Trials and Tribulations [Chae...

By sapphicrosie

187K 7.9K 3.1K

It's the first day of Chaeyoung's junior year of high school after a summer spent away at softball camp. By a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31 [M]
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39 [M]
Chapter 40
Chapter 41 [M]
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50 (part 1)
Chapter 50 (part 2)
Chapter 50 (part 3)
Chapter 50 (part 4) [M]
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61 [M]
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67 [M]
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82 (part 1)
Chapter 82 (part 2) [M]

Chapter 32

3K 98 14
By sapphicrosie

Chaeyoung stirred awake slowly, her consciousness gradually returning to her with each passing second, her eyes flickering open hesitantly, the light in the room almost blinding compared to the all-encompassing darkness of sleep. She tightly shut her eyes closed for a moment, forcing her lids together in order to prepare for the sudden and inevitable influx of light before inhaling deeply, her lungs sucking in a deep, content breath and opening them again, this time fully, to greet the new day. Chaeyoung frowned briefly in response to the view that first met her eyes, the unfamiliar bedroom décor confusing her momentarily before she recalled that she was in fact at Jennie’s house and not in her own bed at home.

Awareness of the events of last night slowly began to return to her as she lay there; the memories of the school dance, of her night spent with Lisa, the profoundly honest conversations that they’d had, extending throughout the night and into the early hours of the morning, culminating with the first time that they’d ever pleasured each other. The memory made Chaeyoung blush and she became astutely aware of the tangle of limbs around her, the weight of something heavy pressed against her chest, the numbness which was slowly creeping up her right arm towards her shoulder. Chaeyoung angled her head a little to look at the cause of her symptoms and she smiled as they fell over Lisa’s sleeping form which was pressed closely into her side.

Chaeyoung’s arm was enveloped around the smaller girls’ torso protectively, wedged between Lisa’s body and the mattress, the blood vessels and nerves compressed and protesting uncomfortably, as a result of their confinement. She pulled her arm out from under Lisa carefully so as not to wake her girlfriend, who’s chest was rising and falling steadily as she still slept. Once free, Chaeyoung flexed the fingers and elbow of her arm rapidly, trying to encourage the blood to return to the now somewhat ischaemic limb, causing pins and needles to spread throughout it. Having finally restored some sensation to her arm, Chaeyoung returned it to rest across Lisa’s shoulders, hugging her girlfriend closely.

Chaeyoung’s fingertips started to play mindlessly with the long dark locks of Lisa’s soft hair which was spread messily across her own chest. Lisa’s head rested just beneath Chaeyoung’s right collar bone, her face turned away towards the window as she dozed so that it was obscured from Chaeyoung’s view. Lisa’s arm was draped across Chaeyoung’s stomach, her hand hanging limply on the other side of the bigger girls’ trunk, suspended loosely in the air above the bed. One of Lisa’s legs was wrapped around the pair of Chaeyoung’s, her small foot tucked between Chaeyoung’s ankles. Chaeyoung lifted her left hand to rub small gentle circles on Lisa’s lower back where the skin was exposed, her tshirt having ridden up as she moved around in the night.

The duvet had slipped down so that it was burying the back of Lisa’s thighs and Chaeyoung paused for a moment to pull it up a little so that it covered the smaller girl, enveloping her body completely until just below the shoulder blades. Chaeyoung leant down and kissed the top of her girlfriend’s head, her lips lingering there as she inhaled the sweet smell of Lisa’s coconut shampoo. Chaeyoung moved her right hand slightly from around Lisa’s shoulders to play soothingly with the loose strands of hair at Lisa’s temple, her fingers brushing the skin beneath them softly. She felt Lisa stir a little beneath her touch, her chin dropping down a little so that her face buried further into Chaeyoung’s chest.

They stayed like this for a while, Chaeyoung loathing the idea of waking Lisa up with the knowledge of how difficult she often found it to experience an undisturbed sleep. Half an hour must have passed in contented silence, Chaeyoung’s arms wrapped around the sleeping form of Lisa until, as is inevitable, peace was broken suddenly, Jisoo erupting into the room unannounced, pushing the door open noisily.

“Morning!” Jisoo exclaimed when her eyes fell on Chaeyoung and Lisa knotted together on the bed.

“Shhh,” Chaeyoung hissed. Her voice was low, barely above a whisper. “Lisa’s still sleeping.”

“I’m not surprised,” Jisoo replied, dropping her own voice and winking as she stepped in to the room.

“Did you two have an energetic night?” she asked suggestively and Chaeyoung rolled her eyes as Jisoo perched herself on the end of the bed.

“No,” Chaeyoung told her simply. “Nothing happened. We just shared the bed that’s all.”

“You mean you two didn’t get down and dirty?” Jisoo asked a hint of disappointment in her voice.

“No,” Chaeyoung informed her, not wanting to share the particulars of her night with Lisa. “We just slept. I swear you’ve all got one track minds when it comes to sex.”

“I’m just jealous,” Jisoo laughed waving her hand in response and glancing down at Lisa who was still fast asleep, clearly undisturbed by her friends’ sudden appearance. “Wow, she’s out cold.” Jisoo commented. “How many pills did she take last night?”

“None,” Chaeyoung said frowning slightly.

“None?” Jisoo asked surprised. “Are you sure?”

“Yeah,” Chaeyoung replied. “Is this not normal? Should I wake her up?”

“No don’t wake her,” Jisoo said lifting her hands quickly. “Let her sleep Chaeyoung, for the love of God…”

“I was trying to until you came barging in here,” Chaeyoung chuckled amused. “You’re not exactly helping the situation you know.” Jisoo nodded her head in agreement with Chaeyoung’s words.

“Fine,” she said placing a hand on Lisa’s back for a moment before standing up from the bed. “I’m going,” she told Chaeyoung. “I only came in to tell you that Somi and Jennie are both really suffering this morning and are desperate for some breakfast. They told me to tell you to hurry up so that they can eat.”

“Where are they?” Chaeyoung asked her. “They’re curled up on the sofa cursing alcohol,” Jisoo laughed. “So I’m going to go down and start belting out Beyoncé songs as loud as I can…it serves them right for spiking the drinks.”

“It was them,” Chaeyoung groaned making a face. “I should have known.”

“I believe the instigator was Jennie,” Jisoo informed her. “So if you want revenge, she’s your girl.”

“Noted,” Chaeyoung replied as Jisoo tilted her head in Lisa’s direction.

“Did she keep you up last night?” Jisoo asked and Chaeyoung rolled her eyes at the question. “Not like that,” Jisoo responded, groaning slightly. “Now who’s got the one track mind? I meant…did she wake you up, you know, when she had a nightmare? They’re scary right?” she questioned and Chaeyoung’s brow creased as she considered the question. After what had happened between her and Lisa last night she’d fallen almost immediately into a dreamless, undisturbed sleep.

“I don’t know,” Chaeyoung shrugged, pushing herself up in the bed slightly, cautious not to move too much and wake Lisa. “If she had one then she never woke me.” She told Jisoo seriously. “Perhaps I’m just a heavy sleeper?”

“No way,” Jisoo disagreed. “If she’d had one you would have known about it, trust me. No one sleeps that deeply. She’s even woken her parents up before because she’s screamed so much, and they sleep three doors away from her.”

“So what?” Chaeyoung commented. “It’s not like she’s never gone a whole night without waking up in a cold sweat before.” Jisoo raised her eyebrow slightly, a small smirk on her lips. “Right?” Chaeyoung asked for confirmation.

“Why don’t you ask her when she wakes up?” Jisoo suggested, her smile growing wider as she turned and headed towards the door. Chaeyoung watched Jisoo go pondering her insinuation. Was this really the first time Lisa had slept through a whole night undisturbed? She thought to herself, casting an eye down at her still sleeping girlfriend.

“Chaeyoung” Jisoo said, pausing in the doorway, one hand holding onto the frame for support. “Try not to be too long ok? I’m actually kind of hungry too.”

“You guys can eat without us,” Chaeyoung laughed.

“Yeah, but we’d rather eat with you,” Jisoo said smiling and looking over at Lisa again. “You know what? Don’t rush.” She told her coming to a decision. “I’ll stall them.”

“Thanks,” Chaeyoung said gratefully, not eager to move from her current position she was so comfortable and content.

“Don’t mention it,” Jisoo said before turning and disappeaagainout of sight. Chaeyoung kissed the top of Lisa’s head again, her girlfriend’s chest still rising and falling rhythmically, as she radiated an appearance of pure relaxation. Over the next twenty minutes, Chaeyoung contemplated her decision not to share the details of last night with Jisoo and the rest of the girls. The more she thought about it, the less she wanted to divulge the events, the whole night having special significance and meaning for the brunette. It wasn’t like she’d actually lied to Jisoo either; she and Lisa hadn’t had sex, not really, not in the true sense of the word. Yes, they’d been together, they’d shared something intimate and pleasurable for them both, something which Chaeyoung would remember and treasure forever, but, it wasn’t sex.

In fact, Chaeyoung wasn’t even sure she knew how to have sex with a girl, or a boy for that matter. She felt completely naïve and inexperienced about the whole thing. She figured that when it eventually happened it would just, well, happen. What had happened between her and Lisa last night was much more than just something physical anyway, it had been spiritual and it had been profound. It was one of those moments in your life that you look back on and cherished for the pure honesty it contained, the raw expression of emotions, the sharing of secrets, hopes, dreams and fears.

They’d connected on a much more philosophical level and Chaeyoung had found herself feeling overwhelmed at times that she could care so much about someone else’s thoughts, that she could literally hang off every word that someone said, eagerly anticipating the next. She never knew that it was possible to share so much of herself with someone, to find that the dreams and fears that they expressed became your own. That was how Chaeyoung felt about Lisa this morning, as though they were closer, stronger. All she knew was that she wanted to do everything in her power to help Lisa achieve her dreams and would spare no energy, no effort in protecting her from and aiding her to overcome the things that she feared.

Chaeyoung felt Lisa stir in her arms, pulling her attention away from her reflective thoughts and back to the unrivalled beauty of her girlfriend. Chaeyoung tilted her head down to look at Lisa, who was burying her face closer into Chaeyoung’s chest, moving it from side to side slowly as though she was protesting the return of consciousness and refusing to allow it to return to her. After a moment, Lisa lifted her face up, her chin still resting on Chaeyoung’s chest as their eyes met.

“Morning,” Chaeyoung greeted her, stroking Lisa’s forehead lightly with her fingertips and softly brushing at the loose strands of hair which fell across her brow. Lisa closed her eyes for a moment, turning her head so that the side of her face was resting on Chaeyoung’s chest facing the wall. .

“Morning,” she said drowsily, her arms enclosing round Chaeyoung’s body in a hug.

“How are you feeling this morning?” Chaeyoung asked her uncertainly, suddenly feeling anxious about Lisa’s thoughts in regards to last night.

“I’m sleepy,” Lisa replied groggily, her right hand fiddling with Chaeyoung’s tshirt mindlessly, her eyes still closed.

“I can see that,” Chaeyoung chuckled, still playing with Lisa’s hair.

“Also a little bit hungry,” Lisa added as an afterthought.

“You don’t say?” Chaeyoung laughed, stroking the hair at the back of Lisa’s neck instinctively. “You want some food?” she offered and Lisa nodded her head. “Well, the girls are waiting on us for breakfast,” Chaeyoung informed her, “so perhaps we should go downstairs and…”

“No,” Lisa interrupted, her right hand still playing with Chaeyoung’s tshirt and her eyes opening a little, the lids evidently still heavy. “I don’t want to go downstairs yet.” Lisa told her.

“Ok,” Chaeyoung said, a small smile creeping on to her lips at the words. “Then we’ll stay here a bit longer.”

“Ok,” Lisa agreed and Chaeyoung watched her for a moment before finally asking the question she’d been debating for a few minutes.

“Lili,” Chaeyoung started hesitantly. “Do you think we should talk about what happened last night?” She finished nervously.

“What happened last night?” Lisa asked drowsily.

“You…you don’t remember?” Chaeyoung asked, her stomach dropping slightly. Lisa turned her face up to look at Chaeyoung, a huge grin plastered across her features. “You’re messing with me?” Chaeyoung asked her, hitting Lisa’s arm playfully.

“That was more fun than I thought,” Lisa commented, dropping her head back on to Chaeyoung’s chest.

“You’re so mean to me,” Chaeyoung scolded Lisa light-heartedly. “If you were anyone else I wouldn’t have believed them but, you actually have memory problems…”

“I’m sorry,” Lisa apologised sincerely, making a puppy dog face as she lifted her chin up to look at Chaeyoung. “I was only joking.” Lisa leant forward to try to kiss Chaeyoung but she moved her face to the side, denying her the opportunity. Lisa smiled brightly at Chaeyoung’s reaction and planted a soft kiss on her now exposed cheek instead; her lips lingering there until Chaeyoung finally relented and turned her face so that their mouths finally met. “Hmm,” Lisa sighed as they parted and she lowered her face once again to rest against Chaeyoung’s chest.

“I don’t think we need to talk about last night,” she told Chaeyoung with a sense of finality.

“You don’t?” Chaeyoung asked her.

“No,” Lisa replied, less tiredly then before. “Why discuss and analyse something so perfect?” she asked.

“You thought it was perfect?” Chaeyoung asked her beaming from ear to ear. Lisa nodded in to Chaeyoung’s chest.

“Yes,” she answered honestly.

“I guess this morning you’re the romantic,” Chaeyoung mused before adding, “but, just for the record, I thought it was pretty perfect too.”

“So what do we tell the others?” Lisa asked her tracing small circles with her fingertips on Chaeyoung’s abdomen.

“Nothing,” Chaeyoung answered. “Last night was ours. No one else needs to know about it.”

“Good,” Lisa replied, lifting her face to look at Chaeyoung again. “I want it to stay just ours as well.”

“Lili can I ask you something?” Chaeyoung questioned, thinking back to what Jisoo had suggested earlier.

“Sure,” Lisa said. Her chin was now resting on Chaeyoung’s collar bone as her face looked in to Chaeyoung’s neck.

“Did you have a nightmare last night?” Chaeyoung asked her with interest. Lisa’s brow creased in thought for an instant before relaxing again.

“No,” Lisa answered truthfully. “I don’t remember having one and I normally do. Why do you ask?”

“No reason,” Chaeyoung replied but only because she didn’t fully understand why she’d asked. A comfortable silence fell between them for a few minutes before Chaeyoung decided to continue with the same area of topic. “Lili is that the first time you’ve ever slept through without having one?” Chaeyoung questioned.

“A nightmare?” Lisa responded searching for clarification.

“Yeah,” Chaeyoung confirmed.

“Huh,” Lisa replied in realisation. “Yeah I think it was.”

“I thought you’d been sleeping better since you’ve been taking your medication?” Chaeyoung continued.

“I can get to sleep better,” Lisa told her, “but it doesn’t stop the nightmares. I’d taken them the night that Jisoo stayed at mine and I had a nosebleed.” She shared with Chaeyoung. “I was having a nightmare when she woke me up.”

“You didn’t have one last night though?” Chaeyoung questioned thoughtfully.

“I guess not,” Lisa answered. “Weird. Perhaps we should always sleep together from now on.”

“I wouldn’t be opposed to that suggestion,” Chaeyoung admitted.

“We only have to get my parents to somehow agree to it,” Lisa deliberated. “I wouldn’t actually put it past them to agree if they thought it helped me to sleep.” She laughed.

“I’ll let you ask them,” Chaeyoung chuckled. “I don’t think I could face discussing it with your mom…or your dad for that matter. I’d probably want to curl up in to a ball and die of embarrassment…” Lisa leant up and kissed Chaeyoung on the mouth cutting her off.

“Perhaps it’s because you make me feel safe,” Lisa told her seriously when they’d parted. “I don’t think anything could scare me whilst you’re around.” Chaeyoung smiled and kissed her again, their mouths coming together to deepen the kiss, Lisa’s hand finding its way up to the side of Chaeyoung’s neck and resting there.

“Ok love birds, I’ve waited as long as I can,” Somi said, interrupting the moment from the door way and causing both Lisa and Chaeyoung to look in her direction. “My stomach is literally starting to eat itself, so, can you please, please, come downstairs so we can eat?”

“Somi,” Chaeyoung protested as Lisa dropped her head onto her chest, her face turned towards the door. “Can’t you knock?”

“Oh please,” Somi said waving her hand dismissively. “It’s not like I would have been interrupting anything. Jisoo already told us you guys didn’t get up to anything last night…I’m kind of disappointed if I’m honest,” she noted. Lisa turned her face to give Chaeyoung a questioning look, clearly lost by the conversation, not having known that Jisoo had come in to the room earlier.

“When will the two of you get another opportunity to be alone without any form of parental or adult supervision?” Somi asked.

“Not everything is about sex,” Chaeyoung told her ignoring Lisa’s gaze until her girlfriend turned her attention back to the doorway.

“That’s because you’ve not had it yet,” Somi responded.

“You could have just eaten without us,” Chaeyoung informed her logically. “You didn’t have to wait.”

“Perhaps,” Somi conceded, “but, we’re all friends and we thought it would be nice to eat breakfast together.” Chaeyoung smiled at Somi’s words.

“You are moody when you’re hung over,” Chaeyoung told her laughing.

“Blame Jennie,” Somi replied. “She’s the one that bought the alcohol.”

“You didn’t have to drink it,” Chaeyoung laughed. “Or keep drinking it for that matter.”

“I didn’t think I was that drunk,” Somi protested. “Anyway, how are you not suffering this morning? You had just as much as either of us.”

“I may have snuck down to the kitchen and had a midnight feast,” Chaeyoung admitted. “I think the food soaked up the alcohol.”

“Oh, why didn’t think of that?” Somi asked mockingly. “I know,” she said quickly, “because I’m normal and was asleep. Now,” she went on. “Will you two please get your asses downstairs?”

“We’re just coming,” Chaeyoung told her, dragging out her response for a moment to make her suffer some more. “Thank you,” Somi sighed in relief before turning around and heading back downstairs.

“I don’t want to go,” Lisa protested, holding on to Chaeyoung tightly and burying her face in to her girlfriend’s stomach. “Please don’t make me. I’m so cosy here…”

“There might be pancakes?” Chaeyoung offered and Lisa lifted her head quickly in response.

“Pancakes?” she asked suddenly enthusiastic. “Ok, I guess we can get up,” she said as she reached back and threw the covers off of her, untangling her legs from Chaeyoung’s as she rolled off the bed, over her girlfriend.

“Hmmpfh” Chaeyoung groaned as Lisa squashed her. Chaeyoung speedily climbed out of the bed after her girlfriend, walking briskly to catch up with her on the landing where she grabbed Lisa’s wrist, spinning her around and kissing her quickly, crashing their lips together as she threw her arms around her waist, pulling their bodies close together.

“Oh,” Lisa said softly in response as they parted. “Ok…” she started as Chaeyoung crashed their lips together again and Lisa lifted her left hand to stroke the side of her girlfriends’ face.

“I love you,” Chaeyoung breathed as they parted. Their faces were still close, her arms still around Lisa’s waist. “I realised that I hadn’t told you yet today.” Lisa smiled and reciprocated Chaeyoung’s declaration.

“I love you more,” she answered, kissing Chaeyoung once again, deepening it, her free hand sliding down on to Chaeyoung’s buttock. She patted it lightly before pulling her face back, a broad grin on her face. “I think I love pancakes more than you though,” she teased before turning quickly and bounding down the stairs.

“I don’t blame you!” Chaeyoung called after her, shaking her head in amusement before descending down the stairs herself. She found Lisa in the kitchen with the others who were huddled at the island in the middle around a number of assorted breakfast ingredients.

“It’s about time,” Jennie greeted Chaeyoung looking decidedly the worse for wear. “I almost starved to death waiting for you to wake up.”

“You look like crap,” Chaeyoung returned laughing at Jennie’s reception.

“Ugh, I feel like crap,” Jennie responded as Lisa dipped her finger into the pancake mix that Somi had been preparing and sucked on it for a moment.

“Well, that’ll teach you not to drink won’t it?” Chaeyoung replied as she made her way around behind Lisa and wrapped her arms around the smaller girls’ torso, crossing her hands over her girlfriends’ abdomen and resting her chin on Lisa’s shoulder. She rocked the smaller girl slightly in her arms and Lisa dipped her finger in the pancake mix again quickly, reaching up to smear it playfully on Chaeyoung’s cheek. Chaeyoung rolled her eyes good humouredly before rubbing the now covered cheek against Lisa’s, holding her body in place as she tried to squirm out of Chaeyoung’s reach.

“Ugh,” Jennie groaned, “why are you two so energetic on a Sunday morning? Are you even normal?”

“Lisa isn’t,” Jisoo commented matter of factly as Somi started to cook some pancakes and bacon on the stove.

“Hey,” Lisa protested, wiping at her face with the back of her hand and licking the pancake mix of it determinedly. “Not fair. You aren’t exactly normal either you know?”

“I never said that I was,” Jisoo replied, sticking her tongue out at Lisa smiling. Lisa picked up a spoon from the counter which had a small amount of mix still on it and flicked it in Jisoo’s direction. Jisoo’s mouth dropped open in surprise as it hit her square in the forehead and she made a move towards Lisa around the island.

“Crap,” Lisa said, wriggling free of Chaeyoung and making a move in the opposite direction as Jisoo changed course to head her off. “Shit!” Lisa shouted, changing track and going back the way she came, Jisoo copying her. “Shit!” Lisa exclaimed as Jisoo came around the island quickly and she ran past Somi towards the entrance to the kitchen, disappearing through the door.

“Yeah you better run Lisa!” Jisoo called after her and she disappeared too, leaving Jennie, Somi and Chaeyoung in the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

“Why is everyone so loud?” Jennie complained, holding a hand to her head. Chaeyoung turned around and picked up a pair of sunglasses she’d noticed sitting on the kitchen counter. She handed them to Jennie a smirk on her face.

“Here,” she said glibly. “Wear these.”

“I hate you,” Jennie grumbled, but she took the item any way and put them on as Lisa reappeared through the door out of breath. She ran around the island as Jisoo also reentered the room and Lisa held her hands up in front of her defensively as the older girl made her way towards where she was stood.

“How are you so fast?” Jisoo asked Lisa evidently out of breath from chasing her. “I thought you were supposed to be clumsy…”

“I slept well,” Lisa said simply as if that answered it, her face turning up in to a smile at the annoyance on Jisoo’s face and the obvious traces of the pancake mix which remained above her right eye. “You look pretty,” Lisa teased sensing she’d won.

“I…you…I look pretty?” Jisoo questioned in disbelief at Lisa’s cheeky tone as she tried to make her way around the island again just as Somi turned off the stove and plated up the food seemingly undisturbed by the conversations going on around her.

“Now wait a minute,” Lisa said, holding her hands up again and moving in the opposite direction to Jisoo. “Let’s not do anything stupid…there’s a very real chance that the food will get caught up in the crossfire here Jisoo. Do you really want to hurt the food? I mean, just think about it for a minute.” Jisoo feigned contemplation before finally sighing in resignation.

“Fine,” she agreed, “but this is just for the safety of the food. Do you hear me Lisa? This is not over yet.”

“Ok,” Lisa laughed, snaking her arms around Chaeyoung’s waist and pulling her into a side hug. Chaeyoung placed a protective arm around her girlfriends’ shoulder and Jisoo narrowed her eyes at the sight.

“Don’t even think of getting in the way Chaeyoung,” Jisoo threatened lightly.

“I wouldn’t dream of it,” Chaeyoung replied and Lisa lifted her head up to look at Chaeyoung, a worried expression on her face.

“You’d let Jisoo kill me?” Lisa asked her.

“I don’t think she’ll kill you,” Chaeyoung mused, sharing an amused look with Jisoo. “Plus, you did kind of start it Lili. I’d thought you’d have learnt not to mess with Jisoo.”

“You’re all so loud,” Jennie moaned as she sat at one of the chairs at the island, Somi placing a plate of pancakes and a glass of juice in front of her with a couple of aspirin.

“Here have these,” Somi said to her and Jennie thanked her as the others also sat down to eat.

“Thanks Somi,” Lisa said appreciatively as she began to tuck in to her pancakes. “No problem,” Somi replied, taking a seat and eating her own breakfast greedily.

“You’ve definitely perked up since you came thundering in on us earlier,” Chaeyoung noted.

“You’d be surprised what a couple of painkillers and some food will do,” Somi chuckled.

“Amen,” Lisa responded with a mouthful of food to which the others gave her a meaningful look, Chaeyoung laughing at her girlfriend.

“Lisa you’re not hung over,” Jisoo commented laughing and Lisa lowered her fork for a moment and swallowed her mouthful of food to answer.

“Painkillers and food is the motto I’ve lived by since my accident.” Lisa joked. “They’re one of the best combinations of things I’ve ever had the pleasure of….combining.” she finished making an unsure face at her use of words. She shrugged off the sentence, returning to her breakfast.

“So what are we doing today?” Jisoo asked.

“I’m thinking movies on the sofa and more food,” Jennie offered, feeling decidedly unimpressed at the idea of having to get up and leave the house.

“Agreed,” Somi seconded.

“Same,” Chaeyoung concurred.

“Ok,” Jisoo said standing up from the table having finished her breakfast and taking her plate over to the sink. “Does anyone want something else to drink?” she asked opening the fridge and pouring some bottled water in to the glass she held in her hand.

“No,” everyone answered in unison as they finished their pancakes.

“Those were amazing Somi,” Lisa practically sighed in contentment.

“There’s some cereal if you’re still hungry,” Jennie offered.

“That’s alright,” Lisa said reaching for the fruit bowl in the middle of the island and picking up a banana. “I’ll just have this if that’s ok?” she asked.

“Knock yourself out,” Jennie replied, lifting the sunglasses off her eyes and resting them on the top of her head, feeling a little better for the aspirin she’d taken. Chaeyoung made a face at Jennie’s choice of words but Lisa smiled at hearing them.

“Thanks,” Lisa replied bringing the banana closer to her, ready to open it. “Holy… shit,” she cursed suddenly as Jisoo poured the glass of cold water she’d been carrying over Lisa’s head as she passed her by. “Jisoo!” she protested as her friend returned to her previous seat. “I thought we had a ceasefire?”

“We did…whilst there was imminent danger to the food,” Jisoo replied.

“I’m still eating,” Lisa complained holding up her banana for emphasis.

“Oh sorry,” Jisoo said smirking. “I should have been clearer. I meant whilst there was imminent danger to my food.” She laughed and the rest of the girls joined in as Chaeyoung placed a sympathetic hand on Lisa’s shoulder. Lisa pouted, running her hand through her hair, her fingers getting tangled slightly.

“Aww…” Chaeyoung said leaning over and kissing Lisa on the lips. “Don’t pout,” she said kissing her again. “It makes me want to kiss you and that’s not fair.” She finished kissing her again.

Lisa’s mouth twitched into a reflexive smile for the briefest moment before she said; her face neutral, “In that case I’m going to pout all the time.” Lisa did as she promised and Chaeyoung really really tried to resist the urge to kiss her, personal stubbornness refusing to let Lisa and her adorable face win.

“God,” Chaeyoung finally groaned when the temptation became too much to bear. “Fine,” she relented, leaning forward to kiss Lisa again, this time lingering longer and deepening the kiss, the damp from Lisa’s face transferring to her own, drips of water trickling down Lisa’s forehead.

“You’re so whipped,” Jennie observed amused, a light laugh escaping her lips at the sight of the two of them.

“That’s Chaelisa, yo,” Jisoo said laughing. Chaeyoung turned to look at Jisoo, taking the banana which was still in Lisa’s hand and throwing it in the older girls’ direction as hard as she could. It collided with her face and Jisoo’s jaw dropped in disbelief.

“Hey,” Lisa protested, “I was going to eat that.

“Lisa,” Jisoo said standing up, “Say goodbye to your girlfriend.”

“Bye,” Lisa said nonchalantly as Chaeyoung also stood from her chair and copied Lisa’s defensive stance from earlier, holding up her hands in front of her.

“You’d let her kill me?” Chaeyoung asked Lisa and her girlfriend shrugged, reaching for another banana and peeling it slowly.

“I don’t think she’ll kill you,” Lisa repeated Chaeyoung’s earlier words back to her, taking a bite of her banana casually. “Plus, you did start it.”

“Listen Jisoo,” Chaeyoung said seriously, “let’s talk about this alright?”

“No,” Jisoo said simply making her way around the table with a canister of whipped cream. “Let’s do this.”

“Crap,” Chaeyoung said making a beeline for the kitchen door and escaping quickly, Jisoo following close behind her. Jennie lowered the sunglasses back over her eyes and groaned, leaning her head down onto her forearms on the table.

“Love you!” Lisa shouted after Chaeyoung smirking as she finished her banana, sharing an amused look with Somi who was shaking her head slightly from side to side, a large grin on her face.

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