Cobra Kai (A Johnny Lawrence...

By wildflower_phoenix

132K 2.2K 850

When Daniel and Michelle Larusso move to California with their mom, their lives change dramatically. More

Chapter 1: The Beach
Chapter 2: The Crash
Chapter 3: The Dance
Chapter 4: The Tournament
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
update 2
Chapter 23
Chapter 24: The beginning of my Hell
Chapter 25: Heaven
Chapter 26: Hell

Chapter 8

4.6K 77 12
By wildflower_phoenix


It's now 2018. I live with Daniel and his family now. I just got out of an absolutely horrible abusive relationship.

Me and Johnny only lasted ten years. We did get married, but never legally got divorced, and never had any kids. One day we just looked at each other and sadly decided to part ways, we didn't even know who we personally were anymore.

I just got to Daniel's last night and ended up being rushed to the emergency room after he picked me up. After I was beaten my ex boyfriend pushed me down three flights of stairs, and I'm 2 months pregnant which didn't help things. Luckily my baby survived.

Daniel now runs a very successful car dealership. I haven't spoken to Johnny in years. Last I talked to him, he was in a home repair business and hating his life.

I was helping Amanda, Daniel's wife, cook dinner when Daniel came in tonight after work.

"Guess who came into the dealership today." He said, grabbing a beer.

"Who?" I asked.

"Johnny." My heart stopped.

"His car got totaled and he isn't doing too well right now so I decided to fix it for him for free." He continued, sipping on his beer.

"That was thoughtful." Amanda said with a smile.

"Is he okay though?" I asked quickly.

"He seemed fine." Daniel said with a shoulder shrug.

"Aunt Michelle, I got you some bruise cream to try." My niece Sam said, walking into the kitchen and handing me a jar. My bruises were pretty horrible. I had a black eye, a split lip, my wrists were bruised black from months of abuse, I had bruises all over my legs, back, and arms from falling, and I had a giant hand bruise on my neck from the choking.

"Thanks baby." I muttered, setting it down on the counter.

"I also stocked up on that maternal tea I was telling you about." Amanda added in. I smiled and nodded.

It's been a week since Daniel told me about Johnny and he has not left my mind.

"Let's go." He said one night, keys in hand. I looked at him confused, but got up anyways.

He drove us to the other side of town and pulled into a strip mall, and pulled up to a building that about gave me a heart attack.

Cobra Kai.


We got out of the car and walked in, I did a complete double take. It wasn't the same dojo but looked the same inside.

"Welcome to Cobra Kai!" My favorite voice shouted, walking out of the office. It was him.

"Some things never change." Daniel said to him.

"Michelle?" Johnny asked in disbelief.

"Hi." I said quietly.

"What happened?" He gasped, walking closer.

"I'm fine." I assured him. I wanted to look at him so bad, but I knew if I did, I would just start crying. His voice was enough.

"Are you okay?" He asked. I'm surprised he even recognized me with the bruising, and I was much more smaller now. I was hardly allowed to eat. Even though I'm 2 months pregnant you can definitely tell.

He was now standing in front of me and put his hand on my stomach, and wrapped the other around me. I flinched from the back bruise pain.

He sighed and engulfed me in a hug. I gasped and hugged him back, probably tighter than necessary. The tears started forming and I couldn't breathe.

"I'm okay." I breathed, not wanting to leave his arms.

I backed away back next to Daniel before I did any more emotional damage to myself.

"Why are you hear?" Johnny asked Daniel.

"I heard you beat up a bunch of teenagers in that parking lot out there." Daniel replied.

"Oh THAT. No, I didn't beat up any teenagers. I kicked the shit out of a bunch of assholes who deserved it." Johnny replied, walking closer to Daniel.

"Well, Johnny Lawrence-" I bolted outside then.

I sat on the pavement in front of Daniel's car and tried to catch my breath, sobbing uncontrollably. I wanted him so bad, all I wanted was for him to wrap me up in his arms and shield me from the world.

Daniel came out and got into the car, slamming the door behind him.

"Michelle?" Daniel and Johnny both shouted, Daniel getting out of the car and Johnny running out of the dojo.

"Do you need to go back to the hospital? What's wrong?" Daniel asked, kneeling down and rubbing my back. I could not stop sobbing and I felt so pathetic.

"Michelle." Johnny mumbled softly, picking me up.

"Please just put me in the car." I managed to choke out, struggling to catch my breath. He did, even buckled my seatbelt for me.

"Where's your phone?" He asked softly, his hand on the seat above my head.

I slowly, shakily got it out of my purse and unlocked it. He took it and I heard him tapping the screen. He locked it and put it back in my purse.

"Now you have my number again, you call me if you need me." He said, rubbing my thigh. I nodded and he quietly closed the door.

"I'm sorry Michelle, I didn't think seeing him would have impacted you that bad." Daniel said, starting the car.

"I just wish we had never broken up, I wouldn't be in this mess if we hadn't."

"I know." He said softly, and the rest of the ride was silent.

That night, I barely got any sleep because I continued crying most of the night.

I kept almost picking up my phone and calling or texting Johnny, but I needed a clear head again before I could do that.

The little alien inside me moved and I knew it was time to go to sleep then. I shut off my light and exhaled, then fell into a deep slumber.

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