
By jayemerald

76.5K 2K 250

Scar is gone but his spirit burns with unfinished business, but he was found another to carry on his task. Ki... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113 (Final Chapter)

Chapter 65

463 14 0
By jayemerald

As Nakala was once again testing his skill in the training grounds, Hani was there in the distance. He was determined to keep an eye on the lion, waiting for something that he could use as proof the lion was really an enemy in hiding. He would also have to provide proof that some of the most powerful hyenas in the clan were also protecting a killer. But so far the lion was doing his usual drills; running across the grounds, pushing heavy rocks and even climbing the dead tree just a short distance away. It was that way until the sun began to set and the lion finally decided to call it a night. Hani himself was growing tired as well and was prepared to returned to his own den for the approaching night.

Suddenly as Nakala turned around to return to the dens in the distance rose two figures from behind a large rock. Hani was sure that his eyes were playing tricks on him but after a few quick blinks, the figures were still there. They were watching Nakala, just like he was. The three hidden figures watched as Nakala gave a yawn and disappeared around the corner. The hyena's attention snapped back to the hidden creatures. They stood taller and stepped out from behind the rock, making the hyena's breath catch in his throat.

Lions, Hani felt his heart pounding and the fur on his shoulders rising. What the hell are they doing here?! 

Every once of Hani's being told him to turn tail and run, alert the clan that lions were in their territory. But as much as he wanted to, his legs were stuck in place. The hyena found himself frozen in place, the day of his father's death replaying in his mind. Was that horrid event day about to repeat itself?

But instead the lion and what Hani now noticed to be a lioness looked at one another and turned their own tails, departing into the deep Outlands. Even though his heart was still racing, Hani forced his legs forward, step by step. Even though he was afraid the hyena still had a subconscious resolve to figure out what was happening. Looking back, it was clear for Hani to see that the two felines were looking at Nakala just as he was. Drawing from any courage still felt in his body, the hyena kept a distance but followed behind the lion and lioness, now determined to find out their relation to Nakala. Did they know him? Did he bring them here? Was it all some big plan to bring his own kind to the clan and turn the hyenas into a feast?

The two ahead of him broke out into a run across the sandy dunes of the Outland desert. He Hani picked up his own pace and followed after them, remembering a time his father brought him out in harsh land to teach him some survival tactics. But thankfully for Hani the sun was set, a cool breeze cooled his fur and brought him a calmed sense of determination. As he ran Hani kept his eyes on the two figures ahead of him, having a strange sense that they would lead him to just what he's been looking for. The dunes slowly thinned out and the ground beneath his paws gradually hardened. Over the horizon stood massive pillars of earth. Hani didn't have time to be stunned at the lion and lioness weaved around the pillars. Hani kept his eyes on them both while he also weaved around the pillars, seeing there many crawling bugs on them.

Getting past the mounds he caught sight of the lion and lioness disappearing into a den. Hani had no doubt it was the den of the pride they came from. Now all he had to do was somehow get in there and find out what they knew about Nakala. He scanned his surroundings as he approached, seeing nothing around him. But as he approached the cavern a heavy weight was applied to his back, forcing the hyena to the ground.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" a rough voice purred in the struggling hyena's ear.

"Lele! You find something?" Hani could see another lioness approach and stand over him.

"Caught this little guy trying to sneak in the den," the hefty lioness pinning down Hani laughed.

"You must have some kind of death wish. Can't wait to hear what Zira's gonna say about this," the two lioness forced Hani to his paws and shoved him forward. He entered the cave, only to be met with with countless lioness looking back him. Some had confused looks on their muzzles while others wore an aggressive snarl. Hani's throat felt dry and his legs shook with each step. He quickly regretted coming all, sure that he was going to be lioness food.

He was forced to stop and before him were two lioness and two lions. The lioness sitting in front looked down at the shuddering hyena.

"My, my. What have you brought me today?" Zira asked, her voice snaking into Hani's ears.

"Ugh, it's just another smelly hyena. Huh, this one looks kinda familiar," the smaller lioness groaned.

"Hush, Vitani." The main lioness hissed, a snicker came from the mangy brown lion. The bigger brown lion said nothing, just giving the hyena a hard stare.

"Hmm. Fate must be on my side. I've been in desperate need of a new informant," the lead lioness chuckled to herself. "Perhaps he will succeed where Cheezi failed. He looks like he is in good shape."

"Then he should be a good one," Vitani grinned.

"...He better be..." the mangy lion growled.

"W-what are you talking about? Y-you know something about Cheezi?" Hani forced the words to come out of his muzzle.

The lioness only laughed again at the small hyena's words. "Tell me. Are you familiar with a lion named Nakala?"

The hyena's train of thought was halted, now giving the lioness his full attention.

"You know about him?" Hani asked.

"Oh, yeah. We go way back," the mangy lion snickered.

"He is a special lion that must be kept under special watch," the lioness told Hani, swiping her paw across her muzzle.

I knew it, Hani couldn't help but grin. I knew something about that lion wasn't right. He thought back to the claw and bite marks he saw littered on a zebra's body that the lion brought back. Nakala was probably lying about being from the Pride Lands, he must have come from this very pride in the Outlands.

"Oh, how ride of me. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Zira, the leader of this lovely pride." She gestured to the lion bored lioness beside her. "This is my darling daughter, Vitani."

Vitani said nothing, giving a quick glance at the hyena.

"This here is my adorable sons, Nuka and Kovu." Zira introduced.

"You look like someone we can depend on," Nuka said, taking a moment to scratch his fur. On the other side Kovu still said nothing, just giving a yawn and resting his head on the rock.

"My name is Hani," the hyena introduced himself, giving a quick bow to the lead lioness.

"Now it's only a matter of time before one of your clan members get hurt," Zira said in a concerned tone.

Hani's ears perked up and a grave look spread across his muzzle. "I-Is that what happened to Cheezi?"

Zira suddenly got an idea, she gave a look to her children and they quickly recognized that as a sign to follow the lioness' lead. She quickly turned back to the trembling hyena and began to feign sadness.

"So it is true..." the lioness lamented. "All little Cheezi wanted to so was protect and serve his clan the best he could. But Nakala must have found out what he was doing..."

"He was a true hero," Vitani said, bowing her head.

"He will be truly missed," Nuka sniffed.

Hani heard their words began to put pieces together in his head. There was something unnatural about the lion when he fought him in the training grounds. The distant, calm look in his eyes while he dug his claws in the hyena's fur. The many marks and scars on the animals Nakala took down, showing signs that Nakala was attacking them for more than just food. And the sudden death of Cheezi, he went off Nakala and three other hyenas and was the only one who didn't come back. Now it turns out that his true cause of death is being covered up and Nakala had something to do with it, if he wasn't directly responsible.

It wouldn't too long until the lion strikes again and another hyena will be announced dead with some fake story. It was clear to Hani that the lion being the clan leader's mate allowed him to get away with his horrible deeds. But Hani was determined to be the one to find the truth and expose the lion for who he truly was in front of the whole clan. He'll be the one to save his entire clan from the beast lurking under their noses.

Hani cleared his throat and looked up at Zira with a newfound confidence. "You said something about an informant. That was what Cheezi was doing, right? Watching Nakala?"

"Precisely," Zira nodded. "Nakala is a lion not like any other. He has very...special capabilities and needs to have an eye kept on him," Zira explained. "Are you willing to pick up where Cheezi left off, even knowing the risks?"

That was something that Hani had not considered. What would happen to him if the lion caught him watching his every move. Just watching him for one day gave the hyena knowledge of a major cover up. If Nakala ever found out that he knew all the things he did in the shadows, it certainly wouldn't end for himself. But even knowing that, Hani still felt a resolve within himself. He felt this is what his father would have wanted for him. To work to uncover the truth and banish the hidden evil that lurks within.

"I will," Hani said firmly.

A wide, toothy grin spread across the lioness' muzzle. "Perfect," she said. "Now, all you have to do is keep an eye on him and report back to me any mysterious happenings."

Hani gave a nod and turned tail to return to the clan before anyone noticed he was gone. 

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