godhead [COMPLETED]

By uncouthwriter

89K 4.6K 4.5K

Calla was a dreamer; always cherishing the idea of marriage while dreaming of her happily ever after: a magic... More



1K 65 123
By uncouthwriter

3 weeks later

"Come on. I have a surprise for you." Donatello pulls me towards a secret garden near the deserted perimeter of the palace. He guides me into the greenery until we come to a lush enclave with soft white flowers. In its center was a soft white blanket with a tantalizing spread.

"Happy birthday" he smiles, leading me to sit. I am touched of course, seeing all the hard work he had put into making my day special.

"A picnic?" I clap excitedly. It was something so simple yet so endearing.

We broke bread, drinking his new choice selection of wines. "Mmm pomegranates. My favorite flavor"What's It's name?" I turn to him.

"I named it the Calla. It's sweet but briny with hints of pomegranate. Reminds me of something dear."

"Really?" I smile smugly.

"It does. I think it's my favorite flavor out of my assortment" he shrugs, pushing his lips to the glass while exchanging me a knowing glance. I giggled girlishly, still not knowing how to compose myself around him. He always made me so giddy.

Donatello pulls out a small velvet box and presses it to my palm.

"Another gift?" I whisper, resting my head against the soft blankets. He nodded waiting for me to open it. My fingers trailed lazily against the surface before lifting the top.

"Donatello..." I gasped, trying to hold back my tears. In the box was a glossy heart-shaped golden necklace.

In its center was a small clasp to unlock a secret pocket.

And in the middle was a tiny inscription carved in the center.

"Open this to remind you of everything you cherish." I whisper.

My eyes lift to steal a glance at Donatello before glancing at the locket once more.

He knew.
Of course he knew.
Donatello listened to eveything I said.
Donatello was what I cherished and I would cherish him forever.

"I love it" I sigh, bending over to kiss him. He captures my jaw and pulls me towards his body until I lay on top and carelessly, we smack. "I love you Donatello" I whisper.

"I love you Calla" he whispered and kisses me again. I lift off and push the necklace into his hands. "Put it on! Please please!" I jump excitedly.

He clasps it around my throat, lingering a hand against my neck before pressing his lips against it. I moaned his name in bliss, allowing him to stain my skin.

"You know I wanted to put both our names in it?" He sighed, still focused on marking my throat.

"Why didn't you?" I ask, giggling as he wet my skin.

"Well Donatello was too long and both or names spelled together sounded weird."

"Donalla?" I pondered aloud.

"I was thinking more like Callatello." he teased.

"No, I don't favor that nickname" I chuckled.

"The jeweler said to just keep it simple."

"I'm glad you listened to him" I smiled leaning against his torso and he continued marking my neck until the sun set on my glorious day.


Leo 🤴🏼

I walk with Levy discussing something about the kingdom before seeing Calla and that painter again. They were always together and it made me mad.

"There he goes again whooing my wife" I cursed, leaning over the edge of the window frame to inspect them in the garden.

"Wife?" Levy chuckled, questioning the use of my title.

"And what is so funny?" I muttered, still taking in Calla's features as she smiled at the painter.

"Nothing...nothing" Levy clears his throat, "it is just the first time I heard you call her by her proper title." Levy chimes. I am taken back by his accusation but eventually see its truth.

"I... she is my—- SHUT UP LEVY!" I push him away, leaning back into the window. Calla opens a small box and holds it up to the sky in which she screams in jubilee. She hugs the painter fondly before they kiss rather passionately.

"What is this? How pathetic!" I cursed, jealousy raging beneath me. The painter pulls the necklace over her head and they lock in another heated embrace. How dare this painter whoo Calla in such this manner?

"What are you two peeping Toms looking at? Vanessa chimes, standing between us to inspect our gaze.

"Oh, just the empress and her trusty lover" Levy teased.

"Don't call him that." I say flatly.

"Is boyfriend a more fitting title" Vanessa smiled looking over at me. She knew I had been upset at their developing relationship. She in turn loved it as my rage was always taken out in bed.

"Stupid necklaces? Golden lockets? Is that all it takes to impress women nowadays?" I seethed.

"Normally, it wouldn't but his act is more sentimental since it is the empress's birthday today" Vanessa revealed.

"Birthday?" I yelled looking at her in shock. "Say it isn't so!"

"Leo. The kingdom has been talking about this for weeks! Don't tell me you have forgotten?" Levy asked although he knew the capacity my brain could hold. He had been my closest friend since childhood and I just learned that his name was actually Levy.

"I have not forgotten!" I protest.

I had forgotten.

I don't even think forgetting is the proper word to use. I hadn't even known of the date until Vanessa said it. So that is why the people in the palace were a bit more jubilant today! They were partaking in
festivities for her day.

But there was no party or merriment!
No banquet! Not even a cake.
Maybe I could still redeem myself!!

"I'll throw her a banquet." I announced, turning to face Levy and Vanessa.

"Leo, it is  a quarter past 9. The sun has set since 6. It's too late" Vanessa gloats, taking relish in my failed attempt of redemption. It would only put a thicker wedge between Calla and I and she loved it.

"No! I can do something else. That's it!" I turn to face the hallway and start my path towards the kitchen.

I would whip up a cake!
And it would be the best cake Calla ever tasted.


A couple of hours passed but I finally did it! I had baked the best looking cake the kingdom of Genovia had ever seen. I stuck 23 candles at its top because I think that's how old Calla was? She wouldn't count them anyway so it didn't matter.

Carefully, I lifted the cake and skipped to the western wings of the palace. Maybe gifting her this cake would put me in her good graces.

Normally, I didn't care if people didn't like me. Usually, I would have them killed for disliking the reigning emperor of Genovia but I couldn't ignore Calla's hatred for me. Anyone else wouldn't have mattered but Calla's hatred for me drove me insane.

I finally arrive at her wing and burst into her room, eager to show her my surprise. The clock on the wall read 1am. Surley she would be sleeping by now but I didn't matter, I would wake her up and surprise her.

She would be raptured with delight once she saw the cake. But as I approach her door I hear fervent moans. Louder and louder they grew.

Calla was not in her room but the painter's lights were on. It was in his wing the noise was coming from.

I heard the painted sighs of Calla and her repeatedly moaning his name. Like it was some fervent prayer?

Anger brewed inside me as I listened in. He couldn't be that good in bed.

After the 5th moan I couldn't take it anymore and burst through the doors, walking in on their entanglement of love.

"Leo!" Calla shouted pulling a blanket to cover herself and him. I chuckled watching her fume as I barged in. "We were in the middle of something" she pouted.

"So I heard" I scoffed.

"You did?" she smiled, looking at me with pride. "Good" she leered.

"The whole palace heard it actually. You must have quite the manhood Donatello." I say his name, finally learning it thanks to Calla.

"Huzzah" Calla whispered in agreement before reaching over to lift a glass of wine to her lips. Of course I heard her retort but thought it better to ignore it. It was her birthday so I would let that quip slide.

The painter chuckled but remained silent; he knew his place.

"Leo what do you want and what is that horrid thing in your hand?" Calla cringes at the sight. I knew it was an ugly cake but I had put my heart into it. She should be thankful!

Maybe I shouldn't tell her...

"Nothing the chef baked you a cake... for your birthday." I lied.

"Chef Lionel? I think he must have been drunk?" She giggled, looking at its base to observe it. The painter smiled along, tilting his head to determine where it started.

"I think it's supposed to be a layered cake?" He smirks.

"5 to be exact" I chimed, "or so he told me." I muttered beneath a breath. Calla and the painter exchange knowing glances before she ties her robe and walks over to me. She mentally counts the candles and looked to me. "23? The chef thinks I'm 23?"

"I suppose he does? Isn't that your real age?"

"I'm 19." She sighs still looking at the cake.

"Off by three years. No big deal" I muttered.

"It's 4 but I won't hold it against Chef Lionel. It must taste good at least?" She blows out the candles and nods.

"There. You take a piece first Leo, since you brought it." she smiles politely.

The painter stood up pulling on his clothes before going behind Calla and holding her waist close. I seethed as I saw the interaction from the corner of my eye.
This painter needed to go and fast.

I take a sliver letter opener and lazily place it into the base of the cake to separate it. They both look at me patiently until I take a piece and instantly, I spit it out into a napkin. "Taste horrid" I cursed. 

"It can't be that bad?" Calla takes the piece of cake from me and feeds Donatello then herself. They both chew, then spit it out, chuckling and laughing.
"I guess every chef has his Achilles heel" the painter chimed to the pairing of Callas beautiful chuckle.
I snapped my head at it's sound and she stares at me curiously. "What?" She asks, her golden eyes peering into mine.

"Nothing....I just...never heard you laugh before?" 

"Oh... I guess you haven't" she shrugged, turning her attention over to Donatello once more. She wiped off a smidge of frosting from his lip before they continued kissing, gently running their lips across each other. I knew I had interrupted them and they wanted to finish their session but my jealousy was too lethal to allow it.

"Ummm... painter?" I chime, scratching my temple in annoyance.

"Donatello" Calla corrected his title.

"Sure. Whatever.
Painter? If I may speak with my wife?"

He breaks from her arms and nodded. "Yes emperor. Of course."

She squeezed his hand, showing her devotion to him before he took his leave.

"That was nice of chef Lionel but a bit too late for a birthday surprise. I will thank him anyway" she smiles.

"Calla... I baked the cake. It was me." I finally admitted.

"What?" she smirked, poking the cake with a thumb.

"I was trying to be nice because I forgot your birthday and I spent all night frosting and cutting. I even burned myself a few times."

Calla smiled, gently pushing a hand against my shoulder. "You shouldn't have Leo."

"But I wanted to! Everyone remembered your birthday! Even your most lethal enemy Vanessa."

"That is true. But you are so busy Leo do not take it to heart. Thank you for my cake. I truly appreciate the gesture." She smiled turning back to face the painter's quarters. I pulled her into my waist, gently running a finger against her lips.

"Calla" I whispered before pushing my mouth to kiss her but she slowly turns her head away, only allowing me to kiss her cheek.

"Oh... I see" I mutter, knowing to take my leave. It was such a damaged relationship. I had broken her too much and her heart was so closed off.

I let her go, kissing her forehead before leaving. She didn't call for me or run to grab my wrist. She simply let me go; and that's when I knew enough was enough.

Donatello needed to go and I would be the one to make sure of it.



Donatello and I rested in each other's arms, finishing another round of passion. Carelessly we kissed before he made his way across the room to retrieve his case of cigars.

"Do you think he really meant to bake that cake?" I ponder aloud.

"Who knows with him?" Donatello shrugged, turning around to face me before lighting a cigar pipe.

He bent by the fire to light the ends before turning walking over to rejoin me in the bed.

"Must you do that Donatello?" I sighed. I hated the smell but Donatello was stuck his habits. He frowned before joining me and turned to throw it in the fire.

"Fine, for your birthday I won't" he smirked before sliding next to me and wrapping me in his strong torso. I giggled as he repeatedly kissed my forehead. My cheek warmed as I rested it upon his chest.

"Do you think he really remembered?" I asked knowing the truth.

"Leo only cares about himself. He probably overheard someone planning a gift for you and scrambled."

"He probably remembered by 9pm. But It was too late to throw a party and a banquet so he decided on a cake." I chuckled, adding to Donatello's theory.

"A sloppy one at that." He scoffs, pulling a strand of hair away from my neck. We both chuckled, finding joy in his failed attempts.

Leo was insufferable.
Surely he didn't think baking a silly cake would right all the wrong he's done. It was a nice gesture no doubt but I still had every wish and desire to kill him.

"Well I am glad he forgot because I got to spend my day with you" I smile, looking up to face Donatello.

"Well, I am glad too" He whispered kissing my cheek. I felt myself dozing off as Donatello traces his warm fingers against my spine. I played with the golden necklace he gifted me, letting my fingers feel it for security.

It was a part of him that would always be on me. Never I would take off.
And I dozed off, dreaming of the future where we would be together as one.

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