Seven Deadly Sins X Reader, W...

By Nihquon

97.3K 1.5K 415

This is a story about The 8th Deadly sin, Despond. Despond is an outlook of despair and hopelessness. What if... More

The Wolf Sin Of Despond
The Rust Knight
The Captain and the Princess
Vanya Ale
Serpent Sin Of Envy
Time Skip
Journey To The Fairy King's Forrest
The Young Forrest
Protecting The Forrest
Ban's mission
The Feilds
The Commandments
Lion Sin Of Pride
The Maze
The Second Fight Festival
The Second Fight Festival Part 2
10 Commandments
All Out Attack
Protect them all
Protect The Captain
The Cave
Dissolved Despond
Calm Before The Storm
The Castle
The Assault Begins
Strange Presence
Jericho's Defender
Light's Revenge
Minor Detour
Grand Reopening
The Announcement
A Drink
Jericho's sadness
What I am
The Other Side
Performance Issues
Seven Again
Immense Strength

Time well spent

1.8K 32 1
By Nihquon

After leaving Ban and the Beast Man, it was just me and Jericho. I didn't know what to do but I was happy that we had some alone time.

(Y/N): "So, Jericho, anything you wanna do? At all? Anything?"

Jericho: "Just walk with you. Or talk. Or just anything with you."

Anything with me. ANYTHING WITH ME! She wants to do stuff with me!

(Y/N): "Wanna . . . Well I don't know what I want to do, as long as it's with you I'm happy."

She blushes slightly.

Jericho: "Uh, well, what are we gonna do then?"

(Y/N): "I don't know, I guess we could just talk and hang out."

Jericho: "Alright. Do you mind if we get out of the street first though?"

(Y/N): "Oh yeah for sure!"

We go find a nice quiet alleyway, where we can be alone with no interruptions.

(Y/N): "So, why'd you invite me to bed?"

Jericho tenses up for just a split second.

Jericho: "Because you looked uncomfortable on the ground?"

(Y/N): "Ok, but why did you really invite me?"

Jericho: "Because . . ."

(Y/N): "Because . . ?"

Jericho: "Because I didn't want you to catch a cold."

(Y/N): "Alright, alright, but Jericho, I'm pretty good at reading people, sometimes, for the most part. I can tell you're lying."

Jericho: "Okay fine its because I like you!"

She puts a hand over her mouth and blushes heavily as she realizes what she's done.

Well I am feeling an explosion of emotions right now, so that's fun. I feel confident yet absolutely terrified.

(Y/N): "Well Jericho, that's just shameful."

Jericho: "What?"

(Y/N): "I'm kidding, I uh, well I really like you too."

She turns away and puts her hands on her cheeks, no doubt blushing.
When she turns around again, she hasn't stopped blushing yet.

I hear a footstep and see 4 men walking towards us with weapons.

(Y/N): "Hey fellas, what'cha doin there?"

Man: "The girl looks like she's got some money, and she's cute too. I think I'll take her too.

Jericho: "Wait what? What do you mean take me?"

She reaches for her sword, but she left it back at the hotel.

(Y/N): "Guys, if you decide to do this, you will get seriously hurt. This is your only chance to back away."

But of coarse they don't. One of them runs toward us and I punch him right in his jaw, sending him flying.
Another 2 run at me, and I grab one of them. I slam him into the ground and look back, to see Jericho kick off of him, do a backflip, and kick his legs in a sweeping motion when she lands. He tries to get back up, but she punches him in his face, knocking him unconcious.
The last guy drops his weapon, and tries to run.
I turn to tendrils and zip in front of him, and grab his head.

(Y/N): "No. I gave you your chance to leave."

I toss him into a wall, and smash him into the ground.

(Y/N): "Well that's a crisis avoided. Where did we leave off?"

Jericho: "Uh, I think we both confessed?"

(Y/N): "Ah yes."

I pick her up and jump to another alleyway.

(Y/N): "So, yeah, I really like you Jericho. A lot."

Jericho: "So, uh, wh-what now?"

(Y/N): "That bow you've had in your hair all day was really cute. As well as your clothes. But I can say my favorite part about your outfit is who it's on."

Where did all this confidence come from? Was it because I was just in a fight?

Jericho: "I . . . Wow. Thank you. I dont know what to say."

(Y/N): "Then dont say anything."

I notice we have both been getting closer as we talked, and it seemed she did too. We close the small gap that was left between us and kiss.

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