Once a Cheater, Always a Chea...

By JenniDarling

131K 2.8K 669

Kaitlyn never really trusted her best friend Leah's boyfriend- Jared. He's the most popular guy at River View... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30: Epilogue

Once a Cheater Always a Cheater

21K 189 44
By JenniDarling

Hey(: Well, this is my first story on here, and I hope you like it :]♥

Please Comment, I'd like to know what you guys think {:



Chapter 1

"Kaitlyn, get up and go help the customers over at the door." My boss said to me as he pushed my feet off of the table they were resting on.

"Sure, no problem." I told him getting up and giving him a fake smile. I couldn't stand working here, this was every teenagers nightmare. I worked at "Bobo's Party in a box", even the name was scary. This place is like a cheap Chuckie Cheese's. To kids this was heaven, but to people who worked here, like me, it was a hell hole. I spend my days here dealing with annoying, kicking, screaming, and insanely hyper kids. Imagine dealing with that?

I walked over to the waiting people by the door. They had a huge group of kids with them. Oh, so help me God. "Hi, how can I help you today?" I asked trying to give them a nice, bright smile. One of the kids standing in front of a woman looked at me as if I was some serial killer. I decided to forget the smiling.

A tired looking woman turned to me. "Oh, we're here for the Robinson's party."

"Right this way," I said leading them to the party area. When I got them settled, I went back to where I was sitting. Screw my boss.

I watched the little kids run around and hit each other with balloons for a while. I noticed that there was a guy with the people that I helped, that I didn't see before. He was holding a pretty girl's hand and laughing. He looked familiar. Too familiar. I moved a bit closer to get a better look.

Oh no. This is impossible. 

It was Jared my best friend Leah's boyfriend. But the girl he was holding hands with was definitely not Leah.

Wait. Was he cheating on her? I knew he was a jerk, but I didn't think he would do something like this. Jared was one of the most popular guys at school. He was the typical it guy. He's captain of the football team, he has the whole light brown hair and blue eyes thing going on. Every girl wanted him, and Leah was lucky enough to be his. But I never really liked him much, in fact I hate him and he knows that. And I'm pretty sure that he hates me too.

I watched as he put his arm around the pretty girl's small shoulders. What am I going to do?

I watched a bit more to see if what I was witnessing was real. I honestly couldn't believe my eyes. But it definitely was real. I decided I was going to go over there and get the scope on them.

I strolled over to their table dodging all the running kids. "Is everything going alright?" I asked keeping my eyes on Jared. I guess he noticed who I was because his eyes widened. He instantly dropped his arm from around the girl's shoulders.

"Oh we're great. But can you like, get me like, a sprite?" the girl Jared was with asked. The girl had the whole Miss"I'm a Princess" look. She had long strawberry blonde hair and big light brown eyes with huge sunglasses mounted on her head like a tiara. She had this way of looking at you, like if you were nothing compared to her.

"Like, sure." I said mockingly. Jared just looked down, like he didn't want to make any eye contact with me.

I went over to the back to get her the soda. I was trying to decide what I would tell Jared. I obviously had to confront him about this. First, I had to see if they were actually together.

When I came back I handed her the soda. "So, you guys are so cute together." I said motioning towards her and Jared plastering a big smile on my face. "So, what are you guys? Are you like, boyfriend and girlfriend?"

The girl giggled. "Yup, he's my boyfriend."


"Oh, that's nice. How long have you been dating?"

"Oh, about-"

"Uh, hold on Mandy. Why do you need to know?" Jared interrupted, his voice full of acid.

"No reason. Just trying to get to know the people who come here. But you know, I already know you, and don't you have a girlf-"

"Uh, can I talk to you, over there, please." Jared interrupted again.

"Sure," I said cheerfully.

I followed him to a corner away from their table, next to a big brightly painted clown. "So what do you want to talk about, buddy?" I asked sarcastically.

"Alright, look this isn't what you think," He said matter of factly.

"Oh no, of course it doesn't look like my best friend's douche of a boyfriend is cheating on her." I said angrily, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Would you let me explain?" He asked.

"Fine, go ahead, jerk." I replied.

He scowled. "Okay, Well Mandy is a sister of one of my friends. And she just got out of a messy relationship and she was feeling well, depressed. So, my friend asked me if I could take her out for a while and you know, make her feel better." He shrugged. "So that's what I'm doing, and she just says I'm her boyfriend because she thinks it will go that way. But it won't. It's a harmless thing, that means nothing. " He explained.

This sounded sketchy to me. "Does Leah know about this?" I asked.

"No," He admitted.

"Well, why not? I mean you said it was a harmless thing, and if it is I'm sure Leah would understand."

"No, Leah wouldn't. She's the very jealous type. I mean she gets mad at me for even looking at another girl. You know that, so please do me a favor and don't tell her." He pleaded.

I thought this over. Leah was the jealous type, that was true. Once she got mad at Jared because he carried a girl's books, and the girl had a broken arm. I mean, he said it was harmless. I know I shouldn't trust him like this, especially because of the strong dislike that I have for him, but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.

"Are you only having one date with her?" I asked.

"Yes, one and only one date with her." He said.

I sighed. "Fine, remember you said it was harmless. If it turns out that your lying, I'll tell Leah."

"Okay, thanks, Kait." He said, his blue eyes lighting up.

"Wait, why'd you bring her here?" I asked.

"I didn't, her family was coming here for the kids party and she wanted me to come with her so that she wouldn't be lonely, I guess." He told me.

"Okay, but this counts as a date." I told him.

He sighed. "Okay." He then turned around and headed back towards his table.

I can't believe I actually agreed to not tell Leah about this. I've never kept anything from her, especially anything about Jared. But I guess it's better that I don't tell her so that she doesn't make a big deal out of this.

When I went back to sit down at a far table in the back, a little boy covered in batman stickers came running over to me. He had a finger up his nose and it looked like he was digging for gold. Being that I worked here for three weeks now, I was used to this. I sighed. "What's up?"

"That kid bit me!" He shrieked as he pointed his free finger to the persecutor. I looked to where he was pointing and sure enough there was a little boy about to take a bite out of some girl's arm. Freakin' cannibals.

I sighed and got up. "Hey!" I shouted as I ran over. "CAN'T YOU READ THE SIGN? NO BITING!"


After my shift ended I went over to Leah's house. She wanted me to help her pick out an outfit for some fancy dinner party she's going to next Saturday. For some reason she likes to pick out her outfits really early.

"Hey Kait," Leah greeted me at the door.

"Hey," I replied, as I followed her up the stairs. When we reached her room, I saw our best friend Drew sitting on her bed. "Hey Drew, I didn't know you'd be here," I said while plopping down beside him on the bed.

"Well, Leah made me come. She said that she wanted guy advice on the clothes she picked out or whatever," He explained.

Leah and I have known Drew since kindergarten. One day he sat on my crayon box managing to break all the crayons in it. He felt bad, so he decided to share with me his 64 pack crayon box with the built in sharpener which made me think he was God. We've been best friends ever since then. He has dark brown hair and bright,  green eyes. He's also a great friend, because you can always come to him with problems and he'd listen.

"Whoa, you smell like cheese, mushrooms and sweat." Drew said, holding his nose and moving a bit away from me.

"Hey, I didn't have time to go home and change. There were like five birthday parties today, alright?" I said defensively. He just laughed.

Leah came out of the bathroom then, wearing a cute short black dress with black high heels that matched. "What do you think about this one?" She asked us twirling around and posing.

"You look great, but don't you think it's to short for a fancy dinner?" I told her. I mean, the dress ended at mid-thigh.

Leah looked down at her dress. "You think?"

"I think it's great, I mean the shorter the better." Drew said with a huge grin.

I punched him in the arm. "You are no help. Dude, she could come out in a towel and you'd say it was perfect."

"That would be perfect." He said with a smirk.

"Shut up." Me and Leah told him in unison.

"I'm going to try on something else, okay?" Leah said, as she headed towards the bathroom again. Whatever she picked, I know that she would look glamorous. Leah was super pretty, She has long blonde hair and dazzling hazel eyes. She's a petite little thing with a sweet personality. I was different from her in many ways. I have light brown hair and blue/green eyes. I'm not short or really tall, I guess I'm just normal height. I'm also not the sweetest thing around. But guys were always falling for Leah, and I'm pretty sure Drew has a thing for her, even though he always denies it when I ask him.

Now Leah came out wearing a pretty pink skirt with a white ruffly top and a pink cashmere sweater. She looked amazing. "How about this?" She asked spinning for us.

"It's great. You should totally wear that," I said.


I nodded.

She turned to Drew, excitedly. "What do you think?"

"It's nice, but I like the black dress better." He replied looking bored, while playing with some scissors.

We both looked at him. "Well, that settles it your going in that outfit." I said.

"Okay! Oh, I've got to call Jared and tell him what I'm going to wear, so we can match." She said excitedly.

At the sound of Jared's name I remembered our little talk. "Jared's going?" I asked.

"Yup, it's going to be great. After the dinner he said that he's going to take me somewhere but it's a surprise." she squealed. Drew rolled his eyes. The only person that hates Jared more than I do, is Drew.

"That's nice, what do you think the surprise is?" I asked.

"I don't know, maybe he'll take me on a romantic walk in the park or by the beach." She said with a dreamy look in her hazel eyes.

I just smiled. I didn't know what to say. All I know is that Jared isn't the type who really does that sort of thing. She really shouldn't get her hopes up.

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