TLOK Kyalin Oneshots NEW

By PinkRathian

161K 4.5K 3.4K

Primarily Kyalin Oneshots of different ratings 😏, you can find some Suvira in here too. Cute fluff to angst... More

Beach Volleyball
Adventures of Zaofu
When We Were Kids
Car ride
Suvira Chapter
Double Date
From Chaos to Order (Kuvira Backstory)
Dangerously Jealous
Kyalin Week
Suyin Part 1
Suyin Part 2
Suyin Part 3
Suyin Part 4
Love is Blind
The Games Part 1
The Games Part 2
The Games Part 3
The Games Part 4
Suvira AU (epilogue)
The City Part 1
The City Part 2
The City Part 3
The City Part 4
The Chief's Secret
Train Wreck
A different kind of Mother
Kyalin Week Prompt 1
Kyalin Week Prompt 2
Kyalin Week 3
Kyalin Week 4
Kyalin Week Day 5
Kyalin Week Six
Kyalin Week Day 7
Two worlds apart
Circumstances (sequel to TWA)
The Guard (Suvira) Part 1
Speculation (sequal to Circumstances)
The Guard (Suvira) Part 2
All over you
Lin and Ikki
Suvira Solstice
Lin Walks Into a Bar
Christmas Party
Suvira Book 1
Suvira Book 2
Suvira Book 3
Suvira Book 4
Lin Goes to the Dentist
The Box
The Office
The Radio
The Dinner
Kyalin Shorts
I Just Know that I Like You
That's Rough
Good Times
Suvira Nanny AU
A Test of Love
Suvira Shorts
I'm Sorry
Signs Pt 2
Like You
Kya Goes to the Dentist
My Wives and I
A Cause For Celebration
A Cause for Celebration Part 2
20 Years Ago
Lin Takes Care of Kya
Suvira Nanny Au (part 2??? I guess?)
Origins: Part 1
Origins: Part 2
Origins: Part 3
An update
Pirate AU Part 1
Pirate AU Part 2
Pirate AU Part 3
Pirate AU Part 4
Pirate AU Part 5
Pirate Au Part 6
Pirate AU Part 7
Pirate AU Part 8
Pirate AU Part 9
Pirate Au Part 10
Pirate AU Part 11
Pirate AU Part 12
Pirate AU Part 13
Pirate AU Part 14
Pirate AU Part 15 (Finale)

Wine and Surprise

2.3K 75 44
By PinkRathian

Photo by tinaducain on tumblr

I know it's been a hot minute since anything new has come out, I'm a little busier now just how it is, and I wanted something inspired and not the rejects sitting in my drafts because you deserve better. So here it is and the picture of inspiration is above.

Tenzin watched as Pema raced around the kitchen, moving around the glasses and silverware time and time again, convinced it wasn't right.
"Pema, dear, it looks fine."

"I know it's just... I'm excited."

"Why? It's just Kya."

"And her girlfriend Tenzin."

"My sister has had a handful of girlfriends you've never fussed about this before." Pema sighed and looked at him, her look telling him just how exhausted she was with his questions.

"Tenzin she's bringing her here, to meet us specifically. That's got to mean something doesn't it?"

"Are you suggesting my dear sister has settled down?"

"It's not that unbelievable, when's the last time she left Republic city?" Now that he thought of it, Kya hadn't ventured in a while.

"You know Pema, you might be on to something." She raised her eyebrows and smiled slightly.

"It's going to be so nice to have an adult couple to hang out with." Pema said with a sigh.

"Indeed, I love Korra but her and Asami don't quite understand what a relaxed evening is." Tenzin replied with a stroke of his beard.

"And I've been trying to get Zhu-li and Varrick to come out but they are busy, President Moon is a hard woman to contact." Finally Pema settles on a spot for the China bowl filled with steamed carrots, grinning as she stood up and looked at the table, satisfied with the presentation.

"We really lucked out on Bumi being able to watch the kids tonight." Tenzin said, pulling Pema into a quick kiss.

"No kidding. Now Tenzin, please don't mess this up."

"Why would I mess it up?"

"Well you aren't always the nicest to your sisters partners."

"What are you talking about I am a perfect gentleman!" Pema smiled weakly, not helping Tenzin's case.

"Just... relax okay? And don't banter her with questions."

"How else am I supposed to tell if she's good for Kya?"

"That's a perfect example of a question you should avoid," Pema replied, pulling her hand off his shoulder and making her way to the door after a soft knock was heard. "Kya! And who- Lin?"

"Are you sure this is the best way to tell them?" Lin asked, looking over to Kya who was digging through her purse.

"Absolutely, nothing will throw Tenzin off more he will be unbearable the rest of the night."

"Kya..." Kya stopped and faced Lin, taking the shorter girl's hands in hers.

"Lin, I already did the big telling my family a huge secret in a heartwarming but painful process. I just want it to be no big deal, that's all." Kya explained.

"I know, but it feels... kind of ignorant. Tenzin and I were together a long time and I feel like I owe him-"

"I'm going to stop you there. Lin, you owe him nothing. Let's just go in there, and be a couple. How does that sound?" Lin smiled, allowing Kya to kiss her on the cheek before stepping onto the highest step in front of the door.

"What do we say?" Lin asked before Kya could rap.


"Haha," Lin grunted, a smile tugging at the corner of her lips.

"We say hello, of course." Kya knocked one the door and no sooner did Lin feel the vibrations on the ground, undoubtedly Pema's feet. The door opened and Pema wore a bright smile, opening her arms to engage Kya, stopping when she saw Lin standing behind the water bender, a nervous smile on her face.

"Surprise!" Kya said weakly as the two of them closed the door behind them. Lin elbowed her and Kya just shrugged.

"Kya this is... unexpected to say the least." Tenzin stammered, scratching his head.

"Lin I didn't know that, um, Kya was your type." Pema said, attempting at regular conversation.

"What can I say? She's persistent," Lin replied, and Kya smiled at her.

"Well," Kya coughed, breaking the silence, "shall we have some wine?"

"Yes please," Pema replied, taking the bottle off the table and filling four cups as everyone took a seat, some more consciously then others.

"So, how long have you guys been seeing each other?" Pema asked, still marvelled at the sight of Kya and Lin sitting across from her. The group had migrated from the table to the sofas, and quite frankly she couldn't stop staring at how comfortable they looked with each other. Lin leaned against Kya, who sat upright, engaging Pema in an animated answer.

"Well it was about.. five months ago? Four months? Anyway, I was working full time in the healers tent at the residences, Lin came by one day with some wounds of her own and I fixed them up. And she kept dropping by, at first once a week, then twice, then three times, and soon it was every day."

"Wow, Lin that seems so unlike you," Pema smiled. Lin blushed at her words and faced away from them, circling her wine in her hand.

"Well what can I say? She was crushing," Kya smirked and Lin scoffed, shaking her head at Kya's answer. "Anyway, we got to talking and I kind of got the sense she was thinking what I was thinking so I went for it. I honestly didn't think it would get to this point, but I'm so glad it has." Kya smiled, and Lin allowed the water bender to kiss her by tilting her head upwards.

"That's so awesome, isn't it Tenzin?" Pema asked, grinding her teeth and elbowing her husband in attempt to get him to respond.

"Hmm? Oh yeah, it's... awesome for you guys, really." He stuttered and Kya looked at him sympathetically.

"Tenzin I know I should have said something sooner. Things just, they happened so fast and I got so caught up in having fun with it."

"I expected this from you, but Lin? Why didn't you say anything?"

"What was I supposed to say? I'm dating your sister,?"


"Oh, well Tenzin, I'm dating your sister." She said, a smile spreading across her face. Tenzin looked at her, unamused.

"She's rubbed off on you already, I see." He replied, taking a sip of his wine.

"Okay okay, now that this is sorted," Kya said, gesturing to her and Lin, "let's actually talk, but first, another glass of wine dear Pema." Kya extended her arm and Pema poured the liquid into the cup, watching it splash about as she waited for Kya to tell her when. When Kya finally relented she pulled her arm back, leaning against the back of the couch and Lin relaxed her position into her even more. Pema watched as Lin brushed a hair out of Kya's hair, her expression softening under the water benders gaze, and that was the moment Pema knew they were perfect for each other.

Kya felt a part of her melt as Lin brushed that hair away, she stared into those green eyes, and she wanted to stare into them the rest of the night. Lin pursed her lips, and Kya watched as the metal benders eyes looked down, then up, pretending not to know that Kya had noticed.

"What was that?" Tenzin asked, breaking the tension.

"What was what?" Kya replied innocently.

"That look between you two."

"Oh my god, Tenzin has it really been that long for you?"

"What?" Pema asked, leaning into the conversation.

"Tenzin, relax a bit will you. I'm dating Kya now. This is the new normal." Lin said, her voice stern and studded with annoyance.

"Lin did you just tell me to relax? What has my sister done to you?" He asked, blushing. Kya shook her head and chuckled a bit.

"What you couldn't airhead." Pema's jaw dropped and Tenzin shot daggers at his sister. Kya laughed and Lin shook her head in attempt to hide the grin. When she had calmed down, Kya sat forward again, and lifted her glass of wine in the air. "To Tenzin in Pema, for being the best people to pull a fast one on," no one met her cup, "fine, to Lin and I, for being the lives of the party from here on out," this time Lin's cup met hers and Lin offered a a casual "cheers" in response. They both sat back, sipping their wine and watching the nomad's exchange glances. Pema's one of excitement, and Tenzin's one of fear. But Kya could tell that they were both happy for her, and Lin, and her suspicion was confirmed when Tenzin approached her later as she was out skipping rocks, hoping some of the effects of the alcohol would fade before getting on the ferry.

"Kya," he said, coming up behind her, "although I don't agree with your methods of telling me, I have to say, I approve of this one. Not that it's my business to approve any of your partners." Kya smiled, wrapping her brother in a tight hug, a short one, but it was tight.

"Thank you Tenzin."

"Now please, get off this island I need some time to process this."

"Of course, can I just ask one thing?"


"How did you ever end things with her? The thought of not being with her anymore terrifies me. I just can't fathom it."

"Well I used to think it was because we grew apart, or that we never communicated. But I think it was just never meant to be."

"You sound like me with the hippy shit."

"I wonder why," Tenzin replied sarcastically, getting a punch to the shoulder from his sister.

"I'll see you later Tenzin's we'll do this again sometime. When you and Pema figure things out."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Kya shrugged, a smirk on her face as she turned around and ran to the dock where Lin waited for her. She smiled, looking into those green eyes as she hooked her arm with her girlfriend's, stepping onto the ferry, well aware of Tenzin watching from afar. And she was sure, that he was smiling too.

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