Por asj_28

2.9M 70.3K 36.7K

Having been in Catholic School since the age of five, Aspen is naive to society. Her life turned upside down... Más

Lesson Learned


84.9K 1.9K 737
Por asj_28

Just cause, this is a piece of fiction. And of course I apologize if I ever disrespect anyone in any matter. Good day.


I was a doctor, I saved lives. I spent years studying medicine and science, finding how the human body works. Seeing the different effects drugs have on the different parts of the bodies, studying the work of life. Finding that life was an evolution, that everything had an answer. A logical one.

So I wasn't religious. Well I was, I did go to church occasionally. But I wasn't as religious as Aspen. Yet here I was sitting next to her on the farthest bench, bored out of my mind.

Everything the pastor was saying had an answer, but people believed what they wanted to. And even if I showed them the logical reasoning for everything, they would deny it. Call it a bluff.

I turned to look at Aspen having spent all the hour looking at a man who kept rambling on about past issues. How we needed to be holier, how we needed to be united.

We just couldn't.

The world was sinister as it was. And we all had different views, one's that we would never not change. Looking at Aspen, it was restraint that allowed me to keep my hands to myself. It was the fact that we were in church that kept me sane enough to not pull her to my lap.

That dress. So small and tight around her body. From where I sat, my leg brushed against hers while my eyes had a good view of the dip between her chest.


I couldn't touch her in front of so many people, I couldn't even look at her for longer than a few seconds. Couldn't let my eyes wander too far because if I did, I was afraid someone would catch onto what we were and weren't. But damn, she looked gorgeous in that dress. Then again she was stunning.

I was so engulfed in her, that I hadn't realized people were walking up ahead. Didn't see them move past until Aspen rose from her seat, smoothing out her dress before brushing past me. The back of her legs brushing against my knees, my eyes on her ass.

Her hips shook slightly with every step. An unintentional shake, a distracting one. Craning my neck, I followed her. Keeping an eye on her braided hair, watching as people got behind her. Noting every head that turned as she passed by them, seeing their expressions change at the sight of her. Of course they liked her, who wouldn't? But bastards, we were in church. And most likely most of them had wives and children.

I was a hypocrite. Hating on them for what they wanted to do, what I wanted to do with her. I wanted Aspen, problems and all. I wanted her to take my hand, to take her lips in mine in front of everyone so they could know that she had someone.

Minutes tickled by, Aspen walking down the aisle back to me. Her steps slow, head bowed down as she lowered herself. Kneeling.

My brows rose, images of her kneeling in front of me flashing. Well that was unexpected. Welcoming, but unexpected. I shifted in my seat, feeling my dick twitch at the sight before me.

Damn what was I thinking?

We were in church. I should definitely not be thinking about her sweet mouth wrapped around my cock. Should not even think of her right now, should not he wishing that instead of her hands being pressed together they were wrapped around my cock.

Still, sitting on a church bench didn't stop me from thinking about it. I was in a Holy place, yet I was excited to see her like that.

After a few short minutes, Aspen rose. Her hands moved across her face, flaking me a smile before she took her seat besides me. The cardigan she had brought now draped across her lap, covering her exposed legs.

I didn't mind the way she dressed, but right now I did. A little. She took a peak at me, her cheeks flushed.

Did she-

Was she thinking about the same thing? Did that sin free mind somehow turn wicked and dirty?

There was one way to find out. A risky one, but I was bored and honestly who would know? We were far from earshot, no one having taken a seat next to me. We sat on the farthest bench possible, and for all who happened to pay attention to us shouldn't think too much of us. We looked completely normal, dressed correctly and looking bored like many. They would only think we were father and daughter going to church together, but if the fuckers knew.

Aspen and I were far from being blood related. From being a family. We were nothing, or so I wanted to willed myself to think.

Without giving it a second thought, I uncrowded my arms. Shifting closer to Aspen, my hand dropping to her thigh.


Aspen didn't react, only kept looking forward with her hands on her lap. Her back straight, eyes open as she watched the priest up front. Moving her cardigan, I draped it over both our laps. Covering my hand, hiding what I was about to do.

"Don't make a sound," I whispered leaning into her as my hand roamed higher. Finding the proof that she was thinking the same thing as I.


Church, a holy place. A place where in the past, many could go into and seek sanctuary. One of the places where you could go and ask for forgiveness. Where you would pray to God and he would forgive you. Did I have anything to ask for forgiveness? No.

I mean maybe I did, but after all. If you accept the sins you've committed, God will still let you pass the gates of heaven when you die. As long as you know what you did was wrong. And let's be honest, what I was doing wasn't wrong. Right?

Still I came to church when I could, even if I was no longer in my religious school. Just because I left didn't mean I had to stop coming here, just because I was slowly easing into society and seeing things differently didn't mean I could hold onto a little of my past.

I actually enjoyed it here, the quietness, the peace one could find here. I hadn't stopped coming, not after my mom's death. Not after everything, religion was still part of me. Would stay in me even if people shot down my beliefs. We all had the right to believe what we wanted, to pray for who we wanted.

And Chris understood that, he respected that. And he was here. He was a doctor, his logic surrounded that science saved lifes. Not praying to a man that no one has ever seen.

Yet even when he believed that, he still came with me to church. Sometimes. Only when he didn't have to be at the hospital. And lately, this would be the first time he came with me after months.

The first time he came with me was before my mother passed away, I had asked him to bring me here because I couldn't drive. Chris had brought me here without asking, had stayed with me the whole three hours I had sat up front and gone over the rosary. He didn't pressure me, didn't look at me with anything but compassion as he sat there.

Today I wore a floral dress that barely reached my thighs. I knew for a fact that it was close to being inappropriate for Sunday Mass because of the length, for the style. But the moment I saw it, I knew I wanted to wear it.

Chris and I sat together, his eyes flickering between me and the priest. I knew he was bored, but he hadn't said anything. Only letting out small sights of frustration, occasionally. I knew I had to thank him for being here, for coming when he had limited time off. And I would thank him.

I listened carefully to the priest, nodding and sitting up straighter at his words. Yeah I was still that Catholic girl, still fooling myself to believe the many words that came out of the priest's mouth. When the time came, I stood up to take my sacramental bread and wine.

Halfway to the front, I was seriously regretting wearing the dress. I could feel the eyes of people, had I done wrong? I liked the dress and it wasn't my fault men couldn't keep their eyes to themselves. It wasn't my fault that society was wrapped in perverted thoughts.

Taking my bread and wine, I walked back to my seat. Pulling the small bench down to kneel, to give thanks and recite a quick prayer. But instead of Holy thoughts, images flashed through my mind. Images that should not be, images that were full of sins.

Yet they were. I felt my cheeks heat up, my head lowering even more at the thought that rushed in my head. I needed to think pure thoughts instead of think about kneeling in front of Chris. That wasn't holy.

More images, half moans and tugs. Fingers moving, pushing and pinching.

I shifted a little, feeling an ache.


After that morning, Chris had made good on his word. He'd taken care of me, his tongue had flickered inside of me. His hands held me up in the shower, squeezing my boobs.

Oh god

Should not have thought that. Not right now.

Closing my eyes I shook my head. Apologizing for the sinister images, but meaning nothing at all. It was a sin to lie and I would be lying to myself that I didn't want to recreate that morning.

Finishing my prayers, took a seat next to Chris. Pushing away every single thought out of my head, concentrating only on the priest's words. I nodded, begging my mind to listen. And I would have, that is until I felt his hand. His breath was hot on my neck. "Don't make a sound."

My eyes widened, head turning to see Chris leaning in closely. What did that mean?

I found out a second after those words left his mouth, almost jumping out of my seat as I felt a hand slide down my leg. A small yelp left me as the warm fingers lifted the hem of the dress. I couldn't see anything, not as the cardigan covered his hand. But I felt it, God I felt it all.

Felt his hand slide to my inner thigh, Chris's fingers hitching higher. My breath got caught as I felt his fingers touch my panties. As they slid down the center, feeling the wetness that now soaked them.

Thinking holy thought hadn't stopped me from feeling all sort of heat. Hadn't stopped me from feeling turned on by Chris' lovely mouth. My mouth almost dropped open as I felt a single finger drag, my eyes snapping to Chris. Seeing him looking utterly bored unlike me who was fifty shades of red.

I squirmed under his touch, his hand moving to stop me. "Shh they're talking."

I stopped moving, closing my mouth. My eyes widening as he started stroking the outside of my panties, "Well look at you. Aren't you a little sinful," he teased.

My cheeks reddened even more. God I probably looked like a tomato infront of all these people. "Quiet and I can make you feel better," he murmured softly. I clamped my mouth shut, suppressing any sounds that wanted to spill. Wanting him to make me feel better, all thoughts leaving my head. Forgetting I was sitting inside a church, forgetting what I had been thinking.

I felt Chris slip a finger inside of me, biting my lips so I didn't let out a moan. "Sweet wicked girl," he muttered hoarsely.

I shifted again, his thumb pressing softly on my core. If he could just- I saw movement. My eyes flickering to see people standing, their bodies turning to leave. My eyes widening, had it finished already?

I frantically looked around seeing people walk to the exit, seeing them talk and turn with others. It had, and I had missed the ending. Flickering my eyes to Chris, he removed his hand. "I guess we leave," he said nonchalantly. Standing as if nothing had happened, as if he hadn't just had his finger inside press down on me.

As if he knew, Chris brought a finger to his lip. Licking away what I could only be my wetness, "If you hurry we can finish," he added.

I stood up quickly, stumbling as I did. Chris holding my upper arm, chuckling lightly. God that sound. Walking as quickly as possible outside, I allowed Chris to lead the way. His body a shield as he moved us, my eyes catching onto several weird glances that were thrown my way. But I ignored them, why would they be looking at me? There was nothing to look at.

With every step, the ache grew. The throbbing picking up, I practically ran to the car. Sliding in with a big groan, turning around to see Chris who was barely closing the door. "Aren't you eager?" he smirked.

I was. I saw his hand disappear under his seat, his seat moving backwards. "Come sit. We can wait out the cars," he patted his lap.

There was little to no logic left in my mind, but a small flicker as I saw people moving around. There were people, families with kids. Cars were moving, I couldn't? What if someone saw?


I started shaking my head, but Chris pulled me to his lap. "Don't worry. The windows are well tinted."

:) y'all I think I'm going to have to put warnings now

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