TLOK Kyalin Oneshots NEW

By PinkRathian

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Primarily Kyalin Oneshots of different ratings 😏, you can find some Suvira in here too. Cute fluff to angst... More

Beach Volleyball
Adventures of Zaofu
When We Were Kids
Car ride
Suvira Chapter
Double Date
From Chaos to Order (Kuvira Backstory)
Wine and Surprise
Dangerously Jealous
Kyalin Week
Suyin Part 1
Suyin Part 2
Suyin Part 3
Suyin Part 4
Love is Blind
The Games Part 1
The Games Part 2
The Games Part 4
Suvira AU (epilogue)
The City Part 1
The City Part 2
The City Part 3
The City Part 4
The Chief's Secret
Train Wreck
A different kind of Mother
Kyalin Week Prompt 1
Kyalin Week Prompt 2
Kyalin Week 3
Kyalin Week 4
Kyalin Week Day 5
Kyalin Week Six
Kyalin Week Day 7
Two worlds apart
Circumstances (sequel to TWA)
The Guard (Suvira) Part 1
Speculation (sequal to Circumstances)
The Guard (Suvira) Part 2
All over you
Lin and Ikki
Suvira Solstice
Lin Walks Into a Bar
Christmas Party
Suvira Book 1
Suvira Book 2
Suvira Book 3
Suvira Book 4
Lin Goes to the Dentist
The Box
The Office
The Radio
The Dinner
Kyalin Shorts
I Just Know that I Like You
That's Rough
Good Times
Suvira Nanny AU
A Test of Love
Suvira Shorts
I'm Sorry
Signs Pt 2
Like You
Kya Goes to the Dentist
My Wives and I
A Cause For Celebration
A Cause for Celebration Part 2
20 Years Ago
Lin Takes Care of Kya
Suvira Nanny Au (part 2??? I guess?)
Origins: Part 1
Origins: Part 2
Origins: Part 3
An update
Pirate AU Part 1
Pirate AU Part 2
Pirate AU Part 3
Pirate AU Part 4
Pirate AU Part 5
Pirate Au Part 6
Pirate AU Part 7
Pirate AU Part 8
Pirate AU Part 9
Pirate Au Part 10
Pirate AU Part 11
Pirate AU Part 12
Pirate AU Part 13
Pirate AU Part 14
Pirate AU Part 15 (Finale)

The Games Part 3

1.7K 61 25
By PinkRathian

After looking down either way of the hall Kya slid her bedroom door closed with a sigh. She offered a nervous grin to Lin who stood in the centre of the room with one hand gripping her elbow.

"I-" they both simultaneously.

"You go," Lin said. Kya smiled, taking a deep breath as she sat on her bed.

"I owe you an explanation. I am a hopeless flirt, and I'm sure as you know that ummm... well I am more into... girls. Actually scratch that I'm only into girls." Lin didn't respond so Kya continued. "I have well... oh god. Okay, you can do this Kya, just breathe," she said to herself, ignore any look of concern that may have crossed Lin's face. "Okay, what I'm trying to say is I like you, like in the way Tenzin likes Pema." Lin raised an eyebrow and Kya blushed. "I'm sorry, that's not what I- I'll leave my brother out of this. Okay what I'm attempting to tell you, in a way that won't weird you out or scare you is I find you very attractive. Like it's ridiculous how attractive you are and I like you, I really like you, actually." Kya turned away, forcing the wall to face her blush. The room was silent, and it was until she felt Lin sit next to her on the bed she thought Lin had left.

"I don't know what to say," Lin said, her voice quivering with frustration, most likely at herself. "But I... I never thought about me being.... like you in the sense of... woman." Kya felt herself smile, just a little and she forked up enough courage to face Lin. "But I think that I'm starting to," Lin finished, offering a grin of her own.

"I don't mean to rush you or anything so you don't have to answer, but what are your thoughts in regards to.... me?" She heard Lin still her breath, and the sense of nervousness returned to Kya's chest.

"I think you're beautiful, and that I would like to figure this out, so I can give you a straight answer." Kya's grin tuned into a full smile at Lin's reply, causing the metalbender to blush.

"'Straight answer' isn't how I'd word it next time," Kya teased, "but I can live with that." Lin blushed and brushed a strand of hair that had fallen into her face.

"You know," Lin said, "You did really good out there today, and even tho you didn't win, you deserve a medal." Kya wanted to lean in and kiss her, but she opted for a hug instead, she knew Lin appreciated space. And besides she had already kissed her awkwardly once today she didn't need a repeat. As she embraced Lin she heard the sound of a smashed pot and looked up to see Lin, ripping the ribbon off her own medal and tying it to a familiar blue and white clay amulet, that was undoubtedly made of the pot from Kya's room. Lin handed it to her and Kya presses her lips together, disguising her grin. She picked up the amulet and held it in her hands, pressing it to her chest.

"Thank you," she whispered, just loud enough so Lin could hear. Her eyes darted to her thy when she felt Lin place a hand there, only for her eyes to dart back up when she realized what was happening. As Lin's face neared hers Kya set the medal down beside and lunges her own face forward, meeting Lin halfway to the kiss. The first one was quick, they both pulled away and looked at each other, either of them caught in the surprise of what happened. But then Kya reached out, placing her hand over Lin's jaw, like she'd thought about hundreds of times, and used her grip to pull Lin back in. Long drawn breaths preceded a long passionate kiss, it was soft, and Kya couldn't contain the grin when Lin put her other hand down to get closer. The hand that was on her thy slid up farther and Kya almost gasped at the touch, the only reason she didn't was because she didn't know if it was on purpose or not. When they finally tired, and drew back for air they pressed their foreheads together.

"I think I've almost got things figured out," Lin said with a heavy breath, "looks like things are in your favour."

"Did you just make a joke? Right after we made out?" Kya asked, the ever expanding smile on her face still lighting up Lin's vision.

"Yeah I guess I did." They both laughed and Kya pulled her hand from Lin's face, and forced herself to maintain a smile when Lin's hand was drawn from her thy.

"I should go do the medal ceremony. I'll see you tonight?" Kya asked, getting up.

"Yeah," Lin replied, gulping and brushing herself off. Kya couldn't help but smirk at the other girl's uneasiness, it was kind of cute. Lin waved an awkward farewell and Kya watched as she slid open her bedroom door, and closed it again. When Lin was out of sight she collapsed back onto her bed, the medal in her hands, pressed to her chest and she kissed it. The thought of her lips against Lin Beifong's fresh in her mind.

"And the crown winner of the swimming contest is Asami Sato!!!" Korra did a suggestive whistle as the medal was placed on Asami's neck, and Asami took it upon herself to do a few modeling poses to please the crowd. Lin watched as Kya hopped off her little stone podium, engaging in a conversation with the two of them, not before making eye contact with Lin.

"Lin!" Lin turned at the beckoning of her name, a small part of her dying when she saw her sister waving to her from across the way. At least she'd taken off that ridiculous hat.

"Yes?" Lin asked when she was close enough.

"Where you after the event? I looked all over."

"I was here, why?" Su looked at her suspiciously and Lin just scowled at her sister's response.

"Well, I needed to to talk to the family as whole, but you missed out."

"Good." Lin replied, turning to leave.

"Wait Lin I'm sorry. Sorry I'm just... today's been frustrating okay. I meant to ask you, if you would come to Zaofu next month for Beifong's Tradition." Lin furrowed her eyebrows and look at her sister in disbelief.

"Beifong's Tradition? Su why are you reviving that monster of a holiday. It's not even real just something our wealthy ancestors made up as an excuse to buy a bunch of food and rub it in their extended family's face. Hell, Mom hated it."

"Well it's not like that, I don't want to re-establish it, I want to reinvent it. An excuse for the family together, you, me, Opal. You know so we don't lose each other. I bet I can get mom to come!" Lin grunted and Su took hold of her arm. "Please?" Su pleaded, a desperate smile. Lin rolled her eyes with a sigh.

"Fine, but can I bring someone?" This, this caught Su off guard.


"Can I. Bring. A. Plus one?"


"Fine I'll be there, send me the details over a letter." Su was confused, but satisfied with the response, hugging her sister before she could escape.

"Lin you got something on-" Su used her thumb to wipe next to Lin's lip.

"Su what are you doing stop! Get off!" She pushed her sister away and Su looked at her with a devious smile.

"Lin if you don't plan on kissing and telling, at least have the audacity to wipe your face." Lin's hands moved to her face in horror of what her sister just said. It was too late, Su was walking away and Lin rubbed her mouth with her arm. Suyin was extremely irritating, but she was willing to let it slide, if only it meant Kya was happy.

Nightfall could not come fast enough, by Kya's standards. She sat through another long conversation with her brother and Pema, Bumi had opted to entertain with Varrick, leaving her to stare around hopelessly looking for Lin.

"Kya are you okay? You seem distracted." Pema asked, putting a spoonful of food into Rohan's mouth.

"Yeah I'm fine." She replied, looking over her shoulder. Seriously where was Lin?

"I'm sorry you didn't win the event today, you were so close." Pema said, trying again to make a conversation.

"Oh, thanks."

"Kya what happened out there, you stopped in the middle of the race." Tenzin asked, prodding a vegetable with his chopsticks before deciding to give it to Rohan.

"Just got some water in my mouth, that's all." She said, giving up on her search.

"Really? That seems like-" she shot Pema a glare, causing Pema to leave that sentence unfinished. Kya looked up at the sound of Korra, belligerently cheering over by the fire.

"Excuse me," she told the two of them as she made way. Asami was standing next to Korra, holding the Avatar's sluggish shoulders.

"Kya!" Asami greeted when she saw her. The look of desperation on Asami's face told Kya what she needed her to do.

"Let's get her to bed." Kya lofted Korra's other arm over her shoulder, helping Asami take her into the house.

"She's really taking advantage of the free booze," Asami laughed.

"Eh she's having fun. Believe me, one day she'll get over it."

"How do you know?"

"Because I used to be just like her. Worse, actually." Asami chuckled as they laid the avatar on Tenzin's couch. "Good job out there today," Kya said as Asami plopped herself next to Korra, placing the water tribe girl's head on her lap.

"Thanks, you know I keep wondering how I won." Asami said accusingly. Kya blushed and responded with a shrug.

"Must've been fluke."

"Oh yeah?"


"It had nothing to do with that around your neck." Kya blushed at being caught, pulling the medal out of her shirt.

"Okay I might have been a little distracted." Asami felt the medal when Kya leaned in to show her and nodded approvingly.

"Made of earth," Asami noted. The two of them sat and chatted for a few minutes before the front door opened and Lin stepped in.

"Kya?" Lin asked she entered.

"You Good here?" Kya asked Asami who nodded and gestures for her to go. "Let's go outside," Kya said as she reached Lin, inviting Lin to accompany her. Kya led them to a trail where they walked side by side, silent for most of it, until the reached the Cherry Blossom tree, her father had named Gyatsu tree. Kya took a seat underneath its pink petals, and Lin did the same. Their view consisted of a side glance of Republic City, the moon, and the ocean.
"It's beautiful," Kya said, taking in a whiff of the air.

"It is," Lin responded, tossing a pebble onto the now-calmed water and watching it bounce.

"Lin what do you want?" Kya asked, pulling her knees to her chest and looking at the metalbender when she spoke.

"What do you mean?" Lin asked, throwing another rock.

"I mean in terms of your future." Our future. Should there be one.

"I don't know. I guess at some point I'll retire, and after that I'll-" nothing, silence. Then, "I'll settle down." Kya nodded and tossed her own stone into the water.

"Sounds like a plan."

"What about you?" Lin asked.

"Like yours, but minus the retiring part. I've already done that."

"So just settle then?" Lin asked, this time meeting Kya's gaze.

"Yeah, I guess so." Kya responded, a blush appearing on her cheeks. She watched as Lin tossed another stone, it hit the water, but then it came back into her hand and Kya wondered if it had been the same rock the whole time. Kya places one hand down on the grass, next to Lin, and with a breath of confidence she turned and placed the other one on the other side so her face was directly agains Lin's. "Lin..." she said softly and the metalbender turned to look at her, her emerald eyes hitting different under the moonlight. She could hear Lin's breathing increase, to match the pace of Kya's own and Lin's legs shuffled under her. Kya presses her lips against Lin's and Lin pressed back. Lin's arms that were suspending her bended slightly, and Kya adjusted to the new angle. Her chest brushed against Lin's as they lowered, Lin's elbows relaxing onto the grass. Kya climbed into top of the other girl, allowing herself to be pressed even lower. Lin's tongue fought hers and Kya mustered the strength to raise one of her hands to Lin's hair, tousling it. The sound of the republic city clock striking midnight rang in their ears and Lin sighed.

"I better go," Lin said, and Kya rolled off of her.

"You don't have to," Kya responded. Lin frowned and shook her head.

"I want to, believe me I want to stay. But I shouldn't, this has already been... a big day." Kya nodded and kissed Lin on last time on the cheek.

"I get it, I'll see you tomorrow then. I can't imagine your doing either of the running events?" Lin laughed and pushed herself off the grass.

"God No, but the obstacle course, I'm there." Kya smiled and allowed Lin to pull her up.

"I'll see you then, athlete. You better be in tip top shape."

"I have to save my energy for the sparring rounds."

"Rounds? Are you competing in both of them?"

"Yeah well, I figure what better way to put Su in her place then to beat her twice?" Kya laughed and was surprised when Lin pulled her close, by her waist. "Thank you," the metalbender said, a weak grin on her face.

"No problem, chief." Kya replied, running her hands down the armor and knocking it with her knuckles before pulling them apart. She watched Lin go, running up the trail and Kya stood there, her arms crossed to keep that feeling close to her. That feeling that only Lin Beifong could make her feel. When she saw Lin step onto the last ferry of the night she ducked back into the trail and retreated into the temple. She wrapped a blanket over Korra and Asami who had also fallen asleep before making her way up to her room, stripping into her undergarments and getting into her bed. Still holding the medal, like it was the most valuable ting in the world.

Day 3

After successfully waking up to the sound of her alarm and gorging down the pastries Pema had whipped up for breakfast Kya went outside, looking at the competition for today. First was the sprint, then the hurdles, and last but not least, the obstacle course. Lin would be here for that, she just had to get by until then. She could do that. Couldn't she?

Lin paced her apartment. She didn't have to be at the games until 4, when the obstacle course started, so she had time to go to work. But unnaturally, she couldn't get herself to do it. Lin Beifong couldn't go to work, that was something worthy of the papers. She thought multiple times about going down there early, she could watch Opal compete or something. She sighed in frustration as she sat down. She could go to work and get nothing done, or she could distract herself by doing something useful. So Lin went to the market. She had entirely forgot to put on her armor, another thing she was certain would be mentioned by someone, so she wore just her tank top and her sweats. She didn't entirely care, she wasn't trying to impress anyone, and the one person she was trying to impress would find this totally suitable. She found herself looking at nothing in particular, there were oddity's from around the world she paid no attention to, and of course the farmers section but Pema had been feeding everyone and she had no shame eating her food. It wasn't until stumbling across a black robe, that she stopped.

"It's a combat robe, ma'am," the seller said. She picked up the edge of a sleeve and felt it in her hands. It was simple, that she liked, no embroidery or anything to get in the way. It was elegant, in its own way, much nicer than anything she had in her wardrobe.

"How much?" She asked, unable to find the price.

"500," she looked at him with a raised eyebrow, and when he didn't respond she growled,

"I'll take it." She tossed him the coins and in return he bagged the robe, sliding a protective cover over its hangar.

"Enjoy miss," he said as she departed. She browsed around again, hoping another treasure would present itself, but it didn't, so she folded and made her way to the cider store, looking to pick up something for the after-event today.

Kya placed the medal around Mako's neck, who pretended to be unaffected by the reward, but the slight grin on his face saying otherwise. Jinora has triumphed in the sprint, Kya half expected the airbender to take the hurdles as well, but Mako took them all by surprise. He was a surprising look good jumper for a fire bender. She looked at the sun, four pm was nearing, Lin should be here anytime. The crowd dispersed and Kya directed everyone to be back in an hour for the last event of the day. She was updating the scoreboard when her shoulder was tapped.

"Hello-o, hi Kuvira." She said with a smile.

"Hi... um.."

"Kya," she said, helping the earth bender out.

"Right sorry. Um I was wondering if it isn't too late to enter for the obstacle course today?" Kya was surprised, but she shook her head.

"Absolutely not, ill put you down."

"Thanks. And um..." Kuvira hesitated. Kya frowned, the last time she had seen this girl, she had been bandaging up and helping their crew gather themselves after a fight with Zaheer. Then the whole thing went down with the Earth Empire, and here she was, completely changed. That confidence she once radiated was gone.

"Go on," Kya prompted.

"If I feel like entering the events tomorrow, would it be too late?" Kya grinned and put her marker down, hopping off her stone latter to face the girl.

"I'll tell you what, if you tell me by 12 tomorrow, I'll enter you in the event, or both if you'd like." Kuvira allowed herself a small grin before bowing.

"Thank you," she said before walking away. Kya watched her go, unaware of the other person waiting to speak to her.

"That was nice of you," she turned to see Lin standing there, in what was clearly a new black robe.

"Oh my god- I mean thank you. She's... she's not the person everyone said she was. I think she really changed, too much I think." Lin looked past Kya's shoulder to Kuvira who sat against a post with a book open.

"She'a healing, in her own way. Su gave her a hard time, everyone compares me to mom, wait till you hear her yell." Kya raised her eyebrows, tearing her gaze away from Kuvira.

"I like the robe," she said, and Lin blushed.

"Thanks, just something I picked up."

"It looks good. Turn around."


"Just do it." Lin spun around and Kya voiced her approval. "Yep, it's very nice."

"Very funny, let's go inside so I can put this bottle of wine in the fridge."

"Wine? Lin Beifong you continue to surprise me!"

"Yeah well, it's a talent of mine." Kya laughed and allowed herself to grip Lin's arm as they walked. She pulled it away when they stepped inside, she wasn't ready to announce this to all of their friends yet, and she was sure that Lin wasn't either. Which was perfect, their little secret.

Lin dove underneath the lowered bar, sliding in the dirt and regaining her footing so she could leap over the hurdle. Her breath was heavy as she did a simple flip over the last jump, just for good measure. Everyone cheered when she had finished her run, and Kya came up to her, clapping.
"Well done, Chief," Kya giggled, elbowing Lin.

"What's my time?"

"Ah ah ah, we have one more competitor."

"Who?" Lin asked, more sternly than she anticipated.


"Oh right, well, what are you standing here for then?" Kya stuck her tongue out, causing Lin to chuckle as the waterbender retreated to her duties.

"All right, last for the obstacle course, Kuvira! When you hear the ring, go for it!" Kuvira nodded and prepared herself. Her arms where wrapped and when the bell rang she was off. Lin watched, astonished at the girls speed and fluidity. She knew Kuvira was talented, but this... this was another level.

"Fuck," Korra said, a little louder than she had anticipated, earning her a glare from Tenzin. They were all thinking it, here was the Great Uniter, showing them all up in an obstacle course, and suddenly Lin found herself hoping the protege didn't enter the sparring tomorrow. When Kuvira crosses the finish line, undoubtedly faster than anyone else, they cheered extra loud. Lin thought about what Kya had said earlier, about how Kuvira had changed too much, and seeing her hardly react to the appraise, she thought that maybe she was right. Kya was good with people, maybe it was worth mentioning to Su.

"Well, I think I can say this without even looking at the papers, Kuvira, you are the obstacle course champion!" Kya placed the medal, dramatically, over the metalbenders head and Kuvira smiled slightly. Nodding to the appraisal. With the group distracted Kya came back over to Lin, who watched them with a grin.

"She's good," Lin admitted.

"Lin, she's incredible. I don't know what your sister is putting into the youth over in her city, but holy shit." Lin laughed and Kya's eyes met hers.

"Come on," Lin said, "let's go open that bottle of wine. I'm going to need something to get me through dinner now that Su is going to brag about that."

"She won't brag," as if on cue, Su's voice was heard over the hustle.

"I trained her, I knew she was talented."

"I stand corrected," Kya nodded. Lin gestured for Kya to follow with a wave, and when the waterbender grabbed her arm on instinct Lin couldn't find it in herself to brush it away. She wasn't ready to announce anything, especially since she wasn't entirely sure what this was, but it felt good. It felt really good to have someone want to hold on to her. So she let it slide, just this once.

And here we are, another chapter of the journey. I hope this chapter was up to your expectations and I apologize if the ending is a bit rough grammar wise i was practically writing this with my eyes closed.

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