Cobra Kai (A Johnny Lawrence...

By wildflower_phoenix

129K 2.2K 849

When Daniel and Michelle Larusso move to California with their mom, their lives change dramatically. More

Chapter 1: The Beach
Chapter 2: The Crash
Chapter 3: The Dance
Chapter 4: The Tournament
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
update 2
Chapter 23
Chapter 24: The beginning of my Hell
Chapter 25: Heaven
Chapter 26: Hell

Chapter 18

2.2K 51 39
By wildflower_phoenix

It was about 9 AM when I finally decided to get up. I got ready and got dressed into my own clothes for a change, a pair of high waisted yoga leggings and a tank top.

I was getting my morning coffee ready when there was a knock on the door. I sighed and rolled my eyes, but something told me to ignore it.

The knocking kept continuing.

"Michelle!" An all too familiar voice shouted. It was Terry.

I froze in place. Johnny wasn't here. What do I do? I couldn't call him. He was busy.

I panicked and ran into the bathroom where I had miraculously found a secret cutout in the wall of the closet, and hid in there.

It seemed stupid, but what if he tried to break in? I turned my phone onto silent and quieted my breathing.

I could hear him knocking and shouting my name. 10 more minutes went by before he stopped.

Once I was sure he was gone, I started sobbing. He knew where I lived now. He knew. How did he find me?!

I couldn't bring myself to move out of my hiding space until around noon, I had babies to feed.

I made a sandwich and ate it with shaking hands.

I spent the rest of the day in the room with no windows, the only room that felt safe, the bathroom.

Johnny didn't come home until super late, almost 1 AM.

I heard him sigh as he set his keys down and locked the door behind him. He clicked off the lamp and walked past the bathroom into the bedroom.

"What? Michelle?" He called. I grabbed my phone charger and opened the bathroom door.

"It seemed like you weren't here, but your car is."

"Yeah." I mumbled, walking past him and into the bedroom.

"Its late." I said softly, not bothering to change. I crawled right into bed.

"I'm sorry but you have to understand why I'm giving Kreese a second-"

"Whatever. Its fine." I said with a sniffle. I had been crying off and on all day.

"What's wrong?" He asked, getting into bed and wrapping his arms around me.


"You're crying. What happened." He demanded.

"I'm not gonna tell you because you're gonna fucking flip and I cannot handle that today."

"I promise I won't flip."

"I'm scared." I whispered.

"What happened?"

"Terry, my ex, came by today. He didn't come in, I ignored it. He just knocked for like 20 minutes and i hid in the bathroom all day." I finally admitted. He took a long exhale.

"Why didn't you call me?" He said through clenched teeth.

"You were busy with your training thing I didn't wanna interrupt."

"You wouldn't have been interrupting! What have I told you?! I will ALWAYS have time for you!"

"I'm sorry!" I shouted, starting to cry.

"Michelle, stop." He said, rubbing my back.

"If he comes here again, call me. And then the police, so they can stop me before I go to jail for murder."

"Now I'm too afraid to even leave the apartment!" I cried, starting to sob again. I rolled over and cried into his chest, hugging him tight. I never wanted to leave his arms again.

"He didn't see you though, right? Like he doesn't know for sure that you live here?"

"He's smarter than that. I'm surprised he didn't break in and snatch me up."

"He doesn't know you're pregnant right?"


"Remember what we were talking about when we first started talking again?"

"The fake story we could tell him? About how I was in fact cheating on him with you?"

"Yeah. We could go with that. Just in case."

"This is ridiculous! All because I decided to have a beer one night!" I exclaimed, starting to cry again.

"I know." He said softly, still rubbing my back.

I caught my breath and sat up, grabbing my phone. I immediately dialed Daniel.


"Have you noticed any weird activity around the house?" I asked right off the bat.

"Not that I'm aware of. What happened?"

"Terry came by earlier. I didn't answer the door so he didn't see me but still, I don't even know how he found the apartment."

"Shit. I'll call all the local police departments and make them aware."

"Daniel it's fine I-"

"He tried to kill you!" Daniel interrupted.

"I... I know I just.. this is all so exhausting." I said with a sigh. Johnny wiped some tears from my face.

"Well just keep me updated, let me know what you wanna do."

"I will. Love you."

"Love you too."

I sighed and put my phone back on the nightstand.

"C'mon you need some sleep."

"I can't sleep knowing he's close."

"Just try. I know all your weaknesses."

I rolled my eyes and laid down. Johnny covered me with the blanket and started massaging my head and playing with my hair. I swear sometimes it's better than sex.

I woke up the next morning around 8 AM and Johnny was still in the same position as last night, hovering over me. He looked exhausted.

"Did you sleep at all?" I mumbled, rubbing my eyes.

"Nah. Wasn't tired."

"You're lying. You stayed up all night to make sure I was safe." He rolled his eyes and nodded. I smiled and kissed his cheek and got up. I went to go shower while he made breakfast.

"I have to go to the pawn shop and deal with something, you wanna come?" He asked at breakfast. I nodded while finishing my coffee.

We got ready and headed to the pawn shop, I guess Johnny doesn't know how to work his computer. I was too in distress to help him.

We headed back home and just sat around all day. Johnny played around on his computer, lord knows what he was looking at. I just watched TV and played on my phone.

"God damn it!" He shouted after a few hours.


"Your brother is advertising free karate! And referring to Cobra Kai as a snake in the grass! How the fuck-"

"Just chill out. Cobra Kai is doing just fine, you have more students than him." I pointed out.

"I fucking love you." He said, slamming the computer shut and walking over to me. He grabbed my face and kissed me hard. I started laughing, and he stopped after a few.

"I have to go to class. You coming?" I nodded quickly, too afraid to be home alone. Terry could be watching my every move.

We headed to the dojo and I stood talking to some of the kids while Johnny went straight into the office. He was talking to Kreese and they were both staring at me. I ignored it and kept talking to Aisha about some new app.

I sat in the office while Johnny and Kreese taught. After class, Kreese came into the office to get his bag.

"Johnny filled me in on your ex boyfriend, that's his handy work?" He said, motioning to my face. My bruises were very slowly going away but were definitely still there. The ones on my back healed rather quickly, though.

"Yeah." I mumbled, scrolling through Pinterest.

"I'm sorry that happened to you." I ignored him, and eventually he left.

Johnny, Miguel, and Aisha were doing something out on the mats so I kept playing around on my phone. After like an hour Johnny finally came into the office.

"Ready?" He asked, bag in hand. I nodded, getting up and following him out the dojo. Kreese was standing out by the car and they talked for a few minutes while I sat in the car.

When we got home I went straight to the couch, laying down.

"You tired already?" Johnny said, setting his bag down on the table.

"It's exhausting being out in public when you think your psycho ex boyfriend is watching your every move." I mumbled, turning on the TV.

"I think I'm gonna take Miguel out tonight. Just for a few hours."

"Go ahead, leave me to die." I joked.

"I can drop you off at Daniel's."

"I can drive myself. I have a car, remember?"

"Fine don't ride in my new decked out car."

"Oh hush." I rolled my eyes and got up, going to change. I changed into some leggings and a tank top, and a jacket just in case it got cold later.

I dialed Sam.

"Hey auntie!"

"Hey boo. You guys got any plans tonight?"

"Yeah, we're at the festival. Why, what's up?"

"Johnny's going out tonight so I figured I'd come by."

"Sure! I can have dad meet you at the main gate."

"Cool, I should be there in about 20 minutes."

"Okay. See ya!"

"I'm leaving!" I called, heading for the apartment door.

"Bye." Johnny said, getting up off the couch and kissing me.

I started my car, long time no see, and headed to the fairgrounds. It was hella busy when I got there.

I found a parking space close to the entrance and saw Daniel waiting for me.

"Long time no see." He joked, hugging me.

We walked to Robby, Sam, and Amanda.

"Oh good you're here! We have that ultrasound tomorrow!" Amanda exclaimed, hugging me. 

I couldn't get rid of the feeling that someone was watching me. I looked all around me and saw no one too suspicious.

I was enjoying Daniel's showcase when Johnny interrupted it with the Cobra Kai bullshit. Fuck.

We all got kinda pissed off and left. I decided to use the bathroom before I left, but that was a big ass mistake. Major. Huge.

When I got out of the bathroom, I heard that same damn voice I heard outside of the apartment.

"Michelle." I gasped and turned around, and standing before me was the devil himself. Terry Silver, my ex.

Yep I guess I always had a thing for Cobra Kais. He was so nice when I had first met him. But oh is he evil. He even still had the same long black ponytail. Asshole.

"Get away from me." I warned.

"Wow I guess I did mess you up pretty bad, huh? I'm sorry." I started backing away, but he just kept following. My heart was racing, Johnny was nowhere in sight, I was all alone.

The bathrooms were just by the entrance so he should be coming soon, right? Right?

"Just come home." He continued.

"No!" I shouted, trying to make a scene. He glanced around.

"You need to be more quiet... I see you're pregnant?"

"Not yours. I-"

"So you were cheating! You bitch!" He slapped me, hard. I could feel blood rushing from my lip, my cheek stung.

He went to go punch me and I blocked, but I guess that pissed him off. He grabbed my hand and squeezed and twisted so hard, I felt my bones snap into pieces. I screamed out in pain, and he kicked me to the ground. I tried to block my stomach with my arms, but my broken hand hurt way too much and I was shaking so hard it didn't do any good.

He then started to repeatedly kick me, mainly in my stomach.

"Stop!" I screamed, trying to cower away from his kicks. He was so lethal. Every kick felt like a stab wound.

"Johnny! Daniel!" I screamed.

I felt something wet between my legs and looked down, there was so much blood. So much.

"Michelle!" I heard Daniel shout. Terry cursed under his breath and away like the coward he is.

"Oh my god!" I heard Sam scream. I was laying on the ground feeling pathetic as ever. I couldn't move.

"Amanda, go find Johnny!" I heard Daniel shout. Their voices were blending together, sounding so echoey. Was I dying?

Everything started to go dark, and I quickly passed out.


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