Trials and Tribulations [Chae...

By sapphicrosie

180K 7.7K 3K

It's the first day of Chaeyoung's junior year of high school after a summer spent away at softball camp. By a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31 [M]
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39 [M]
Chapter 40
Chapter 41 [M]
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50 (part 1)
Chapter 50 (part 2)
Chapter 50 (part 3)
Chapter 50 (part 4) [M]
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67 [M]
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82 (part 1)
Chapter 82 (part 2) [M]

Chapter 61 [M]

1.9K 60 13
By sapphicrosie

Lisa and Chaeyoung walked through the mall slowly, their arms linked together and their hands entwined, Lisa casting quick, interested looks through some of the store windows as they passed.

“Do you want to have a look around?” Chaeyoung asked noticing Lisa’s glances. “We don’t have to go straight to the movies if you’d rather shop.” Lisa looked up to meet Chaeyoung’s eyes and squeezed her hand lightly in her own.

“No, that’s alright.” Lisa answered. “I don’t really need anything.” Chaeyoung took a moment to contemplate Lisa’s tattered and torn, blue converse trainers, a disbelieving look on her face.

“You don’t need anything?” she asked, her lips curving up in to a smile as she lifted her eyes to take in Lisa’s features again. “Not one, single, thing?” Lisa shook her head and Chaeyoung laughed as she made a mental note to buy her girlfriend some new shoes when she got her next allowance.

“I was just trying to figure out where the music store is in here but I can’t seem to remember.” Lisa said, twisting her body on the spot to look first in one direction and then the other, seemingly puzzled. Lisa screwed up her face, her nose and forehead creasing thoughtfully as she continued to scan the mall around her.

“It’s up the other end by Barnes and Noble,” Chaeyoung informed her helpfully, a similarly mystified expression appearing on her own face. “Why?”

“What up here?” Lisa asked pointing in completely the wrong direction.

“No the other end of the mall,” Chaeyoung corrected, turning around and pointing the right way. “Down here opposite Forever 21.”

“Really?” Lisa asked, her eyes following Chaeyoung’s hand. She seemed surprised by the information and Chaeyoung couldn’t help but find her confusion adorable.

“Yeah babe,” Chaeyoung laughed. “When was the last time that you came here?”

“It was at the weekend,” Lisa told her a little irritated. “My parents bought me here to buy my new guitar.”

“I can’t believe that you broke your other one,” Chaeyoung chuckled remembering Lisa’s video from earlier. “You’re such a dork.” Lisa grinned brightly at the sound of the word and Chaeyoung nudged her playfully in response, her own smile matching that of her girlfriend’s.

“It was your fault,” Lisa moaned spiritedly, remembering Chaeyoung’s fractured ribs just in time to stop herself from bumping the other girl back. “If you hadn’t left your Fall Out Boy album at my house I wouldn’t have done.”

“I wish you’d recorded your impromptu rock concert,” Chaeyoung chuckled heartily. “I can only imagine what you and Jisoo were getting up to. I’m pretty sure that the pair of you shouldn’t be left together unattended.”

“Right,” Lisa said simply, her mood turning gloomy at the mention of her best friend in view of everything that had happened earlier. Chaeyoung smiled at Lisa sadly and rubbed the back of her hand with her thumb.

“Sorry,” she apologised and Lisa placed her free hand on top of Chaeyoung’s in acknowledgement. “Did you want to go there?” Chaeyoung asked her, redirecting the conversation back to the original topic. “You know, to the store?”

“I was thinking of buying some new sheet music,” Lisa thought out loud, biting her bottom lip. “I’ve been really trying to practice more and I thought maybe having some new songs to learn would help. It can wait though….”

“No, it can’t,” Chaeyoung said, pleased at the thought of Lisa getting back in to her music and pulling on her arm to lead her down the mall and towards the store. Lisa lagged behind her for a moment but soon picked up her pace so that she was beside her girlfriend again. “If you want to buy some sheet music then we’ll go and get some.”

“It’s really not important,” Lisa told her.

“It’ll take five minutes,” Chaeyoung said simply, preventing any further argument from Lisa.

“I can’t believe I couldn’t remember where the store was,” Lisa complained after they’d continued a few minutes in silence. “That’s so stupid. What the hell is wrong with me?”

“Nothing is wrong with you,” Chaeyoung responded giving Lisa a meaningful look.

“I used to go to this store all the time,” Lisa mused reflectively. “I mean, I practically lived in the place before the accident and now I can’t even find it.”

“Lili,” Chaeyoung said eyeing her girlfriend carefully. “It’s not a big deal. You know what your memory is like…”

“I know,” Lisa interceded. “It’s really crap sometimes but, I don’t know, there are days when I feel like I’m really better.” she shared openly. “It’s almost like there’s nothing wrong with me. It’s like, some mornings I can wake up and if it weren’t for the scars and the function of my left hand I wouldn’t even know that I’d been in an accident.”

“It’ll get there eventually,” Chaeyoung reassured her. “I mean, you don’t have to have speech therapy anymore because it’s improved so much and you’re hardly ever at physical therapy now. You only go once a month so that they can check that you’ve not lost any range in your joints and to see if they can improve your coordination any further. Everyone forgets things every once in a while.” She reminded Lisa. “That doesn’t make you special you know.” She teased.

“I know,” Lisa laughed, Chaeyoung’s words making her feel better and she leant her head closer to the taller girls shoulder and pretended to bite it playfully. “I am so much better. Even I can see that.” She acknowledged and Chaeyoung smiled brightly at the words. Chaeyoung didn’t think a time would come where she’d ever stop smiling in response to hearing Lisa recognise her own progress.

“So what’s the problem then?” Chaeyoung asked her. “The problem is that even though I don’t have speech therapy anymore, I still can’t speak properly when I’m really tired or stressed or…I don’t know,” Lisa said, pausing as she thought for a moment. “Emotional.” She finally added. “Plus, I’m probably more likely to slap myself in the face in the morning than anyone else I know because my sensation in this hand is so poor,” Lisa stated, lifting up their entwined hands, her left one, significantly. “It just kind of sucks to know that in the future there will still be days that I’ll walk in to somewhere that I’ve been going my whole life and I’ll still be disorientated or lost.”

“You used to forget your locker combination all the time at school Lili,” Chaeyoung reminded her, “and I can’t even begin to count the number of times I’ve had to remind you to take your meds or lock your front door when you leave the house.” She continued. “It’s not a big deal. The other day someone asked me my date of birth and it look took me ten minutes before I remembered it.”

“You’re just saying that,” Lisa commented, “but thanks.”

“I’m not,” Chaeyoung laughed. “Even my mind goes blank from time to time.”

“I hate getting confused,” Lisa admitted to her. “It’s embarrassing.”

“Yeah well I think it makes you cute,” Chaeyoung said in an attempt to comfort her, tapping the end of Lisa’s nose lightly, the younger girl scrunching it up in response to the contact.

“You think everything that I do is cute,” Lisa protested amused, jerking her head back when Chaeyoung tried to tap her nose again. “I could probably punch you in the face and you’d find it adorable,” she joked.

“That would definitely be one sure fire way to make me fall at your feet,” Chaeyoung laughed and Lisa couldn’t resist the urge to nudge her gently at the comment. Chaeyoung feigned a grimace but in truth she was actually undisturbed by Lisa’s lacklustre force and she delighted in mocking her for it. “I have no idea how you managed to give Miss Bae a black eye and break both your hand and Rachel’s nose.” Chaeyoung giggled lightheartedly. “That was pathetic Lili.” She taunted goodnaturedly. “You’re so tiny that sometimes I think a fly could take you in a fight.”

“I’m not that small!” Lisa responded faking insult and pushing Chaeyoung harder, her girlfriend laughing despite the discomfort the contact elicited in her side. “You can’t call me tiny when people like Somi exist!”

“Somi can actually pack a surprisingly good punch,” Chaeyoung told Lisa, recalling the time her friend had given her a dead arm for the whole of lunch period during their freshman year. Somi had hit her excitedly after hearing that Justin Timberlake was touring and would be playing the American Airlines Arena in Miami and Chaeyoung had had the worst arm ache as a result of it. “You on the other hand…” Chaeyoung said, tilting her head slightly and making a point of studying Lisa’s physical form disappointingly. “Well…you know…” Lisa’s mouth dropped open at the pretended insult and she took a moment to think of a retort.

“You don’t think I could hurt you if I wanted to?” Lisa finally settled on asking, a hint of an entertained challenge to her voice. “I’ve just been going easy on you,” she said, her smile wide and her eyes glistening mischievously. “I could hurt you if I wanted to you know…”

“I don’t believe you,” Chaeyoung interrupted her laughing.

“I can,” Lisa said assuredly.

“Prove it,” Chaeyoung dared her and Lisa untangled her hand from her girlfriend’s and took a step back to look at her, uncertain whether she was being serious or not.

“You don’t think that I will?” Lisa asked her, cocking one eyebrow and narrowing her eyes as she tried to read Chaeyoung’s body language.

“No…I don’t think that you will,” Chaeyoung said meaningfully and shrugging as she walked off, continuing on in the direction of the music store, apparently untroubled by Lisa’s threat. Lisa watched her go for a moment, half expecting Chaeyoung to turn around and wait for her but infuriatingly she didn’t, she just kept on going, apparently untroubled. When Chaeyoung was a good few feet ahead of where Lisa stood, the younger girl hurried after her and moved around in front of Chaeyoung to block her path, causing her to come to an abrupt stop. Chaeyoung looked at Lisa’s irritated expression amused and crossed her arms in front of her over her chest as she waited for her girlfriend to say something.

“You’re mean do you know that?” Lisa asked her pouting and Chaeyoung chuckled at the use of her girlfriend’s secret weapon.

“No,” Chaeyoung said, stepping around Lisa and tilting her head in her direction as she passed her. “That’s mean.”

“Remind me to punch you hard when you’re fully recovered.” Lisa said, struggling to keep up with Chaeyoung. Chaeyoung pretended to consider the request for a moment and then made a face, shaking her head.

“Nah,” she responded as she turned in to the music store and paused just inside, turning around to face Lisa who almost careened straight in to her, either not paying enough attention to Chaeyoung’s actions or her reflexes not quick enough to react to them.

“You’re so annoying,” Lisa complained frowning and Chaeyoung patted her on the top of the head condescendingly, the corner of her mouth lifting in to a smile.

“I know,” Chaeyoung said winking, “but you love me anyway.” Lisa jabbed Chaeyoung in the ribs with her index finger and the blonde bent in the middle, hissing at the ache in her side, her hands coming to rest over it protectively.

“You didn’t think that I would do that did you?” Lisa questioned casually as Chaeyoung stood back up again still smiling despite the momentarily pain she’d suffered. “You deserved it,” she continued looking pleased and Chaeyoung shook her head after her girlfriend as Lisa headed off in the direction of the sheet music clearly irritated. Chaeyoung was tempted to leave it, to let Lisa claim this round but she couldn’t, the urge to continue their entertaining bickering too strong to resist and prompting her to walk quietly up behind her girlfriend who was now standing in front of a display and flicking through a book of sheet music. Chaeyoung slid her hands around Lisa’s waist and pulled her back in to her body firmly, undisturbed by the protestation in her side when her girlfriend was so close to her. Chaeyoung lowered her mouth to the side of Lisa’s neck and nibbled on it, her teeth grazing the skin there as her hands made a concerted effort to tickle Lisa’s abdomen. Lisa twisted in Chaeyoung’s arms trying to escape the irritant but her girlfriend held her more firmly, tickling her sides and continuing to nibble at the side of her neck, her mouth making its way up to Lisa’s jaw and back down again.

“Oh my God!” Lisa exclaimed, dropping the book on the floor accidentally and struggling against Chaeyoung’s vice like grip, her body contorting as she laughed loudly, her neck trying to escape Chaeyoung’s assault at the same time as her torso so that she was twisting around on the spot furiously. “Rosie!”

“Yeah?” Chaeyoung asked knowingly, enjoying the sound of Lisa’s deep raspy chuckle which conflicted massively with the tone of annoyance in her voice in regards to the unrelenting attack.

“Yeah?” Lisa asked, her voice rising in disbelief as she tried to turn around and face Chaeyoung whose hands were still prodding at her sides. Chaeyoung felt Lisa’s hands on top of her own and the younger girl held them in her grasp, trying to pull them away from her body so that she could escape her girlfriend’s hold.

“Nah uh,” Chaeyoung said trying to hold firm whilst ignoring the painful complaint from her ribs. “I don’t think so…”

“Stop it!” Lisa laughed, finally managing to turn around so that she was looking at Chaeyoung who had instantly dropped her hands to her girlfriends’ stomach again to resume her incessant tickling. Lisa stepped back in an attempt to escape Chaeyoung’s uncompromising fingers and collided with the display behind her noisily. She reached one of her hands down to steady herself against the wooden unit and Chaeyoung took the opportunity to step even closer to her girlfriend, pushing their bodies together. “I can’t believe you!” Lisa complained, reaching her hands up to push against Chaeyoung’s chest, trying to get some space between them, her body still contorting in her discomfort.

“You deserve it,” Chaeyoung told her smiling broadly and giggling as she repeated Lisa’s sentiment from a few minutes ago.

“I deserve…” Lisa started to argue, but Chaeyoung cut her off by leaning forward and kissing her firmly on the lips instead, her hands no longer tickling Lisa’s abdomen but resting on her sides, over her ribs. Chaeyoung smiled against Lisa’s lips for a moment before separating their mouths and she leant back in order to study her girlfriend’s face. Lisa swallowed forcefully with her eyes fixed on Chaeyoung’s and then coughed almost immediately in response to the reflex, the action accidentally causing a lungful of air to rush in to her oesophagus and be rejected quickly again.

“God, what the…” Lisa started to grumble again but Chaeyoung, already knowing the easiest, quickest and most enjoyable way to stop her connected their lips once more and wasted no time in deepening it further on the second go. Chaeyoung knew that she’d finally won when she felt Lisa open her mouth to receive her tongue, the younger girl sucking on it pleasurably and leaning forward in to the kiss, her hands sliding down from their defensive position on Chaeyoung’s chest to the blonde’s lower back. The knowledge of her triumph at the front of her mind, Chaeyoung pulled her head back sharply, a smirk on her face which both annoyed and entertained Lisa all at once.

“Yes, you deserved that.” Chaeyoung said answering Lisa’s incomplete question from earlier and broadening her grin so that it’s prominence on her face could not be missed. “You’re a pain in my ass Manoban,” she told her amused, pushing against Lisa’s chest gently so that she stumbled back a little. “Or should I say, my side?” she asked, quirking an eyebrow and stepping backwards. “I’ll just… wait for you outside.” Chaeyoung told her as Lisa continued to look at her stunned. Lisa watched her leave and when her senses finally came back to her, she realised that she wasn’t the only one, a number of the other customers in the store also gazing after her, some smiling in amusement, some raising questioning eyebrows and others evidently unimpressed with the display.

She felt her face flush as the eyes of those who had been watching Chaeyoung leave now returned to her and she spun around quickly to avoid their glances. Lisa crouched down swiftly to pick up the book she’d dropped on the floor and almost accidentally hit her head on the display cabinet as a result of how flustered she felt by the whole situation. About five minutes later, Lisa left the shop with a newly purchased book of sheet music which she’d chosen and found Chaeyoung standing outside, leaning against the front window casually, reading something on her phone.

“Have I told you that you’re really annoying?” Lisa asked her without announcing her presence and Chaeyoung lifted her eyes from her phone to look at her girlfriend.

“Actually I think you might have mentioned it earlier.” Chaeyoung answered, pushing the button on the top of her phone and sliding it into the back of her jeans.

“Well,” Lisa said, “just in case I didn’t make it clear I’m going to say it again.” Chaeyoung watched Lisa expectantly but she didn’t say anything else.

“Well aren’t you going to say it?” Chaeyoung asked, grinning, and Lisa rolled her eyes and started to walk off. “Babe?” Chaeyoung called after her. “You know you’re going the wrong way right?” she queried and Chaeyoung saw Lisa stop in her tracks, her head turning to look up and down the mall, evidently disorientated again. “The multiplex is that way,” Chaeyoung said pointing in the right direction when Lisa’s eyes fell on her again.

“Right,” Lisa said indifferently. “I knew that.” She said spinning round on the spot and walking away in the other direction.

“You’re welcome!” she called after her again and Lisa turned to face her annoyed.

“So are you coming or what?” she asked holding up her arms expectantly.

“I don’t know,” Chaeyoung replied, pushing off the store window with her hands and moving towards Lisa at a disturbingly slow pace. “I might…” she mused. When she finally caught up to her, Lisa shoved her hard in the shoulder and Chaeyoung laughed at the abuse.

“Ugh, I fucking hate you sometimes,” Lisa groaned blithely, her features warm despite her words.

“I know. It’s great isn’t it?” Chaeyoung returned, stepping forward and kissing Lisa on the forehead above her scar, her lips lingering there for a moment. “If possible I think I find you ten times more attractive when you’re irritated.” She mused and Lisa crinkled her brow frustrated. “Also, please feel free to swear more often. It’s kind of hot.”

“Fuck you.” Lisa said lifting an eyebrow and Chaeyoung studied their surroundings.

“Maybe not here,” she said making a face and Lisa shook her head, a reflexive smile appearing on her own.

“You’re an asshole.” Lisa told her through her chuckle and Chaeyoung appeared to consider her girlfriends’ words.

“Maybe,” she agreed, “but I’m an asshole that distracted you from being annoyed at yourself by making you annoyed with me.” Chaeyoung told her.

“God, why do I even love you? You…you…shithead,” Lisa cursed and Chaeyoung smiled brightly at the sound of the profanity. Chaeyoung leant forward, her hand finding its way round to Lisa’s back as she kissed her on the lips briefly.

“Come on,” Chaeyoung said, taking hold of Lisa’s free hand and leading her in the direction of the cinema. “We’ll miss the movie if we stand around here all day.”

“Wait, aren’t you going to say that you love me?” Lisa asked as they walked together hand in hand.

“No,” Chaeyoung replied and Lisa pouted instantly before the taller girl even had a chance to continue. “Something so obvious doesn’t need saying.” She finished and Lisa leant in to her side, pleased by the words.

“Ok, you’re forgiven,” Lisa told her and Chaeyoung felt her girlfriend’s hand escape from her own and wrap around her waist protectively.

“Good,” Chaeyoung said, “you had me worried there for a moment.”

“I did not,” Lisa responded knowingly and Chaeyoung affirmed her words with the silent look she gave her as they continued on towards their destination. They walked together the rest of the way in silence and when they finally reached the multiplex, Lisa bought the tickets for the next showing of the movie they’d planned to watch and wandered back over to Chaeyoung who was sitting down at a seat nearby waiting for her.

“We’ve got about fifteen minutes until we can go in.” Lisa said, fiddling with the tickets in her hands for a moment before sticking them in her purse out of the way.

“You know you really didn’t have to buy the tickets,” Chaeyoung told her seriously as Lisa dropped in to the seat beside her. “I can pay for myself. You really don’t owe me anything because you left earlier to see Jisoo.”

“I know,” Lisa said, reaching across and taking Chaeyoung’s hand which had been resting in her lap. “I wanted to though.” She admitted. “I want to buy your popcorn too,” she went on, her eyes fixed on their hands as her fingers caressed Chaeyoung’s skin soothingly, “and your soda.” She continued finally lifting her eyes to meet the stark brown of her girlfriend’s. “Then I want to buy you dinner later and kiss you goodnight when it’s time to go home. That way you’ll have sweet dreams.”

“I always have sweet dreams because they’re always about you” Chaeyoung told her and Lisa smiled at the compliment. “You always buy me things though,” Chaeyoung said, not ungrateful but just stating a fact. “You’re always giving me gifts, or organising romantic picnics on the beach and surprise dates down the batting cages.” She recalled.

“Um, you bought me a puppy,” Lisa said simply, feeling that her comment trumped any argument Chaeyoung could make.

“Yeah, but with your parents,” Chaeyoung told her, apparently disagreeing with Lisa’s assumption. “Besides, you bought me a promise ring.”

“You know if we’re keeping score I also bought you a necklace.” Lisa laughed.

“Exactly!” Chaeyoung said, as if Lisa had made her point for her. “You did.”

“You got me tickets to see Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran” Lisa reminded her. “So, I figure that it all works out in the end.” Lisa glanced back down at their hands for a moment, her expression thoughtful. “I like buying you presents,” Lisa confessed after a pause. “I like organising surprise dates and taking you out for dinner. It feels nice to do things for you.” She said, rubbing at her head for a moment with her free hand. “It makes me feel good to see you happy and I love feeling like that so, would you just let me pay for your damn popcorn?” she asked. “I promise you that I’ll only eat a little bit of it.” She joked, her eyes meeting Chaeyoung’s again, looking amused. Chaeyoung studied Lisa and she could see that it wasn’t just lip service. She could see that she really meant the words that she was saying and Chaeyoung found herself smiling happily as a result.

“Fine,” Chaeyoung agreed. “You can buy me some popcorn. Large.” She requested, winking at her. “You say you’ll only eat a little but you’re forgetting that I know what your appetite is like Lili.”

“Sweet or salty?” Lisa asked her.

“Sweet like you,” Chaeyoung said easily and Lisa laughed.

“Smooth,” she chuckled and Chaeyoung reached her free hand up to rest on the side of her face.

“I love your laugh.” Chaeyoung told her.

“Just my laugh?” Lisa asked, her own hand reaching up to sit on top of Chaeyoung’s.

“Your laugh,” Chaeyoung repeated, her hand stroking Lisa’s temple lightly, brushing the hair there out of the way. “Your eyes,” she said smiling unconsciously, her thumb tracing across Lisa’s left eyebrow, “your lips,” she continued, kissing Lisa on the lips quickly. “I love your scars,” Chaeyoung told her as she lifted her hand up to the visible scar on Lisa’s forehead and caressed it delicately. “I love everything about you.” Lisa reached a hand up and rubbed Chaeyoung’s upper arm.

“Do you want Cola or something else to go with your popcorn?” Lisa asked her.

“You’re not going to tell me you love me?” Chaeyoung asked her.

“No,” Lisa replied the corners of her mouth upturned in to a smile. “Something so obvious doesn’t need saying.” She mocked and Chaeyoung rolled her eyes.

“Now who’s an asshole?” she asked and Lisa seemed to consider the question for a moment.

“It’s still you.” Lisa answered, releasing Chaeyoung’s hand and standing up.

“Why do you date me if I’m such an asshole?” Chaeyoung asked her smiling.

“I don’t know,” Lisa said, casting a quick look in the direction of the concession line. “You’re alright to look at I guess.” She shrugged. “Beggars can’t be choosers though. It was either you or my imaginary best friend Raphael…”

“Imaginary best friend?” Chaeyoung asked, her brow lifting with interest.

“Yeah, we met on my imaginary school field trip to Mars.” Lisa told her.

“Mars the planet?” Chaeyoung questioned.

“Right,” Lisa replied simply.

“So what happened?” Chaeyoung probed amused. “Did he run away with some other girl?”

“No,” Lisa said sadly, feigning hurt. “Turns out he wasn’t actually real. Who knew?”

“You’re such a fucking dork,” Chaeyoung told her.

“Yeah, well you’re an asshole so I guess that makes us a perfect match.” Lisa teased and Chaeyoung leant forward to hit her playfully in the gut. Lisa bent over at the contact and frowned at her for a moment. “Asshole,” she commented goodnaturedly before heading over to the concessions stand to purchase a beverage and popcorn for the movie. Chaeyoung watched her go and took the opportunity to shamelessly stare at her girlfriends’ buttocks as she made her way across the foyer, only lifting her gaze from its current position when she felt her phone vibrate in her back pocket. Chaeyoung retrieved the small device and looked at the screen, noting the cause of the alert to be a Facebook message from Emily. Chaeyoung opened it and smiled at the content.

“Oi Chaeyoung! How fucking rude are you? So you added me as a friend on here and… well, that’s cool I guess….but seriously…I thought we were going to go out with your badass girlfriend and the rest of your gang? So…where’s my invite? Is it lost in the post with my fucking Hogwarts letter? I’ve been waiting on that thing for ages! Anyway, don’t be a douchebag, I promise you I’m not a psychopath…at least I don’t think I am but you can never be too sure about these things I suppose…anyway, I have news on the redhead from my softball team. Apparently, she’s not gay, but…well, we definitely kissed a couple of nights ago so I think that makes her at least bisexual right? I mean, it was in my dream but like, that still counts doesn’t it? Anyway, fuck you for not contacting me. I’m too gangster for you to hang out with anyway.

P.S. Only joking. I’m literally dying because I need a cool group of friends to hang out with so you better get in touch *sits in the corner crying*”

“Here we go,” Lisa said, pulling Chaeyoung’s attention away from her phone and back up to her. She was standing in front of Chaeyoung, a bag of popcorn in one hand and a drink in the other.

“You didn’t drop the popcorn?” Chaeyoung laughed, putting her phone back in her pocket.

“No, of course not.” Lisa said, handing Chaeyoung the bag whilst keeping hold of their drink. “I don’t waste food Rosie. I’m more likely to spill the drink.”

“Maybe we should switch then?” Chaeyoung suggested and Lisa lifted the cup to her mouth and took a sip of the Cola through the straw.

“Where’s the fun in that?” Lisa asked, offering Chaeyoung her other hand which she took gladly. Lisa pulled Chaeyoung on to her feet and they made their way over towards the screen where the movie was playing to wait for admittance.

“Hey Lili, do you remember Emily?” Chaeyoung asked, her fingers playing with Lisa’s mindlessly as they stood in line.

“Your exgirlfriend?” Lisa asked her.

“We weren’t girlfriends.” Chaeyoung stated simply and Lisa met her eyes, sucking another draw out measure of drink from the cup in her hand.

“Mistress then?” Lisa joked, her teeth biting the straw out of habit. Chaeyoung hit her arm playfully, creasing up her face disapprovingly. “Pimp?” Lisa continued in jest.

“Friend,” Chaeyoung said in an attempt to stop her.

“Oh, the makeout buddy from summer camp” Lisa went on regardless enjoying herself.

“Ok, so you remember her.” Chaeyoung acknowledged, sighing.

“Let me see,” Lisa said, lowering the cup. “Hot, funny, annoyingly likeable….yeah, of course I remember her.”

“Are you jealous of her?” Chaeyoung asked surprised at Lisa’s words. “Jennie and Somi said that you were but I didn’t believe them.”

“I’m not jealous,” Lisa replied putting on a slight front.

“You’re totally jealous of her.” Chaeyoung realised.

“Not of her.” Lisa defended. “Just…I’m maybe like, a little bit jealous of the time that you spent together that’s all.”

“What?” Chaeyoung asked looking confused.

“Nothing.” Lisa said evasively, chewing on the straw of their drink again as a distraction. “What about her?” Chaeyoung narrowed her eyes, making a note to talk to Lisa properly about what she’d said later on but decided to let it drop for now.

“Well, I kind of said that we’d meet up.” Chaeyoung told her and Lisa didn’t move her eyes from her girlfriend’s, instead holding them meaningfully.

“Ok,” Lisa said noncommittedly shrugging.

“Ok?” Chaeyoung asked her. “So you’re happy if we do?”

“Sure,” Lisa answered, sounding uncertain despite her best efforts. “She’s your friend right? So, why would it be a problem?”

“I didn’t think that it would be after you were so adamant that I apologised to her for the way I’d reacted to her in the diner but I thought I’d just check before I arranged anything,” Chaeyoung replied.

“No, it’s fine.” Lisa said stepping forward as the line moved.

“Great, well I was thinking about talking to the rest of the girls and arranging something for next Wednesday.” Chaeyoung shared.

“The rest of the girls?” Lisa asked, clearly not following Chaeyoung’s meaning.

“Yeah,” Chaeyoung told her. “Emily was hoping to get to know you all so I thought I’d invite Somi and the others as well.”

“Wait, I’m coming?” Lisa asked evidently lost. “I thought you were just going to meet up with her alone?”

“No,” Chaeyoung said, chuckling softly at Lisa’s misunderstanding. “She suggested that all of us meet. That way it wouldn’t be weird or anything.”

“Oh,” Lisa said, feeling a little bit better about the whole thing at this revelation. “Ok then, yeah that could be fun.”

“So I can arrange something?” Chaeyoung asked, not needing Lisa’s approval but wanting it.

“Yeah,” Lisa said nodding her head as they stepped forward in the line again. “Go for it.”

“Thanks,” Chaeyoung smiled, kissing Lisa on the side of her head as she took another sip of their drink.

“For what?” Lisa asked her as Chaeyoung lifted her hand from around Lisa’s free one and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, the long dark curl falling loose as she’d dropped her head to have a drink.

“Just, thanks.” Chaeyoung responded as Lisa handed her the drink to take and retrieved the tickets from her purse in order to present them to the usher. Lisa put her purse away and held out her hand for Chaeyoung to give her back something to hold but the taller girl shook her head. “Don’t take this the wrong way Lili but I don’t trust you to walk through the dark carrying these after the last time…”

“Jisoo nudged me!” Lisa protested, remembering how she’d spilt her drink over Jennie last time they’d come to the cinema as a group.

“Really?” Chaeyoung asked, holding out the drink uncertainly for Lisa to take as they stepped forward out of the line and towards the screen.

“Ok, maybe I tripped.” Lisa admitted, smiling brightly and sticking out her tongue between her teeth.

“You want to take this?” Chaeyoung asked shaking the cup and Lisa shook her head.

“No, you can hold it.” Lisa relented. “I’ll just hold on to you.” As she said it Lisa linked her hands around Chaeyoung’s bent left elbow and they walked together into the darkened cinema screen, finding seats in the middle of the back row and descending in to them to settle down. Chaeyoung placed the drink in to the holder in the arm of the chair and reached her now free hand over to take hold of Lisa’s, her fingers manipulating her girlfriend’s subconsciously as she picked popcorn out of the bag and ate it hungrily. The pair of them sat through the trailers in silence, Lisa’s hand darting across the arm of the chair to pick up handfuls of popcorn until the bag was almost half empty.

“Oh my God Lili,” Chaeyoung laughed, her voice low so as not to disturb the other patrons. “You’ve almost eaten half the bag and the movie hasn’t even started yet.”

“I’m hungry,” Lisa grumbled, pouting. “Besides, you’ve been eating it too. It wasn’t just me.”

“Maybe I’ll just put this to one side for a minute until the movie actually starts.” Chaeyoung suggested, placing the bag on to the floor beside her, the back row empty aside from themselves and the theatre relatively deserted, a few faceless people dotted around it in small clusters here and there.

“Rosie,” Lisa protested as the movies certificate appeared on the screen. “Come on. That’s not fair. What am I supposed to do with my mouth now?” she asked turning her attention to the screen for a moment where the production companies were now flashing across it informatively.

“Well, you could shut it,” Chaeyoung suggested whispering, astutely aware of the people around them. “I’ll give it back to you in a minute.”

“I’m hungry now though.” Lisa complained, leaning closer to Chaeyoung and trying to reach across her lap to pick the bag up again. Chaeyoung leant forward amused at Lisa’s failing attempt and moved the bag slightly further out of her grasp, her mouth pretending to bite at Lisa’s arm for a moment before she sat back up again. Lisa straightened up and frowned dramatically at Chaeyoung’s cruelness before leaning across her lap again and trying once more to retrieve the popcorn.

“Lili,” Chaeyoung hissed under her breath, the girl leaning so far over her lap that she was almost laying across it. Chaeyoung thought that if her girlfriend wasn’t careful she ran the very real risk of falling out of the chair and on to her head. “Just wait for five minutes and then I’ll give it back to you.” Chaeyoung reassured her.

“I can’t,” Lisa said, her arm stretching out as far as possible and still not quite reaching the bag.

“Jesus,” Chaeyoung laughed under her breath trying to stay quiet. “You could stand up you know…”

“No, it involves too much effort.” Lisa said simply and Chaeyoung raised an eyebrow, shaking her head. From where she was sitting right now, Lisa’s current attempt looked far more effortful than standing up ever could. “Shit,” Lisa groaned and Chaeyoung arched her neck to look over her girlfriend at the bag of popcorn which was now lying on its side, the remaining contents spilled all over the floor. “Now look what you made me do,” she said, sitting back up a little and turning her head to look up at Chaeyoung.

“Don’t blame me for that,” Chaeyoung whispered as Lisa pushed herself back up and returned fully to her seat, looking visibly upset by the popcorns unexpected demise. “I told you to wait.” Lisa sighed dramatically and crossed her arms over her chest, her bottom lip jutting out exaggeratedly in a pout. “Aww, don’t be like that,” Chaeyoung told her, tapping the end of Lisa’s nose playfully, the younger girl smiling despite herself. “We’ve still got the movie to enjoy,” she encouraged, although, they were already a few minutes in and in all honesty, Chaeyoung had no idea what was going on. She’d been so distracted by Lisa’s attempts to reach the popcorn that she’d not been paying attention to anything happening on screen.

“Fine,” Lisa said as she uncrossed her arms and reached her hand out for Chaeyoung’s, taking hold of it in a silent request for her girlfriend to continue with her usual habit. Chaeyoung acquiesced almost immediately, caressing the back of Lisa’s hand with her thumb and leaning closer to her girlfriend’s side. They sat for a few minutes in silence, Chaeyoung trying to concentrate on the movie, to catch up with the plot but every so often she’d catch Lisa casting quick discreet glances at the spilled popcorn on the floor.

“Lili,” Chaeyoung whispered in to the younger girls ear, twisting in her seat slightly, “if you’re hungry why don’t you just go and get some more.”

“I can’t be bothered to get up,” Lisa admitted honestly, the hair on the back of her neck standing up in response to Chaeyoung’s hot breath against her skin. “I’ll probably fall flat on my face it’s so dark in here.” Lisa turned her body in order to look at Chaeyoung who was still hovering close to her ear, ready to whisper in to it again and she felt her stomach flutter at the proximity of Chaeyoung’s lips to her own. She dropped her eyes to them hungrily for a moment before meeting Chaeyoung’s eyes and she bit her own bottom lip between her teeth meaningfully. Chaeyoung smiled at Lisa, a soft, seductive smile which made the younger girls’ heart skip a beat in her chest.

“Lili…” Chaeyoung started almost inaudibly as she tried, and failed, to break eye contact with her girlfriend, knowing the look in Lisa’s eyes.

“Please?” Lisa asked, moving her lips so close to Chaeyoung’s that she could practically already taste them. “Just one kiss?” Chaeyoung shook her head and submitted to Lisa’s demand, connecting their lips in a delicate kiss but, finding herself disappointed when she felt Lisa try to separate them again. She reached her hand up to the back of Lisa’s neck and pulled her girlfriend closer to her, preventing her from moving, silently encouraging her to continue and to deepen the kiss. Chaeyoung felt Lisa smile against her mouth and she traced her bottom lip with her tongue so that Chaeyoung opened her mouth to allow it access. However, rather than accepting Chaeyoung’s invitation, Lisa showed enormous restraint and refused to engage her tongue with her girlfriend’s, instead moving her mouth down to suck on the spot where Chaeyoung’s neck met her jaw. Chaeyoung arched her head back, exposing more of her neck for Lisa to pleasure with her mouth and the younger girl disengaged her hand from Chaeyoung’s and moved it to rest on the blonde’s side, just beside her breast, her fingers brushing lightly against the fabric of Chaeyoung’s shirt as her other hand came to sit on her shoulder.

Chaeyoung sat up in her chair a bit more, surprised to find that her ribs didn’t hurt beneath Lisa’s gentle touch and her now free hand moved to sit on Lisa’s hip where her pelvis was rotated awkwardly. Lisa bought her mouth back up to take hold of Chaeyoung’s, this time wasting no time in combatting with her girlfriend’s tongue, sucking on it periodically, teasing her. Lisa dropped the hand that was on Chaeyoung’s shoulder down to her waist and pushed up her shirt so that she could stroke her stomach skilfully with her fingertip, continuing to kiss her throughout, Chaeyoung’s own fingers gripping on to the hair on the back of her neck tightly in response to her pleasure. Chaeyoung felt Lisa’s other hand join its counterpart beneath her shirt and the two of them started wandering her torso as the younger girl gently bit on Chaeyoung’s lip, pulling it back a little as she moved her head. Chaeyoung was barely aware of what was happening before she felt Lisa release it and move her mouth quickly back down to her neck, her tongue tracing a line upwards towards her ear. Chaeyoung tilted her head to allow Lisa better access and on arriving at her destination, Lisa sucked lightly on the spot just below Chaeyoung’s jaw.

“Fuck,” Chaeyoung breathed out quietly as Lisa’s hand moved up her side, her mouth still kissing Chaeyoung’s neck, sucking on it enjoyably, her tongue teasing the skin beneath it. Lisa smiled and then nibbled playfully at the spot she’d been so intent on only seconds before, her teeth grazing the flesh carefully for a moment before she sat back. It took a moment for Chaeyoung to open her eyes and look at Lisa but when she did, all she was greeted with was a smirk like none she’d ever seen on her girlfriend’s face before and she had a sudden flashback to the way that she’d messed with Lisa in the music store earlier and knew she’d been played. Lisa took her hands back from when they sat on Chaeyoung’s torso and turned forward to face the screen, sitting back in her seat, her grin so luminous it would practically light up the whole room if it were physically able.

“You’re such a jerk,” Chaeyoung muttered under her breath, sitting back in her own chair as Lisa reached over to take the cup of Cola in her hand and take a quick sip of it, her eyes darting across to Chaeyoung who looked seriously unamused. Lisa placed the cup back in the holder and stretched her hand across the arm rest to search blindly for Chaeyoung’s. When she found it, Lisa tried to take it in her own but Chaeyoung moved it stubbornly and Lisa laughed lightly, the sound making Chaeyoung’s stomach respond in its usual fashion. Lisa moved her hand, following Chaeyoung’s wherever she redirected it until finally she succeeded in trapping it in her grasp. She pulled it over to her with difficulty, Chaeyoung making her work for every inch until Lisa tugged on it firmly and bought it to her lips, kissing the browneyed girls’ knuckles with her lips and then biting them cautiously. Chaeyoung jerked her hand back and Lisa released it amused but unknowingly allowed Chaeyoung the opportunity to use it in order to shove her firmly in the shoulder.

“Oh, come on don’t be grumpy,” Lisa whispered, leaning over the arm of the chair closer to Chaeyoung. “You started all this remember?”

“Yeah, but it was fun when I did it,” Chaeyoung said, trying to fight the smile that was threatening to break out on her face. “When you do it it’s just annoying.”

“It’s because I’m so good at it,” Lisa said immodestly and Chaeyoung bit her bottom lip, trying to suppress her amusement, the corners of her mouth lifting despite her best efforts. Lisa reached over and picked up Chaeyoung’s hand again. “Truce?” she asked and Chaeyoung seemed to take an eternity weighing up the alternatives before finally relenting and nodding her head.

“Fine, truce,” she whispered back quietly, allowing Lisa to lift her hand across the divide and in to her lap. Chaeyoung shuffled closer to Lisa, and dropped her head on to her girlfriend’s shoulder, snuggling against her as best as she could in the current environment. Lisa passed Chaeyoung’s hand in to her left one and moved her right arm so that it was draped behind Chaeyoung’s shoulders, her hand coming to settle on the taller girls shoulder. Lisa kissed the top of Chaeyoung’s head and they finally settled down to watch the movie, both completely oblivious to anything that had transpired in it until that point. It was about half an hour later when Lisa felt Chaeyoung’s hand wriggle free of hers and settle in her lap and initially she thought nothing of it, her mind otherwise preoccupied with the events unfolding on the screen in front of her. It was only when she felt Chaeyoung’s hand slide in between her legs over her jeans that she sat up tall, her head snapping round to look at her girlfriend whose attention was fixed firmly on the movie.

“Rosie,” Lisa breathed out, her tone low and quiet. “What are you doing?”

“Nothing,” Chaeyoung answered mischievously, not taking her eyes off the screen, her fingers beginning to rub at Lisa’s centre confidently. Lisa grabbed hold of Chaeyoung’s wrist, stopping it, the space between her legs growing warmer with the lingering contact of her girlfriend’s hand upon it.

“That’s not nothing,” Lisa whispered and Chaeyoung finally turned her head to meet her eyes. “I thought we’d called a truce?”

“We did,” Chaeyoung agreed, her hand starting to work again when Lisa had relaxed her grasp on Chaeyoung’s wrist.

“So what are you doing?” Lisa asked her, tightening her hold again and causing Chaeyoung to stop, her core aching with desire, her body betraying logic for lust.

“Nothing,” Chaeyoung whispered in response again, tilting her head up and kissing under Lisa’s jaw, trailing her mouth down towards her girlfriend’s collar bone.

“Rosie…” Lisa said, lifting the hand that hand been holding on to Chaeyoung’s wrist up to try and push her back slightly.

“Are you saying that you want me to stop?” Chaeyoung mumbled against Lisa’s neck and she moved her now free hand up higher, slipping it swiftly beneath both her girlfriend’s jeans and her underwear.

“Shit,” Lisa hissed under her breath as Chaeyoung quickly began to move her hand up and down against Lisa’s middle, her fingers gliding easily in the dampness beneath them. “No,” Lisa managed to express as Chaeyoung moved her mouth into the hollow of her girlfriend’s neck and sucked on it.

“You don’t want me to stop?” Chaeyoung muttered, her lips tickling Lisa’s neck.

“No,” Lisa exhaled, her hand moving down to fiddle with the button at the top of her jeans. She struggled with it for a moment and finally managed to release it, offering Chaeyoung more freedom to move her hand.

“Ok,” Chaeyoung said, sitting up a little and bringing her mouth over Lisa’s, her hand still moving rhythmically in place, Lisa’s hips lifting off the seat in response to the stimulation. Chaeyoung felt her ribs protest at the amount of rotation in her trunk so she shifted the position of her hips in her chair to remove some of the tension in her muscles. She deepened the kiss, enjoying the taste of Lisa’s mouth in her own, her tongue flicking in and out of her girlfriend’s, her lips sucking on Lisa’s bottom word as her hand continued to work furiously. Lisa tipped her head back, her hips pushing forward in to Chaeyoung’s hand and the taller girl heard the small moan escape Lisa’s lips despite her best efforts to subdue it. Lisa tilted her head forward again and pressed her lips against Chaeyoung’s jaw for a moment, giving it only a moment of attention before craving Chaeyoung’s mouth on her own again. Lisa lifted her chin up and crashed her lips against Chaeyoung’s, her hand reaching up to pull the other girls’ face against hers harder by pulling on the base of her skull.

“Babe,” Chaeyoung said, her mouth escaping Lisa’s for a moment as the younger girl’s breath caught in her throat, her body tensing up, Chaeyoung winding her up as tightly as a closely sprung coil. Lisa released a short, sharp breath, the rest of the oxygen trapped in her lungs as her muscles decided how to release it effectively. Chaeyoung’s hand continued to move, rubbing against Lisa’s flesh, her hand coated in her girlfriend’s moist warmth, her fingers sliding easily in it, sleek in the damp. Lisa attempted to reconnect her mouth with Chaeyoung’s but at the precise moment that she did, her back arched up and away from the seat, her neck extending back.

“Shh…” Chaeyoung warned her quietly, reaching up her free hand to cover Lisa’s mouth for a moment as she bent her neck forward once more. Chaeyoung quickly took Lisa’s lips in her own and she kissed her deeply, her hand pressing in to her dampness more firmly. She felt Lisa shudder and the younger girl exhaled against her mouth, all the tension escaping her body in a rush as she sagged into the chair, accepting the base of support gladly. Chaeyoung removed her hand from where it had been busily occupied and moved it up to rest on Lisa’s stomach as she leant forward and kissed Lisa again on the lips, the other girl finally opening her eyes to meet Chaeyoung’s soft brown orbs, her pupils dilated.

“What was that for?” Lisa managed to gasp out, breathless.

“No reason,” Chaeyoung answered, claiming her mouth once again and drawing on it pleasingly, her lips curving up in to a smile as she released it again. “I just wanted to.” Lisa connected their lips again and moved her hand over the divide to reciprocate the favour but she pulled it back quickly and pressed the heel of it into her chest, the sharp pain from earlier returning just as suddenly and unexpectedly as it had done before.

“Are you alright?” Chaeyoung asked softly, noticing the grimace on Lisa’s face when she opened her eyes to investigate the unexpected absence of her girlfriend’s lips from hers, Lisa having retreated away from Chaeyoung in her discomfort. “Does your chest hurt?” she continued to whisper.

“It’s nothing,” Lisa reassured her, the pain dissipating again, her knuckles kneading at her sternum.

“Are you sure?” Chaeyoung asked. “It’s not the first time you’ve had pain in it…” Lisa kissed Chaeyoung again to allay her fears, the gesture seemingly working and bought her hand back over towards Chaeyoung’s lap.

“No,” Chaeyoung said seriously, her hand stopping Lisa’s in its track. “That’s ok.”

“You don’t want me to…” Lisa started but Chaeyoung kissed her, cutting her off.

“No,” she told her softly, brushing her cheek with her thumb for a moment before snuggling back against Lisa’s chest. “Not today.”

“Ok,” Lisa said a little confused. She reached her arm around Chaeyoung’s shoulder, wincing slightly in discomfort, her chest aching still. Lisa felt Chaeyoung fiddle with the button on her jeans, doing it back up and then her hand moved up to rest against her sternum, the other one seeking out her other hand and taking hold of it.

“I just wanted to do something for you,” Chaeyoung said quietly, tracing small circles in the palm of Lisa’s hand. “I don’t need it returned. Not right now anyway. You can owe me.” Lisa smiled amused.

“Ok,” she said, kissing the top of Chaeyoung’s head and turning her attention back to the screen again, Chaeyoung wrapped up in her arms. Lisa and Chaeyoung watched the rest of the movie, completely unaware of what had happened for most of it and when it had finally finished they stood up, hand in hand and made their way outside.


“Chaeyoung!” the blonde heard someone call after her and she and Lisa both turned in the direction of the owner of the voice surprised to find Somi and Jennie exiting the same cinema screen they’d just emerged from.

“Hi,” Chaeyoung said, appearing confused. “I thought you weren’t going to come and see it.”

“Not with you we weren’t,” Jennie said laughing. “I still wanted to see it though. What did you think?” she asked. Chaeyoung met Somi’s gaze and the girl raised an eyebrow knowingly, apparently aware that she’d not been paying attention somehow.

“It was good,” Chaeyoung lied and she felt her cheeks flush brightly at the look Somi was giving her. “You liked it right Lili?” she asked her girlfriend, trying to avoid Somi’s eyes and deflecting the attention away from her.

“It was alright,” Lisa answered, completely oblivious to Chaeyoung’s discomfort.

“Just alright?” Somi asked her, the insinuation clear to Chaeyoung but missed entirely by Lisa.

“Yeah,” Lisa said and Chaeyoung saw Somi’s smirk, her eyes finding Chaeyoung’s again.

“I kind of agree with Lisa,” Jennie said and Chaeyoung realised that her other friend obviously knew nothing about her and Lisa’s antics in the back row of the theatre. “It was alright but it wasn’t one of her better movies.”

“It was a bit anticlimactic,” Somi mused turning her attention to Chaeyoung. “I mean, I’ve seen better endings,” she said significantly and Chaeyoung thought she might die right then and there she was so embarrassed.

“What are you guys doing now?” Jennie asked Chaeyoung and Lisa interestedly.

“We were going to get something to eat,” Lisa answered, looking at Somi and Chaeyoung. “Do you guys want to come?”

“Is that alright?” Jennie questioned seeking approval from Chaeyoung who nodded her head. “Yeah, of course.” Chaeyoung assured her.

“Jimmy’s?” Somi asked. “I’ve got the car so I can drive.”

“Ok,” Chaeyoung said awkwardly.

“Can I go to the restroom first?” Lisa asked. “I need to wash my hands.”

“I’ll come with you,” Jennie said, “I really need to pee.”

“You don’t need to wash your hands Chaeng?” Somi asked smirking as the other two disappeared in the direction of the toilets.

“Oh God,” Chaeyoung groaned, extending her neck, her hands hanging loosely by her sides. “Kill me now.” She said, spinning around to follow after the others, the sound of Somi’s amused laugh following her all the way to the bathroom, taunting her.

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