Trials and Tribulations [Chae...

By sapphicrosie

180K 7.7K 3K

It's the first day of Chaeyoung's junior year of high school after a summer spent away at softball camp. By a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31 [M]
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39 [M]
Chapter 40
Chapter 41 [M]
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50 (part 1)
Chapter 50 (part 2)
Chapter 50 (part 3)
Chapter 50 (part 4) [M]
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61 [M]
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67 [M]
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82 (part 1)
Chapter 82 (part 2) [M]

Chapter 7

2.5K 135 100
By sapphicrosie

Lisa placed her guitar down onto the floor in front of her and practically bounced up off the bed. She spun on her heels quickly to face Chaeyoung and Jisoo, the smile from moments ago still just as evident, her eyes sparkling with joy. "Do you guys want something to drink?" she asked them both.

"Sure," Jisoo said lightly.

"Do you have any Cola?"

"I'm not sure," Lisa admitted. "I'll see what I can do." She turned to look at Chaeyoung who was staring off into space, a dazed expression on her face.

"Chaeyoung?" Lisa asked again. As if just realising that Lisa had spoken to her, Chaeyoung turned to meet her questioning gaze.

"Sorry what?" she asked evidently not hearing Lisa's question, her mind replaying the moment that Lisa had kissed her over and over again in her head.

"Do you want something to drink?" Lisa asked again.

"Yeah that'd be good, thanks." Chaeyoung virtually stuttered out.

"Ok I'll be right back," Lisa replied before whirling around to vacate the room. Chaeyoung reached her hand back up to the spot on her cheek where Lisa's lips had pressed against it.

"Just breathe Chaeyoung," Jisoo said chuckling to herself in amusement. She had shifted position on the bed so that she was lying on her stomach, her head at the foot of it, facing towards the door. "Take a moment, compose yourself and relearn how to articulate your words properly."

"You saw that right?" Chaeyoung asked, stroking her cheek lightly, still in shock.

"Yes I saw it," Jisoo laughed. "Even if I hadn't, I'd probably have guessed that something had happened. You're acting like a lovestruck puppy and your face is probably the reddest I've ever seen it."

"Oh god," Chaeyoung said. "Really?"

"Really." Jisoo confirmed. "If you were blushing any more you'd probably be able to fill in for Rudolph and guide Santa's sleigh at Christmas....I mean, don't get me wrong, its super adorable. You're just rubbish at keeping your feelings off of your face, so to speak."

"Do you think Lisa noticed?" Chaeyoung asked her nervously. Jisoo waved her hand indifferently.

"Don't be ridiculous." Jisoo reassured her. "Lalisa is literally oblivious."

"Ok good," Chaeyoung sighed relieved.

"Good?" Jisoo asked surprised by Chaeyoung's reaction. "I thought you really liked her."

"I do," Chaeyoung told her. "It's just, geez, she needs me right now as a friend. There's no way I'd want to jeopardise that."

"Aw," Jisoo said, "You are so cute." She reached over and pinched Chaeyoung's cheeks teasingly before taking on a more serious tone.

"Thank you for what you just did for her Chaeyoung." She said gratefully. "I haven't seen Lalisa's face light up like that since before the accident." Chaeyoung smiled at Jisoo's praise.

"I totally trust you with her," Jisoo continued, "and that's really hard for me to admit because I'm pretty much suspicious of everyone when it comes to Lalisa. I just don't want anyone to hurt her."

"Me neither," Chaeyoung reciprocated.

"Guess what?" Jisoo said her voice hushed as though she was about to divulge the biggest secret ever to Chaeyoung. "I've actually got my fingers crossed that one day you and Lalisa will get together and she'll feel about you the way that you so obviously feel about her."

"You do?" Chaeyoung asked surprised.

"Yeah," Jisoo informed her. "You've already given her so much that it's only fair that you eventually get something back." Chaeyoung felt her face redden even more, her cheeks burning painfully. Jisoo chuckled loudly.

"Oh my God," She exclaimed. "Not like that, I mean, you know, a relationship....girlfriends, like....ewww....nothing sexual. I don't want to be thinking about things like that...especially about my best friend....I mean yes...nothing against it...I totally ship it, just...please...I don't ever want to hear about it...eww..." Chaeyoung felt herself grow extremely hot and bothered at the thought of her and Lisa together. She cleared her throat, jumping up from the bed hurriedly.

"Umm, yeah ok, so subject change?" Chaeyoung asked hopefully.

"Please," Jisoo pleaded, an awkward silence falling between them at the unexpected route their conversation had taken. Luckily, before either of them had to try and come up with something else to say, Lisa appeared in the doorway carrying a handful of glasses. Somi and Jennie appeared behind her with a bottle of cola, a handful of DVD's and a bag of popcorn.

"Look who turned up whilst I was in the kitchen," Lisa said as she put the glasses on the floor. Jennie eyed Chaeyoung suspiciously, taking in her friends crimson face and agitated stance.

"Everything alright?" she asked Chaeyoung, narrowing her eyes slightly.

"Fine," Chaeyoung said swinging her arms back and forwards, clapping them together.

"Then why are you acting so weird?" Jennie asked as all eyes in the room turned to face Chaeyoung, including Lisa's.

"I'm not acting weird," Chaeyoung said. "I'm fine....perfect in fact." Jennie tilted her head slightly and shared a look with Jisoo who mouthed, 'I'll tell you later.'

"Don't you dare!" Chaeyoung said noticing the exchange and causing the other two girls to laugh.

"What's going on?" Lisa asked clearly feeling as though she was missing out on something.

"Nothing," Chaeyoung responded quickly. "Not a thing."

"O...k...." Lisa said drawing out the word. "Even I think you're acting a little weird now." Chaeyoung threw Jisoo a terrified look and she gave her an apologetic one in response. "Did I miss something?" Lisa asked when no one said anything. "What's going on?"

"Well," Somi said, drawing Lisa's attention away from Chaeyoung long enough for the girl to draw her finger across her throat in a blatant threat before pointing at both Jisoo and Jennie. "Ugh, you see, the thing is...."

"We thought you needed cheering up," Jennie continued, "You know, after today so... we kind of planned a surprise for you."

"Oh god," Chaeyoung groaned dreading where this might be heading.

"Really?" Lisa asked with thinly veiled eagerness. "You didn't have to."

"We know we didn't have to," Jennie said, stressing the word and wrapping one arm around Lisa's shoulders to pull her into a side hug. "We wanted to because you're our friend and you've had a crap day."

"Just for the record," Somi added. "You can always talk to us. You know we'll always be here for you." Lisa smiled at Somi's words and reached out to take one of the other girls' hands in her own. She squeezed it thankfully.

"So...." Jisoo said intrigued. "What's this surprise then?"

"Oh!" Jennie exclaimed. "Ok, so close your eyes Lalisa."

"Are you serious?" Lisa asked nervously.

"Yeah," Jennie said laughing. "Don't worry I'm not going to pants you or anything." She winked at Chaeyoung and the blonde thought she might die of embarrassment. Luckily, it went unnoticed by Lisa. Chaeyoung was really starting to appreciate her inability to read some situations and pick up on subtle or in some instances not so subtle behaviours. Lisa laughed, closing her eyes.

"Ok, hold out your hand." Jennie instructed, turning excitedly to Somi who pulled an envelope out of her purse. Chaeyoung looked at them in confusion whilst Jennie placed the envelope into Lisa's hands. "Right, open your eyes." She said excitedly.

"Oh cool," Lisa said looking at the object in her hands and not understanding. "An envelope."

"Well open it," Somi prompted.

"Geez Lisa," Jisoo muttered. "Don't you remember what an envelope is for? It's to put things in, duh?"

"Right," Lisa said turning the envelope over in her hand and opening the back up. "Of course, I knew that. I did not assume that's all I was getting." Lisa pulled out the contents of the envelope, dropping one of the small rectangular cards onto the floor due to the poor dexterity in her left hand. It landed face up and Chaeyoung saw what the girls had given her immediately.

"Oh my God," Chaeyoung exclaimed in disbelief. "You're giving her your Beyoncé concert tickets?!"

"Wait what?" Lisa said as she bent down to pick up the one she'd dropped. "Are you joking? I can't accept these! You've been so excited about going to see her next month!"

"Tough," Jennie said folding her arms across her chest defiantly, "because I've given them to you now so you have to take them." Lisa held out the tickets to her.

"Ugh, no way." She said. "I mean, it's an amazing thought, really, thank you but, I couldn't take them."

"Well, I'm not taking them back." Jennie replied standing her ground. "So you have to go."

"I'll go," Jisoo interrupted jokingly. Lisa looked at her friend and frowned. "Jisoo you're not helping."

"Sure she is," Jennie said. "See it's perfect. I had two tickets so you and Jisoo can go together."

"What about you?" Lisa asked. "You've been dying to see Beyoncé live. It was all you talked about for the entire day when your tickets turned up."

"Yeah well," Jennie said waving her hand dismissively. "I'll catch her another time." "Somi?" Lisa asked. "Hey," Somi replied holding up her hands, "It's nothing to do with me. They're Jennie's tickets and it was her idea."

"You're actually doing me a massive favour," Jennie told her. "I could only get two tickets and I couldn't decide who to take; Chaeyoung or Somi. Now I don't have to choose. It's a win all round." Chaeyoung held the tickets back out to Jennie trying to force them back into her hands.

"Lalisa please take them," Jennie told her. "I want you to have them, really. You deserve something good after all the crap you've been through." Lisa looked at Jisoo, her eyes asking a silent question. Jisoo nodded in approval, knowing exactly what Lisa was thinking before she'd even spoken a word.

"I'll only take them if you come with me," Lisa said turning back to Jennie. "Please?" Lisa stuck her bottom lip out pouting and Chaeyoung almost felt her legs give out it was so adorable.

"Ugh, fine," Jennie relented laughing. "Geez, how do you do that with your face?" Lisa's features broke out into a wide grin.

"It's a talent," she admitted before throwing her arms around Jennie's neck and hugging her excitedly. Somi clapped her hands happily as she watched the two of them. "Thank you," Lisa said gratefully. "This is seriously amazing. What did I do to deserve you guys?"

"You almost died after being hit by a car," Jisoo said deadpanning. "I think the universe owes you one."

"Or five," Chaeyoung concurred.

"Get ready to booty pop Lalisa. I've heard her show is amazing." Jennie informed her.

"Oh, yeah, no," Lisa replied. "I can't dance."

"Oh," Jennie said. "Sorry, I didn't know. I guess I should have thought...." Jisoo burst out into the loudest laugh at Jennie's words, cutting them off.

"What's so funny?" Somi asked laughing too, Jisoo's hysterics infectious.

"It's not because of the accident Jennie," Jisoo told the other girl, her body physically shaking with her amusement. "She just can't dance. Why do you think she's never come to dance class with me? She has like no rhythm. She's literally the most awkward dancer I've ever seen."

"Oh," Jennie responded, bursting out into laughter herself.

"I can't help it!" Lisa protested. "I've just never been good at dancing."

"It's ok," Jennie reassured her. "I'll teach you."

"My stomach hurts from laughing so much," Jisoo said clutching at her abdomen where a stitch was starting to form. She rolled over slightly to make herself more comfortable only to end up falling over the side of the bed with a thud onto the floor. The rest of the girls burst out into laughter at her predicament and Jisoo, who found her misfortune even more hilarious just laughed the harder for it. Once Jisoo had finally managed to compose herself enough to climb back onto the bed, the five of them settled down to watch some movies.

Somi and Jennie sat on the floor at the foot of the bed, facing the TV fixed to Lisa's wall opposite her bed, in the corner of her room. Chaeyoung lay on her stomach, her head at the end of the bed, resting in the palms of her hands, propped up on her elbows. Jisoo and Lisa sat together, their backs against the head board, Lisa's head resting comfortably on Jisoo's shoulder. Their hands were held together in Jisoo's lap and she was stroking the back of Lisa's soothingly with her thumb as they watched the movie Jennie had brought with her, Easy A.

"Ugh, I love Emma Stone," Chaeyoung murmured as she appeared on screen donning a corset. "She's so attractive and hilarious. She's my celebrity crush."

"I thought Lana Del Rey was your celebrity crush?" Jennie asked.

"She's my celebrity music crush." Chaeyoung stated. "Plus she's my idol so there's that."

"Wait there's different kinds of celebrity crushes?" Jennie asked turning her head around to look at Chaeyoung.

"Yeah," Chaeyoung said frowning slightly. "Of course there is."

"Ok, so what are the other kinds?" Jennie asked.

"There are loads," Chaeyoung told her, 'plus you can have multiple in each category." She lifted her head to count them off on her fingers. "Let's see, there's musical crush, movie star crush, TV show crush, sports crush, TV personality crush, Vlogger crush...." "

Ok, ok," Jennie said laughing, "I get the point."

"Do you have any male celebrity crushes?" Lisa asked innocently.

"I used to fancy Nick Jonas before I realised I was a lesbian," Chaeyoung stated matter of factly.

"Logan Lerman as well actually."

"Wait, you're a lesbian?" Lisa asked sounding surprised.

"Yeah," Chaeyoung replied laughing. "Did you seriously not know?"

"No," Lisa answered honestly. Somi and Jennie turned to look at Lisa disbelief on their faces.

"You're kidding right?" Somi asked her, chuckling in amusement.

"Chaeyoung is like, not subtle about it." Jennie said also laughing. "The other day she was practically drooling over Miss Bae at school."

"Oh my God," Chaeyoung said, "I was not."

"Yes, you were," Jennie rebuffed. "She's totally your hot teacher crush."

"I really like Miss Bae," Lisa commented. "She's been really nice to me since I've been back at school."

"Yeah but you don't fancy her like Chaeyoung does," Jisoo responded probingly. "Do you?"

"Well, no," Lisa replied. "I guess not."

"You know I heard a rumour going around that Miss Bae is somehow related to Demi Lovato," Jisoo divulged. "Apparently she's like her cousin or something."

"Wait what?" Jennie asked. "Where did you hear that?"

"I overheard someone talking about it at lunch once." Jisoo told them. "I don't know how true it is though."

"Well, I'm definitely going to be looking into that theory some more," Jennie commented. "Maybe she can get Demi to follow me on Instagram?"

"Who's your celebrity crush Lalisa?" Somi asked changing the subject back to its original track.

"Mine?" Lisa questioned back

"Yeah," Somi confirmed.

"I don't know," she answered truthfully. "I haven't really thought about it."

"You can't think of one person?" Jennie asked her. Lisa seemed to take a moment to think about her next words before she replied. "Well, I don't fancy them but I really like Ed Sheeran, One Direction, Taylor Swift and Demi Lovato." Lisa answered.

"They're not celebrity crushes if you don't fancy them though," Jisoo said seriously. "They're just people you idolize."

"There's not one famous person that you've thought about kissing?" Chaeyoung asked her interestedly.

"No," Lisa said. "Is that weird?"

"A little," Jisoo replied.

"Huh," Lisa said thoughtfully.

"What?" Somi asked.

"I'm trying to think if I did before the accident," Lisa responded.

"You think it's related to your head injury?" Jennie asked.

"I don't know," Lisa admitted honestly. "I just don't think about other people like that. I can't remember if I ever did before."

"You never mentioned it to me if you did," jisoo told her.

"Ok well, what about at school?" Jennie asked eyeing Chaeyoung meaningfully. Chaeyoung glared back at her silently pleading for her to not go down this route. "Do you like anyone there?" Jennie continued.

"I like you guys," Lisa said smiling.

"Yeah but we're your friends." Jisoo said laughing. "I'd hope that you'd like us."

"Romantically, is there anyone who catches your eye? Perhaps we can set you up?" Jennie asked eagerly.

"Well, what about Chaeyoung?" Lisa countered. "She's not seeing anyone, are you?"

"What?" Chaeyoung asked her heart stopping in her chest.

"Aren't you going to try and set her up too?" Lisa clarified. The other girls gave each other a significant look, each of their faces showing complete disbelief at what they had thought Lisa had been implying.

"I've been trying to set Chaeyoung up for ages," Jennie told Lisa. "She's only got eyes for one person. No matter how hopeless that seems."

"Who?" Lisa asked.

"No one you know," Chaeyoung informed her nervously, decidedly uncomfortable at where this conversation was quickly going. Lisa moved in the bed to lie on her stomach alongside Chaeyoung. She turned to look at her once she was comfortable.

"Do you love them?" Lisa asked her earnestly.

"Well I don't know about that," Chaeyoung replied, feeling extremely exposed with her face so close to Lisa's.

"She does," Jennie said unhelpfully, earning her yet another glare.

"What's it feel like, love I mean?" Lisa asked enthusiastically.

"I don't know Lalisa," Chaeyoung said running a finger through her hair. "It's just a crush really."

"Well, what does it feel like?" Lisa asked fascinated.

"I'm like the only single person besides yourself here," Chaeyoung commented. "Surely, these guys are better placed to answer that question?"

"Anyone can answer," Lisa said glancing around at the others. Chaeyoung took a moment to catch her breath gratefully at the reprieve.

"I don't know," Jennie answered. "I guess you think about them all the time."

"I always want to speak to Liam when we're not together," Somi agreed. "It's like the minute he's not around I want to see him again."

"You find things about them annoying," Jisoo said after considering the question, "but, deep down you actually really like those things."

"You think everything about them is perfect," Chaeyoung added. "Even those things that they don't like about themselves."

"You want to share everything with them," Jennie said. "You know, like, if I'm out and see something I find funny I'll always want to tell Daniel about it, even if it's something really ridiculous and small."

"You keep looking at them all the time," Jisoo told her. "Even if it's just a quick glance because you think they're the most attractive person you've ever met."

"I like the way Liam makes me feel special," Somi shared. "Like there's nowhere else he'd rather be than with me. How he's always trying to make me laugh and compliments me on the way I look."

"You can't help but smile when they're around or you're thinking about them," Chaeyoung offered. "You smile so much that it makes your face ache but in a good way." Lisa was lying on the bed, her head propped up on her elbow watching the girls, a wistful expression on her face. She turned her attention to Chaeyoung and smiled, their eyes meeting. Chaeyoung smiled back at her.

"Now I really wish I had a crush on someone," Lisa stated dreamily. "It sounds so nice."

"It sounds nice," Chaeyoung agreed. "It is actually one of the most painful things I've ever experienced in my life."

"It is?" Lisa asked dropping her voice slightly incredulous. Chaeyoung looked at Lisa's soft lips, literally inches from her face and swallowed hard before answering.

"You have no idea," she answered.

"Especially when the other person doesn't feel the same way," Jennie observed, giving Chaeyoung an understanding look.

"You don't tell the other person?" Lisa asked.

"No, you'd tell the other person," Jisoo noted giggling, 'because since your accident, your brain has no filter and just says what its thinking, Although, I'm not a hundred percent sure that you didn't do that before as well."

"Surely it's nice to know that someone likes you?" she pressed.

"It is," Jennie agreed. "It's really nice."

"So why wouldn't you tell them?" Lisa asked.

"Because," Chaeyoung started, "It'd be too painful if they didn't feel the same way. So you protect yourself. You just admire them for a far hoping they'll come to the realisation that they like you too."

"That's stupid," Lisa said scoffing.

"Maybe," Chaeyoung replied.

"I'd love to know someone liked me," Lisa said dreamily. "Especially now."

"What do you mean especially now?" Somi asked.

"You know, what with my scars and everything?" Lisa said.

"What are you talking about?" Jisoo asked. "You're still stunning you little idiot."

"Besides," Chaeyoung started. "People might be attracted to someone by their appearance initially but it's the person they fall in love with, all those little characteristics and quirks that make them, well, them."

"If you really like someone, you like all of them." Somi concurred.

"Well," Lisa said turning back to face Chaeyoung. "I think you should tell your crush how you feel. Perhaps they do like you but they just haven't realised it yet." Chaeyoung watched Lisa closely, their eyes locked together for a moment. She could feel the eyes of the other's in the room watching her as well, waiting to see if she'd confess everything to Lisa. How she couldn't stop thinking about her, how she was just wanted to be around her all the time, to see her smile and hear her laugh.

Chaeyoung tried read if anything was there, whether it was some backhanded way of Lisa telling Chaeyoung that she knew how she felt and wanted her to say it out loud. Chaeyoung felt her heart skip at the prospect but logic dictated that Lisa really was clueless to her attraction. From everything that she'd just said Lisa would be the first person to admit it if she had feelings for Chaeyoung or anyone for that matter. She tried not to look disappointed as she said,

"Maybe one day," she said simply.

"Not today though?" Lisa asked.

"No," Chaeyoung confirmed. "Not today."

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