Starman | BTS 8th Member | *ੈ...

By happinessnoise

1M 29.9K 25.5K

Jang Jisung joined BTS in 2015 and caused trouble. More

⭑𝘑𝘢𝘯𝘨 𝘑𝘪𝘴𝘶𝘯𝘨
⭑𝘑𝘢𝘯𝘨 𝘑𝘪𝘴𝘶𝘯𝘨


18.2K 531 109
By happinessnoise

The day after hoseok apologised to me was extremely busy and i didn't get the chance to talk to him fully for a while.

We headed down to the dance studio to practice songs, it was in my best interest to stay behind and practice more as I needed to learn all the choreography to previous songs. They were relatively easy to learn depending on the song.

I bit my lip as i started the same dance move over and over again. Practice ends in 10 minutes, then i go to the studio to help yoongi.

I didn't really want to as he was a miserable old sod at times or sometimes he would just lash out at me. Weirdo.

I headed out of practice room to take a shower and then running off to yoongi.
I looked around at all the doors wondering which one belonged to yoongi.
I noticed an unwelcoming door matt of a cat sticking his middle finger up so i put to and to together that this is yoongis studio. I rang the doorbell. The was a silence and then the door opened to revile a tired-looking yoongi.

"Get in" he said simply guessing. I nodded quickly brushing past him into the studio.
"You're late" he said coldly sitting down at his computer not looking at me.

"By a minute and that was waiting for you to open the door" i said in the same manner grabbing sitting down at the desk and booting up a computer. "Whatever, have you ever made a song before" he said leaning back in his chair. 

"No" i shook my head watching him cringe as I said so. I knew what he was thinking.

"Have you wrote one?" He continued his questioning. "Yes."

"Good just do what i tell you to do and this will fly by" he grumbled.
The whole purpose of being with yoongi must of us working with me must of been envisioned with yoongi kindly encouraging someone and teaching them then they work smoothly and produce a brilliant song that will be seen as only the start of a great duo. How very wrong.

The thought of me and yoongi working together in harmony was almost laughable. Yoongi was now glaring at the computer like it had done him a great wrong. 

I sighed and shook my head and grabbed my notebook out and brought my knees to my chin. I wrote a line, highlighting it if i liked it then doodled in the corner thinking about my next line. I used this method every time i wrote a song. My whole notebook was full of songs and doodles.
"Are you actually writing something or just doodling?" Yoongi snapped looming over my shoulder just as i took my pen off to write a new line.

"Yeah, i am writing thank you very much" i snapped as he grabbed my book.
"It ain't much" he said throwing it back.

"Quality not quantity" I grumbled.
Yoongi laughed at this.

"you think that's quality?" He continued to laugh putting in his headphones. 

"ill kill you" i mumbled, pretending to stab him as his back turned.

I scribbled angrily before ripping out the page and throwing it on the desk.
I started again. I drew an angry man in the corner and labelled him yoongi. The whole vision of my previous song had just been lost.

I continued writing but i couldn't write any silly love song when i hadn't even been in love?

Yoongi thought i was born with a silver spoon in my mouth. What a bastard.

The studio remained silent for the next 3 or so hours I was there.
My tummy started rumbling making it hard to work.

I was hungry but i needed to keep working. Fuck this man.
At this point, i think i had drawn everything in the corner. I even drew yoongis coffee cup. (Once again this item was also adorned with a cat sticking its middle finger up)
You know he's a lot like a cat.
I heard cats are dickheads. Some of them anyway.
He's also cute much to my dismay. He sticks his tongue out a lot and stretches like a cat.

I cackled quietly, but i was still to loud, making him look at me in confusion. I ignored him and continued writing. Yoongi was looking over my shoulder so i have to look productive.

Yoongis pov ⋆

Jisung could be quiet annoying. not on purpose, but his quietness bothered me.

 I have no idea what the other members see in him. At this point, i think hoseok and Jimin have crushes on him.

I mean he's beautiful. He has a jawline that is so fucking sharp i wanted to run my hands over it to check it was real, and THE HAIR, lord, it would just fall in front of his face, it looked so soft that i would just wanted to feel it, the snaggletooth when he smiled, the way he stands in practice when he's catching his breath, with sweat making his shirt cling to him- the way his shirt rides up when he stretches-

But his appeal stops there. however its enough that i stared at him often. too often. sometimes trying to figure out what goes on in his pretty little head.

im a fucking Hypocrite.  i want to know everything about him, i get what the members see in him. theres no limit to how intriguing i find him. and thats why i hate him. I hate him so much it feels like i have squeeze him, shake him

The room was in silence. I look over at him. He was once again doodling in his book. I hate to admit but he was good at drawing. I had already told him about doodling. But he seemed to have written more this time. I looked back at my computer. He was laughing silently.
He's scary...
His stomach rumbled a lot, but he wasn't doing anything about it.

I sighed. "You need to eat," i said not looking at him.
"I'll do it later" he said  mimicking my tone.
"it's really annoying".
"deal with it"
"Isn't that what you and hoseok argued about" i sassed.

He stiffened up. Ignoring me. I guess i hit a nerve. If i keep pushing he will break.
He got and muttered something i didn't hear and left.
I guess he listened to me. I decided to be nosy.

I looked at his notebook. The whole page was coved in little doodles. I stopped my name, it was a label under an angry-looking man. I chuckled and looked over his song.
I was shocked. It didn't make sense in some lines, it was more like he was writing down a thought process and then rewriting it into a song. I was impressed, he had done it very well. However, the songs meaning was evident. It was odd. I needed answers.
He also did an English translation. I have no idea why and i can't read English. I sat back down thinking about the lyrics. Silver spoon.

Jisung came back sometime later.
He placed his back down something seemed to be bothering him but i didn't want to press him. I emptied his bag, he has just brought a bacon sandwich and a sprite, but he placed down another can, and slowly edged it towards me. "For you" he mumbled. He placed a chocolate bar down as well.
"For you" he said again. I looked down. It was had cat-shaped imprints on it and was in a pink wrapper. He simply sat down and started to eat his sandwich.
"You can leave after you ate that" i said cracking open the sprite. He nodded and continued nibbling his sandwich.

Jisung pov

I stood outside finally free of yoongi i smiled to myself. First thing i would do is buy a new phone. I would just get the same phone.
I won't bore u with the details tho. The people there wanted to cell me a different phone and it was terrible to go through. Eventually, I finished and brought it and headed home.
"Jisung!" Hobi called and ran towards me flinging his arms around me.
"Hello" i greeted him.

A knock came to my door "hello" i called
It was jin "we adored pizza"
I nodded following him out the door.
When i got there the maknae and hoseok were fighting about something.
"No i told you ORDER SPRITE, not 7UP, 7 UP TASTES FUNNY" hoseok yelled at jungkook
"HOW DO THEY TASTE FUNNY? THEY ARE LITERALLY THE SAME DRINK!" jungkook yelled back. Namjoon stepped in. 

"Yes this is true, the sprite was created by the coke a cola company as a competitor for 7up" he said knowledgeably nodding down at his pizza.

"Of course you take the youngest side" hoseok mutters.
I laughed going up to him as he sat on the empty sofa

"of course there is a difference in taste or someone would sue, but sprite tastes better" i whispered to him.
He grinned looking up at me with pride.

I grabbed a few slices of pizza not that hungry but ate non the less.
As i put my plate away and i was about to place my can in the bin i decided to act like a 12 year old and assert dominance and crush it with my bare hands.

It didn't work, the can ripped reviling the silver insides but it was too late my hand had slipped, my fingers being cut to shreds by the fin metal.
"damn this isn't good" i said in English, just staring at my hands, blood oozing from my 3 fingers.

"Yeah? This is not good" namjoon said without looking up from his pizza
Hoseok looked over at me and yelled
"No shit!" 

Jins head did a 360 turn at Hoseoks yelling, the word choice couldn't be less favourable in jins eyes, which had narrowed at hoseok.

Jin's eyes scrapped the room then his eyes landed on me.

He shrieked at me running over.

"What did you do?" He gushed sitting beside me and grabbing my hand.
"Crushed a can, it wasn't very friendly"

i flicked the ripped 7up can.
Namjoon got up to get the firstaid kit.

"I was right you do have sensitive hands" Jimin looked over from the seat he had to himself surrounded by cushions.

"This is going to sting," jin said taking out a wipe. I wonder if yoongi thinks I'm attention-seeking.

I didn't mean to cut my fingers, and it didn't hurt at all.

I just sat there awkwardly as jin carefully wrapped my fingers, his tongue between his teeth.
"There" he said smoothing out the bandages

"i knew there was something wrong with-"

a/n: i hate editing

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