Trials and Tribulations [Chae...

By sapphicrosie

187K 7.9K 3.1K

It's the first day of Chaeyoung's junior year of high school after a summer spent away at softball camp. By a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31 [M]
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39 [M]
Chapter 40
Chapter 41 [M]
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50 (part 1)
Chapter 50 (part 2)
Chapter 50 (part 3)
Chapter 50 (part 4) [M]
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61 [M]
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67 [M]
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82 (part 1)
Chapter 82 (part 2) [M]

Chapter 13

3.4K 142 51
By sapphicrosie

Chaeyoung woke a few hours later, Lisa's small form still tucked closely into her side, her left arm draped across Chaeyoung's lap, her head resting on Chaeyoung's abdomen. Chaeyoung found that her own arms were wrapped loosely around Lisa's shoulders, her left hand feeling numb after the way it had been positioned whilst they slept, Lisa's shoulder pressing into one of the nerves. Chaeyoung lifted her arm off of Lisa, wriggling her fingers slowly, opening and closing her fist in an attempt to restore some sensation to the extremity.

She grimaced slightly at the pins and needles which spread throughout her arm, the feeling uncomfortable and peculiar. Chaeyoung wondered whether this was how Lisa's left hand felt all the time and glanced down at where it lay across her lap, her splint, as always, in situ. Chaeyoung stayed as she was for a while longer, admiring Lisa's sleeping form in her arms and smiling contentedly to herself. She'd never thought of herself as being lucky before, but, lying with Lisa, the knowledge that she was willing to give them a chance, made Chaeyoung feel especially lucky.

She honestly couldn't think of a single deed big enough to justify that kind of karma, but, she was grateful for it all the same. After Lisa had stirred awake, the two of them had sat and watched some cartoons on the TV fixed to the bedroom wall for a while. Lisa who was still tired from both a lack of sleep last night and her seizure a few days ago had drifted in and out of sleep numerous times.

Each time, Chaeyoung had chuckled to herself at the discovery that she was in fact talking to absolutely noone, her once captive audience instead unconscious and snoring lightly. Finally Lisa had woken up properly and together they'd made their way over to Jennie's house for their regular Wednesday night custom of movies and food. It had been nice to get back to some normality after the events of the last few days and the teasing jokes had started almost as soon as Chaeyoung had entered Jennie's room.

As always, Lisa remained highly oblivious to Chaeyoung's plight as the other girls, particularly Jennie and Jisoo, asked her repetitively why she'd not come back to school, raising their eyebrows suggestively as they did so. For her part, Lisa had responded matter of factly to the girls' questions, missing the subtle insinuations completely and stating that she'd asked Chaeyoung to stay with her before revealing that they'd then fallen asleep together on the bed.

Chaeyoung had blushed profusely at Lisa's words and the teasing only intensified as a result. Eventually, after what had seemed like an eternity, they'd settled down to watch the movie in Jennie's lounge, Jisoo lying on her front on the floor, Somi and Jennie sat with their backs against the couch. Lisa and Chaeyoung had occupied the couch itself, behaving for the most part as they normally did, nothing much really changing in their personal relationship except an exponential increase in the physical contact that they shared.

There was of course the addition of what was soon becoming one of Chaeyoung's favourite things to do with Lisa, kissing. Lisa might not have had much experience when it came to kissing, but, Chaeyoung would gladly admit that she was definitely the best kissing partner that she'd ever had.

Lisa remained off school again the following day, having to go to the hospital for an appointment with her neurologist to review both her ongoing progress after the accident but also how she was after the seizure she'd had. He'd reviewed her medication and encouraged Lisa to wear a medical alert bracelet in the event that she should have another seizure in the future.

Chaeyoung hadn't been able to see Lisa at all Thursday evening because of her commitment to softball after school and her dad taking everyone out for dinner to celebrate his new promotion at work in the evening but she'd kept in contact through text, asking her how her appointment had gone and if she was feeling better. Chaeyoung had even called Lisa to check in with her before she went to bed after returning home from the restaurant, eagerly anticipating their reunion the next day at school.

Chaeyoung stood waiting at Lisa's locker at the start of lunch, eating a granola bar as a way to appease the constant complaints from her stomach until she was able to sit down properly and eat with the others. She was leaning on the lockers with her right elbow, facing down the hall in the direction of Lisa's geography class and stood up when she saw her round the corner and approach where she stood loitering. Lisa raised her eyebrow slightly in greeting but said nothing, instead turning l to her locker and opening it with some difficulty.

Chaeyoung noted that Lisa still looked tired but was glad to see that it was nowhere near as much as she had done on Wednesday. Her eyes were no longer surrounded by heavy bags and her complexion had returned to its healthier looking natural hue but, her eyes looked dark and moody, her face somewhat sullen.

"What's wrong?" Chaeyoung asked her concerned, Lisa's lack of verbal greeting worrying her a little. Lisa opened her bag and reached in to pull out a couple of textbooks, unburdening them in her locker out of the way.

"Well," Lisa started throwing a container of her painkillers into the locker carelessly. "Firstly, I told my parents about us yesterday."

"You what?" Chaeyoung asked panic stricken.

"Don't worry," Lisa told her, a small smile creeping onto her lips for the first time since she'd arrived. "It's fine. At this point I think they're so happy that I'm alive they'd probably let me date a seventy year old man if I wanted to." Lisa scrunched her nose up at the thought, her words finally registering in her own head.

"Gross," she commented taking out one of her workbooks that she'd need this afternoon, evidently imagining the scenario in her head. "Anyway, they weren't exactly thrilled but they aren't against it so, I guess that's something right?" Lisa reached into her locker searching around for another container of tablets which she had to take over lunch, and struggling to grasp them in her hands as she continued.

"The only thing is that we have to leave my bedroom door open when you're around without the other girls," Lisa informed her. "I mean, I don't know what they think we could possibly get up hands don't work properly." Chaeyoung almost choked on her granola bar at Lisa's words.

"Jesus Lalisa," she managed to splutter through a coughing fit.

"What?" Lisa asked innocently, pausing what she was doing for a moment to look at Chaeyoung, genuinely not understanding what she'd said.

"Did you even mean to say that?" Chaeyoung asked her Incredulously.

"Say what?" Lisa replied confused.

"Do you even know what you said?" Chaeyoung asked her laughing slightly at the puzzled expression on Lisa's face. "About your hands." She clarified continuing when Lisa remained just as perplexed. "That they don't work properly."

"They don't work properly." Lisa replied seriously. Chaeyoung chuckled at Lisa's obliviousness to what she'd said. Jisoo had once told Chaeyoung that this sometimes happened after her accident and it had occasionally led to some hilarious comments that had left her laughing for hours and Lisa looking completely baffled.

Apparently, Lisa her attention poor since her head injury would be thinking about a few things in her head at once and from time to time, as she vocalised these out loud, she'd occasionally just merge two thoughts together. Chaeyoung assumed that this is what had just happened with Lisa discussing her parents thoughts about the change in their relationship and struggling to get hold of her medication in her locker at the same time.

"It wasn't so much what you said," Chaeyoung told her lightly, "It was more what you insinuated."

"What did I insinuate?" Lisa asked, still watching Chaeyoung, her medication momentarily forgotten.

"You know what, never mind" Chaeyoung laughed. Lisa shrugged in response and went back to searching for her medication. "So if it's not your parents that are the problem," Chaeyoung started.

"Then what is?" Lisa finally found the container she was looking for and threw it into her bag before pulling out a scrunched up piece of paper and handing it to Chaeyoung.

"Is this your math quiz from last week?" Chaeyoung asked her, glancing over the page in her hands and noticing the large 'F' written in the corner with red marker pen.

"Yes," Lisa told her doing her bag up and placing it on the floor as she turned to look at Chaeyoung who stood watching her. "I failed it." She finished frustrated. Chaeyoung examined the page in her hands closely and frowns.

"Lalisa half the questions aren't even answered." Chaeyoung stated pointedly. "What happened? You know this stuff; we studied for the test together last week. You helped me."

"I know," Lisa groaned clearly annoyed at herself, closing her locker firmly. "I took AP calculus last year. This isn't even any new material. I've studied a lot of it before."

"So what happened?" Chaeyoung asked again. "Did you have a headache?"

"No," Lisa told her honestly, "I just couldn't concentrate properly."

"Well, surely the person that scribed for you could tell Mr Lee that." Chaeyoung offered, "perhaps he'll let you do a makeup test after school in one of your sessions with Miss Bae?"

"Maybe," Lisa noted as she leant her left shoulder against her locker to face Chaeyoung properly. "I just hate using my disability as an excuse though."

"It's not an excuse if it's true Lalisa." Chaeyoung told her earnestly.

"Yeah but still..." Lisa started, "If I keep using it as an excuse, what is there to make me actually do any work? I could just ride out the rest of high school, using my disability as an excuse for everything, never completing assignments or finishing projects."

"That isn't you and you know it." Chaeyoung responded. "The teachers here know that too. Lalisa, everyone can see how hard you work. If there's a chance that he'll let you resit the test then surely the least you can do is ask?"

"Fine," Lisa said, "I'll ask alright?"

"So is that it then?" Chaeyoung asked her. "That's why you look so miserable to be here."

"No it's not just that," Lisa told Chaeyoung, her arms crossed in front of her.

"What else is it then?" Chaeyoung asked her interestedly.

"It's just, I hate everyone looking at me all the time," Lisa admitted. "People have been doing it all day, it's like I'm a leper or something." Chaeyoung smiled at Lisa sadly, placing a comfortingly hand on top of her shoulder.

"Just ignore them," Chaeyoung offered encouragingly.

"Easier said than done," Lisa commented. "Are they like this with you as well?"

Chaeyoung thought about her question for a moment before answering, "No."

"So it's the seizure then," Lisa thought out loud obviously thinking it had been about the kiss they'd shared in the quad yesterday. "You know it wasn't like this when I first came back to school after the accident." She went on.

"Yeah but it's different when people can see it Lili," Chaeyoung expressed, the nickname rolling off her tongue without a second thought. Lisa smiled at the sound of it as Chaeyoung continued. "It's one thing to hear about your accident but, they weren't there, so they don't really understand what happened but, they saw you have a seizure, maybe not the whole thing but, Miss Bae was really worried about you," she paused momentarily to allow her words to sink in. "It probably just freaked them out that's all. Miss Bae is normally so calm and composed it probably just scared everyone. They'll get over it in a few days and move onto something else."

"I hope so," Lisa replied. "I hate being the centre of attention." Lisa bent to pick up her bag but struggled to hold it properly, her left arm still sore from the other day.

"Here let me take that for you," Chaeyoung offered holding out her hand readily.

"You don't have to," Lisa said still struggling to lift her bag off the floor.

"I know I don't have to," Chaeyoung told her bending down to retrieve the bag herself, "but I want to alright? Besides, isn't this what people do for the people they're taking it slow with? You know, act all chivalrous and gallant." Lisa smiled at Chaeyoung's words as she placed Lisa's bag over her shoulder.

"I suppose," Lisa said standing up straight, her shoulder coming away from the locker she'd been leaning on. Chaeyoung smiled back at Lisa just as someone collided with the back of her as they ran past carelessly, sending her flying into the smaller girls side and Lisa into the locker forcefully.

"Hey, watch where you're going!" Chaeyoung shouted after him as she regained her balance and stood up straight again, "Asshole!" She added for good measure before turning around to face Lisa who was clutching her left wrist, a grimace on her face. "Shit," she mumbled between gritted teeth.

"Are you alright?" Chaeyoung asked concerned dropping the bags on the floor at her feet and stepping closer to Lisa.

"Yeah," Lisa told her grimacing once more, "I'm sure it's just from the bruising."

"Here, let me look," Chaeyoung requested. Lisa lifted her left arm up for Chaeyoung to inspect and she takes it gently in her own, removing the splint carefully. Chaeyoung notes the dark purple bruising now flecked with traces of green across the back of Lisa's wrist, extending into her forearm. "Can you move it?" Chaeyoung asked her meeting her gaze. Lisa winced as she moved her wrist back and forth slightly. She paused a moment before wiggling her fingers, testing their flexibility. "Perhaps you should get it checked out." Chaeyoung suggested.

"No," Lisa replied quickly. "It'll be fine."

"Why not?" Chaeyoung asked, "There's no harm in getting it checked out."

"It's probably just a sprain." Lisa told her.

"You hate medical professionals that much?" Chaeyoung asked lightly.

"I've had my fair share of them over the last few months," Lisa responds only half joking. "They're nice and everything, but, yeah, I've had enough of them."

"Here," Chaeyoung said lifting Lisa's wrist to her lips and kissing it lightly. Lisa smiled at the gesture.

"What are you doing?" Lisa asked her laughing in amusement.

"Trying to make it feel better." Chaeyoung informed her. "Did that help?"

Lisa pondered the question for a minute before saying, "I'm not sure. Maybe you should try it again?" Chaeyoung smiled before kissing Lisa's wrist once more.

"Oh yeah," Lisa started playfully, "it does kind of make it feel better you know."

"What about now?" Chaeyoung asked before kissing Lisa firmly on the lips.

"Mmhmm," Lisa responded her mouth still securely pressed against Chaeyoung's. "Yeah, that's better," she finished as they separated.

"Ugh," Jisoo groaned as she approached the pair of them. They turned in her direction amused at their friend's response. "You two have literally been 'kind of' an unofficial thing," she said making air quotations with her fingers, "for what...a day? And you're already making me want to vomit rainbows because you're so sickeningly adorable. Am I going to have to place a daily limit on your PDA?"

"Only if you manage to limit Jennie and Daniel's," Chaeyoung told her seriously. "I swear I'm losing weight because I can't eat whilst having to endure their PDA at lunch."

"I'll see what I can do," Jisoo promised laughing.

"That's all I ask," Chaeyoung said before turning to Lisa, "Here." She said, taking Lisa's hand once more and putting the splint back on cautiously, her fingers gracing Lisa's skin lightly. "Good as new."

"Great," Lisa laughed again. "Now if you could fix my brain that'd really help me out."

"Oh stop it," Chaeyoung scolded her, picking up both hers and Lisa's bags to place them over her shoulder as they started to make their way towards the quad. "Your brain is fine." Lisa gave Chaeyoung a pointed look. "I didn't say it was amazing," Chaeyoung laughed, "but, I've seen worse."

"You know you're surprisingly coherent when you're not tired...or you know, post seizure," Jisoo noted encouragingly. "It's amazing what some sleep will do for you."

"Perhaps you should listen to your doctor and actually take your sleeping pills," Chaeyoung suggested.

"What all of them?" Lisa asked deadpan.

"Are you joking?" Jisoo asked uncertainly.

"Of course I'm joking." Lisa said in response.

"Ok, well for future reference I'm prohibiting the use of any suicide jokes from you," Jisoo told her seriously.

"Agreed," Chaeyoung approved.

"Well then I'm vetoing any pranks from you," Lisa replied.

"Ok done," Jisoo agreed. "You're no fun to prank now that you're all injured anyway. It makes it too easy. I need more of a challenge...I was thinking of moving on to Jennie." Lisa yawned.

"Are you seriously tired?" Chaeyoung asked her. "You've been sleeping for the majority of the last three days."

"Yes," Lisa answered. "I think the more sleep I actually get, the more my body wants."

"It's probably catching up on all the sleep you've been missing out on since the accident." Chaeyoung said.

"Or is Chaeyoung keeping you up?" Jisoo asked teasingly a small chuckle escaping her lips.

"Jisoo!" Chaeyoung protested.

"I'm sorry but it's so easy to tease you," Jisoo laughed. "It's hilarious."

"Why does no one tease Lalisa like this?" Chaeyoung asked her seriously.

"Like what?" Lisa asked her attention having been occupied with other things momentarily.

"That's why," Jisoo said flatly.

"Fine, fair point." Chaeyoung groaned before turning to Lisa.

"I wish I could do that Lili."

"Do what?" Lisa asked.

"Never mind." Chaeyoung said meeting Jisoo's eyes and laughing. They finally reached the other's sat outside at their normal table and joined them, Lisa sitting beside Chaeyoung and Jisoo taking the vacant seat beside Somi. Jennie sat with Daniel, his arm draped casually around her shoulder.

"Hi," they greeted each other in one big ruckus of noise.

"How are you feeling Lalisa?" Jennie asked having not seen her before now because they had different home rooms.

"Better thanks," Lisa answered.

"She's still tired though," Chaeyoung added.

"And..." Jisoo began animatedly. "She's sickeningly displaying a lot of PDA for someone who is supposedly going 'slow'"

"Even the other night you guys couldn't stop touching each other," Somi noted laughing. "It almost got to the point where I couldn't tell whose limb was whose."

"I think it's kind of cute," Jennie approved. "I've never seen Chaeyoung like this with any of her other girlfriends." Chaeyoung gave Jennie a glare to silence her but she continued regardless, determined to embarrass her.

"She literally can't do enough for you she's so smitten," Jennie told Lisa who reached for Chaeyoung's hand under the table calmingly. Sensing Chaeyoung's discomfort Daniel quickly changed the subject.

"So is everyone coming to the game tonight?" he asked.

"Don't we always?" Jisoo replied seeing right through him.

"Is Ezra coming?" He responded in an attempt to keep the conversation going.

"Yeah he'll be here," Jisoo informed him. "Ezra wouldn't miss it for anything. You know how much he likes football."

"We should all go and grab some dinner after the game." Daniel suggested. "What do you think Somi? Will that be alright with Liam?"

"I'll check with him but I'm sure it'll be fine." She said in response.

"Girls?" Daniel asked Lisa and Chaeyoung. Chaeyoung looked at Lisa questioningly, raising an eyebrow uncertainly.

"Ok," Lisa said finally. "Sounds like fun."

"I guess you can count us in," Chaeyoung said happily.

"Aww..." Jennie cooed. "This will be the first time Chaeyoung's not the fifth wheel on our Friday night dates."

"Exciting times," Daniel noted jokingly.

"Do they have greeting cards for this kind of occasion?" Somi asked playfully.

"Oh my god," Chaeyoung protested, "Guys, seriously?"

"Aww this will be your first official date," Jisoo commented in realisation.

"It'll be my first ever date," Lisa commented matter of factly, only half listening to the conversation, once again distracted and not realising Chaeyoung was being mocked. Chaeyoung smiled at Lisa's use of the word 'date.' For someone who wanted to take things slowly, she doesn't seem to mind participating in couple activities such as dates.

"What, ever?" Daniel asked in disbelief. Lisa nodded her head as she swallowed some of her medication. She followed it with a sip of water from the bottle in her hand. Chaeyoung observed that she had lifted her left hand up to her stomach, holding it awkwardly.

Chaeyoung met her gaze, "Seriously?!" Lisa nodded again, swallowing another sip of her drink.

"Yeah," Lisa said, once her mouth was finally empty of the liquid.

"Wow, no pressure to make it good then Chaeyoung," Jennie said playfully. Chaeyoung felt her stomach lurch slightly at Jennie's words.

"No, you'll be fine Chaeyoung," Jisoo told her, "I mean it's not like Lalisa has anything to compare it to. Isn't that right Lalisa?"

"What?" Lisa asked, having not heard the conversation, her thoughts elsewhere.

"Ok, where'd you go?" Jisoo asked noticing that Lisa had been staring off into space. "Where's your head at? Jisoo questioned. "Sometimes I swear you're only half here."

"What?" Lisa asked a look of confusion on her face. "Nowhere, I've been here the whole time."

"I didn't mean literally?" Jisoo laughed. "What were we just talking about then?"

"Umm, tonight?" Lisa replied unsure.

"Yeah, ok, but, what specifically?" Jisoo probed. Lisa glanced around at the rest of the assembled group, their faces waiting for her response expectantly.

"Dates?" She questioned raising her eyebrow uncertainly.

"Ok Chaeyoung," Jisoo commented exasperated. "I have no idea how you put up with her when she's like this?"

"Was that wrong?" Lisa asked turning to Chaeyoung. Chaeyoung smiled at Lisa's obvious confusion.

"No," Chaeyoung told her, placing an arm around her shoulder reassuringly.

"Ok now I feel like I've missed something." Lisa said slightly embarrassed.

Chaeyoung made a face, "You miss a lot of things Lalisa," she informed the smaller girl. "It's alright though, I kind of like that about you." Chaeyoung kissed Lisa on her cheek as she pouted.

"Ok no seriously though," Lisa said. "What did I miss?"

"We were talking about your expectations for your first date tonight with Chaeyoung." Jennie told her laughing. "You know, whether you even have any?"

"Oh," Lisa said in surprise. "I don't know. What do people even do on dates?"

"'re so cute," Somi noted smiling at Lisa's words. Chaeyoung laughed a little at Lisa's innocence.

"Don't worry about it. It'll be just like every other Friday night...although now I guess I can do this..." Chaeyoung leant over and kissed Lisa on the lips, enjoying the feel of her warm, soft skin against her own.

"Eww...." Jisoo joked, "I thought I'd forbid this." Jisoo laughed as Chaeyoung and Lisa separated.

"You know the terms Jisoo." Chaeyoung laughed in response and Jisoo turned to Jennie and Daniel with a serious expression on her face.

"Ok so, listen," Jisoo said addressing them. "We need to talk about something?" Chaeyoung couldn't help but laugh as Jisoo went on to explain the terms of her deal with Chaeyoung and Lisa. For their response, Jennie and Daniel decided to completely ignore Jisoo's words and kissed instead, making the other girl roll her eyes and Chaeyoung laugh once more. They continued to sit together until the end of lunch when they finally separated to attend their different classes. Despite her own words to Lisa, Chaeyoung couldn't help but feel nervous about this evening throughout the rest of the school day.

After all, tonight was technically still their first date night and she wanted it to be perfect for Lisa, even if they were taking things slowly. After school Chaeyoung waited for Lisa at her locker once again. She had her extra study period with Miss Bae, as she did every day and Chaeyoung wanted to finalise her plans for later with her before tonight.

"So tonight?" Chaeyoung questioned, leaning up against the locker beside Lisa's as she was prone to do when the other girl arrived. "It's a date right?"

"How do you mean?" Lisa asked her ambiguously.

"Like, well, I know you wanted to take things slowly," Chaeyoung said. "I didn't know if we could go on dates or....what?"

"Yeah," Lisa laughed putting her books in her locker and closing it. "Of course we can. I mean, there's slow and then there's slow. "Lisa told her. "I like you," she tried to reassure her. "Didn't you read my letter? That thing took me forever to write." Chaeyoung smiled brightly at her words.

"So it is a date?" she asked once again, desperate for the clarification.

"I thought we'd already agreed it was at lunch?" Lisa said. "Or did I miss that part of the conversation? I can't really remember."

"I know but, I didn't know if you just went along with it because the others were there," Chaeyoung said honestly.

"Well I didn't," Lisa said shifting the weight of her bag on her right shoulder.

"Right, well, in that case, I want it to be a proper date." Chaeyoung said happily.

"What does that mean?" Lisa asked having no experience in the matter.

"I'm going to come to your house and pick you up at 6.30. I'll drive us to the game." Chaeyoung told her.

Lisa smiled. "I never would have guessed you as the romantic type, "Lisa said.

"Perhaps it's just you that brings it out in me." Chaeyoung returned.

"Ok," Lisa replied. "Well, I'll be waiting then. Just...look, don't take this the wrong way but, no kissing on the front porch or anything alright? Lisa said anxiously.

"I thought you said your parents are ok with us?" Chaeyoung asked.

"Well, they kind of are but, I don't want to rub it in their faces or anything. Do you mind?" Lisa questioned.

Chaeyoung shakes her head, "No not at all. I can understand that."

"Are you sure?" Lisa asked.

"Of course," Chaeyoung said. "I felt the same when I first told my parents I was interested in girls. It's one thing for them to hear that you like girls but it's a completely different thing to see it."

"So you're not mad?" Lisa probed.

"No," Chaeyoung said, taking Lisa's hand in her own and squeezing it reassuringly. "I'm definitely not mad."

"Ok," Lisa sighed relieved as they start to walk hand in hand together towards Miss Bae's classroom. "So apart from picking me up how else will it be a proper date?"

"Ahh, you'll just have to wait and see," Chaeyoung replied cryptically.

"You're really not going to tell me?" Lisa groaned.

"Nope," Chaeyoung said frustratingly. "Where's the fun in that?" They came to a stop outside of Miss Bae's classroom and Lisa pouted.

"Ok so I'll see you later," Chaeyoung told her, trying her best to ignore the adorable expression on her face ahe pecking her on the lips quickly.

"6pm," Lisa says, "I'll be ready."

"6.30pm," Chaeyoung corrected her. Lisa holds up her hand,

"6.30...right. I knew that."

"I'll text you to remind you." Chaeyoung informed her.

"Alright," Lisa said as Chaeyoung started to move away.

"Don't forget to ask about retaking that math test," Chaeyoung called from up the hallway. Lisa gave her a thumbs up in acknowledgement and disappeared inside the classroom for her study session.

Later, Chaeyoung found herself outside Lisa's house, sat in her car, on the verge of becoming a nervous wreck. She didn't know what was wrong with her, it's not she'd never been to a football game before. In fact, it's not as though she'd never been to a football game with Lisa before. They'd gone to watch Daniel play last Friday with the rest of the girls, Ezra and Liam. So why should tonight be any different? Because tonight's a date.

Chaeyoung thought giving herself heart palpitations. Shit. She ran a hand through her hair nervously and got out of the car, checking herself quickly in the wind mirror before making her way up the path towards Lisa's front door. She paused hesitantly for a moment and took a deep breath before knocking determinedly on the door. Lisa's mom opened it and Chaeyoung felt herself panic, memories of hers and Lisa's conversation regarding their 'relationship' flitting through her mind.

"Hi Chaeyoung," Amy greeted kindly. "Lalisa is just sorting something out upstairs. Do you want to come in and wait?"

"Umm...." Chaeyoung said feeling decidedly uncomfortable and avoiding Amy's questioning look. "Yeah...ok thanks." Amy laughed at Chaeyoung's behaviour and moved aside, allowing her to enter.

"You know you don't normally have this much trouble meeting my gaze or speaking to me." Amy stated honestly. "You sound like Lalisa does on a bad day."

"I'm sorry," Chaeyoung said sincerely. "Chaeyoung," Amy said causing Chaeyoung to look up at her. "Lalisa told us about the two of you..."

"I know, she told me" Chaeyoung replied. "Is it weird? It's probably weird isn't it? I'm sorry...I don't was weird for my parents when I told them."

"Actually, it's not really that much of a surprise," Amy told her truthfully.

"It isn't?" Chaeyoung asked.

"No," Amy said pausing momentarily. "I think I've always kind of known how you felt about her," Amy laughed. "You're not exactly the most subtle at hiding your feelings. I think you tend to wear your heart on your sleeve a little bit."

"So I've been told," Chaeyoung commented.

"However," Amy continued. "It was her behaviour that kind of gave her away a little bit," Amy said thoughtfully.

"What do you mean?" Chaeyoung asked her.

"Well, Lalisa only really has Jisoo as a friend," Amy informed her. "She's never really been that outgoing or popular at school, so it was nice when she started hanging out with Jennie, Somi and you. She talked about you a lot." Amy told her. "I mean she talks about Somi and Jennie too but, mostly she talks about you. She couldn't sing your praises enough. It was always 'Chaeyoung this, and Chaeyoung that.' It's different to how she talks about the other girls."

"Oh," was all Chaeyoung said in response, surprised.

"We've been watching her over the last few weeks and she's so happy and animated when she's talking about you. It's almost been like we've had the old Lalisa back at times." Amy said a wistful look on her face. "If it's a girl that can make her feel like that, that can bring her back to us then me and her father are ok with that. At the end of the day every parent just wants their child to be happy, and you make Lalisa happy." Amy told her. "Yes, it might not have been what we'd initially envisaged for her, but, it's her life, one she thankfully still has so...she is free to do with it as she wants. We'll support any decision she makes."

"Ok," Chaeyoung said, taken aback by her words slightly.

"Plus it helps that we like you Chaeyoung," Amy complemented, patting the youngsters shoulder encouraging. "So just, try and relax alright?"

"Alright," Chaeyoung said as she heard footsteps coming down the stairs and Lisa appeared wearing her tight blue denim jeans, converse and sweater.

"Hi," she greeted smiling at Chaeyoung and her mom.

"Hi," Chaeyoung said back returning the smile.

"Have a good time at the game," Amy said genuinely as she walked over to Lisa who stood on the bottom stair, her right hand holding onto the bannister. Amy kissed her on the forehead. "Don't be out too late ok?"

"We won't." Lisa promised as her mum rubbed her cheek with her thumb and disappeared promptly into the kitchen. Lisa came down the last step as Chaeyoung walked over to meet her.

"Are you ready to go?" Chaeyoung asked her.

"Yeah," she said grabbing her jacket and scarf from the rack. Lisa struggled to get her left arm into the sleeve so Chaeyoung helped her into it. "Thanks," Lisa said gratefully

"You're welcome," Chaeyoung replied. She reached out and offered Lisa her hand. Lisa took it, lacing their fingers together as Chaeyoung opened the door and they stepped outside, Lisa closing it behind her.

"You look really nice," Chaeyoung told her as they made their way down the path, glancing out Lisa's outfit and appreciating the way Lisa's jeans hugged her in all the right places.

"So do you," Lisa reciprocated smiling.

"Thanks," Chaeyoung said graciously. "Your mom says that you were sorting something out," Chaeyoung said. "Is everything alright?"

"Yeah," Lisa replied. "I just managed to break my splint." Lisa held up her left hand which was noticeably bare. "I was just trying to fix it."

"No luck?" Chaeyoung asked.

"None," Lisa said "I'll have to ask my physical therapist to have a look at it on Tuesday for me. It feels strange not wearing it."

"I bet," Chaeyoung said as they reached her car and she opened the door for Lisa, gesturing for her to get in. Lisa sat herself in the passenger seat as Chaeyoung closed the door carefully behind her. She walked around to the driver's side of the car and climbed in beside Lisa, putting her key in the ignition and turning it gently.

"Wait a minute," Lisa said suddenly, placing a hand on hers to stop her putting the car into drive.

"What?" Chaeyoung asked. "Did you forget something?"

"Yes," Lisa said mischievously. "This," she said as she leant over the middle console and kissed Chaeyoung firmly on the lips.

"What about your parents?" Chaeyoung asked her voice breathy. "I thought you said not to."

"They're not around now," Lisa informed. Chaeyoung pointed to the kitchen window of Lisa's house where Amy stood watching them an amused expression on her face.

"Um...Lili," Chaeyoung said and Lisa smiled at the nickname again, following Chaeyoung's hand to see what she was pointing towards.

"Well, it's not flaunting it if she chooses to watch is it?" Lisa told Chaeyoung simply.

Lisa waved goodbye at her mom happily as Chaeyoung put the car into gear. She pulled out from the curb and started heading towards the school to meet up with the others. Once on the road, Chaeyoung felt Lisa reach over and place her hand on her knee Chaeyoung took it up in her right hand which she dropped down from the steering wheel. She started playing with Lisa's fingers mindlessly, turning her head slightly to glance at the girl who was sat watching her, a face eating smile plastered across her features.

"What?" Chaeyoung asked her amused.

"Nothing," Lisa said as Chaeyoung glanced back at the road in front of her. "I just think that this is my favourite date so far." Chaeyoung turned and smiled at Lisa brightly, her stomach fluttering slightly at her words.

"Yeah well," Chaeyoung said looking back to the road. "You don't have anything else to compare it to."

"I don't think it would make a difference if I did." Lisa told her sincerely. "It's only just started." Chaeyoung told her laughing.

"I know," Lisa replied shifting in her seat a little. "That's exactly what I like about it." Chaeyoung turned her attention back to Lisa, her smile growing exponentially.

'Yeah,' she thought, still unsure what exactly she'd done in a past life to deserve the girl sat beside her. She turned her attention back to the road. "I am most definitely lucky."

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