The CEOs secretary has kids

By rosie2089

2.1M 58.6K 4.1K

Elena Lander and her four children live happily together. Until Elena and her boss, Conner...become a couple... More

1. The beginning
2. Meet the children
3. Found out
4. Talking
6. Lets go out
7. Clubbing
8. Regrets or not
9. Memories
10. Happy birthday
11. Happy birthday pt.2
12.Happy birthday pt.3
13. Sickness and Secrets
14. Savannah
15. Ashton
16. Halloween
17. Trick-or-treat
18. Will
19. Uh oh questions
20. Date night
21. Date night pt.2
22. Violets day
23. Violets day pt.2
24. How could you?
25. Time for a vacation
26. Virginia beach
27. Going swimming
28. Daddy encounter
30. Shock
31. Explanation
32. Moving day/ one month pregnant
33. Two months pregnant
34. Birthdays/3 months
35. 4 months preganant
36. Its a..../4 months Pregnant
37. Grocery store/5 months pregnant
38. Mothers day/6 months pregnant
39. Birthday /7 months pregnant
40. Nursery/8 months pregnant
41. Fighting/ 9 months pregnant
42. Baby bee
43. Coming home
44. Wedding part 1
45. Wedding part 2
46. Epilogue
Bonus chapter
Last thing

5. Surprise

61.9K 1.9K 249
By rosie2089

Sasha to the side>>>>>>>>>
(Claire holt)
The next morning I woke up with Sky curled up on my chest she looked so adorable and I just stared at her running my hands lightly through her hair. Until she quickly woke up and jumped off of me and ran to the bathroom I just laughed.

For the past couple of months I've been trying to potty train the triplets Sky and Taylor were doing well but Bradley refused.

When she returned I told her to go wake up her sister and brother and I would wake up Violet and she quickly gave me a salute something she had learned from tv.

Once we all made it downstairs I quickly cooked some pancakes and poured some syrup and fresh fruit then served it to them.

About a half hour later May walked in she stopped at Taylor's plate and stole a piece of pancake and strawberry off her plate.

"Hey,mommy she took my food!" Taylor yelled at me. I just took some pancakes and stawberrys off my plate and put them on hers and she smiled and went back to eating happily.

"Touchy kid" May mumbled through her pancake piece.

"They'll need a bath after breakfast because syrup is not meant for children" I told her and she groaned but nodded.

She hated giving the kids baths because they drenched her in water.

"Sky are you done?" I said looking at her with her syrup covered face and she gave me a toothy grin and nodded.

I called her over to the sink and grabbed a hand towel and washed her face off.

"I thought I was giving them a bath?" May asked looking very confused.

"You are,but I'm gonna take sky to work with me today" I told her.

"No,No don't do this to yourself El" she said referring to last nights conversation.

"I have to May I just have to" I told her apologetically. She sighed and said okay even though I knew she didn't approve.

"Okay babies mommies gotta go" I said as I walked to taylor,bradley,and Violet.

They all said a chorus of bye mommy.

I grabbed Sky's hand and walked to the door I put on a light cardigan and then put a little heavier jacket on Sky because it was mid fall so it was a little chilly.

"Oh May by the way don't forget about potty training, I know you let them go in there diapers and I don't appreciate it" I scolded from the door.

"But it's gross cause they say I have to wipe them and dump out that little toilet thing" she said sounding grossed out.

"To bad" I replied. Then walked out the door.

I quickly put Sky in her booster seat and buckled her in then I got in the driver seat and started the then pulled out. As I drove Sky babbled to herself with her blankie and princess Ariel doll.

When we arrived at the building I pulled into the parking garage and after I parked I got out and went and unbuckled Sky out of her seat. I went to set her down but she gripped on my shoulders more so I just carried her.

It was kind of hard to carry sky and my work bag and her diaper bag but I made it work.

I was late by ten minutes by the time I made it to my desk. My coworkers just stared at me when I walked in with a toddler on my hip. I put my stuff on my desk and walked to conners office with sky still on my hip.

I walked in without knocking and soon regretted it. What I saw was Conner and a blonde woman standing only inches apart looking like they were going to attack each other. I quickly put my hand over Sky's eyes.

"Oh I'm sorry" I apologized.

"It's not a problem" mystery woman said and Conner just looked at her.

"I'll just go.." I trailed off.

"Conner is this the woman you talk about? I must say she is quiet beautiful" she said giving Conner a smirk.

"Sasha shut the hell up" he exclaimed and I blushed.

"I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself I'm Sasha,Conners younger sister" she said sticking her hand out for me to shake.

"Hi I'm Elena Mr.Melody's secretary" I said taking my hand off of Sky's eyes.

I was just about to reach for Sasha's hand when Sky started squirming.

"DADDY!" She yelled and I froze.

She started whimpering trying to get out of my arms so I quickly put her down and she ran as fast as she could to Conner. He bent down to pick her up but it was like a robot move.

"Daddy? Oh god Conner please tell me you didn't knock her up. Dammit!" Sasha exclaimed.

"No no she's mine and I also have three more at home" I told her and she looked at me with her mouth gaping open.

"More power to ya girl. But I see things need to be explained here so I'm gonna go. bye Conner bye Elena"then she left like a monster was chasing her.

I turned back to Conner who was staring at me while sky was playing with his nose and face. While talking to him then she leaned in and kissed his cheek then laid her head on his shoulder giving him butterfly kisses on his neck.

"Daddy?" He whispered.

"I'm so so so sorry, after she met you yesterday she wouldn't stop crying for daddy and I just had to test to the theory that she was talking about you and it was answered. Even though I would have rather it not be in front of your sister but Beggers can't be choosers" I shrugged.

"No don't apologize it can't be undone and I am perfectly happy being her daddy" he said with a sparkle in his eyes.

I was beyond shock but something told me he has been around children or was a father.

"Really? you don't have to she'll be fine" I told him and he just shook his head.

"Everyone of my kids is either a momma girl or boy but not her she's always by herself but I'm not saying she doesn't love me she's just never been as close to me and now I think if she had a daddy she would be a daddy's girl" I told him but looking at the floor feeling embarrassed.

He walked over and put his fingers under my chin bring my eyes to his.

"Don't feel embarrassed about your life it's in the past and you can't change it but look at it this way you got 4 beautiful babies out of it" he said the let go of my chin.

For the rest of day Sky ran between my desk and Conners office because he left the door open for her.

At the end of the day I walked in to get Sky only to see her sitting on Conners lap while he did work talking to him but he would lift his head and smile and talk to her every once and a while.

My heart melted at the scene and really wanted to know how he was this amazing father.

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