By asj_28

2.9M 70.3K 36.7K

Having been in Catholic School since the age of five, Aspen is naive to society. Her life turned upside down... More

Lesson Learned


95.3K 2K 931
By asj_28


It was like the bathroom. But clearer.

This time there was no steam or glass preventing me from seeing it all. There was nothing stopping me from gawking at Chris's movements, seeing his mouth move. Seeing the jaw twitch and lock, eyes closed as he moved his hand up and down his cock. 

I could have stayed in the shadows like always, could have said nothing but the words had left my mouth before I could think them. 

Chris had sent me up, thinking I was tired. And I was, a little bit. But as I was slipping off my clothes for a shower, I remembered that my panties were lying on the dining room floor. I was mortified at that, knowing that they were just there where anyone could see them. I had wrapped a robe around myself before going downstairs, my steps quiet as opposed to the loud grunts that came from the dining room. 

I could feel the throbbing between my legs increase with every step, my mind conjuring images of Chris. There was that faint idea of what he was doing in the back of my mind, and the curiosity in me grew even more. 

Upon stepping into the dinning room, my eyes had fallen on Chris. On his tense shoulders, seeing his hands wrapped around his cock. 

I watched openly as his hand moved up and down, squeezing and massaging. Grunting and moaning with closed eyes. I couldn't help but stare in awe as liquid poured into his palm. 

It had been on my mind his own pleasure, a tick in the back wondering what to do. After all I had wanted to know it all, my intentions purely for knowledge. Or that's what I convinced myself to think. I intended to talk to him about that later, but seeing him now made me want to reach out. My heart raced at the thought of touching him in any way. 

So I asked, with the most innocent voice I could muster. "Can I help?" I was impressed that my words didn't crack, that I could stand there with only the blush in my cheeks. 

Chris turned, his eyes only widening a fraction. But there was that glaze that told me he wasn't completely shocked at seeing me there, only the darkening of them as he took me in the robe I wore. 

It was the intense stare, the smoldering one that made me squirm. Grey eyes that made me take a step closer to him, his voice a rasp as he answered. "How about another day?" 

A response was on the tip of my tongue, a suggestion of what to do. My steps were calculated, the robe slipping off my shoulder as I moved. His eyes on me as I did that, raking down me. Taking in the bareness of my legs to the neckline I showed, the dip at the front. Only a string tying it all together. 

Walking to him, I felt a thrill running through my body. "You can tell me what to do?" I suggested standing between him and the table. The edge digging into my butt as I leaned backwards, bracing my hands on the edge. 

Chris's eyes were filled with conflict, a struggle as he saw me stand in front of him. He nodded, swallowing, "I want to-" he nodded again- "But not now. Later, when you're more comfortable," he breathed. 

I wanted to tell him I was fine with it, that I wanted to try. That after what he did, there was really no issue with the level of comfort. How much more can one do? To have their mouths in one of the most intimate parts. What difference would it make if I touched him the same way he did to me. 

Chris's eyebrows pulled together, "Don't put that face. I just think you aren't ready," he gritted out. 

I didn't realize I had made a face, "But I want to help," I murmured absently. 

Conflict swirled in his grey eyes, defeat crossing them after a second. "If you want to help. Open your robe and sit on the table." 

I frowned, but did as he said. Tentatively I raised myself onto the table, the robe slipping up as I did. Sitting, Chris was shorter than me but under the scrutinizing gaze I felt small. Swallowing I undid the robe, letting it fall open. There was nothing he hadn't seen, or touched. Yet still, it felt as if it had been the time. Felt sensual and thrilling. 

"Now?" I asked as I sat there. I didn't see the point in sitting here, exposed to him. Chris didn't say anything, only moving his eyes across my body. Going from my eyes to my breast, down to my stomach. His eyes grew darker as they slipped down my hips, to my pressed thighs. 

I saw his jaw clench, a muscle twitching. My eyes snapping to the movement of his hand, seeing those fingers stroking his dick. "Touch yourself," he grunted out. 

I froze. Last time I had tried to do that it hadn't gone that well. Then again I was stupid and in the shower. This time I was on the kitchen table while Chris watched with hooded eyes. 

"I-" I struggle to say something. It could go wrong, very wrong knowing I didn't know what to do. "I- I don't know how to," I stuttered, I didn't. I had read about it, but it was all too vague and confusing. 

"What do I do?" 

Grey eyes snapped to mine, something flickering in them. There was no hesitation in his voice, only the slight eagerness in them. "With your hand-" he nodded at my left hand- "Drag it across your breast how you think I would." 

I thought about it, imagining his hands on me. Thinking that the raised hand skimming over my breast was his, but I felt nothing. It only felt awfully awkward. My touch felt the same as if I were showering. Even as I grazed my fingers over my nipple, I didn't feel anything. 

But I continued, thinking it was him. Not breaking eye contact I moved my fingers around, palming my breast in my hand. Chris gawking at me, giving me a look that was full of unholy thoughts, making me squirm. And that's when I felt it, no longer did my touch feel normal. But it felt like his, I could almost feel his hand on me. 

Images of him wrapping his mouth around my nipple flashed across my eyes, the throbbing between my legs picking up. A shuddering breath left my lips as I moved my hand to my other breast, fully enjoying the way it felt. 

A moan may have slipped past my lips, almost forgetting about Chris. I almost jumped from the table as I felt his hand on my knee, parting my legs open. "You like it?"

There was no need to lie, not as he was seeing me. I nodded at him through half closed eyes, seeing Chris give me a hooded smirk. "Now move your hand towards your pussy."

My eyes snapped open, had he said that right? Had I heard that right or was I just delusional? Oh God did I really hit my head that hard? Was I in a coma dreaming? It couldn't be, it felt real. His touch was real, his eyes were real. Chris was real. 

"Are you sure?" I asked breathlessly. 

"Yes," he said tightly. I took in a shaky breath, not because I was nervous. But because I was turned on. Turned on by the sight of him holding his dick in his palms, pulsing with want. I trailed my hand across my stomach in a way I wanted Chris to do so. My eyes on Chris as I reached my navel, my fingers inching closer to it, his body stiffening as I did. 

"Open your legs wider," he grunted out. I did, my legs shaking with the want to be pressed together. I heard the scrape of the chair against the floor, seeing Chris move closer to me. My body hummed with anticipation, with a tingling sensation that made me want to press down on it. "Now I want you to move your fingers. Like this-" My body jerked as I felt his touch, feather like. 

Snapping my eyes to his, I saw that his other hand was still wrapped around his cock. His other hand skimming across my pussy, two fingers parting the lips apart. I saw his eyes darken, my body shaking with anticipation as he slipped a finger inside. 


I watched as Aspen threw her head back as I slipped a finger inside of her. My tongue had been there less than an hour ago, and now my fingers were inside of her. 




It was a chant over and over as I felt the slickness around my fingers. Feeling the tightness surround me, my cock twitching as I worked her clit. 

This was not planned. To have my fingers inside of her was not something I wanted to rush. I wanted to savor it, to feel her walls pressing down, feel her clenching and riding every wave out.

Slowly I pulled away, slickness covering my fingers. "Chris," Aspen moaned in desperation, my dick hardening in my hand. Fuck, I wanted to continue. To fuck her pussy with my fingers. To bring her to the edge with my name of her lips, but fuck. 

Fuck this. Standing, I hovered about her. Brown eyes looking up at me, waiting. Her teeth biting into her lower lip, my body shaking at the sight of it. So fucking gorgeous that she didn't even know it. So fucking innocent and pure it made me want to degrade her. 

My cock was aching, throbbing for her, again. But my fingers itched to be inside of her, to feel her clench and thrust her hips. Taking her by the neck, I pulled her close to me. Breathing her in, the lingering taste of saltiness mixing with the smell of her. 

It was a drug, her smell. Put me in a room with no light and I would find Aspen with that smell. She smelled like light and flowers, like a summer field with honey. Sweet and thick, captivating and hypnotizing. "You are a dream," I murmured into her skin, my lips traveling up her neck. 

She was a dream that I would gladly sleep on, a dream I would never want to wake from. Kissing her neck, Aspen arched to give me more access. My hand snaking to her pussy, thrusting two fingers inside of her. I heard her moan, a jolt of pleasure mixed with surprise. 

Trap me. I'll beg you to stay, to give me everything. I'll even accept any crumbs of affection you're willing to give me. 

I felt Aspen's hands wrap around my neck, my fingers going in deeper. I moved faster, pinching her clit. Thrusting in and out of her, my cock throbbing with every thrust. Frustrated it wasn't getting any attention, frustrated it was left alone with such beauty standing in front of it. 

My dick was close to her entrance, it would be simple. She was already soft and warm. Slick for it. I could easily just enter her, she would notice when she felt the pressure. The pain would only be momentary before it became pleasure. 

I could. 

It would make our lives easier.

My thoughts were interrupted by her touch. Looking down, I saw her hand around my cock. I shuddered, my climax crashing into me. The sole touch of her brought me to the edge. 

It wasn't that I was weak. But we had done the foreplay, and her touch was the one I yearned for the most. I could last longer, but damn those innocent fingers. 

I almost fell on top of her, one hand braced on the table holding me. I could feel the hot liquid against my skin, sliding down my legs and even maybe in her skin. 


I was panting, her smell enveloping me. Trapping me in her arms, smooth hands against my neck. I could feel her trembling underneath me in distress, my breath hot against her neck. Just a few seconds to recover from this, a few seconds to process her precious touch on me. 

I was lost. So utterly lost in her, my heart thumping loudly and rapidly. I didn't know what to do, not with her. I wanted to do many things, but they were just… impossible. 

Recovering, I slipped my finger inside of her without warning. A heart tugging moan slipping past her lips, breathing against my ear. Moving her hips, she fucked my fingers. Hands wrapped around my neck once more, pulling me closer. Body going limp as I felt her climax around my fingers, "God." 


I went a whole week without his touch, without his lessons. I was deprived of the toe curling feeling, deprived of him. My heart tugged with the heartache of Chris being gone. 

I didn't know what part of me missed him more, if it was my body or my heart. It wasn't intentional, I knew it. I was complaining and aching for him. But there was a reason behind all of it. 

Chris was a doctor, a good surgeon. I was impressed when I found out what he did, that he did many things and did them efficiently. I had heard that there weren't that many good doctors here, and that Chris was a good one. One of the best. It made me smile at that fact, knowing Chris was exceptional and unique. 

And because of that, Chris had spent most of his week on call. I had school in the morning, he had work late at night. Our times crossed briefly, Chris only having time to eat with me. 

The only thing I got from him were kisses on the forehead. Nothing more. I was becoming impatient with the need to feel something, to feel him. 

It was like something had awakened in me. And for that second that I had it, it disappeared just as quickly. Even my own touches didn't bring much to me. Didn't help me release. 

I was so tempted to skip school when he stayed home. Tempted to start something with him even if he was tired. Maybe it was selfish, but I just needed his hands on me. 

The end of the week came by, Chris being gone by the time I got home from school. It was Friday and I was alone, somber thoughts surrounding my head. I didn't like it, being alone. Having all this room and no one besides me. 

Not giving it a second thought, I called over Lilith and Penelope. Asking them if they wanted to come over to watch a movie or do something. The minutes ticking by slowly before both appeared at the front door. Lilith had changed into a cute dress, a cleavage visible and she held a pizza box. Penelope on the other side wore a hoodie, the only difference was that it was a different one from school. "We brought food," Penelope saiz holding up a bag, Lilith shaking the pizza box. 

I ushered them inside, taking them to the kitchen. "Where's your hot step-dad?" Lilith asked as she took a seat in one of the stool chairs.

Something flickered in me at the mention of Chris. Of Lilith calling him hot. "Guardian-" I chided at her trying to sound as if it didn't bother me- "And he's working." 

Chris was hot but he wasn't for her. He was… I shook my head. No. I couldn't think that. 

"Pitty," Lilith muttered, opening the pizza box.

We ate while talking about school, about the homework we got. The test we were supposed to take. About college. 

And it wasn't until that moment that I realized I had no plan for college. The moment my mom got sick, everything left my mind. I knew I wanted to continue my studies, but in what? I was still unsure. 

But the more I thought about it, nothing really spiked my interest. Catholic school we learned the basics of everything. And maybe the only thing I wanted to do was- there really was nothing that piqued.my interest. 

I wasn't the best of drawers, or fashion to be exact. I hated science for the sole reason that sometimes formulas looked the same. Math, I was good. But for a career? To spend hours at a desk. No thanks. 

We all spent the remaining of the day watching shows, some rather a bit more interesting than the last. The hours dwindling by quickly until it was dark outside. 

"I guess we stayed for nothing. No hot step dad showed up," Penelope joked. 

I clamped my mouth shut, it was a joke. She nor Lilith were interested in him. Right? "Yeah sorry to disappoint. He's been taking long hours at the hospital. And even if he did come early. I think he'd be tired or even tense from working a lot," I told them. Both of them nodded as I walked them to the door. 

"Well it was fun being here. Step dad or not. Kiss him for me," Lilith hollered as they walked to the car, the light from the pathway illuminating them. 

Kiss him? I wanted more than that. 

I kept an eye on them as they climbed in the car, seeing Lilith drive away. Closing the door, I made sure to lock it before I went into the living room to clean up. I picked up the empty bowls of popcorn, the discarded cups. Taking it all to the kitchen, I placed everything away before going back to the living room. 

It was pretty late, but I didn't feel like going to sleep. And anyways I didn't have school tomorrow, so not sleeping wouldn't be bad. I flickered through the tv, lazily watching what was on. I was going to turn it off when my eyes caught on to what it landed on. 

I sat up, my gaze on the tv. This should definitely not be on, nor should I be watching it. But I did. It was hypnotizing, my eyes glued to it. I didn't know what exactly I was watching, but it definitely showed me something. 

A man with light brown hair walked to a woman who was kneeling on the floor. Her head bowed down, like when we would pray. But I knew she wasn't praying. Not as she took a hold of the man's jeans, sliding them down the man's legs. 

I had a vague idea of what came next, but it was still shocking. The woman kneeling took a hold of the man's cock, the size almost too big for her small hands. I squirmed in my seat as her fingers started moving up and down, her mouth closing around it. Gasping in horror I grabbed the controller before shutting it off. 

The size! I couldn't believe what she had done. She had taken it in her mouth. Was I supposed to do that? I knew I could touch it, but to have it in my mouth? Then again, Chris had kissed my pussy. 

Was it different? 

Did Chris want me to take him in my mouth? Would he like it? 

The thought swirled around my head as I tried sleeping. An aching feeling settling in my core. I could see myself doing it, taking it inside of me. But what would I do? 

Was it the same as it was with your hands? Or not? I had read what to do with the hands. But the mouth? Definitely a different story. I had been engrossed with it, that I didn't hear the door, or footsteps. Not until he spoke. 

"Are you still awake?" Chris asked, starling me. I sat up in my bed, seeing that he still wore his hospital scrubs, his eyes weary, tired. 

"How'd you know?"

"You were moving," he answered after a beat. I didn't know I did that. Looking at him, I raked my eyes over him. At the way his blue scrubs clung to his body, my eyes lowering to that part of him. Noticing the bulge, eyes snapping to see him staring at me. At what little I wore. 

There was no use covering up, after all he had seen all of me. Touched it all. So I just sat there, waiting. "Well I'm going to sleep," Chris broke the silence, his words a rasp. 

I saw him take a step back, "Wait," I called after him. He stopped, eyebrows raised. 

"Sleep with me?"

I'm liking the edited version way better.

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