Dark Days (BillxDipper)

By Panty_Clipperz

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Dipper and Mabel are turning 21 and are back in Gravity Falls, but everything seems to change when Bill finds... More



964 35 2
By Panty_Clipperz

AN: Full credit to the artist~~

Sorry for the late update guys, i had a surgery and then some family in town so it's been really busy around here the last handful of days, but anyways, here you go!!! Enjoy ~~

     I didn't know it yet, but things were about to take a turn for the worst, but right now everything was going good for the first time in a long time. I had explained everything that I knew to Mabel and Wendy and the two had finally come to terms with that happened, trying to put in the past just like me. What happened, happened. It's done and over with now. I don't have to worry about ever seeing Bill again and the thought lifted a weight from my shoulders that I wasn't entirely aware of, yet at the same time there was a small tug in my gut that felt almost like... disappointment? Whatever, I don't have to dwell on it because there's no reason to anymore. I can finally move on with my life and maybe even, pretend that nothing ever happened. Metaphorically, I'm erasing my own memory this time. Bill can't bother me anymore and I don't even have to think about him anymore if I don't want to. It's done.

     "Bro Bro!" Mabel shouts, using a pet name that I hadn't heard her say in a long time. It made me feel happy and I looked over to her. She was making arrangements for a party to celebrate. She felt it was necessary that we celebrate being done with Bill. "Can you help me?" She shouts and I go over and help her bring in the big stereo from Wendy's truck. Wendy has two smaller speakers in her arms and we carry them all to the front yard. Wires are scattered across the ground. "How did you even find a speaker this big?!" I gasp at the weight of it. Mabel grunts as a reply and I just shake my head as we set it down in place. "Do we even need this many speakers?" I ask. "Heck yeah, man! We are going to rock out tonight!" Wendy shouts, pumping her fist in the air and suddenly I feel like things are finally normal again and I smile. 

     Eventually we get all the giant speakers in place and set up, doing sound tests and everything is good to go. "Do we wanna go get something to eat or do you guys want me to make something?" I ask. "Dude, you know I adore your cooking, but I'm starving. I kind of want food now" Wendy says, slightly shy. Mabel nods her head rapidly. "I agree!" She says, and as if to confirm, her stomach lets out a loud growl. I laugh and can't say that I disagree either. Honestly I'm kind of glad we decided to go get something instead, I'm going to be cooking for the party anyways and don't really want to start this early. 

     We ended up going to get some cheeseburgers from a rip off food chain but I wasn't complaining because it was actually pretty decent. We got a bunch of food and scarfed it all down. "I'm so full I don't know if I can even eat tonight!" Wendy says, sighing contentedly. I laugh at her and Mabel lolls to the side and pats her belly. "I'm stuffed, but I can always eat more!!" She giggles and I smile. I let out a happy sigh, as full as can be, at least I'll have a good amount in my gut before I start drinking. As if reading my mind Wendy blurts out, "Ready to get your butt kicked in our drinking contest?" She says with a wicked grin. "You wish" I retort and she punches me in the arm. It was starting to get a little closer to party time so I stand. "Time to get cooking" I say and brush the invisible dirt off my jeans. Mabel, still laying flat on her back points her finger at me. "Don't forget your apron!" She demands. I point two fingers from my forehead. "Yes ma'am" I say sarcastically. "That apron is literally the best thing ever!" Wendy says with a laugh. "I concur!" Mabel shouts, doing a little happy dance that looks more like a squirm. I shake my head at them but can't help a smile that spreads and go grab my apron before heading into the kitchen.

     I fit the apron to me and start making snacks and other food for the party while Wendy and Mabel finish setting up decorations and tables outside. Honestly, I can tell tonight is going to be fun, and it's the perfect distraction, even though we are celebrating exactly what I'm distracting myself from. The guests don't know the reason for the party, to them its just an excuse to go dance, drink and have fun, and that's perfectly fine with us. We know what it's for and that's all that matters. I make a bunch of brownies, cookies, cupcakes and finger foods. Nachos, burgers sandwiches, chicken tenders, pasta salad, macaroni and cheese and a bunch of other stuff. Its a smorgasbord of random things. By the time I finish with the last of the food and treats a handful of people have already arrived. Mabel had started playing music about an hour ago but it wasn't too loud yet. I was bringing the last of the food out just as the sun had started dipping low, setting the sky ablaze with brilliant oranges and pinks spotting through the tops of the thick trees surrounding the shack. Wendy had left a little bit ago to stock up on drinks, both alcoholic and non. I got back into the house and grab a large punch bowl just as Wendy pulls up. I help her unload as well as a few of the early party guests. At least 10 coolers of different colors are lined around the tables and the speakers. 

     Mabel and Wendy had put together a make shift stage of pallets with boards on top set between the two largest speakers. Balloons were strung up all over the place and party lights were strung from the trees to the shack and streamers rained down from the wires. There was glitter practically floating in the air. "You guys have been busy" I say, as I look around at the decorations. "So were you, holy shit dude that's a lot of food!" Wendy teases, looking at the tables full of food and drinks. "This is gonna be epic" Wendy says with a grin. I smile back as more people finally start coming. Mabel's slowly turning the volume up over time and I notice that Robbie was on the stage with a bunch of equipment. "What's Robbie doing?" I ask, genuinely curious. 

     "Oh! That's my surprise for you guys. Robbie got into DJ-ing a little bit ago, he's not too bad actually. I asked him to do a 'performance'" She says, using air quotes at 'performance'. I snicker under my breath at the thought of Robbie making music. "He's not going to turn this into a doom and gloom party is he?" I ask. Wendy laughs. "That is his typical music, but he does good with party music too, I asked him to keep it light and upbeat" She says and I just raise my brow at her, not believing her. She shoves my shoulder and I stumble a little but smile. "If you say so" I say, shrugging my shoulders and she grins. "I think you'll be surprised" She says. 

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