Colliding with Malfoy

By dracoxspirit

84.2K 1.9K 238

Harry the boy who lived also has a twin sister who you-know-who never touched that night. When the Potter twi... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8: Draco's POV
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12: Dracos POV
Part 13
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24 (Draco POV)
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33 (Draco POV)
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41 Draco POV
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
part 47
thank you guys 🥺

Part 14

2.4K 53 23
By dracoxspirit

             The week had been going by so slow a lot of people went home Christmas Day to be with their families after the ball. Draco left a note with my owl telling me he had went home and tried to find me before I left but I was still sleeping. Harry and I stayed here we were eating dinner right now everyone was suppose to be home tomorrow. I wanted to tell Harry about my night after the ball but I couldn't and it hurt to keep so much from him. "What are you thinking so hard about?" I snapped out my thoughts really quick. "Nothing." I was done eating just waiting on Harry there wasn't a lot of people here so we had been hanging out every day. I honestly missed it so much this is the most we've hung out all year. Harry and I always go each other sometimes for Christmas, this year I got him some new shoes he really needed them he was so happy. He had gotten me a charm bracelet, and put a charm on it that was our moms. "Are you finally done?" I laughed. He was chugging his drink. "Yes, finally" he cleaned off his face than we started walking to the dorms. I wanted to tell him about me being a healer it was literally killing me. I never kept secrets from him. "Harry, I have to ask you something." We walked up to our commons room there was no one in there so we sat by the fire. "Okay go for it," I didn't know how to ask it without sounding suspicious. "Do you think of me as one of your best friends? Could I ever do something to mess that bond up?" He looked at me funny. "Kaylee, you're most than a best friend. You're the only family I have, I couldn't imagine my life without you. We may fight sometimes but I will always find a way to forgive you." I smiled it felt good hearing him say that. "Did you do something that would make me mad?" He was looking at me seriously. "No, of course not I just feel like we have been drifting apart this year." I didn't want to make it seem like I was hiding something so I made up something really fast. It wasn't all completely a lie though I really did feel that way. He looked down, "Yeah I have kind of felt that way too..." He looked up at me, "But honestly you had seemed pretty distance. Hermione told me she thought you were probably having boy problems and probably didn't wanna talk to me about it so I kept my distance I knew you'd come to me if you wanted too." I laughed, "I promise you I have not been having boy trouble." Which is true not until the night of the ball anyways. "Okay good, I honestly was afraid of someone breaking your heart." He laughed and than added "McLaggen still is on my bad side." I was laughing now "I am honestly glad he stood me up he seems like he is too full of himself." We both started making fun of how McLaggen was dancing at the ball and started talking about other stuff. We talked for about 2 hours, we hadn't talked like that in so long it was nice. "I think I'm gonna go to bed everyone should be here tomorrow" I nodded "I am pretty tired myself." Harry told me goodnight and went on too bed. I walked up too my bed and laid down I couldn't sleep though. I started thinking about Draco and that night. I honestly didn't even know I liked him until that night. I knew I had started to get a soft spot for him but when he did that for me that night I was lost for words. No one has ever done anything like that for me, and when we kissed it felt like fire and sparks were going all over my body. I realized I really liked him that night I just wouldn't let myself believe it because it was Draco Malfoy. I wanted to tell someone about all this but I couldn't I knew no one especially Harry would like the idea of me being friends with Draco let alone liking him. I finally fell asleep, I couldn't wait to wake up tomorrow.

          I woke up hearing everyone come in with their trunks. "Kaylee!" Hermione shouted giving me a huge hug. "I hope you had a good week." I told her returning her hug. "Of course, and you?" I nodded "Harry and I actually talked a lot this week and spent a lot of time together we haven't done that in a while." I smiled. "Well I'm glad" she started unpacking. "I am gonna go get cleaned up and dressed, I'll meet you in the great hall for breakfast?" She nodded. "Okay." I went to the bathroom and took a quick shower. Classes didn't start until tomorrow luckily. I put on an over-sized sweatshirt and some tights and these boots I had because it was still cold. I put my hair in a messy bun and I put a little bit of make up on. I started to head for the great hall and when I walked in Draco wasn't there yet because I looked straight over when I walked in. I did see Ron, Harry, Fred, and George though I went and sat down. Fred had a box and handed it too me. His mom always made Harry and I a scarf each year. I loved them, she was too kind. I hoped it and smiled so big. "Your mom is so kind let her know I love it." He laughed "I made that thank you very much." Fred said "Yeah right," Ron added and I started laughing. They continued with the conversation they were having before I walked up. I looked over at the Slyithren table and there he was he smiled at me and started too eat his food. I swear I got so many butterflies. He was all dressed up in a suit, and I looked like a bum. I didn't even think about dressing up all cute now I was regretting it. Everyone was getting up "Come on Kaylee were going outside" I looked at them like they were crazy. "You realize its snowing," I shook my head. "That's why you got that scarf silly" Fred laughed. They weren't going to give me a choice. Hermione walked in and they grabbed her a muffin and told her to come on too. Fred and George were basically pushing us out of the great hall. We finally made it outside and Hermione and I were standing their with out arms crossed. "What do you guys want?" We said at the same time. They started laughing and than what felt like a million snow balls came flying at us. We started running. "Oh my gosh you guys are crazy." It was so cold they all kept laughing. Hermione and I started throwing some back and when they ran off we snuck back in the castle. "They forced us outside all for that." She shook her head. "I can't believe them." We busted out laughing. "I'm gonna go get something too eat I'll catch up with you later." I nodded. She went on her way. I wanted too see Draco but also didn't want too seem too desperate so I just decided I'd wait for him to come find me. I told myself this and started to walk towards the library I knew I needed to get some books before class tomorrow. There wasn't anyone in here of course since it was the first day back.
          "Long time no see." I heard a familiar voice come up behind me I knew who it was and my stomach was doing cartwheels. "Hey," I smiled. "Did you have a good Christmas?" I added. He nodded, "And you?" I smiled "Yes Harry and I always spend it here and get each other something nothing special. Did you see a lot of family?" He shook his head no. "Just my parents." He started too pull something out of his pocket. "I got this for you." I didn't expect him to get me anything I felt bad because I hadn't got him anything. "Oh my goodness you didn't have too get me anything." He handed me the box. "It's not big deal it reminded me of you," He seemed nervous I opened it, and it was my favorite perfume I had no idea how he knew this is what I wore. "Oh my how'd you know this was my favorite?" He laughed like he was nervous "Well I didn't I just smelled them all until I found the one you always smelled like." Oh my gosh that was so sweet he literally paid that much attention and I couldn't even tell you what he smelled like. "Thank you." He smiled. "Like I said it was nothing, but your welcome." Before I could say anything I heard Crabbe and Goyle walked in saying his name he stepped out from books shelf's we were in to see what they wanted. "Are you coming to Hogsmeade with us?" Goyle said "Probably not if I change my mind I'll come find you guys" He seemed like he was just trying to get them to go "Don't tell me your ditching us for Potter's sister." Crabbe said and I froze, uh excuse me? How did they know about me. "What did I tell you guys." Draco spat. "You weren't supposed to talk about its a secret you idiots." They didn't say anything else. "She could always come you know," Goyle said which was surprising I thought him and I had a mutual hatred for one another. "How in the bloody hell is she suppose to do that without being seen by her brother or friends?" Draco added. "She could always wear a hood and hat, just not look at anyone it's not like they'd approach us anyways." I just wanted to know why Draco told them anything about me. I was still standing there just listening. Than they walked over their too where I was all 3 of them. They were looking at me as if I was supposed to decide if we go or not. I felt awkward so I stayed quite. "She could always where one of your coats and hats so they wouldn't notice her wearing her own" Crabbe said. "It's up to her if she wants to chance it or not." Draco was looking at me. "Um can we talk first?" I asked I wanted to ask them how they even knew about us or why he told them. He told them to go in the hallway. When they walked out he walked back over too me. "Look, we can trust them I know your wondering how they know." I looked at him like he was crazy. "Well yeah, they could easily tell anyone why'd you tell them in the first place?" I crossed my arms. "Look, I didn't want them being mean too you anymore. I told them everything on the train ride home. At first they weren't sure how to feel but they're my best friends so they said they wouldn't Judge and they wouldn't tell anyone. I trust them." He sounded pretty confident that they wouldn't say anything so I nodded. "Okay as long as your trust they won't tell anyone." I wasn't sure what all this meant did he tell them we were just friends or how he felt? He hadn't even told me how he felt we hadn't even talked about the kiss either. "So do you wanna go? I understand if you don't want to hang out with them.." I didn't know if I was gonna regret this or not. "No it's okay I'll go." He looked super happy that I agreed too go. "I'll uh bring you a jacket in stuff do you wanna meet in the room of retirement?" I nodded. "Okay I'll meet you there in 10 minutes." He went on his way to his dorm and I walked too the room of retirement. I hoped this didn't end up being a bad idea.

         I waited on Draco for what seemed like forever and than he finally came with one of his black jackets that was pretty big with a hood and a fur hat. "At least you'll be warm" He laughed. I started putting everything on. "How do I look?" I laughed. "I think you look cute in my clothes." He smirked. "Oh shut up," I slapped his shoulder playfully. "Crabbe and Goyle went ahead and went they said they'd meet us there." I nodded "Lets go" we made our way out of the room of retirement I was just hoping we'd make it out without being seen by anyone. He took me out a back way. "I honestly didn't know how we were gonna get out without being seen." He let out a sigh. "Me either I'm glad I remembered that back way." I was still pretty cold Draco didn't act cold at all. "Here," he pulled my hood down and put his scarf on me than put my hood back up. "I'm not sure if green is my color." I laughed. "I really hope my brother doesn't see me now." He laughed "I think you would have looked good in Slytherin robes." We started walking away from the castle. "You know the sorting hat wanted me to put me in Ravenclaw but I wanted too be in the same house as Harry." He started laughing, "What?" I asked confused at what he was laughing at. "Just hard to believe you were suppose to be in Ravenclaw with how you were doing in Charms." I shoved him playfully. "How rude." He was still laughing. I wanted him to say something about the kiss or how he felt but I didn't want to have to bring it up. I stayed quite for a moment hoping he'd say something. "Do you think your friends will be at Hogsmaede?" I shrugged. "I haven't seen them since about an hour ago when they all attacked me and Hermione with snowballs and ran off." He got quite for a moment. "Yeah I seen that Weasley twin flirting with you," I could hear a bit of jealousy in his voice. "He wasn't flirting, thats just how they are," He didn't say anything. I was getting so anxious for him to bring up the night after the ball. "Uhh so..." I said I felt like I was being so awkward. "I liked our kiss." He said It's like he could read my mind. I turned red. "Me too.." He stopped and turned too me. "I really like you... Hell I even told my friends about you." I was getting butterflies just hearing him say this. "I like you too," I added looking at the ground because I was blushing so hard. He grabbed my face so I was looking at him. "I know it's gonna be hard because we have to keep this a secret but I think we should take things slow I don't wanna move too fast and mess this up," He was right it was gonna be hard to always be sneaking around. "Agreed," He gave me a small kiss which warmed up my whole my body. "Lets go." We started walking again and the whole time I felt so many butterflies I was so glad he wasn't trying to rush this but also let me know how he felt.

               We finally made it too Hogsmeade we had been talking about all kinds of stuff. He was so easy to talk too thats one of the things I liked about him. We walked into Three Broomsticks and spotted Crabbe and Goyle in the back we sat with our backs facing the door just in case anyone walked in. "About time y'all got here." Crabbe said "Oh shut up, I know you I were happy too be watching Madam Rosmerta in here." Draco added making Goyle laugh. Crabbe had turned red. "I ordered us all butterbeer," Goyle said "thanks" I said and he just nodded. This kind of felt awkward too me. After we got our butterbeer we were all quite for a bit drinking it. Crabbe finally said something. "You look like you belong in Slytherin now Potter," He laughed talking about the scarf. "I suppose so," Draco started laughing "I think she could handle herself pretty well in Slytherin the way she punched you Goyle." I was hoping this wouldn't get brought up. Crabbe and Draco were laughing. "Sorry about that," I let out a nervous chuckle. "It's okay I guess I was kind of being ass, I'm sorry too." This took me by surprise to actually hear him apologize. "See my friends aren't so bad" Draco said. "Well see," I said jokingly. We talked for a little bit longer actually laughing and it wasn't that awkward anymore. I heard the door open and a bunch of familiar laughter float in. It was Harry, Ron, and Hermione. "Looks like the other Potter is Weasley and Granger." Crabbe said. I was nervous I turned too look at Draco. "It's okay as long as we leave them alone they shouldn't come over here." I nodded "We can wait for them to leave before we go" They were like 3 tables behind us I was scared to even talk afraid they may recognize my voice. I heard them start talking too me and do did Draco and his friends so we all starts eavesdropping. "I haven't seen her since earlier," Hermione said. "Did you ask her during Christmas break if she had been you know absent because of a boy?" It was quite. "No she told me there wasn't anyone." He said. "Did you get her that Christmas gift you were talking about?" Ron asked, "What gift?" Hermione added. "I got her a charm bracelet and added our moms too it, she loved it." Harry said. "It's so sweet that you two are always together for Christmas just the two of y'all I can't imagine being without my parents every Christmas." Ron said and I heard Hermione elbow him hard. "You ever think before you speak?" I stopped listening after that because I felt everyone I was sitting by looking at me. "You don't go home for Christmas?" Crabbe asked. Draco kicked him under the table. "Ouch, Sorry I asked." He said. "It's okay, we don't really like going to whats considered our "Home" in the summer so we always stay for Christmas." They didn't say anything else I didn't want them feeling pity for me. We waited a little while longer until Harry and them left than we decided to go to a few more shops than head back. It was such a long walk back I swear it takes longer than when you walk their from the castle. We made it close to the castle and we decided we should go separate ways. I told Draco by and gave his hat back He let me wear his jacket since it was still so cold. They let me go in the castle first I wanted to honestly take a nap before dinner so I headed straight for the commons room. When I walked in I seen Harry, Ron, and Hermione's head in front of the fire place they were the only ones in here. "Hey guys" I said I hadn't seen them all day. "What the bloody hell are you wearing?" Ron said I was confused and than Harry and Hermione turned around. I looked down and realized I was still wearing Draco's scarf.

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