Harmonize | niam au sequel |

By twinkiepayne

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" You're a pain, you know that right?" " Of course I know that. I like pushing your buttons." ~*~*~ The... More

last author's note :(


156 8 3
By twinkiepayne

Brendon walks downstairs to the kitchen and sees a pile of pancakes sitting at his spot at the table and his parents standing next to it. His parents smile at him.

" Happy birthday Bren!" His parents cheer. Brendon lets out a laugh and walks up to his parents. He gives them hugs.

" Thanks dad and papa." Brendon says. Niall kisses the top of his head.

" Alright baby, eat up! I don't want these pancakes to go to waste." Niall says. Brendon sits down and starts eating his breakfast. Niall sits down next to him. Liam stays standing up.

" Do we know how Melody is doing?" Brendon asks, mid bite.

" Charlotte says she's done some major improvement. Dad and I will be checking up on her today." Liam says. Brendon sinks back in his chair. He was upset because his parents weren't going to spend his birthday with him. Granted he was in school for majority of the day and Melody did need their dad's, but it still hurt him.

Niall sensed Brendon sadden. He places his hand on Brendon's.

" We promise we'll be home to take you out to dinner. You can bring whoever you want over today after school, whether it be Sage or Matt or both. I'm sorry Melody is still in the hospital, but I want you to have a good day no matter what." Niall says. Brendon gives Niall a small smile.

" Thanks dad." Brendon says. Brendon continues to eat. Niall looks at the time on his phone.

" Shouldn't DJ be up by now?" Niall asks.

" I'll go get him. You stay put." Liam says, kissing Niall on top of his head. Liam walks out of the kitchen. Niall looks back at Brendon.

" So, where do you want to go out for dinner tonight?" Niall asks.

" Not sure, but I'll think about it." Brendon says. Drew and Liam walk into the kitchen. Drew walks to Brendon and ruffles up his hair.

" Happy birthday baby brother!" Drew exclaims. Brendon lets out a laugh and stops Drew from messing up his hair.

" Thanks DJ." Brendon says. Drew steals a pancake off of Brendon's plate. He starts to eat it.

" So, ya ready to go?" Drew asks.

" Not until you brush your teeth. Sage doesn't want to kiss your nasty mouth." Niall says. Drew lets out a groan.

" You're so gross dad. Don't talk about Sage like that." Drew says.

" But is he wrong?" Brendon says. Drew just shook his head and walked out of the kitchen. Brendon finished up his pancakes and looked at his dad's.

" Thank you for the breakfast." Brendon says.

" We do anything for our birthday boy." Liam says. Brendon stands up and walks out of the kitchen to the bathroom. He found Drew in there brushing his teeth. So Brendon started to brush his teeth.

After they were both done, they walked out of the bathroom and towards the garage door. They slipped on their shoes and grabbed their backpacks.

" Bye dad! Bye papa!" The brothers call out at the same time.

" Bye boys! Have a good day at school!" Niall calls back. The two brothers open the garage door and walk to Drew's car. Drew gets in the front while Brendon gets in the back. Drew starts the car and starts driving towards the Tomlinson household.

The boys didn't really talk because there wasn't much to talk about. They were both worried about Melody and they both knew it.

When Drew gets to the Tomlinson household, he parks the car in front of the driveway and waits for Sage to come running out. Sage runs out and opens the back door. She jumps in and throws her arms around Brendon.

" Happy birthday Brendon!" Sage exclaims. Brendon laughs and hugs Sage back.

" Thank you Sage." Brendon says. Drew puts the car in drive and starts driving to school.

" So what are you doing for your birthday?" Sage asks.

" My family is going to dinner, per usual. Also I would like you to come over after school today." Brendon says.

" Sounds good to me!" Sage says.

" So how are you doing baby girl?" Drew asks.

" I'm doing good hun. I'm so glad it's my best friend's birthday." Sage says smiling at Brendon. Brendon tries to hide his blush. He loved that Sage still showed she cared even though she's dating Drew.

Eventually, Drew pulls up to school. He parks his car and the three get out. Drew walks to Sage and connects their hands. The three walk into the school. They walk to their table and sit down. They start talking to one another. Matt walks up to Brendon with a paper bag in his hand. Brendon looks at him weird.

" What's with the bag?" Brendon asks. Matt sits down next to Brendon. Matt hands him the bag.

" It may or may not be a birthday treat. I had to get something for the person I care about on his birthday." Matt says. Brendon opens the bag and sees a birthday doughnut. Brendon smiles. He gives Matt a kiss on the cheek.

" Thank you Matt. I love it." Brendon says. Drew looks at the two of the them.

" Alright, break it up you two. You're making me sick." Drew says.

" Says you." Brendon says, mentioning towards Sage and Drew almost on top of each other. Sage takes the hint and scoots over a bit. Matt lets out a laugh and shakes his head.

" So, got any big birthday plans Brendon?" Matt asks.

Brendon shakes his head," Nope. I plan on having dinner with my family. Oh, I do want to ask if you want to come over to my house after school and you would get to come to dinner with my family."

" I would love to come. I would do anything for you, my birthday boy." Matt says. Brendon lets out a little giggle. Matt smiles at him.

Brendon takes out his birthday doughnut and starts to eat it. The doughnut definitely made him happy. Matt being there for him made him happy too.

" Hey Bren, do you have any plans over the weekend?" Matt asks. The three people at the table look at him weird.

" Not really. I wanna see my sister sometime though." Brendon says.

" Oh my god, how is Melody doing? Is she doing okay?" Sage asks the brothers.

" My papa says that she's done a lot of improvement. They're gonna check up on her today." Brendon says.

" I hope she comes home soon because I would love to meet her." Sage says. Anyone who isn't close family hasn't been able to see Melody in the NCIU due to the rules of it. Harry and Louis were exceptions because they were the godparents.

" I just want her out of the hospital. All those tubes and wires still scare the fuck out of me." Drew says.

" The tubes and wires are for her protection and you know that." Brendon says.

" Yeah, but it's scary." Drew says. Brendon looks back at Matt.

" Shit, we were talking about something before our sister. What was it?" Brendon says.

" I was asking if you had plans. And by the sounds of it, you don't so don't make any plans." Matt says. Brendon smiles at him.

" I'll try not to." Brendon says. The bell for the school day to start rings. The four let out a sad sigh. Sage stands up and looks at Brendon.

" Have a good day Brendon. I hope your birthday will be good for school at least." Sage says.

" Thanks Sage. Have a good day too." Brendon says. Sage pulls Drew to stand up and they walk away. Brendon stands up along with Matt. They start walking to an area near their first hour.

" So what do you got planned for me this weekend?" Brendon asks. Matt smiles.

" Nothing my dear. Don't worry about it." Matt says. He quickly kisses Brendon's lips.

" Alright, I gotta go to class. Have a good birthday today. And I'll meet up with you after school." Matt says.

" Bye Matt." Brendon says. They walk in different directions. Brendon walks to his French class and sits down.

Today was going to be a good day no matter what. Brendon was going to make sure of that.


Whoops hi guys! Sorry I haven't updated in so long! I wasn't in the mood to write and that feeling sucks.

I'm trying my best but when I'm not in the mood I can't force anything.

Anyway, how is everyone? I hope y'all are good.

I love how I updated on Niall's birthday. I didn't plan it like that but I'm glad it worked out. I can't believe he's 27. That literally blows my mind. Anyway.

Thank you for reading. I love you all so much.


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