

It was pure torture and ecstasy. Feeling her, having her in my arms. I didn't know if it was heaven or hell but I didn't care. As long as she stayed with me, I'd take anything. 

I felt her hands move, felt my hips rise to meet her touch. Lithe fingers wrapped around the waist of my slacks, fingers trailing down. Reaching for the belt, moving to pull it away. And I let her, I gave her the permission to make me her slave. To take whatever she wanted as long as she was with me. 

With every touch, with every second I fell. Looking down at her, she tugged my slacks away. Kneeling as she did, her hands soft and warm against my flesh. 

Leaving me in just my boxers, Aspen rose back to my lap. Hips moving against my needy ones, legs wrapping around me. My dick was now right between her legs, and I could feel her pussy on my length. Feel the wetness that coaxed her, that I wanted to feel. 

I put my hands on her hips, as she moved against my hardness. My hands pulled her as close as I could, a groan escaping me as she pushed into me. I kept my hands on her hips, helping her dry hump me while the highlights of the game rolled, the anchor's voice nothing but a far away sound. 

Aspens eyes were fixed on mine, and I wished I had more control over this situation. To stop her, to ask her for more. The tip of my dick was peeking out of my shorts, pressed against my stomach as her pussy moved along my length. She was still fully clothed, but I wished she wasn't. 

“Aspen,” I breathed, trying to stop her from moving. But she didn’t, and while I was starting to pulsate underneath her pussy, I felt warmth rise from between her legs. 

“You like it?” she asked. I nodded as she kept on riding me. And I kept on encouraging her to do so. My fingers dug into her skin, and I felt her hands move under my shirt. 

I pressed her down to squeeze my dick even more, and while she kept moving her sweet little ass back and forth and along my length. "Aspen,” I growled, looking her deep in the eyes. 

I felt the tension building in my abdomen, I knew release was just what I needed. The tip of my dick was already out, and with her pussy rubbing against it. 

I couldn’t hold back.


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