Trials and Tribulations [Chae...

By sapphicrosie

187K 7.9K 3.1K

It's the first day of Chaeyoung's junior year of high school after a summer spent away at softball camp. By a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31 [M]
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39 [M]
Chapter 40
Chapter 41 [M]
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50 (part 1)
Chapter 50 (part 2)
Chapter 50 (part 3)
Chapter 50 (part 4) [M]
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61 [M]
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67 [M]
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82 (part 1)
Chapter 82 (part 2) [M]

Chapter 29

2K 103 62
By sapphicrosie

“Oh my God,” Jisoo said in disbelief the next day during home room. “Are you joking?”

“I wish I was joking,” Chaeyoung informed her seriously, casting a quick look at Lisa who was sat at a desk near the front of the room with Miss Bae. She was discussing a book which she had been reading at the suggestion of the teacher and although it had been hard going for Lisa, she had persevered and made herself a promise to read at least one chapter every night.

Lisa had gotten into Chaeyoung’s car this morning desperate to talk to Miss Bae about it, apparently having gotten to a really moving part yesterday. Chaeyoung had smiled at the look of pure joy and excitement on Lisa’s face as she’d thumbed through the book on their journey in this morning; stopping when she’d come to a page she’d read last night. Lisa had narrated her favourite paragraph out loud to Chaeyoung as she’d driven, repeating the words over and over, seemingly deriving some personal connection with the text.

“Kai walked in on the two of you…you know…doing things?” Jisoo asked still gobsmacked by the admittance, drawing Chaeyoung’s thoughts back to the current conversation and away from her girlfriend.

“It was nothing like that,” Chaeyoung quickly told Jisoo, glancing at Somi who had a smirk plastered on her face. “It was just…like…ok, so, there’s a G rated film right?” Chaeyoung started, holding out one hand for effect, “and then there’s NC17,” She said and Jisoo nodded her head. “We were like…a PG13.”

“A PG13?” Somi asked in an attempt to get further details.

“Yeah, you know,” Chaeyoung said, looking at her friend with a smile on her face, “partial nudity with some suggestive material…” Chaeyoung trailed off.

“Was there an intense sexual situation?” Somi asked mischievously, raising her eyebrow suggestively. Chaeyoung blushed at the recollection of the damp which she’d felt between her legs at the touch of Lisa’s lips against her chest and the feel of her girlfriends’ hand as it swept over the skin by the waist band of her jeans.

She swallowed hard, dropping her gaze to the desk in front of her for an instant before answering, “It definitely had…potential.”

“Ok,” Jisoo said making a face that told Chaeyoung she did not need the particulars. “So what happened after Kai walked in on you?”

“He told us not to stop on his account,” Chaeyoung informed them.

“Your brother is such a pervert,” Jisoo commented laughing.

“I don’t know,” Somi said teasingly, winking at Chaeyoung. “I wouldn’t have minded walking in on that.”

“Oh my God,” Jisoo said surprised at Somi’s words.

“Somi!” Chaeyoung protested.

“I’m only joking,” Somi said waving her hand in protest at Chaeyoung’s remonstration. “Besides, I’m not surprised you’re finally…experimenting?” Somi informed her, unsure of the right word to describe the change in their relationship. “I already thought that you guys were…you know…” she said leaving the insinuation unspoken, “I told you as much when I came around and found Lalisa in your clothes, remember?” she asked.

“What?” Jisoo asked. “When was this?”

“It was about a month ago,” Somi said turning to Jisoo. “Do you remember when they had that fight because of Rachel? It was back then.” She continued to explain. “Chaeyoung called me all agitated because Lalisa had walked off and left her standing in the parking lot of the police station looking like an idiot…”

“Hey,” Chaeyoung protested again but Somi continued regardless.

“I went round to her house,” Somi  told Jisoo, pointing at Chaeyoung with her thumb, “and found Lalisa dressed from head to foot in her clothes.”

“It wasn’t like that at all though,” Chaeyoung responded giving Somi a pointed lookSo“It was PG rated at best. Do you remember the awkward conversation that followed because of that?”

“Of course,” Somi chuckled recalling the conversation. “You two were so cute and innocent.”

“I’m glad that you found it entertaining,” Chaeyoung muttered amused. “God Somi, a little warning wouldn’t go amiss in future if you’re planning on embarrassing me completely.”

“Aww, you normally do such a good job of that yourself that I don’t ever have to embarrass you Chaeng,” Somi told her smiling brightly. “You can’t blame me for assuming things when you open the door looking all flustered and she looks like she’s just had a shower…”

“It was raining,” Chaeyoung said defensively.

“Ok moving on,” Jisoo said in an attempt to get them back on point. “So you’re brother came in, told you to carry on and then…what?” She asked.

“Then he vaguely threatened to tell my parents what he’d seen,” Chaeyoung told her.

“He didn’t though? Did he?” Somi asked her incredulous.

“No, thank God,” Chaeyoung said sighing at her good fortune. “My parents would never let Lisa back in my room again if they knew about what we were doing. They don’t mind kissing but…they draw the line at anything more than that.”

“So is your brother just really nice or did he make you pay for his silence?” Jisoo asked knowingly.

“He made me pay,” Chaeyoung groaned. “Let’s just say that I’m getting him a really great Christmas present.”

“Oh speaking of Christmas!” Somi said excitedly. “Are you and Lisa coming to the Winter Formal in a couple of weeks? Liam got our tickets yesterday.” Jisoo clapped her hands together equally as enthusiastic as Somi.

“Yes!” Jisoo said giving Chaeyoung a pointed look. “You and Lisa have to come together! You’ll be adorable and it’ll be so much fun! It’ll be the first dance I’ve gone to,” Jisoo shared with them. “Ezra is taking me,”

“Daniel is taking Jennie as well,” Somi added keenly. “If you guys come then we can all go together…”

“Lili and I aren’t going,” Chaeyoung interrupted her disappointed.

“What?” Somi said dissatisfied by Chaeyoung’s response. “Why aren’t you coming? You love going to the school dances.”

“I do,” Chaeyoung agreed, “but it’s not really Lisa’s thing…”

“I’ll talk to her,” Jisoo said as if that would be the magical solution to the problem.

“No, don’t do that!” Chaeyoung said quickly putting her hand up in front of her for effect. “I don’t want to put any pressure on her to go. I don’t mind, honestly.”

“Chaeyoung you have an out and proud, official, girlfriend for the first time in your high school career and you’re not going to take her to the dance?” Somi asked, still unimpressed.

“My girlfriend doesn’t like dances so it’s a little bit hard to take her to one” Chaeyoung replied simply.

“Chaeyoung, I’m sure if you ask her…” Somi began.

“No Somi I’m not going to ask her,” Chaeyoung cut her off, a stern edge to her voice. “Lisa doesn’t like them, alright? She never has. Now, what with the accident and everything she just, she likes them even less,” Chaeyoung paused for a minute changing tact. “I’m not going to make her feel guilty when she has legitimate reasons for not wanting to go, ok?”

“Well, what are her reasons?” Somi asked probingly.

“Do they matter?” Chaeyoung asked Somi.

“I suppose not,” Somi replied thoughtfully. “I’m just curious that’s all.”

“It’s because she can’t dance,” Jisoo said knowingly. “It’s why she never enjoyed them before. She was always worried about looking like an idiot and embarrassing herself.”

“Partly,” Chaeyoung admitted, “but, she’s not really into wearing heels and dresses either,” Chaeyoung told them, although she knew Jisoo was aware of that fact. “Now she’s got this complex about her scars,” Chaeyoung continued, “and with her coordination being like it is, I just…I really, really don’t want to force the issue, alright?” Somi glanced to the front of the class where Lisa was still talking with Miss Bae animatedly.

“Ok,” she conceded. “That’s fair. I just, I thought it would have been nice, you know? To have us all go together as a group.”

“Yeah, that’s cool Chaeyoung,” Jisoo agreed also looking in Lisa’s direction. “I won’t talk to her about it, ok? I promise. You’re right; it’s not fair to pressure her.”

“Thank you,” Chaeyoung said gratefully, pleased that they understood. “I hope you guys have a great time though.” She commented her voice taking on a happier tone. “I mean, take a lot of pictures for me, won’t you?”

“Sure,” Somi guaranteed, “definitely.”

“You’ll be sick of looking at them,” Jisoo chuckled.

“Will you guys do something else instead?” Somi asked Chaeyoung interestedly.

“I don’t know,” Chaeyoung replied. “We’ll probably just stay in and watch a movie or something,” she told them earnestly. Somi gave Chaeyoung a sympathetic look and put a hand on her shoulder as the bell rang to signal the end of home room. They all stood from their seats and collected their belongings as Lisa bounded over, book in hand, to walk with Chaeyoung to her next class as they always did.

“Hi,” she greeted, kissing Chaeyoung on the lips quickly before linking their arms together. “Can I walk you to class?” she asked happily.

“I’ll walk you to class,” Chaeyoung countered and Lisa pouted.

“You always walk me to class,” Lisa said. “Can’t it be my turn?”

“I walk you to class because I’m worried you won’t get there in one piece,” Chaeyoung joked teasing Lisa, who pouted in response to her girlfriend’s words.

“You really want to walk me to class that much?” Chaeyoung asked her laughing.

“Yeah,” Lisa told her cheerfully. “Can I?” Chaeyoung shook her head in amusement as Somi and Jisoo waved their goodbyes to the two of them. Lisa lifted her hand to reciprocate the farewell as Chaeyoung smiled at them, lifting her eyebrow slightly to acknowledge their departure. “Please?” Lisa pleaded, tugging on Chaeyoung’s arm slightly and drawing her attention back to her.

“Fine,” Chaeyoung relented. “Lead the way,” she laughed, gesturing to the doorway meaningfully. Lisa grinned widely before pulling on Chaeyoung’s arm and guiding her through the door into the hallway. Lisa walked Chaeyoung to her next period, leaving her at the door with the promise to miss her until they had math together in an hour. Chaeyoung kissed Lisa goodbye hurriedly in response before disappearing into the classroom, pausing briefly to look back over her shoulder as Lisa practically bounced along the hallway towards class.

She smiled at the knowledge that Lisa was in such a good mood today, her girlfriend finally appearing to be back to her normal self after a few difficult weeks. Chaeyoung pondered Somi and Jisoo’s suggestion to ask Lisa to attend the dance throughout the whole of her class, knowing that she was right not to pursue it but, admittedly, a little disappointed not to be going. There was nothing that Chaeyoung would have liked more than to go to the dance with Lisa and their friends.

She loved the idea of enjoying an evening with everyone, dancing and having fun; it was something which their group was in much need of after the difficulties of the last three weeks. Chaeyoung would have enjoyed the opportunity to finally be able to take a date to the dance, something which she’d never been able to do before. However, she knew that Lisa didn’t like school dances and she understood Lisa’s difficulties with her selfesteem. There was no way that Chaeyoung would risk the progress that Lisa had made in that area for the sake of a dance.

Chaeyoung sighed to herself as the bell rang and she made her way down the hallway to math where she found Lisa sitting at her usual desk awaiting her arrival.

“Hi,” she greeted animatedly as Chaeyoung sat down in the empty seat beside her. “Hi,” Chaeyoung replied, smiling brightly as she noted the sparkle in Lisa’s eyes which had been absent only this time last week. “You’re perky today,” Chaeyoung commented as Lisa had leant across the space between them and planted a quick kiss on her lips in greeting.

“I’m not allowed to be perky?” Lisa asked, frowning slightly in jest.

“No of course you are,” Chaeyoung replied grinning and reaching for Lisa’s left hand. “I love seeing you so happy…” Chaeyoung continued. Chaeyoung paused, her face furrowing in confusion at the unfamiliarity sensation that she felt as she took Lisa’s hand in her own. “Wait…” Chaeyoung said, lifting Lisa’s arm up in front of her slightly and examining it closely. “Where’s your splint?” Chaeyoung asked her concerned. “Did you break it again?” she asked, a small smile gracing her lips, recalling how clumsy Lisa could be. “No it’s not broken,” Lisa told her gladly.

“So then…where is it?” Chaeyoung asked puzzled.

“It’s in my locker,” Lisa informed her happily.

“Why?” Chaeyoung asked her. “Aren’t you supposed to wear it?”

“I thought I’d try the rest of the day without it,” Lisa said matter of factly. “You know, see how it goes.”

“You were wearing it earlier though weren’t you?” Chaeyoung asked trying to remember whether she’d had it in the car earlier.

“Yes,” Lisa replied, squeezing Chaeyoung’s hand.

“Ok good,” Chaeyoung said shaking her head a little, “I thought I was going crazy for a minute there.” Chaeyoung rotated Lisa’s hand so that the palm was facing up towards the ceiling and studied the thick, sinewy scar that crossed over her wrist to run up her forearm. “So, what bought this on?” Chaeyoung asked, her thumb tracing the pronounced ridge of the scar soothingly. “You’ve never tried to go a day without it before.”

“Well,” Lisa said, “My physical therapist told me a while back that I don’t really need to wear it anymore except overnight to prevent pins and needles, or if it’s really painful, but, I don’t know, I’d gotten so used to it that I was worried about taking it off completely.” Lisa shared. “What if I injure it again?”

“You didn’t wear it for our first date though,” Chaeyoung told her positively. “Do you remember? It was broken so you left it at home…”

“Yes,” Lisa replied, “I took it to my physical therapy appointment the next day and that’s when they told me I only really needed it at night.”

“So why the change of heart today?” Chaeyoung asked her intrigued. “What’s suddenly changed?”

“I don’t know,” Lisa admitted. “It just feels like it’s time, that’s all.” Chaeyoung smiled at Lisa as Mr Lee entered the room and approached the front of the class to take the lesson. People that didn’t know Lisa, that didn’t understand her difficulties, would not have noticed the subtle progress that she was making, the subtle changes in her behaviour. However, Chaeyoung saw every slight change, every minuscule development that Lisa made and she valued them greatly. The fact that Lisa was willing to trial a day at school without her splint, no prompting, was huge.

She’d initiated it, she’d made the decision herself and that was no small feat if you took everything into account. Lisa was actively involved in her recovery now, heeding the advice of her therapists and her doctors. Lisa was really making an effort and Chaeyoung appreciated the effect that it was having on her girlfriend. In only a week, she’d already made great advancements and Chaeyoung hoped that if she continued in this way, Lisa would continue to improve even further.

After what turned out to be a rather dull lesson covering quadratic equations, the bell rang and Chaeyoung stood from her chair, turning to Lisa to help her up out of her own by holding on to her hand. Lisa picked up her bag and returned her calculus textbook, pen and notepad inside, closing the zip once she was done.

“Here,” Chaeyoung said, holding her hand out expectantly. “Let me take that for you,” she offered and Lisa glanced between Chaeyoung’s hand and her backpack.

“No that’s ok,” Lisa said, swinging the bag onto her right shoulder. “I need to go and do something quickly before lunch.” She informed Chaeyoung. “I’ll meet you there alright?”

“I can come with you if you want?” Chaeyoung asked.

“I won’t be long,” Lisa promised, standing up onto her toes to kiss Chaeyoung on the lips, her left hand grasping Chaeyoung’s shirt.

“Ok,” Chaeyoung said smiling as their mouths parted. “I’ll save you a seat.”

“Or…don’t?” Lisa said playfully lifting one eyebrow suggestively. Chaeyoung’s face broke out into a broad grin and she leant forward to kiss Lisa again briefly.

“I don’t know what’s gotten in to you,” Chaeyoung told her seriously, “but I kind of like it.”

“I think it’s the drugs,” Lisa commented, twisting Chaeyoung’s shirt in her hand.

“Yeah well whatever it is,” Chaeyoung said twirling a strand of Lisa’s hair between her fingertips. “It suits you Lili.” Lisa smiled before kissing Chaeyoung quickly on the lips again.

“Thanks,” Lisa said gratefully, stepping passed Chaeyoung slightly, her hand lingering on her girlfriends’ shirt longer than necessary. “I’ll see you in five minutes ok?”

“Ok,” Chaeyoung said laughing. “If you’re not back I’ll send a search party out to look for you.” Lisa stuck out her tongue in response as she finally released Chaeyoung’s shirt and made her way to the door. She disappeared into the hallway, leaving Chaeyoung behind her as she quickly made her way down towards the main school office.

“Sorry,” Lisa apologised, coming to an abrupt stop as someone stepped out in front of her, blocking her path. “Hey, look who it is,” he said, his voice filled with malevolence.

“La….La…Lalisa,” Loren finished, faking a stutter, his friends laughing around him. “Or should I say psycho now?” he asked, casting a look over his shoulder at them for support. “That was some serious Girl, Interrupted crap you pulled in the cafeteria last week La…Lalisa,” he continued. “You shouldn’t even be allowed to walk around the hallways on your own. What if you hurt someone?” he went on tauntingly. “It’s kind of irresponsible of the school, don’t you think?”

“Listen…” Lisa started, trying to move around him but failing as he followed her, obstructing her path.

“No you listen,” Loren said his voice serious. “Do you know how much shit I got in because of you? My dad fucking grounded me for a week when he found out I’d had detention.”

“I need to be somewhere,” Lisa said, dropping her gaze to the floor and flinching slightly as Loren stepped even closer into her personal space.

“Tough,” Loren said placing a hand on her shoulder. “I’m talking to you and I say you owe me…”

“Look I have to go,” Lisa interceded quietly, trying to turn around to head back in the direction she came but stopping when Loren gripped on to her shoulder harder.

“I let it drop before because I knew that Miss Bae was watching me closely,” Loren told her, turning Lisa back around to face him, “but don’t think this is over Manoban,” he went on, the threat in his voice evident.

“I don’t…” Lisa started but this time he cut her off. “If you even think of talking to a teacher,” he said lowering his voice, “I swear I’ll make your life a misery,” he finished, his voice harsh.

“Leave her the fuck alone, would you Loren?” someone said from the back of the group and Lisa watched as Rachel pushed her way through to the front. She placed her hand onto the arm he still had firmly fixed on Lisa’s shoulder and disengaged it, pushing him back away from her.

“Oh, come on Rach,” Loren said lifting his hands up in front of himself defensively. “Don’t be a spoilt sport. Just because you’re crushing on her…”

“Ok, fuck off,” Rachel said pushing him back a little firmer and he laughed, lifting his hand up and lowering it again flippantly.

“Whatever,” he said, stepping past Lisa. “See you around Manoban,” he called over his shoulder as he left, the rest of his friends following behind him.

“Are you alright?” Rachel asked Lisa, genuine concern in her voice. “Just ignore him.” She said. “He’s an asshole.”

“I should go,” Lisa said, shifting the weight of her bag on her shoulder. “Thanks though,” she said as she made a move to leave. Rachel grasped her elbow to stop her, running around to be at her side once again.

“You’ve been avoiding me,” Rachel said making a point of meeting Lisa’s eyes with a smirk on her lips. Lisa pulled her arm out of Rachel’s grip, tucking it into her side.

“Look…” Lisa started, not wanting to be rude, but eager to get to the office and back to Chaeyoung as soon as possible.

“No listen,” Rachel said stepping closer to Lisa, invading her personal space as Loren had done before. This time however, it didn’t feel threatening, it felt intimate and awkward. “I haven’t seen you around much since I saw you and the rest of your friends at Jimmy’s diner,” she continued. “Is everything alright?”

“Fine,” Lisa said turning to leave again.

“Good,” Rachel said reaching for her arm again to stop her. “It’s just I was worried…” She shared. “I admit that I was just trying to get in between you and Chaeyoung before, alright?” she went on, “I wasn’t over her, but, after seeing you in the diner that day…” She paused for a minute and Lisa met her gaze, pulling her arm back out of the other girls’ hold once more. “That was…that…, God, that was hot,” she finally settled on. “You’re hot…I didn’t really see the attraction for Chaeyoung before…I was just messing with you when I said I liked you, but, wow…” she said recalling the kiss Lisa had given Chaeyoung in the booth. “Now I do.”

“I really need to go,” Lisa said as she turned and walked away. This time Rachel let her leave, admiring the view her departure afforded as she watched Lisa disappear along the hallway. Rachel tilted her head slightly, biting her bottom lip. When Lisa had vanished out of sight, she turned, hit the nearby locker with her hand lightly and made her way to the cafeteria for lunch.

About ten minutes later, after having finally achieved the task that she’d originally set out to; Lisa entered the cafeteria and made her way over to where Chaeyoung and the rest of the girls’ were sitting.

“Guess who?” she said, a smile on her lips as she walked up behind Chaeyoung and placed her hands over her girlfriends eyes, glad to be back in her presence.

“I don’t know,” Chaeyoung replied feigning obliviousness. “Give me a clue.” She prompted. Lisa smiled at the playful tone in Chaeyoung’s voice and lowered herself onto the bench beside Chaeyoung, straddling it so that she was side on, her hands still covering her girlfriends’ eyes. She leant forward, bringing their lips together in a light, soft kiss.

“Hmm…” Chaeyoung said pretending to ponder the dilemma. “No, I have no idea.” She said, one corner of her mouth curving up. “Give me another hint.” she suggested. Lisa leant forward again, kissing Chaeyoung softly at first and then deepening it greedily, her tongue licking Chaeyoung’s bottom lip before it pushed into her mouth to meet her girlfriends’. Lisa opened her mouth wider to suck on Chaeyoung’s bottom lip, her hands moving down from where they’d been sat to cup each side of Chaeyoung’s face. They remained there as Lisa pulled back, separating the two of them.

“Oh,” Chaeyoung said, opening her eyes, a broad grin etched on her features. “Lili, it’s you.” Lisa hit her playfully on the arm and spun around on the bench so that she was no longer straddling it. She glanced over the table at Jisoo who dramatically dropped her sandwich onto the hard surface as if she was about to be sick as a result of what she’d just witnessed. Lisa laughed heartily, causing her friend to smile and pick it back up again, taking another huge bite once she’d lifted it to her mouth.

Lisa found her eyes straying over Jisoo’s shoulder to Rachel, who was sat watching her attentively from where she sat across the cafeteria, evidently having watched the little display. Lisa dropped her gaze back to the table before turning to look up at Chaeyoung who’d placed an arm around her shoulder, pulling her into a hug.

“You were gone a while,” she commented. “I was really starting to consider sending out that search party we discussed.”

“Sorry,” Lisa apologised sincerely. “I got caught up.”

“With what?” Chaeyoung asked sensing her discomfort. “Is everything alright?”

“I ran into Loren in the hallway,” she confessed to Chaeyoung honestly, “and Rachel.” She finished.

“What?” Chaeyoung said, lifting her head to look over to where they were usually sat. “Are you ok?” she asked looking back at Lisa.

“I’m fine,” Lisa said placing a hand on Chaeyoung’s to calm her. “Did he do anything to you?” Chaeyoung asked, evidently angry.

“Did Rachel? I swear Lili I’ll fucking kill them…”

“Me too,” Jisoo agreed.

“Hell, even I’ll kill him,” Somi added.

“It’s ok,” Lisa told them, “I promise, alright?” she addressed to Chaeyoung who was watching her closely.

“Are you sure?” Chaeyoung asked unconvinced.

“Yeah,” Lisa told her. “You’re going to tell Miss Bae right?” Chaeyoung questioned. Lisa hesitated for a moment and Chaeyoung groaned. “Lili,” she said, “you have to tell her.”

“It was nothing,” Lisa replied not wanting to give Loren any more of a reason to get on her case. “When it is, I’ll tell her.” Chaeyoung studied her for a moment before kissing her on the forehead.

“Fine,” Chaeyoung allowed, “but, the next time he says or does anything to you, you have to tell her,” Chaeyoung continued. “Deal?”

“Deal,” Lisa agreed.

“Good,” Chaeyoung responded. “Now, where did you go anyway?”

“Ahh,” Lisa said, reaching into her back pocket and pulling out two small pieces of lightweight card. She fanned them out and held them up for Chaeyoung to see.

“What are they?” Chaeyoung asked confused, Lisa’s hand obscuring her view.

“Well,” Lisa said smiling, “I wondered whether you would consider coming to the winter formal with me?” she asked rubbing the two tickets together in her hands.

“Oh my God!” Jisoo said clapping her hands together as Somi put a hand on to the other girls shoulder in excitement.

“Lisa,” Chaeyoung said looking at her in disbelief. “You got us tickets to the Winter formal?”

“Yeah,” Lisa said lowering the tickets in response to the look on Chaeyoung’s face. “Don’t you want to go?” She asked the rejection clear in her voice.

“Of course she wants to go!” Jennie pitched in. “Right Chaeng?” she asked.

“I…” Chaeyoung began only to find that she was speechless.

“Chaeng?” Somi prompted her friend.

“I thought it would be fun,” Lisa said uncertainly. “We don’t have to though…”

“Did Jisoo put you up to this?” Chaeyoung asked, glaring at Jisoo momentarily.

“Jisoo?” Lisa asked confused. “No.”

“Really?” Chaeyoung asked suspiciously.

“I haven’t even spoken to Jisoo about it,” Lisa answered truthfully.

“What about these two?” Chaeyoung asked pointing between Somi and Jennie.

“What about them?” Lisa asked.

“Did they ask you to do this?” Chaeyoung questioned.

“No!” Somi protested as Lisa also responded, “No,” Lisa shook her head slightly. “I’m sorry, I thought that you wanted to go but…I can take them back…”

“Wait so you’re really asking me?” Chaeyoung queried puzzled.

“Yes,” Lisa answered.

“Really?” Chaeyoung asked, her lips forming a hopeful smile.

“Yes,” Lisa repeated, lifting up the tickets again to show them to her. Chaeyoung’s smile grew even wider and she took them from Lisa’s hands to study them in her own.

“Lili I thought you hated dances,” Chaeyoung said, lifting her gaze to meet her girlfriends’.

“Well, the word hate might be a little bit strong…” Lisa commented. “They’ve just never really been my thing before.”

“So then why are you asking me?” Chaeyoung questioned still in shock at the offer.

“Well,” Lisa said as though it were simple, “because they’re your thing.” Chaeyoung leant forward and kissed Lisa, pulling her body close, her arms wrapped around her shoulders.

“You’re amazing,” Chaeyoung told her as she relaxed her hold. “You’d go to the dance for me?” she asked.

“No,” Lisa said smiling. “I’d go to the dance with you, there’s a difference.”

“You’ll dance?” Chaeyoung asked her smiling.

“I’ll try,” Lisa laughed and Chaeyoung felt her face start to ache from the smile that was plastered there. “I’ll even wear a dress,” Lisa told her seriously, “I’m not so sure about the heels though…”

“I don’t care about the heels,” Chaeyoung replied deadly serious. “You could wear your crocs for all I care.”

“See its moments like this which make me ship Chaelisa so hard,” Jisoo commented to Somi and Jennie from her position across the table. She turned back to face Lisa as she said, “Lisa would you just stop being such an adorable girlfriend please? My chest is hurting right now because of you…”

“I think that’s heartburn,” Lisa joked, recalling how Jisoo had been shovelling her sandwich down only moments ago.

“I think it’s you two being fucking precious,” Jisoo countered. “Oh God, I just can’t…” Lisa felt Chaeyoung put a hand on her arm and turned to face her.

“Are you sure about this?” Chaeyoung asked, still not quite believing it. Lisa rolled her eyes playfully and leant forward, kissing Chaeyoung again, her hand finding the side of Chaeyoung’s neck, her thumb rubbing the curve of her jaw soothingly.

“I’m sure,” Lisa said; their faces mere inches apart as she locked eyes with Chaeyoung. “I wouldn’t have bought them otherwise.”

“I don’t want you to feel like you have to tho…” Chaeyoung began but Lisa leant forward and kissed her again, silencing her.

“I. Love. You.” Lisa said simply, emphasizing each word and smiling. She heard Jisoo say, ‘Kill me now,’ from where she was sat opposite but continued on regardless. “I want to take you to the dance because you want to go,” Lisa told her truthfully. “I want to go because all of our friends are going and it’ll be fun. Plus, I’ll get to have an amazing time with my girlfriend,” she said, rubbing the side of Chaeyoung’s cheek with the pad of her thumb. “I want to go because it’ll make you happy,” Lisa continued, “and I want that more than anything.”

“Ok,” Jisoo said seriously, “I actually think I’m having a heart attack,” she reached for Somi’s hand and put it over her chest dramatically. “Look, can you feel that?” she asked Somi. “It’s not normal right?” Lisa turned and made a face at Jisoo’s words before turning back to Chaeyoung who was still grinning broadly.

“You always compromise for me,” Lisa continued, taking one of Chaeyoung’s hands in her own. “It’s my turn to compromise for a change.”

“Jesus Chaeyoung,” Jisoo breathed from across the table. “Would you just accept her offer and kiss the crap out of her already? This is all getting too much for me.” Lisa threw Jisoo another look, but Chaeyoung smiled, more than willing to follow Jisoo’s advice.

“Of course I’ll go to the dance with you Lili,” Chaeyoung accepted, biting her lip shyly.

“You will?” Lisa asked pleased, her voice soft.

“I will,” Chaeyoung nodded leaning forward and kissing Lisa on the lips, her hand finding its way up to the back of Lisa’s neck and holding on to the dark locks of hair there. Chaeyoung’s other hand entwined fingers with Lisa’s in their laps and she sighed contentedly as Lisa pulled back to separate their mouths again.

“I love you,” Chaeyoung told her, noticing that Rachel was watching them out of the corner of her eye, from where she sat at a table behind Jisoo. Lisa smiled at Chaeyoung’s words and kissed her again.

“That’s it,” Lisa heard Jisoo comment. “It’s official. I’m dead.” Lisa laughed into Chaeyoung’s lips before leaning back and turning towards Jisoo quickly, throwing the nearest thing to hand that she could find at her; a candy bar.

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