Vampire's Apprentice // Larry...

By corgilouis

431K 10.5K 2.3K

Louis hunts Vampires for a living. He had been raised to hate them all his life. Louis' world will be changed... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 4

17.9K 436 104
By corgilouis

My head was burning when I woke up. I sat up slowly and cracked my eyes open. Where am I? I was in some sort of empty room. All that was in it was a couch and a boy sitting across the room staring at me.

"Morning." Harry said and I fully opened my eyes. "Or should I say, good afternoon?" He glanced at the ceiling like he was thinking.

"What time is it?" I mumbled as I sat up.

"Almost two in the afternoon." He pursed his lips and looked into my eyes. "How are you feeling today?" He narrowed his eyes at me. Dang, if looks could kill. What was his problem?

"Sore. I don't know why though." I stood up and stretched. "I'm sure my fath.." I stopped talking and my eyes widened. I had work today. Shit. I quickly looked around the room and found a door. I ran towards it and bumped into Harry. Damn vampire speed.

"Going somewhere?" He raised up one of his eyebrows and smirked at me. I huffed and tried to push past him but he didn't budge.

"Actually I'm late for work." I said and ducked under one of his arms. I ran to the front door and grabbed my bag then quickly opened the door and started walking down the sidewalk. There were a lot of people outside today. The sky was grey and yucky and it was raining. I reached into my bag and pulled out my sweatshirt. I pulled the hood over my head and continued walking.

"Louis." Harry was standing next to me.

"Oh my.." I jumped to the side and glared at him. "God. You scared me." I chuckled. He was wearing a short sleeve shirt and skinny jeans. Odd for this weather.

"Hi." He said in a deep voice. A confused look came across my face. "Maybe I should walk you home." He gave me a small smile. "Keep you safe."

"Uh. Okay then." I shook my head and continued walking. "Are you okay?" I looked over at him as we walked down the street.

"Yeah I'm just not tired today." He frowned at his feet. "I have nothing to do."

"Do you want to help me work." I bursted out. My eyes widened and I wanted to punch myself in the face. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Father would kill me if I was friends with a vampire. He would probably kill Harry as soon as he saw him.

"Really?" He looked over at me and it seemed like his eyes had a small glint in them. I tried my best to smile at him and nod my head.

"Yeah but one thing." I looked back ahead of me. "I need you to not look so much.." I didn't know what to say. "Try not to look so much like you."

"What?" Harry laughed. "You mean like a vampire?" He grinned and a girl walking the other way looked over at us. I gave her an apologetic smile and she frowned at us.

"Yeah. Don't even mention it okay? Because my father will be home."

"Sure." His tone went serious again and we walked in silence. "What do you want me to do about it though?" He said as we approached my house.

"I have colone." I shrugged.

"That will work. I need a lot of it though." He nodded and I turned into my house.

"Wait here." I mumbled and bursted through the door. I sprinted up the stairs and ran into my room. I shuffled the things on my desk around and grabbed the bottle of Cologne. Then I leaped over the steps three at a time and went straight back out front. Harry was staring down at his feet and kicking at a small rock.

"Here." I panted and handed it to him. He took it in his hand and stared at it. He looked up at me and grinned. I frowned and my my mouth formed a thin line. "What?" I said confused. He laughed a couple times and shook his head.

"Louis you are either really brave or you don't think things through." He sqirted himself a couple times and handed the bottle back to me. I chucked it into the bush. I would get it later.

"What do you mean?" I asked. He just laughed and looked over to the side. His laugh was cute. Stop Lou don't think about things like that! "Or don't answer." I mumbled and started walking towards the side of the garage. Harry followed me but he kept close to me almost as if he was, scared?

"Lou you're late for work." My father started without turning around. "You skipped it yesterday and I would expect more from you." He turned around with a wrenched and his eyes widened. I prayed in my mind that my father would not look at Harry too closely.

"Dad." I said slowly.

"Louis what have I said about friends?" He started. It was time to play the innocent one.

"But Dad you said two years ago that I could have one friend and I never found one but now I did. Do you remember that?" I said quickly. Harry watched my father with his mouth slightly open. He looked human enough. I think.

"Louis don't fool with me."

"Dad common!" I screamed and my lip started to quiver. He suddenly looked sorry for me. Yes innocent card is working. He closed his eyes and frowned his eyebrows.

"One friend!" He held up one finger. "Only one!"

"I love you!" I ran over and hugged him. He started laughing and he rubbed my hair.

"Stop. You're almost twenty one for gods sake." He chuckled and looked over at Harry. "What's your name son?"

Harry's face turned pale and he looked like he had lost his voice. "Um." He looked down at the floor and kicked at the ground. "My names Harry." He looked back up and his cheeks turned red. Whoa what is wrong with him. He's not one to seem shy at all. He always acted serious and controlling when I was with him. I have only known him for a couple of days though. I wonder what other sides there were of him.

"Nice to meet you Harry, you can call me Troy."

"Nice to meet you Troy." He said quietly. My father clapped his hands together and handed me the wrench.

"Is he helping you?" He asked and I nodded. "Great. Go fix that blue bikes wheel." He pushed my back towards a broken bike. Father fixed bikes during the day because that was how a lot of people got around here.

I looked over at Harry and he stumbled over to me and we both bent over the bike. He watched me carfully and I leaned towards him.

"Seriously Harry, are you okay?"

"I'm trying to act like a human." He hissed at me and I nodded. I twirled the wrench around and examined the pedal. It was broken. I reached out to fix a screw but stopped midway. My sweatshirt went up my arm and that was when I saw it. The two small marks were on the side of my arm. I gasped in panick and opened my mouth to say something but Harry shushed me and made me sit down. I looked over at my father but he was facing the other way.

"Wh-What did you do?" My body shook and Harry tried to shush me again because I was too loud for him. He reached out towards me but I slapped his hand away. "Don't touch me." I stuttered.

"Louis listen to me." He whispered. I shook my head and leaned backwards. "I had to. You don't understand."

"Then explain this to me." I pulled my sleeve back down my arm and covered it up.

"I couldn't really control myself." He watched my every move but he looked worried and scared. Two expressions I also have never seen him use. "I don't know how to explain it but you were sleeping and I knew it wouldn't wake you."

"Am I a vampire now?" I said a little too loud. Fathers head snapped around and we both straightened up and looked away from him. Harry turned his head slightly and then looked back at me.

"No you're not. That would only happen if you drank my blood." He said and picked up the wrench that I had dropped earlier. He twirled it in his hands and seemed to be examining it. "You smell really good Louis. Do you know that?"

"I don't know." I shrugged and fiddled my fingers. Harry reached out and stared to put in the screws. We sat quietly for a few minutes but then I spoke up.

"Were you scared I was going to find out and tell somebody. Is that why you came home with me?" I gulped and grabbed a screwdriver to tighten the screw that Harry had put in place.

"Sorta." He mumbled. "Are you mad at me?" He stopped what he was doing and looked over at me. "I could have killed you but I resisted." He added and my eyes widened. He gave me and apologetic smile and I couldn't help but smile back because of how cheeky he was being.

"I've never really been mad at anybody so I don't think I could be." I said and he smiled.

"So can I do it again?" He asked. My head snapped back up and I looked at him with a shocked expression on my face.

"Do it again?!" I whisper yelled. "When?"

"Tonight." He looked dead serious. I just continued to stare at him and after a while he looked away and went back to work. My breath hitched and I looked down at my lap. What if I said no? Then would I not be able to come over anymore? Was this the only reason I came over in the first place? Does he have some sort of plan that I don't know about? "Or today. Whenever." He smirked at me.

"I.. I.. I don't know what to say." I stuttered.

"Or maybe I could just lock you in my basement or something. Whatever works." He flicked his hair and stood up after he tightened the last screw. I stood up quickly after him and watched him walk over to my father. I followed behind him.

"Done already boys?" He turned around and grinned. I glanced at my feet and hung my head.

"Yep." Harry flashed him one of his grins and popped the P.

"Well it's almost dark and I guess Louis could skip some more work tonight." My head snapped up yet again.

"No Dad I want to go to work tonight." I hissed.

"Oh Lou go have fun with your friend erm.." He paused.

"Harry." Harry said.

"Harry. I'll see you later. Maybe Harry could come by more often. He gets things done." My Father patted Harry on the back. "Wow you are cold. Do you need a coat?" My father raised his eyebrows at him.

"I'm good Troy, thank you though. It was nice meeting you." Harry smiled and started to walk away.

"I'll see you later Dad." I mumbled and stumbled after Harry. He didn't wait up for me and was about ten feet ahead of me. "Where are we going?" I ran up to him as he turned the corner of a street.

"Niall's house." His tone was serious again. I liked it better when it wasn't. He sounded more normal and less anti social. We walked in silence for a while until Harry turned into an alley way.

"Where are we..." But I didn't finish because I felt two hands push my shoulders against a wall. "Oi that hurt." I coughed and tried to push Harry's hands off me. He pursed his lips and leaned towards me. My eyes widened and I immediately started to panic.

"Shh. Calm down Louis." He whispered but I refused to calm down. "Now we can do this the easy way or the hard way." He smirked at me and I grew uncomfortable.

"What- What do you mean? What are you going to do?" I stuttered.

"Louis I know you like me. Is that right?" He tilted his head to the side and flashed me a sideways grin. Creepy.

"I.. I don't know." I muttered. He smiled and leaned his forehead against mine. I did like him but I couldn't. It was wrong. I was boy and he was a boy. He was a vampire and my father hated those. I don't think humans usually liked vampires. They would end up dying and I was not planning on dying anytime soon.

"I'm so fucking hungry right now." He closed his eyes and pushed me harder against the wall. Harsh language. Another side of Harry I haven't seen much of.

"Ow." I whimpered under my breath. We continued to stand there for god knows how long.

"Can I drink from you again?" He asked me.

"Why are you asking me if I don't have a choice?" I scoffed. His eyes widened and he shook his head and loosened his grip on me.

"I didn't say you didn't." He whispered. I watched him for a minute and then nodded.

"Is it going to hurt?" I took a step towards him so that we backed away from the wall.

"I think so but I don't know for sure." He shrugged and looked at me with want and excitement.

"Okay." I mumbled. Harry grinned at me and pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back because he was so soft. His skin was cold but his clothes were warm and it was a great feeling. I didn't want to pull away.

"I'm going to do it now, okay?" He whispered and I felt him gently grab my wrist and pull it towards his mouth. I nodded and buried my head into his shoulder bracing for the pain soon to come. He inserted his fangs into my wrist without warning. I gasped as an excruciating pain washed over my body. I hope it wasn't poison or something. How did I not wake up from this? I yelped and Harry took his other hand and pressed my head back into his chest so nobody could hear my cries. I tried to pull away but he held my body close to his. After a minute he pulled away and the horrible feeling was still running through my system.

"Louis are you okay?" Harry asked as he wiped the blood off his face. I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out. I collapsed on the ground but Harry caught me and stood me up. "It will go away in a minute." He said soothingly.

After a few more seconds it actually did go away and I stood there gobsmacked.

"Lou?" He used the nickname again.

"That hurt." I giggled. Harry raised an eyebrow at me. I tsk'ed at him and started walking sideways. Harry put a hand on my shoulder and made me walk straight.

"I think I did too much." Harry mumbled and looked down at the ground.

"Aw it's fine!" I exclaimed. No it wasn't? What was I saying? Harry smiled at me and shook his head.

"Now you're going crazy. I wonder when it will wear off?" He smirked. I smirked back.

"Aw you are so cute." I pinched his cheek and shook it. He chuckled as we walked up two steps to a house I had never been to before. "Whoa!" I said loudly as we walked into a small house. It only had what seemed like three bedrooms and a small kitchen and family room. A small Irish boy was stuffing potato chips into his mouth. As soon as we walked in his head spun around and he hissed at us. I jumped back and grabbed Harry's arm. He wrapped his around me and squeezed my shoulder.

"Oh hey Harry." Niall relaxed as soon as he realized it was us.

"HEY NIALL!" I laughed. He ignored me and looked up at Harry. I did the same and he nodded at Niall. I then felt my body being lurched foreword and I saw Niall get up from the couch and my body was thrown onto it.

"Ready to go?" Niall asked Harry. I looked up and felt my vision getting dizzy.

"Whoa." I said quietly. I reached out my hands to the ceiling and tried to grab it.

"Yeah." Harry replied.

"Sheesh you drugged him pretty bad." Niall looked down at me and I froze. Drugged me?

"You drugged me?!" I yelled. I felt overwhelmed. Why was I feeling like this? It made me want to cry for no reason what so ever.

"Calm down Lou." Harry leaned down next to me and grabbed my hand in his. He drew small circles on my palm and my eyes fluttered shut. "Every things okay." He said soothingly. I could hear Niall snickering in the background. "Just rest for a while and I'll be there when you wake up."

I rolled over and buried my face into the small pillow on the couch. Niall's snickering got louder and it stopped when he said 'ow.' Harry must have hit him.

"Well are you really ready to go now?" Niall hissed.

"Yeah I guess. Why did you want me to do this to him again?" Harry asked.

"We can't have him freaking out on us. You told me he freaked out last night right? When you killed that one lady?"

"Yeah." Harry said quietly.

"So if we leave him here then he can't do anything. If you really want to, you can control everything he does." Niall spoke too loud for my liking.

"I don't really want to though." He sounded annoyed.

"But you like him right?"

Silence. I kept my eyes shut, hoping that they would think I was asleep.

"Yes." It came out in a low mumble. My stomach clenched and I tried not to stutter my breath. He likes me too?

"Then you need to keep him safe and this is how you do it. Trust me okay?" Niall pleaded.

"I trust you." And with that, the darkness ate me.


I woke up with a throbbing headache. I stumbled off the couch and fell onto my knees and hands. I felt like I was going to throw up but I couldn't. I groaned in pain and curled myself up into a ball and pressed my back against the sofa. The ground was.. Hard.

"We're home!" Niall's voice hurt my ears. Everything hurt. I tried to cover my ears with my shoulders and keep my arms snaked around my legs at the same time. "Hey are you okay?" Niall's voice was now right by my ear. It sounded a hundred times louder and it felt like a high pitched scream.

"I hurt him." Harry's voice was more distant.

"Aw he's fine." I felt somebody hit my shoulder, sending waves of pain through my body. I groaned again and then four hands were touching me.

"Isn't there a way to make it better?" Harry asked.

"Suck it back out maybe?" It came out more as a question.

I felt somebody grip my wrist and I immediately pulled it back into my chest. The person kept hold of it though and pulled it back out. I peeked my head over my knees and saw both of the boys looking down at me. Niall looked satisfied and content but Harry looked.. worried?

I watched him pull my hand up to his face and bite down onto it. I took a sharp inhale but it wasn't hurting. It actually felt good? It took the pain away. I relaxed and my body fell to the side.

"Let go Harry." Niall hissed. Harry's eyes closed and I felt his other arm trying to pull mine off of his face. He seemed to be having a war with himself. "Harry let go!" Niall said louder. "You're going to kill him." He said quietly. My eyes started drooping shut again and Harry finally pulled away.

"He's as good as he smells." Harry licked the blood off his lips and looked down at me.

"Are you okay?" Niall asked me. Now he cared? Wow.

"It's really warm in here." I mumbled. I could now control what I said and nothing was hurting. "But that's okay." I smiled at Harry but he had a blank expression on his face. He snapped out of it and whispered something to Niall. Niall watched me the whole time and his eyes widened as he spoke.

"Mkay." Niall licked his bottom lip and fixed his baseball cap. "Here." He reached his hand out to me and I took it. Niall jumped onto his feet and yanked me up. I dusked myself off and looked back up at him. I was way too shaky and I couldn't stop. He narrowed his eyes at me and pushed me back into the couch. Harry looked down and walked out of the room. I stood up to go after him but Niall pushed me back down again.

"What are you..?" I started and then he tackled me. I started yanking at his hair but he just started laughing. He pressed my face into the couch until I could barely breath. My hands dug into the sides on the sofa. What the heck was he doing?

"Listen here Louis." Niall hissed into my ear. I stopped struggling at the weird voice I had never heard come from him before. It sounded deep and abnormal. "Harry likes you a lot and I don't need you doing anything that's going to hurt him."

"I won't." I mumbled through the fabrics. Niall scoffed and I felt him gently nip my ear. What the hell? I reached my hand over and pushed him away the best I could. He snickered and lightly ran his finger tips against my arm.

"Don't tease him Ni." I heard Harry say from across the room. I felt the space where Niall was sitting next to me go up and the hand was removed from my head.

"Aw I was just having a little fun." He pouted. I came up for some fresh air. I gasped a couple of times and then turned my back to them.

"He's just a human. Leave him alone." Harry sounded protective and pissed.

"Exactly. So why can't we do what we want with him. He's just like a toy." I felt Niall grip the back of my shirt and yank me backwards. My face almost hit the ground and then I was yanked upwards. My breath was knocked out of me and closed my eyes.

"Niall stop." Harry growled in a deep voice. I looked up at him with pleading eyes. "If you want him to come back then you need to stop being rude."

"I don't understand you." Niall let me drop to the floor and I immediately got back onto my feet and brushed myself off again.

"Say sorry." Harry said strictly. Niall glared at him and looked down at his feet.

"Sorry." He mumbled.

"It's fine." I mumbled back. I looked back up at Harry to see him smirking at me.

"Niall we must be going. Louis has a lot of work to do tonight." Harry looked back at Niall and frowned. Then he looked back at me and smiled again. Bipolar much?

I quickly went over to Harry. As long as I was away from Niall I was okay.

"Well bye then." Niall said quietly. Harry smiled and rolled his eyes.

"Oh don't make me feel bad now." He smirked and Niall just grinned back. "Shut up."

"I didn't say anything!" He laughed. It was almost contagious. I grin spread across my face and I looked down at the ground.

"Bye Niall." Harry said one last time and I felt him grab my hand. My eyes shot to where our hands were touching and I couldn't help but blush. I wasn't falling for this boy.

Was I?

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