Steven Universe: The Return...

By Marcos_17A

36.9K 681 48

It's been about a year since Steven embarked on a journey of self-discovery across the country, also since he... More

1. The Return
2. Relaxing Day
3. Attack On Homeworld
4. Tagged
5. Scold
6. Gems Out
7. Problems
8. Pink Again
9. Revelation
10. It's Your Fault
11. Unexpected Call
12. Let's Go To Homeworld
13. Other Matters
14. Gems Rejuvenation
15. New Era
16. Outburst
17. Scars
18. Escape Attempt
19. I'll Be Back
20. A Plan Is Needed
21. Rules
22. To Each Their Own Plans
23. The Best Opportunity
24. Here We Are
25. The Rescue
26. Classic Drama
27. Independence
28. Wrong Way
29. Made Of Love
30. Found Out
31. Water Fight
32. Failed Attempt
33. Her Bad Experiences
34. Quartz Battle
35. Stubborn
36. Retreat
37. Communication Cut Off.
38. They Know Everything
39. Can't Bear It Anymore
40. Unwind
41. Just Around The Corner
42. Head On
43. Taking Risks
44. Stealth
45. Burden
46. Waiting Is The Worst Part
47. Time To Pay
48- The Most Powerful Form
49. Presence
50- Got Out Of Hand
51- Pressure
52- Destruction
53- Brute Strength
54- Past Pains
55- One More Piece
56. Alone No More
57. See You Never
58. Different Circumstances
59. Hassle
60- Bad Friends
61- Can't Forget
62- Diamond Power
63- The Past Is Past
64- Don't Leave Me
65- Dawn On
66- Where Is She?
67- Save Gems
68- It's Getting Away
69- Under Control
70- Worthless
71- Perfection
72. Flaws
74. The Perfect Diamond
75. Human Being
76. The End Light
77. Stroke Of Luck
78- In Need Of Help
79- We'll Not Abandon You
80- Together 'Till The End
81- Just A Distraction
82- Regret
83- The Incinerator
84- End Of The Line
85- Steven Falls
86- My Other Self
87- Misused
88- Self-Love
89- What Happened To Them?
90- Is Everything Fine?
91- Freedom
92- Conclusion
93- New Changes
94- Second Chance
95- Good Progress
96- Irredeemable?
97- Sooner Or Later
98- What Should I Do?
99- So We Can Be Together
100- In The Future

73. Trust

177 4 0
By Marcos_17A

Emerald: I don't care what happens!!

[Emerald holds out her arm, pointing at Homeworld, consequently, so do the Diamonds.]

Emerald: I'll destroy everything and everyone on this planet!!

[Just then, Steven manages to get out of the ship with one of his bubbles around his head, emulating a space helmet.]

Steven: *shouts out* Emerald, don't do it!!

Emerald: Huh? *turns around* You're here!

Steven: Please stop!

Emerald: *furiously* LEAVE ME ALONE!

Steven: I won't let you ruin your life!

Emerald: My life is already ruined because of YOU!!

Steven: Of course not! You just have to change your mind!

Emerald: I don't need to!

Steven: I understand perfectly how you feel! Believe me, it is normal to be afraid!

Emerald: I-I'm not afraid!

Steven: Yes, you are!

Emerald: ...

Steven: Look, I know that starting a new path is scary, and that any change can be hard to accept!

Emerald: ...

Steven: But it's a natural part of life itself!

Emerald: NO, IT'S NOT!!!

Steven: We can't be afraid of change. You may feel very secure in the pond that you are in, but if you never venture out of it, you will never know that there is such a thing as an ocean, a sea.

Emerald: What a stupid thing!

Steven: Growth is painful. Change is painful. But nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don't belong. *walks up to Emerald*

Emerald: *backs up a little* STAY AWAY!!

Steven: All changes are difficult at the beginning, confusing in the middle, but beautiful in the end.

[Steven stands in front of her.]

Steven: It's quite amazing how your life can change when you decide to change a thought.

Emerald: Every great change brings great chaos! Don't you remember what happened when you dethroned the Diamonds, the most powerful beings in the universe!? Commotion, fear, confusion, disorder, furor, uproar, turmoil, riots! Total chaos throughout the universe for weeks! And all because of your damned change!

Steven: Yes, I know. But you're forgetting that the chaos died down when the Diamonds and I cleared up the situation, yet we decided to build Little Homeschool, a place where confused and lost Gems without the Diamonds' direction can find something better to do with their lives. They all liked the changes I brought to the universe and welcomed them, why didn't you?

Emerald: ...

[A bewildered Emerald ponders on her own.]

Steven: I helped many Gems get out of the bad life they were leading. It's not too late for you, Emerald. You can start rectifying your actions here and now. *holds out his hand* Come on, take my hand, let's fix this mess together.

Emerald: ...

[Emerald doesn't answer him, she stays silent, pondering on her own.]

Steven: I'll explain your situation to everyone, and I'm sure they'll understand. You won't be alone in this, Emerald.

Emerald: ... *sighs* Fine...

[Emerald, still hesitating, takes Steven's hand.]

Emerald: I'll do what you say, Steven.

Steven: Wise decision, Emerald. This is your big chance to grow, you'll see it's worth the risk.

Emerald: ...

Steven: Change can be scary at first, but every change is good, no matter how small. You'll get used to it sooner or later, I promise.

Emerald: Steven.

Steven: Yes, Emerald?

Emerald: May I tell you something?

Steven: Yeah, sure, what is it?

Emerald: Thank you very much.

[Steven smiles a warm smile.]

Steven: Don't mention it, it's what I do.

Emerald: *smirks evilly* Thank you for being a total moron, Steven Universe!

Steven: *confused* Huh?!

[Emerald immediately squeezes Steven's hand hard, making his bones creak, ensuring a good grip.]

Steven: *in pain* AHHH!! Wh-what are you doing?! Let go of my hand!

Emerald: You let your guard down!

Steven: Cut this out! You're hurting me!

[Steven says as he struggles to break free of Emerald's grasp.]

Emerald: *chuckles evilly* Farewell!!

[Emerald uses White Diamond's powers and fires a white energy beam at Steven.]

Steven: NO!!

[Steven fails to dodge and gets hit by White Diamond's Gem control beam.]

Steven: *in pain* Y-You tricked me!

[Steven's gemstone turns green, and this color begins to spread throughout his body.]

Emerald: *chuckles* You shouldn't put your trust in just anyone so lightly, especially in a world where you can't even trust your own shadow. Let that be a lesson to you.

[Steven activates his pink state and resists being controlled by Emerald, but the green color increasingly spreads throughout his body.]

Pink Steven: *struggling* Grrr! I-I've gotta... be able to... hold out!! *he says as he writhes in pain*

Emerald: Don't hold a grudge, okay? You brought this upon yourself. Listening to your nonsense gets on anyone's nerves.

Pink Steven: *pants heavily* Sh-shut up!!

Emerald: You know, I thought you came here to take me down or something, but you just made a fool of yourself. *chuckles tauntingly* Did you seriously believe I would have the slightest bit of hesitation after all that I've done? You poor fool.

[Steven, using his pink powers, does his best not to give in and let himself be controlled by Emerald.]

Pink Steven: *in anguish* I-I-I can't give up now, everyone trusts me!

Emerald: *laughs* Oh yeah? How stupid. Trust is fragile, something like that is worthless. Don't you see? Trust will only bring you misery.

Pink Steven: Huh?!

Emerald: Everyone trusts you to save them again, don't they? But what if you fail? Do you think everything will stay the same? Of course it won't.

Pink Steven: N-not true!

Emerald: Is that so? I doubt it. Say, how do you feel about me right now? You don't hate me? I mean, you trusted me and what happened? I betrayed you.

Pink Steven: ...

Emerald: "That damn Gem, I hate her! Why did I do it, why did I trust her?" That's what you're thinking, isn't it? *chuckles* It's not the same case with your friends, though. If you fail, the trust they had in you will disappear, giving way to disappointment and then hatred, am I right?

Pink Steven: No, you obviously are not!

Emerald: *chuckles* Are you absolutely sure, Steven?

Pink Steven: ...

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