Fate/Misguided Paths (Male Re...

By vashen01

134K 2.7K 2.9K

Y/N L/N lives an entirely normal life, before one night, he goes to sleep and wakes up the next day to realiz... More

A Sudden Change [1]
An Awakening [2]
An Unlikely Ally [3]
Something... a Bit More Normal... [4]
A New Challenger [5]
Finish a Problem, Start Another [6]
You're Kidding [7]
A Quick Break [8]
A New Threat [9]
Task Failed Successfully? [10]
What Absolute Scum [11]
Explaining Some Characters [A/N] (Maybe/Not Really Spoilers?)
A Fitting Wrap [12]
Dodgeballin' [13]
A Talk with Vashen [A/N]
Vashen Rises from the Dead [A/N]
Another Familiar Face [14]
Uh.. a Leak? [15]
As Expected [17]
Lucky? Or Spent? [18]

Tied to a Bomb [16]

2.9K 92 58
By vashen01

Here we go, a new Fate chapter, as requested. I dunno if it'll be any good, even if I tried my best to write Tohsaka, but we'll just have to see, eh? Anyway, on to the chapter!

You sat in class, halfheartedly listening to the lesson, when the teacher mentioned something interesting. 

Teacher: "You will have an group assignment due in two weeks. The prompt for the assignment is about something the both of you enjoy, and why. This can be anything, but please be sure to keep it school appropriate." You and Tetsuya gave each other some smug looks. 

Teacher: "I will be choosing your groups. Now..." You and Tetsuya crossed your fingers as your teacher listed off names, until she got to yours.

Teacher: "Y/N... Hmmm... How about you pair up with... Tohsaka?" 

You leaned on a wall by the entrance to the school, waiting for Tetsuya to show up.

Tetsuya: "Yo, new kid." You smiled, before standing up straight. 

Y/N: "Heya. You ready to go?" 

Tetsuya: "Yeah. Wanna stop by the Boss' place on the way back? I could use a nice soda..." You chuckled. 

Y/N: "Sure. You gonna pay this time?" Tetsuya grinned. 

Tetsuya: "Nah, that's why a tab exists, right?" You smiled awkwardly as the two of you stepped out of the school. 

???: "HOLD IT!" You flinched as Tetsuya turned around, confused. 

Tetsuya: "Tohsaka? What're you doing here?" You pretended to whistle as she stomped over and grabbed you by the shoulder. 

Tohsaka: "Someone  is supposed to be helping me with our group assignment, but instead, they're trying to flake and go off with their friend." You gave her an awkward smile. 

Y/N: "O-Oh, really..? What a dick move." Tohsaka gave you a deadpan look. 

Tohsaka: "Glad you know you're at fault." She dragged you away, leaving Tetsuya alone in front of your school. 

Tetsuya: "...Welp. I guess I can check out that game store." 

[TimeskipTM brought to you by a mopey Chibi Y/N being dragged around by a Chibi Tohsaka!]

You walked behind Tohsaka, the two of you walking through the usual part of town. 

Y/N: "Sooo... anything you like doing around here?" She looked around, but didn't seem too interested. 

Tohsaka: "Nothing around here really catches my eye..." 

You sighed, expecting that you started walking off, prompting Tohsaka to follow. 

Tohsaka: "Where are you going?" 

Y/N: "Well, I have work today." Tohsaka gave you a deadpan stare. 

Tohsaka: "We have an assignment to do. Can't you just call in?" You shook your head. 

Y/N: "Nah. My Boss is understanding and everything, but I don't want to make a habit of calling in." You stopped and looked at her. 

Tohsaka: "But--" 

Y/N: "Why don't you come in? You can order a drink, and we can properly plan out this assignment." You started walking off again, letting her think to herself. After a moment, she caught up with you.

Tohsaka: "You're lucky I don't just go home and let you fail." You chuckled. 

Y/N: "Right, right." 

After a bit of walking, the two of you walked into the usual bar. 

Boss: "Ah, Y/N. Bring another lady with you? Heh. I remember those days. Y'know, when I was young, hoo boy, heheh." Tohsaka stomped her foot. 

Tohsaka: "I'm not his date!" You smiled awkwardly, before putting your stuff aside. 

Y/N: "Go ahead and sit down. I'll be out in a bit." 

Tohsaka huffed, before making her way to the bar and grabbing a stool to sit at. While you were in the back, the boss looked over at the brunette, a bit amused. 

Boss: "So, if you're not his date, what's your story?" Tohsaka looked at the Boss, her arms crossed. 

Tohsaka: "We're working together on an assignment, and I need him to do well if I'm going to get a good grade." The Boss nodded understandingly. 

Boss: "I understand where you're coming from. Your grades are important, for sure." You walked out, giving the Boss a deadpan look. 

Y/N: "Boss, you know I need the money." The Boss smiled awkwardly. 

Boss: "That's true, but--" 

Y/N: "Besides, Tohsaka and I are practically strangers. We'll probably spend half the time figuring out what we even like doing." The Boss sighed in defeat. 

Boss: "I suppose you're right..." Tohsaka grumbled, before leaning her head on her hand. 

Y/N: "...Sooo... Any ideas?" Tohsaka shook her head.

Tohsaka: "Not really." 

The two of you sat in silence. Nothing could be heard but the sounds of a ticking clock and the dishwasher in the back. 

Y/N: "W-Well, do you want something to drink?" Tohsaka was quiet for a moment, before looking up at you. 

Tohsaka: "What do you have?" You thought to yourself, before smiling. 

Y/N: "I can get you a menu, buut, if I may, there's a soda I really like that you might like too." 

Tohsaka: "I dunn--"

Y/N: "Our assignment does say we need to find stuff we both like, right?" Tohsaka gave you a deadpan look, before sighing. 

Tohsaka: "Fine." 

After a moment, you came back out and set her soda down. Tohsaka sat up, before eyeing the drink. 

Tohsaka: "How much?" You shook your head. 

Y/N: "On the house!" She looked up to you, a bit surprised, but didn't bother asking questions. She picked the glass up, before sipping it. Her eyes lit up, and before she knew it, she was gulping the soda down. You couldn't help but chuckle a bit. Tohsaka  

Tohsaka: "W-What's so funny!?" 

Y/N: "Sorry, sorry. I'm guessing you liked it?" Tohsaka looked away, before mumbling. 

Tohsaka: "It was okay, I guess..." You beamed. 

Y/N: "Great to hear it! I made it myself!" She looked up at you in surprise. 

Tohsaka: "R-Really?" You nodded.

Y/N: "Yep!" She was silent for a moment, before huffing and crossing her arms. 

Tohsaka: "W-Well, it was better than I thought it was going to be." You chuckled awkwardly. 

Y/N: "Eheh, thanks..." 

[TimeskipTM brought to you by me being unable to think up of anything to put here!]

You groggily sat up, before somehow managing to get yourself out of bed. Yawning, you walked out of your room, stepping over a sprawled out Mordred on the floor, and then over Astolfo and Nero, ending up in the living room. Cu was on the couch, and Medusa was on the floor with Jack, who had cuddled close to her. 

You chuckled. Every time you saw Medusa asleep, you couldn't help but smile. Her usually stoic face was relaxed, making her seem oddly adorable, especially without glasses. 

You turned your attention away from the sleeping Rider and back towards your apartment. Scattered around the apartment were soda cans, pieces of Mordred's armor, and some bottles of Soda, too. You sighed, before picking their trash up. Gently throwing away the trash, and carefully collecting whatever parts of Mordred's armor you could find. Then, you gave the three girls that were sprawled out in the hallway blankets, before going to the kitchen and opening the fridge for some food. 

Y/N: "...Crap."

You cursed under your breath as you saw the fridge had been picked clean. As you were thinking about probably going out to eat, you heard a knock on the door, making you jump. You quickly made your way to the door, before opening it. 

Tohsaka: "Hey." You blinked, unsure how to process this, before stepping outside and closing the door gently behind you. 

Y/N: "Uh.. hey yourself. What's up?" She shifted her weight, her arms crossed. 

Tohsaka: "We still have things to do regarding our assignment." You gave her an awkward smile. 

Y/N: "Well, yeah, but--" 

Tohsaka: "Yesterday, you worked all day, and we didn't get any time to look for similar interests." 

Y/N: "We both like the soda I make." She gave you a deadpan stare. 

Tohsaka: "Do you really think we can do our whole assignment on a soda?" You gave her an awkward smile. 

Y/N: 'Wouldn't be the first time I used something so meaningless for an assignment..'  

You were silent for a moment, before sighing. 

Y/N: "Fine, fine. I'll be down in a bit." 

You turned and walked back into your apartment, making sure to keep the door as closed as possible so she couldn't see in. Stepping over your snoozing servants, you got dressed and found some paper to leave a note, saying you'd be out for a bit. 

With that done, you set it on the counter, before making your way outside. 

[TimeskipTM brought to you by Vashen sippin' a soda and listening to Bakamitai!]

The streets seemed quiet as you and Tohsaka walked through them. Probably due to the fact that most people are waking up right now. You looked at Tohsaka as you walked, not exactly sure what you should recommend. 

It was quiet as the two of you walked, until Tohsaka surprised you by speaking up. 

Tohsaka: "Well? Anything you wanna do?" 

Y/N: "You're asking me?" 

Tohsaka: "W-Well, yeah." You scratched the back of your head. 

Y/N: "Well, I suppose I have a few ideas..." You had an idea, but you weren't exactly sure how she'd take it.

You walked ahead, leading her to an arcade. 

Tohsaka: "...An arcade?" You nodded sheepishly. 

Y/N: "Y-Yeah. I've been meaning to check it out, but I usually forget, or I just don't have the time.." You walked in, followed by a doubtful looking Tohsaka. 

The two of you walked around the arcade, before you found a machine that looked interesting. 

It seemed a bit dated, but it was a light gun game. Some generic looking zombie shooter, but these always proved to be amusing in some way. You bought some tokens, before walking to the machine and slotting the required amount in. You picked up a gun and looked at Tohsaka. 

Y/N: "You wanna play?" 

She eyed the machine with some uninterest, before grudgingly picking up the light gun. You smiled and paid for her too, before setting down a stack of coins on the game. 

Y/N: "Okay, let's see how far we can get!" 

The game booted up, and gave a few slideshows to explain the controls. Thankfully, they were simple. The slideshow faded, and the cutscene started up. 

It was predictable. You're some military man with his buddy that's in a sudden zombie attack, or something. However, despite the lame story, the graphics were decent, and it had it's own style of sorts. 

Tohsaka didn't seem particularly invested at all, until the 30 minute mark. 

Tohsaka: "C'mon, Y/N! We're almost at a checkpoint!" You were barely keeping up with her when a boss appeared. 

Within seconds, your character was blasted into oblivion, leaving Tohsaka alone to deal with the mutated beast. 

She didn't last longer. 

Tohsaka: "Gah! What the hell was that!? You saw that, right!? There wasn't any way I could've avoided it!" You nodded.

Y/N: "Yeah. It's a popular tactic in Arcade games. A newbie killer. Only veterans would know how to avoid it." Tohsaka huffed, walking off to find another game. You followed, a bit amused. 

As the day went on, the two of you did all sorts of things. 

Button mashed a Street Fighter machine...

Tried a few claw machine pulls... 

And a few side scrolling beat 'em ups.

By the time you were done, it was already starting to get dark. 

You and Tohsaka  stepped outside. 

Y/N: "Well, that was fun! What did you think?" Tohsaka scratched her cheek. 

Tohsaka: "It was alright." You smiled awkwardly. 

Y/N: "Right." 

Before anyone could say anything else, you felt your phone vibrate. You took it out of your pocket and answered it. 

Y/N: "Yo, Y/N." 

Medusa: << Master, we're ordering Pizza. We would like to know if you are coming back home to eat. >>

Y/N: "A-Ah, yeah. I'll be there in a bit." 

Medusa: << Understood. >> You hung up, before turning to Tohsaka. 

Y/N: "I uh, have to go home. My family wants be back for dinner." You gave her an an apologetic smile. 

Tohsaka: "It's alright. I'll see you tomorrow." 

You nodded, before walking off. Once you were out of sight, Tohsaka turned and walked in the opposite direction, before heading into an alley. 

Tohsaka: "...Archer." 

A man materialized, leaning against the wall. He wore a red coat, and some kind of undersuit-y armor. 

Archer: "...Master." The servant had his arms crossed, and his eyes were closed. 

Tohsaka: "How was patrol?" The Archer looked up. 

Archer: "I didn't see anything particularly suspicious, until I came back to check on the area around you. There was a servant watching you walk around today."

Tohsaka: "Did you persue?" The Archer sighed. 

Archer: "No. It didn't stay long. It seemed to be an assassin, so I stayed to see if it would try anything, but it didn't show up for the rest of the day." 

Tohsaka was silent as he finished speaking, thinking about her next move. 

Tohsaka: 'A master somewhere in this city. And they might know about me, too.' 

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