TLOK Kyalin Oneshots NEW

By PinkRathian

161K 4.5K 3.4K

Primarily Kyalin Oneshots of different ratings 😏, you can find some Suvira in here too. Cute fluff to angst... More

Beach Volleyball
Adventures of Zaofu
When We Were Kids
Car ride
Suvira Chapter
Double Date
From Chaos to Order (Kuvira Backstory)
Wine and Surprise
Dangerously Jealous
Kyalin Week
Suyin Part 1
Suyin Part 2
Suyin Part 3
Love is Blind
The Games Part 1
The Games Part 2
The Games Part 3
The Games Part 4
Suvira AU (epilogue)
The City Part 1
The City Part 2
The City Part 3
The City Part 4
The Chief's Secret
Train Wreck
A different kind of Mother
Kyalin Week Prompt 1
Kyalin Week Prompt 2
Kyalin Week 3
Kyalin Week 4
Kyalin Week Day 5
Kyalin Week Six
Kyalin Week Day 7
Two worlds apart
Circumstances (sequel to TWA)
The Guard (Suvira) Part 1
Speculation (sequal to Circumstances)
The Guard (Suvira) Part 2
All over you
Lin and Ikki
Suvira Solstice
Lin Walks Into a Bar
Christmas Party
Suvira Book 1
Suvira Book 2
Suvira Book 3
Suvira Book 4
Lin Goes to the Dentist
The Box
The Office
The Radio
The Dinner
Kyalin Shorts
I Just Know that I Like You
That's Rough
Good Times
Suvira Nanny AU
A Test of Love
Suvira Shorts
I'm Sorry
Signs Pt 2
Like You
Kya Goes to the Dentist
My Wives and I
A Cause For Celebration
A Cause for Celebration Part 2
20 Years Ago
Lin Takes Care of Kya
Suvira Nanny Au (part 2??? I guess?)
Origins: Part 1
Origins: Part 2
Origins: Part 3
An update
Pirate AU Part 1
Pirate AU Part 2
Pirate AU Part 3
Pirate AU Part 4
Pirate AU Part 5
Pirate Au Part 6
Pirate AU Part 7
Pirate AU Part 8
Pirate AU Part 9
Pirate Au Part 10
Pirate AU Part 11
Pirate AU Part 12
Pirate AU Part 13
Pirate AU Part 14
Pirate AU Part 15 (Finale)

Suyin Part 4

810 18 0
By PinkRathian

2 weeks later

"You know when you said you wanted to make a prototype I didn't realize you meant you wanted to watch me make it," Su groaned as she bent another pillar from the sandy ground.

"Sorry, it's just, Your really good at this whole bending thing." Bataar said.

"There's multiple sand benders here, any of them would help you." Su found her self meters above the ground, on a pillar she had pulled from the earth.

"Yeah but, they don't capture my ideas like you do. Your a natural." Suyin couldn't help but smile. Bataar was always complimenting her, always making her feel liked and she couldn't tell if he reciprocated the feelings she had for him. She had dropped hints, time and time again, and he never see to pick up on them, or her never did anything with the information.

"Where did you graduate from again?" Su asked.

"University of Ba Sing Se," he replied, unaware of her intentions.

"Yeah well I think you outta give them that degree back." He looked up at her, his fake disapproval revealed by the smile that tugged at the corners of his mouth.

"Very funny. We're almost done, just one more there." Su nodded and pulled another pillar from the ground, in total there were nine pillars, in a circle shape of sorts.

"Wow you created... nothing." She said, admiring her work.

"Well that's because it lacks the finishing touches."

"Oh? Care to enlighten me?" She asked, hopping off the pillar and landing next to him, overlooking the paper he gripped in his hands.

"Imagine massive domes, made of metal, that encase city, serving as a top security system." Su marvelled at his drawing, and his idea, it was actually really good.

"Too bad we're in the middle of a desert." She said, kicking aside some sand.

"Yeah I've been thinking about that," he said, "I think it's time I moved on..."

"What?" She asked, shocked. "You can't leave!"

"Why not, I came here and did what I needed to do. There's more to be done, Ba sing Se isn't going to protect itself."

"I beg to differ," Su said with a tinge of sarcasm, "how many walls does that city have?"

"Point taken." He said flatly, rolling up his blueprints. "But Su, this is the middle of a desert, I mean how long did you expect to stay here?" In all honesty, Su hadn't thought about it. She didn't plan on going to the desert at all, but she met this cute boy on the ferry and it seemed like fate.

"I don't know... I guess I'd just assume I'd go on when it felt right. Like last time, and the time before that."

"Well, Su, I hate to burst your bubble but I don't think your lilyweed smoking waterbender friend is going to show up here any time soon." Su thought this, he was right, usually her path changed after an encounter with Kya, and she could stick with that, but it was a desert. She hated it here.

"You're right," she replied after a moment, "I'm coming with you tomorrow."


"Yeah, we're going to leave together, tomorrow. I hate it here, and I appreciate this time we have spent but I need to be somewhere I'm not constantly pulling sand out of my hair." Bataar lifted his eyebrows, pushing up his glasses like he always did when he was nervous.

"A-alright then. I guess we should pack."

"I guess we should," Su laughed, and they made their way back to the camp, rounding up their few belongings and informing their newfound friends of their departure.  A part of Su was surprised to find Bataar standing outside her tent, early that morning, waiting for her. Ready to go. She grinned and took his hand when he offered it, and together they boarded a sand sail and made way for the part of the earth Kingdom that was full of life. And their future.

After a week of travelling, Su collapsed on the grass next to a river, the hill she laid on overlooked the sea. She was surprised when Bataar sat next to her, him too laying down with his head on his hands.

"What are you looking for Su? What's kept you wandering for so long." Su couldn't help but chuckle. His random little questions, always seemed to align with her current thought process.

"Honestly, I don't know." He turned his face to look at hers.

"Where do you see yourself, in five years? Where do you want to be?" This came as a surprise to Suyin, because she didn't even have to think about it.

"I guess I want to be married, or in a relationship. Surrounded by loved ones, and living in a city. Spending holidays with my mother and sister, living a large house so all my kids have their own rooms."

"You want a family?" He asked. The sudden realization hit Su, and she remembered something Zuko had said to her just a few weeks prior "the problem is often something within yourself."

"I do," she said, admitting it to the warm summer air. "I want a family again." She turned her head from the trees and met Bataars eyes. "Can you see it here, Bataar?" She asked.

"See what?"

"Your domes. The city you have basically already designed. We could build it you know."

"A whole city Su that would take-"

"Years? Yeah it would, but it would be worth it." Bataar looked at her and smiled. His eyes returned to the trees."

"How do we even start?" He asked.

"We get the land. And then I bend some rocks." He chuckled, and she felt her face go red when his hand slid over hers.

"Let's do it, " he said, sitting up.


"Yeah, you have a vision of yourself in five years, we better not waste time!" Su smiled and sat upright alongside him. And she wasn't sure if it was the pent up feelings or the moment of excitement but she leaned in and kissed him. And to her surprise, he kissed her back.


2 years later

"It is my understanding that you have each written vows?" Suyin nodded, pulling out the slip of paper she had carried with her all morning.

"When I boarded that boat, and took a seat next to a random stranger, I never would of thought that stranger would be here with me today. In our city, marrying me. Bataar you have brought me all the joy that I could ever ask for and then some. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you, I love you." She wiped a tear from her eye and Bataar took hold of her face.

"I remember thinking, when someone took a seat beside me on the ferry, instead of on the perfectly fine empty seat across the isle, who is this weirdo? But then I pulled my face out of my papers, and there you were, sitting there, wavy goodbye to your friend like the dorky girl you secretly are. And suddenly, I didn't mind at all. I love you Su, and I can't wait to wake up with you everyday, thinking about how much you've done for me, and for us."

"Bataar, do you take Suyin Beifong to be your lawfully wedded wife?" Aiwei said.

"I do," Bataar replied, his hands trembling.

"Suyin Beifong, do you take Bataar to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do," she replied, with no hesitation.

"I pronounce you Mr and Mrs Beifong, you may kiss the bride." Bataar wastes no time in sweeping Su off her feet and kissing her. His hands gripping her legs and back and his lips planted firmly on hers as the small crowd cheered. He swung her around in a circle before putting her down, and she leaned against him, retracing the isle as she did before, but this time with his arm hooked around hers. She relaxed as she felt his breath on her head, and for a moment she couldn't remember if this moment was actually real.


6 months later

"Next is someone named Juno Lei," her assistant said, and when she nodded he opened the door to her office.

"Suyin?" Su looked up at the sound of that voice, she knew that voice.

"Juno? Oh my god it's been.."

"Almost three years," the girl replied.

"Why- What brings you here? To Zaofu?"

"Well, I heard your name, and I just had to come, we danced in the circus together for two years and this just seemed so unbelievable I had to see it for myself." Su smiled at her friend, getting out of her desk and hugging her.

"It's really good to see you. Have you heard anything of Zinnia?"

"She's settled down, met a fire bender in the capital not long after you left and they've been together since."

"Wow. " Su said, pulling apart. Juno's eyes widened when she saw the state Su was in.

"Oh my god Su your... your pregnant?" Su blushed and rubbed her stomach.

"I am, about 6 months in," she grinned.

"Oh my god, that's, that's so amazing. It seems you found what you were looking for," Juno stated.

"I did, Bataar, he's brilliant, I have never met anyone who matches his intelligence. I have to admit, this whole thing got off to a rocky start, but the city is really coming together, and now that we have some new earth benders to help, constructions been along nicely. What about you? What's been keeping you busy?"

"Oh you know, I taught dance in Omashu for a bit, but it turns out it's a dying art, not too many earthbenders are excited at the idea of learning to dance of all things." Su frowned at her words.

"Really? Dancing in the circus powered my bending in a way I could never imagine."

"Me too, but no ones interested in listening anymore." Su sat in silence, drumming up an idea, that may have been crazy, or brilliant.

"Why don't you open a studio here?" Su blurted.

"What? In Zaofu?"

"Yeah why not, I've been trying to get the attention of entrepreneurs and other businesses, we need to get the economy drumming." Juno looked taken aback, and for a moment Su thought she would refuse.

"That would.. that would be amazing!"

"I'll write up the paperwork. There's a salesman in the market area, you can pick out a location."

"Thank you Su, you really are something else." Su smiled, and was caught off guard when Juno bowed to her before leaving. She rubbed her stomach, unable to determine just how she felt about the gesture. People bowing to her? She wasn't sure if that was something you got used to.

3 months later

"You can do it honey, just one more push!" Bataar cheered and Su couldn't help but growl at him.

"I can't, I'm too tired." She panted.

"Yes you can, just think of the baby. Well get to take him home, you can swaddle him-" Su took Bataar's hand and nodded. She could do this. Just one more push.

"Aghhhhhh!" She screamed and all the metal in the room began to clatter. The nurse and doctor looked up in surprise but, returned their focus as the baby slipped into their hands. Su collapse in fatigue, and Bataar brushed her head.

"You're amazing," he said with a smile, walking to the end of the table to look at the baby.

"Well?" Su asked between breaths.

"It's a boy," the nurse said with a smile. Su felt tears stream down her cheeks and she lifted her hands to her eyes in a small cry.

"Su what's wrong?" Bataar asked, returning to her side.

"Nothing," she choked between sobs. "Absolutely nothing. Can I see him?" The nurse nodded and brought the baby to Su, lifting him so she could see his face. "Oh Bataar," she said, "he looks just like you."

"You think so?"

"Look at him!" He smiled and leaned down to kiss her on the lips.

"We're going to wash him up, we'll take you to a resting room and bring him to you in a bit," the nurse said, placing her son in a small box on wheels. Suyin watched the nurse go as her own bed was wheeled into a more appropriate room, where she changed and had the sheets swapped out. She laid in bed, her eyes closed in attempt to sleep, but she just couldn't, she needed to see him one more time. They sat in silence for the most part, Bataar running his fingers through her hair. It seemed like hours before the nurse came, with her baby.

"He's all cleaned up," she said, "would you like to hold him?" Su nodded and the swaddled baby was placed into her arms.

"Awwe," Su said, holding back a cry. "He's going to be so smart," she smiled.

"How do you know?" Bataar asked.

"I just do, he's going to be just like you. Brilliant, handsome."

"Your already plotting his future."

"I can't help it... I just want the best for him."

"I know you do," Bataar replied, nuzzling up to his family.

"Su?" Su looked up. It couldn't be, there was no  way that that voice belonged to who she thought it did.

"Mom?" She asked, the words sounding foreign coming from her mouth. Toph took a few tentative steps forward, and this time Su couldn't help but cry. "Mom I... I have so much to say I don't even-"

"Shh,". Toph said, coming up to the pair. She reached out her hand and Su guided it with her own, placing it on the back of her sons head.
"Oh my-" Toph gasped, and Su saw tears forming in the creases of the blind eyes.

"I didnt think you got my letter I waited for months for you to reply and-"

"Suyin whatever trouble may have plagued us in the past would never come between me and the birth of my first grandson." Su smiled, her voice began to crack as she cried. Bataar picked up the baby and handed it to Toph, who showed her gentle sighed and cooed. Su watched her mother bounce slightly with her son, she never thought she could be so happy.

"Have you picked a name?" Toph asked.

"Not yet we were deciding between a couple-"

"-Bataar Jr." Su replied, cutting off  Bataar who turned and looked at her surprise.

"Really?" He said, hint of doubt in his voice.

"Yes," Su replied, with a small laugh.

"I gather he looks like his father," Toph said with a grin. For a moment Su had forgotten of her mother's blindness, and now she was overcome with the idea that her mother would never truly see him.

"Just like him," Su replied.

"Well he better be handsome then." Su watched Bataar blush and she reached out for her husbands hand.

"You have no idea mother." Toph grinned, and Su wanted to stay in this moment forever. Her family reunited, her soul felt fullfilled, until she realized not everyone was there. She had wrote two letters telling of her marriage and pregnancy. One to her mother, and the other to her sister, who didn't seem to care, even after all this time.

9 years later

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Bataar asked.

"I have never been more certain in my life." Bataar raised an eyebrow and Su laughed.
"Okay maybe I have been more sure, but I'm certain about this. What's the worse that could happen?" Bataar shrugged, and allowed Su to step forward, pushing the large gates of Zaofu open, revealing the image of a small horse-bird pulled carriage. It stopped at the gates and Su took a step forward, waving to the small set of eyes that peered around the mans shoulder.

"Hi there!" She called, in the most friendly voice she could muster. "My name is Suyin, this is my city, Zaofu." She introduced her self. She could hear the man whisper to the child and the child got out of the car, holding nothing but a small duffle bag. Su smiled sympathetically, this poor girl would remember this for the rest of her life.

"Hello Suyin," the girl said nervously.

"I hear you can bend metal?" Su asked. The girl nodded, her long dark hair tied back in a braid.
"Do you want to show me?" The girl nodded and Su tossed a disc onto the ground. She watched as the girl lifted it, with ease. She was a prodigy, that Su was certain of.
"That's amazing, you're very talented." She complimented the girl, who blushed slightly.

"Thank you." She replied.

"Can you tell me your name?" Su asked, already knowing the answer.

"My name is Kuvira."

"Kuvira? That's beautiful! Why don't you come with me Kuvira, I have so much to show you, there's so many people I want you to meet."

"I don't know..." Kuvira said nervously.

"It'll be fun, and after, we can get ice cream."

"I've cream? I've never had ice cream before." Suyin tried to hide the look of pity that was undoubtedly present on her face as she looked down at the little girl. Her parents had already turned around, they were well down the road and Kuvira hadn't even noticed.

"I can show you all the best flavours." Su said, reaching out her hand. Kuvira smiled and ran over to her, taking Su's hand.

"Okay! But we have to stop at the bathroom first, it was a long cart ride here." Su chuckled and walked alongside the girl, pulling the gates closed with her free hand.

"Of course. Come, meet my family, I think you'll get along just fine." Kuvira smiled up at her and Su resisted the urge to cry. Such a beautiful girl, with so much potential that her parents had wasted. And left her here, for Suyin to take. Kuvira began to skip as they made their way to the estate, and Su couldn't help but skip alongside her.

"They're not coming back are they?" Kuvira asked when they reached the front door. Su blinked and looked to the floor.

"No, I'm sorry honey." Kuvira looked at her and wrapped her arms around Su, as high as she could.

"Thank you for helping me," she said, her face buried in Su's robe. Su did her best to return the gesture, before opening the door.

"Jr.! There's someone I want you to meet!"

And that's all folks. I just, *french kiss* am making this my head cannon now.  Also, if the timeline doesn't totally match up, I'm sorry, I tried to math it out in my head but I very well could've messed this up. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this series as much as I did. I'm currently working on the Kyalin week prompts, and I imagine I will be posting them here first, and posting them on Tumblr when it's the actual week. So if you follow me on both then good job, you get the early access. I may go back and dabble with the Suvira AU, but as of now my hands are tied. Respect to you all and have a great day

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