Cobra Kai (A Johnny Lawrence...

By wildflower_phoenix

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When Daniel and Michelle Larusso move to California with their mom, their lives change dramatically. More

Chapter 1: The Beach
Chapter 2: The Crash
Chapter 3: The Dance
Chapter 4: The Tournament
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
update 2
Chapter 23
Chapter 24: The beginning of my Hell
Chapter 25: Heaven
Chapter 26: Hell

Chapter 12

3K 63 40
By wildflower_phoenix

I ended up deciding on almost all of the baby stuff Daniel and Amanda pulled out. A crib, a bouncy seat, a changing table, rocking chair, any big furniture. I decided to pick out new clothes and toys.

Daniel came to me with an idea.

"How about I open up a little daycare center in the main dealership? That way it gives you a job and brings more customers in." I excitedly agreed. That means I could be a kind of stay at home mom like I always wanted!

I was sitting with some tea and a book the next day when Johnny called me.

"They banned Cobra Kai from the damn tournament!" He shouted after I answered.

"Well hello to you too." I joked.


"I know, I'm sorry. Try to appeal it."

"I am, I'm going to the meeting tonight. I'm gonna give those assholes a run for their money."

"Well I hope it goes well."

"Me too. Damn do you remember the last time we were in that arena?"

"Fuck. Yes!" I said with a sigh and laugh.

"Well I've gotta get ready, maybe I'll see you later."

"Good luck!"

"Thanks." He said with a slight laugh, and hung up.

Later on that night my phone rang just as I was about to go to bed.

"I'm the man!" Johnny shouted, I could hear music in the background.

"I'm guessing the meeting went well?" I chuckled, sitting up.

"Yep we're in!" He hollered. I started cracking up.

"I'm coming to get you." He said.

"Johnny you already sound drunk I'll just come over." I said with a laugh.

"You're right." He agreed. I hung up and didn't even bother changing. I was in leggings and a tank top. I threw on my bra and some flip flops and grabbed my purse and headed out.

"Whoo hoo!" Johnny and Miguel were hollering when I walked in.

"Too bad you can't drink babe." Johnny shouted over the music, sipping on a glass of something with Miguel.

"Don't rub it in because if I wasn't pregnant I'd be a fucking alcoholic." I replied. Him and Miguel both laughed.

"This your girlfriend?" Miguel asked. Here we go.

"Nah dude this is my WIFE!" Johnny shouted, putting his arm around me.

"Only legally." I reminded him.

"Nope, still my wife."

"Wait, I didn't even notice it till now, are you wearing your wedding band on that necklace?!" I exclaimed, pulling the gold chain out from beneath his shirt. He nodded, looking down at me.

"Where's yours?" He asked, his voice low.

"Both of my rings are in my jewelry box at home."

"You guys are cute." Miguel interrupted. All of a sudden I could hear again.

"Well I mean I am, I dunno about him." I replied with a smile.

"If you weren't pregnant I would body slam you onto those mats!" He shouted.

"Try me bitch!" He set down his drink and picked me up bridal style.

"Wait, I can't even like playfully do anything to you. This sucks!" He exclaimed, setting me down.

"Hey just wait a year, then I'll take you on." I promised with a wink.

"You'll fail." He sang.

"Strike first, strike hard, no mercy!" I shouted, getting into fighting stance and punching his arm. Him and Miguel cracked up.

"Fuck I love you." He said, still laughing.

Me and Johnny drove our cars to the apartment. Miguel went home.

"I've got a really good training idea to get the kids ready for the tournament but I mean it might sound evil to you." He said, locking the door behind us as I sat down on the couch.

"I'm gonna take them to the junkyard." He continued with a smirk.

"Oh no! You hated that when Kreese made you guys do that!" He laughed and nodded.

"Come on." He said, pulling me up. I sighed and he led us into the bedroom. He still has the same damn comforter!

"Better get some sleep." He said, sitting down on the bed.

"Johnny I-"

"Its fine. C'mon."


"Michelle, please." I sighed and walked to the other side of the bed and laid down. I plugged my phone in next to me.

He turned the light off and turned over, facing me. Well, my back anyways. I heard him sigh and then he moved closer, wrapping his arms around me. Fuck I missed this.

"Goodnight." He mumbled.

"Night." I said.
The next morning Johnny wasn't in bed but I smelled fried bologna and eggs.

"Good morning." He said when I walked into the kitchen rubbing my eyes. I whined and sat down at the table. He put a small cup of coffee in front of me.

"Do you wanna go to the junkyard with me today?" He asked.

"Am I the Cobra Kai den mother?" I said dramatically with a gasp. He rolled his eyes with a smile.

"Fine I'll go. But I'm borrowing a shirt."

"Shit you can use my tooth brush for all I care." He replied. I made a grossed out face.

"Hey, uh uh! Remember the night of our 5 year anniversary, you loved it when I spit-"

"No!" I shouted, covering my ears. He laughed. My face got red and I started laughing too.

After we ate and I got ready (while also "borrowing" an old Metallica shirt that I'm never gonna give back) and he threw on his old Cobra Kai jacket we headed to the junk yard. He set up obstacles with tires and shit.

After he gave his speech, the kids started their training. Johnny watched them while I watched him. He had been wearing his old black headband a few times that I've seen him, but now that he had on the old jacket with it, it brought back so many memories. Seeing him for the first time, high school, just everything.

"What're you staring at?" I guess I was too in awe to notice he had walked right up to me.

"Nothing." I said quickly, focusing onto the kids.

"Why the hell did I wear this jacket, its hot as fuck out here." He muttered.

"I'm freezing!" I exclaimed. He looked at me and offered his jacket, raising an eyebrow. I smiled and sighed, taking it and putting it on. It was still huge on me like it was in high school.

"Yep, still married to you. ALRIGHT KIDS-" and he went off onto another lesson.

"Michelle you might wanna jump up onto a car for this one!" Johnny shouted, blowing a dog whistle. Just then, a bunch of dogs came running out, growling and barking. I gasped and fast walked up to an old car and climbed on top.

The kids scattered about, screaming and terrified.

"Fuck!" I heard Johnny shout. He ran up and climbed onto the car with me, holding me for balance. I started laughing so hard I thought my water was gonna break. A german shepherd came running up. I made eye contact with it and it stopped, started whining, and walked away. My phone rang.


"Hey, Ma is in town. When will you be home?" Daniel asked.

"Mama! Um, I'm helping Johnny with something, but maybe around dinnertime? I'd love to see her but.." I got off the car and walked away.

"But?" Daniel asked impatiently.

"I'm really enjoying being around Johnny again. I can't explain it, it's like I can't stand being away from him." I continued.

"Can you spare an hour for dinner?"

"Yeah, I will try. We're out doing a special training with his kids and we only took his car."

"Oh so you're a Kai now, huh?"

"No, I'm just supporting my b-"

"Your what, Michelle?"

"My friend." I said quietly. He sighed.

"Just try to be here. If not, no big deal, I think she's staying for quite awhile. You know she always has at the end of the summer for the kids."

"Come see your ma, Michelle!" I heard her shout.

"Put me on speaker!" And he did.

"Mama! Mommy!" I shouted excitedly. I heard her laugh.

"Hi, babygirl!" She shouted back.

"Okay Daniel take me off speaker." He did.

"I'm just worried, she hasn't seen me since before Terry-"

"I know, Michelle. It will all be fine. Oh, also, Amanda went ahead and ordered another crib and bouncy seat."

"Okay." I said. Johnny walked up behind me and wrapped his arm around the small of my back.

"Kids!" He barked, walking away.

"He sounds more like a drill sergeant." Daniel retorted.

"That's just his way of teaching. Love you, bye." I said, and hung up.

Johnny decided to call it quits for the day. Wow, at 1 PM!

"Ready?" He said, tossing his keys into the air and catching them. I nodded.

On the way back to his apartment we grabbed a pizza and Johnny rented fucking Iron Eagle, I wanted to shoot myself.

"How many damn times did you make me watch that in high school?!" I whined, covering my face.

"Hey, how many times did you make me watch THIS in high school?" He replied, holding up Pretty In Pink.

"Its a classic!" I shouted.

"So is Iron Eagle!" He shouted back, pulling out of the video rental lot.

"No the fuck it isn't!"

"Is too!"

"Is not! Blondie!"







"YES!" I started to laugh uncontrollably. I always loved play arguing with him. He chuckled along.

"But thanks for renting my favorite too." He nodded, glancing at me and then back at the road.

When we got back to the apartment he turned on the TV.

"Here, I'll even be extra nice and we can watch your movie first."

"Wow, so nice!" I exclaimed sarcastically. He laughed.

We finished the pizza by the end of Pretty In Pink. By the time we started Iron Eagle it was already 5 PM. Dinner was in an hour. Shit.

I decided to stay. Like Daniel said, mama was gonna be at the house for awhile, so why not stay longer?

"After this I do have to go to the dojo though for a little bit, I'm pretty sure Miguel is my only good student." Johnny said, pressing play and putting his arm around me.

"Hey, Aisha is pretty good! I love her so much." I said with a sigh, feeling like a proud mom.

"Yeah she is pretty badass. But not as badass as you."

"Are you referring to the night I kicked Kreese's ass for choking you out?" I cocked an eyebrow.

"You did it in the middle of a store, that was pretty badass."

"Hey, no one kills my man except me." I stated, crossing my arms. I could feel him staring at me, but I focused on the movie. Wow, for once.

When the movie was over and it was time for Johnny to go to the dojo, I decided to stay yet another night.

"You should seriously just move in." He said after I told him I was gonna run back to the house and grab some things.

"We aren't together anymore." I said with a laugh. He shrugged.

"Nothings changed for me except for the fact that I've been hanging with you for a month and haven't kissed you yet."

"And I'm shocked!" I exclaimed with a laugh, climbing into my car. He rolled his eyes and got into his, speeding away before I even got the chance to start my car.

When I got home I quickly headed upstairs and packed a bag. I packed a few outfits, some pajamas, and some toiletries and decided I could just keep the bag in the car just in case.

"Michelle!" I heard Daniel shout. I walked downstairs and into the living room where him and mama were. Mama gasped.

"I am going to kill that asshole!" She exclaimed, getting up and softly taking my face into her hands.

"I'm fine mama."

"And look at this!" She said so lovingly, rubbing my belly.

"Twins, one boy and one girl."

"Oh, you've finally caught up to Daniel!" She said, kissing my cheek that wasn't bruised.

"I've gotta go, Johnny is waiting for me, but I'll come back tomorrow, okay?" I said. Mama nodded and kissed my forehead.

"You two back together yet?" He asked. I shook my head, walking out of the house and heading back to the dojo. I love spending time there.

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