TLOK Kyalin Oneshots NEW

By PinkRathian

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Primarily Kyalin Oneshots of different ratings ๐Ÿ˜, you can find some Suvira in here too. Cute fluff to angst... More

Beach Volleyball
Adventures of Zaofu
When We Were Kids
Car ride
Suvira Chapter
Double Date
From Chaos to Order (Kuvira Backstory)
Wine and Surprise
Dangerously Jealous
Kyalin Week
Suyin Part 1
Suyin Part 2
Suyin Part 3
Suyin Part 4
Love is Blind
The Games Part 2
The Games Part 3
The Games Part 4
Suvira AU (epilogue)
The City Part 1
The City Part 2
The City Part 3
The City Part 4
The Chief's Secret
Train Wreck
A different kind of Mother
Kyalin Week Prompt 1
Kyalin Week Prompt 2
Kyalin Week 3
Kyalin Week 4
Kyalin Week Day 5
Kyalin Week Six
Kyalin Week Day 7
Two worlds apart
Circumstances (sequel to TWA)
The Guard (Suvira) Part 1
Speculation (sequal to Circumstances)
The Guard (Suvira) Part 2
All over you
Lin and Ikki
Suvira Solstice
Lin Walks Into a Bar
Christmas Party
Suvira Book 1
Suvira Book 2
Suvira Book 3
Suvira Book 4
Lin Goes to the Dentist
The Box
The Office
The Radio
The Dinner
Kyalin Shorts
I Just Know that I Like You
That's Rough
Good Times
Suvira Nanny AU
A Test of Love
Suvira Shorts
I'm Sorry
Signs Pt 2
Like You
Kya Goes to the Dentist
My Wives and I
A Cause For Celebration
A Cause for Celebration Part 2
20 Years Ago
Lin Takes Care of Kya
Suvira Nanny Au (part 2??? I guess?)
Origins: Part 1
Origins: Part 2
Origins: Part 3
An update
Pirate AU Part 1
Pirate AU Part 2
Pirate AU Part 3
Pirate AU Part 4
Pirate AU Part 5
Pirate Au Part 6
Pirate AU Part 7
Pirate AU Part 8
Pirate AU Part 9
Pirate Au Part 10
Pirate AU Part 11
Pirate AU Part 12
Pirate AU Part 13
Pirate AU Part 14
Pirate AU Part 15 (Finale)

The Games Part 1

2.4K 76 78
By PinkRathian

Yeah this is just something I felt a little inspired to write. Idk it's Kyalin there's always room for more. Enjoy the fan art (not mine) it's by Kaindraws on tumblr.

Kya nodded Korra a thank you as the avatar lifted one last boulder from the ground, finally the final obstacle was in place.

"That should do it," the avatar grinned, admiring her handy work whilst placing her hands on her hips.

"Thank you Korra, go take a break, I'll handle the rest."

"Aye Aye Kya!" She said before dashing off in the direction of Asami. Kya inspected the course and made sure everything was in place. She had taken it upon herself to coordinate an event, for all their friends and family to attend, once a year, so that they always saw each other and made time to catch up.

"Wow Kya, this looks amazing!" Kya turned to see Jinora, Kai at her side.

"Thanks sweetie, I hope it's long enough."

"It will be." Jinora reassured her.

"Did you deliver all the invitations okay?" Kya asked.

"Just got back from Zaofu, we got a little held back at the northern air temple, so we were a little behind, but Suyin was grateful and assured us she could make it."

"That's awesome! Thank you guys so much," She said, embracing her niece, and to the boys surprise, Kai.

"It's no problem aunty, actually it was nice to have some us time... I love the other airbenders but well..."

"Your father, he can be so annoying sometimes." Jinora laughed and nodded.

"He can. Come on, Lunch is ready, Mom has been working on it all afternoon so it must be special." Her niece said, holding out her hand. Kya took it and allowed her niece to help her down the steps, her broken leg still had some toll on her, and into the temple. Her face lit up when she saw those who had already gathered at her childhood home, she couldn't wait for everyone to be here in the next few days.

Few days earlier

Lin opened the neatly folded letter on her desk, it had sat there all day and just as she was heading out the door she remembered it.

Lin Beifong

Please grace us with your presence for the Avatar Games this year. I think you'll find this years challenge to be worth your time.

Love, Kya

Lin couldn't help but grin, she tended to avoid these silly things, but something about this letter made her want to go. Love, Kya.

"Chief?" She turned her grin back into a frown when she saw Mako standing at her office door.

"What?" She replied in her usual tone.

"Can I have time off for the games?" Lin sighed and nodded. "Are you coming to them Chief?"

"How do you know I was even invited?"

"I'm a detective. Besides I can see the letter in your hand. Everyone got one, see." Mako held up his later and Lin took it from his hand.


I hope to see you participate in the games this year, there are some young air benders who could learn a thing or two from a skilled athlete like yourself.

From, Kya

Lin pursed her lips when she read the last part. His said from but hers, hers said love.

"I'll be there," she replied. Satisfied with her answer Mako took the letter back and left her doorway. Lin thought about sitting back down, doing some paperwork and thinking, but she needed to rest. She had a tournament in a week.

Arrival Day

"Opal heard word the train is about an hour out," Tenzin said, putting his sons bottle on the counter.

"So exciting, I haven't seen Su since the wedding. She looks good." Kya said, getting a look from her brother.

"Not the time Kya."

"Sorry, sorry." Kya smiled. They both turned at the sound of a knock at the door.

"Come in!" Tenzin called, and the Ford was pushed open. Mako, Bolin stood there, Bolin's usual grin and his brother maintaining his bad boy stature. But perhaps the best part about was that Lin Beifong stood there, with her arms crossed and smug look on her face. Kya rubbed her tongue over her lips before widening her mouth into a big smile.

"Come on in guys! Mako, Bolin, Korra and Asami are outside 'scoping out the competition'," Kya informed them, putting quotations with her fingers.

"Where Opal?" Bolin asked.

"She just got back, must be with Jinora, they should be upstairs." Mall frowned as his brother started up the stairs, leaving him standing next to.

"I'm just... I'm just going to go outside." He said awkwardly, backing out the door. 

"The competition has arrived," Kya teased as Lin made her way to them.

"How could I refuse? The event of a lifetime, even I'm not anti social enough to miss that. Besides my sister is going to be here, so I can hear it from her, or I can hear this from you." Kya stood up and hugged her friend, not missing the chance to take in her aroma. It was subtle, but there was a hint of a perfume, something earthly that's for sure. And it drove Kya up the walls.

"You know Lin, you're supposed to RSVP," Kya joked, getting an eye roll from the metalbender.

"Yeah yeah don't worry I heard it from Opal before she left to find her mother."

"She stopped to see you?"

"She does that now. Much more often then she needs too."

"Awwe," Kya said in a high pitch, "she's looking out for you."

"I know, I'm just not used to having her around yet." Kya didn't notice she was rubbing Lin's arm, taking the time to go over the muscles more than once. "Where's the wife Tenzin?" Lin asked in the silence.

"You know Lin, for once I don't actually know. I suppose I should go find out. You guys are good here?" He asked, staring at his sister who had moved from subtle contact to our right staring at Lin.

"Oh yeah, fine Tenzin." He nodded and left through the back sliding door, using his hands to tell his sister to be careful.

"So how'd the set up go?" Lin asked. Kya was too busy looking at her jawline, wondering what it would feel like to run her hand along it, or hold it as she lifted Lin's face to kiss hers...

"Hmm, oh sorry. Um it went well, Korra was more than happy to help. She's a sucker for these things. She was so isolated at the South Pole growing up and I think after the fight with Zaheer she wanted to make up for it."

"Well that's good for her, I guess." Lin replied, tapping her fingers on the counter top.

"Any idea which events you want to enter?" Kya asked.

"No, honestly I haven't thought about it, what are the options?" Kya grinned as she unfolded the notepad that was filled with her scribbles and T-Charts.

"We have the obstacle course, non bending brawl, bending brawl, we have a heavy lifting, a javelin throw, a foot race, hurdles, swimming race, and a ball and chain throw." Lin raised her eyebrows and leaned over Kya's shoulder to look at the list. Kya blushed when she felt the younger woman's body against hers, she want to look up so bad, at the fine set of breasts that hovered just over her head, protected by their metal armor.

"Who's going to dare taking in Asami in the non-benders brawl?"

"I have no idea, it can be a bender, but they just can't bend during it."

"Ah well then, my bets on Korra. She'll use any excuse to press herself up against Ms Sato." Kya bit her lips together and just nodded, not mentioning the irony considering their own situation. "When's the sign up?" Lin asked.

"When everyone gets here I'm pinning a poster outside."

"Hmm, well Su and I will have to have a re do." Lin smirked and Kya raised an eyebrow. Now that was something she wouldn't mind watching. Her and Lin continued to make small talk until the volume from the group outside increased, letting them know Suyin and her entourage of children had made it.

"Lin! I'm surprised you came!" Su called when she saw her sister. Lin sighed and allowed herself to be hugged by her, even hugging her back.

"Yeah well, I'm putting myself out there. And how else am I supposed to remind these people that I'm the strongest earthbender here." Su narrowed her eyes and batted her sister softly on the shoulder.

"We'll see," Suyin said as she walked away to hug her daughter. Lin made time to greet her nephews and brother in law, releasing a relaxed breath when she had finished her hello's only for it to be cut short when she recognized the black-haired dictator at the back of the group. Her first instinct was to be angry, she didn't need to be here, but she remembered what these were for. She had seen all the hard work Kya had put into it, she didn't want to ruin it now. So instead she made her way over to the earth bending protege with a dip of her head.

"Hello Kuvira," she said, trying to sound inviting.

"Hi, Lin.." she was greeted back, just as awkwardly.

"How was the trip here?" Lin asked.

"It was good, great actually. I love Zaofu, but it's not so homely when it's your prison." Lin grinned and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Everywhere feels like prison when you're with my sister." Kuvira laughed and Lin bade her farewell, leaving the girl to engage with Korra and Asami.

"Look at you Lin, making nice with the enemy." She turned to see Kya standing behind her, the waterbenders hands on her hips.

"Yeah well this seemed like a good time." Lin replied, scratching the back of her neck. She was completely caught off guard at what came next, Kya wrapping her in a hug, not like the one before. It had feeling, emotion, and a warmth. Lin nearly shuddered when she pulled away.

"Thank you," Kya smiled, before walking away to see Suyin.

Day One

"Okay everyone! Gather around! It is time for the first event!" Those who weren't already gathered beneath Kya, and she couldn't hold back a smile at the excitement in their eyes.
"Today we will be doing the Javelin and Ball and Chain throw. First up is the Javelin, so anyone who signed up please listen especially carefully. There will be no use of bending, please keep it fair, airbenders I'm looking at you," the airbenders in the crowd feigned expressions of insult and Kya went on, "everyone will throw from the fifty meter line of the race track, you get three throws, whoever throws the farthest wins. The Bataars have agreed to do the measuring, thank you guys," they nodded, and Kya could see Su slightly upset at they way Kya had doubled their names. "Alright, let's get started!" The group cheered, and those who weren't participating carried foldable chairs to the edge of the race track where the competitors got lined up. Kya inspected every javelin to make sure there was no signs of cheating, and had Bumi perform the countdown. The first volley of Javelins was thrown and the Bataars went out and measured, giving a thumbs up when it was finished, onto the second round.

"Tenzin has got this in the bag," a familiar voice said from behind her.

"What makes you so sure?" Kya asked, watching the javelins fly through the air.

"He's a master airbender, he's got the muscle and arm strength, and he threw that stick of his around for years." Lin laughed.

"You might have a point there." The third volley was thrown, and as Lin predicted, Tenzin triumphed over the younger competitors. Everyone gathered and Kya took the liberty of placing the homemade medallion on her brothers neck, allowing him to enjoy the victory while he could. The javelins didn't take as long as anticipated, which was fine because now they had more than enough time to get through the ball and chain. Kya explained the rules and gestured for the watchers to standby from a distance. More had signed up for this one than she thought, and  she knew it could be a while before they had a winner, so she allowed herself to sit down.

"Not competing are you?" Lin asked from her side. Lin who always seemed to be by her side. She wasn't complaining, but how was she supposed to admire her from the side, the front was much better.

"Oh god no, my leg still isn't at full function. Thus why I host." Lin nodded and stepped forward.

"I see, well wish me luck, I'm going to get in line."

"You signed up for the ball and chain?"

"Yeah." Kya raised her eyebrows and leaned back in her lawn chair. "Well then, good luck." Lin grinned and Kya felt a part of her melt.

"You could not be more oblivious," Asami said from beside her.

"Excuse me?"

"Kya," the Sato girl said, sliding down her sunglasses, "Kya, whenever you aren't up there, Lin is right beside you. Then she goes to participate and asks you to 'wish her luck'?"Kya frowned, was she really missing something? She had her fair share of flirting, far more than Asami, she knew when someone was interested. But it wasn't so unfathomable that Kya had been too distracted to pick up what Lin was putting down, especially if Asami was noticing something.

"You think she might like me back?" Kya asked, leaning into the conversation.

"I think she's interested." Asami replied, clapping when Bolin's ball landed past the record line.

"Well, I appreciate your insight." Kya said, pushing on her own sunglasses and leaning back in the sun.

"Oh here comes Korra. You can do it Korra!! It you win this I'll do whatever you want!" Kya saw the avatar blush and grin, trying to ignore the effect Asami had on her. Korra picked up the chain and whipped around, releasing it in the air. It fell just short of Bolin's and the avatar frowned, coming up to sit on the chair with Asami. "I'm sorry baby, I thought you had that."

"I was distracted," Korra said, kissing the engineer. Kya looked away as they made out, watching as Lin stepped up to the plate. Lin looked at her for reassurance and Kya gave her two thumbs up in response. Lin nodded, and to Kya's surprise she bended her armor off, leaving her in the sweatpants and white tank top. Kya's sunglasses fell to the ground as she watched Lin grip the chain, muscles rippling.

"Oh my god," she wheezed as Lin began to spin it around.

"What's up with her?" Korra asked.

"Someone's got the hots for Beifong," Asami replied with a chuckle, "I think she might pass out if Lin comes over here like that." Kya ignores them, all her attention focused on the woman before her who threw the weight with more force than anyone yet, and when it surpassed Bolin's by a few feet she was not surprised. She found herself clapping sporadically as Lin admired her handy work, accepting the praise of the others.

"Asami!" Kya whispered.


"She's coming over here, shh!"

"You're the one talking I- hi Lin," Asami said with a wave, "great job."

"Thanks," the metal bender replied. Kya would've drooled if it weren't for the heat, as Lin lifted the bottom of her shirt to sip her forehead. "Something wrong, Kya?" Lin asked.

"Hmm? Oh no no. Maybe just some heatstroke I'll be fine."

"Heat stroke? Do you want to go inside for a bit? That's all the events for today right? We can do the medal ceremony later, if you insist." Kya nodded, ignoring the thumbs up form Korra and Asami beside her. Kya was an expert flirt, she always has been and she prized herself on that fact. But when it came to Lin Beifong she lost all feeling in her legs. So when she nearly fell getting out of the lawn chair and Lin bent down to pick her up, she let her. She looked up at Lin with a blush, and to her surprise, Lin was blushing, too.

This will be either two or three parts, I haven't quite decided yet so yeah, sorry to split it up but I was ready to put this out there 😁

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