The Four Misfits

By LizEveTheGreat

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Two best friends Ava Harper and Avery Wilson live in C.H.A (Children Help Association) Number 18. Atleast tha... More

The Four Misfits
Ch 2 Roommates
CH 3 W-What?
CH 4 Fat Runner
CH 5 Starbucks? No Starbucks!
Ch 6 The Elora Park
CH 7 Chocolate
Ch 8 Mason in the dustbin, roll roll roll
CH 9 Messed Up
CH 10 Cold and Dark
CH 11 Allergies
CH 12 Ethan is........WHAT?!?!
CH 13 Biology
CH 14 Cocktail = Whiskey ....?
CH 15 Deviating From the Topic
CH 16 Ice Cream!
CH 17 Innocent Ears
CH 18 The Broken Tree
CH 19 "Hot" Chocolate
CH 20 fLuStErEd Jacob
CH 21 Ethan goes WHOOSH
CH 22 Nightmares
CH 23 The Great Llama
CH 25 Presents!
CH 26 Dead Santa Watching Over Us All
CH 27

Ch 1 Ethan

139 13 62
By LizEveTheGreat

There are times when Ava is literally pissed off at everything going on around her. These are one of those times.

It was raining outside and Ava was glaring at the window while Avery was kicking her under the desk to draw her attention back towards her possible extinction, as Mr. Harrington was glaring at Ava, clearly pissed off.

Suddenly a substitute teacher kicked the door open, making it slam against the wall endangering Ava's life even more because Mr. Harrington was one step away from exploding like a volcano.

However before that could happen, the substitute instantly shoved two boys in front of her whom she was apparently supposed to introduce to the class, and left.

Ava was still glaring at the rain. Avery was now solving a Maths sum at the back of her English notebook from which she was supposed to be revising how Toto the monkey tried to boil himself alive in a kettle.

The two boys were looking around the room with blank faces. Mr. Harrington was red in the face but apparently his desire to not be fired from the school by the principal refrained him from his volcanic self.

Ava had finally decided turned to the cause of her possible extinction, and saw Mr. Harrington throw a smile at the two boys. Ava snorted knowing fully well that it was a fake smile.

But apparently Mr. Harrington heard her snort and turned to her.

"You have got something to say, Harper?" Mr. Harrington asked.

"It's raining horses and buffaloes outside." Ava groaned making the class snigger.

"It's cats and dogs, Ava." Mr. Harrington corrected.

"Oh my god! Do you think I pay attention when you teach idiots?" Ava exclaimed, standing up and slamming her hands on the desk as Avery hid her face in her hands. Now even the two boys where were watching with amusement.

"It's Idioms. Not idiots." Avery whisper yelled at Ava.

"Look at this," Ava pointed at her face. "This is the face of a person who is not an English freak unlike this wrinkle free sixty five year old man!" She exclaimed before picking her bag up and storming out of the classroom bumping into the shoulder of a boy whose name she didn't know and obviously didn't care.

"Detention, Harper! In my office after school!" Mr. Harrington yelled behind her.

"See you in hell Mr. Harrington!" Ava yelled and saluted him and took off bouncing on her feet as merrily as if she had just made Ethan speechless.


Ava sighed at the thought of him.

Ethan Anderson.

The worst person on this planet.

Head of the Tower of Enthusiasm.

The cause of all their miseries.

And Ava's legal guardian.

He wasn't that bad to be honest, but when he is mad........ let's just say there aren't any steps for the volcano eruption. The volcano erupts at step one.

Ava ran out of the school and towards the lake behind C.H.A. She always went there when she wanted to be alone. Nobody came there that often and the only two people who knew about that place were Ava and Avery.

Ava dropped her bag beside a tree and sat down under it. She leaned back and stared at the leaves of the tree, lake flowing in front of her, finally starting to think about all the possible consequences after she entered C.H.A.

C.H.A. Children Help Association. It's not as good as it may sound to some people. Children Help Association had been first set up twenty years back to help children who were orphaned, not wanted by their parents, run-aways, whose parents didn't have enough money to take care of them and pay their school fees at the same time, in short every child with a messed up life had a place in the C.H.A. But here's the catch. Once you sign up your name for this legal child labor, you cannot back off until you are sixteen. They make children work under "suitable condition" as defined by the government, and hence they have no problem with this sort of thing. In return the children are given three times food, clothes, shelter, if you work extra then education as well, and yeah, basic needs of life, unless you make an in-charge mad. An in-charge like Ethan.

Ava groaned at the thought. Avery knew what would be the best to do in these sort of situations. Wait, what was Avery even doing without her in the class?

* * * *

Meanwhile Avery was silently groaning at her misfortune. Now she'd have to learn about the psychotic monkey, without Ava whining beside her, which is much worse.

And with two strangers, may she add, courtesy of Mr. Harrington who made the two new boys sit on either side of her after he was done with the introductions. Apparently the boy with blonde hair and ocean blue eyes who was currently sitting beside her, where Ava sat, was Jacob Brown, and the other one with dark hair and green eyes was Mason Smith. Both of them were transfers from some school in the middle of the city. Avery sighed. Social Interactions was an Ava-thing. Something that her introverted self couldn't do with as much ease as her friend could.

About Ava. She always keeps pulling the teacher's leg, but there are times when either she's at the end of her tolerance capacity, or the teacher. And...let's just say these times never end wonderfully. But after all it was only a week left for that day. There's only one thing that actually can dishearten Ava. Avery sighed again.

"Is she always like this?" The boy called Jacob asked referring to Ava, who had stormed out of the class and according to Avery, by now, out of the school.

"Are you always this creepy, or this is your first time?" Avery asked, diverting the topic and making the other boy, Mason, who was sitting behind them snicker.

"Are you always this snappy or is it just with us?" Mason asked from behind her.

Avery threw her head back and groaned, then raised her hand to grab Mr. Harrington's attention. "Mr. Harrington, can I sit there", she asked standing up and pointing towards a vacant seat at the other end of the classroom.

"No", he replied shortly. Avery opened her mouth to object before he cut her off. "If you have any complaints then you can write them down in a piece of paper and shove them into the complaints box which is inside the dustbin."

Avery slumped down glaring at the two boys. "And then shove the dustbin up your-"

"Whoa whoa, language", Jacob muttered beside her.

Avery glanced at her watch. There were hardly ten minutes left for the school to end. And time appeared to be enjoying her misery.

"Ms. Wilson, how about you and Ms. Harper..." Mr. Harrington paused for a second, thinking. "Or apparently just you, help these two boys catch up with the work that they missed out? I don't think there should be a problem, considering you'll be living so close."

Avery wanted to list down about a hundred problems that she could possibly have in this offer, but something else caught her attention. As soon as Mr. Harrington had his back turned, she looked at the two boys.

"'Live so close'?" all of them quoted together, looking at each other.

"Where do you live?" Mason asked.

"Where do you live?" Avery reprimanded.

Mr. Harrington cleared his throat pointing towards the board while Avery just nodded quickly. She tried to pay attention, even though her mind was pre-occupied with many thoughts, before Jacob nudged her shoulder.

"What!?" she hissed.

"Notes", he said as Avery slammed her notebook on the desk, causing half of the class to glance there. That was when she realized which thought had been nudging her brain till now.

Just when she thought the day can't get any longer. She felt someone nudging her again. She turned back to look at Mason, who had a broken pencil in his hand, and had been scribbling something on the desk. Avery leaned back to see what he'd been writing, but Mason quickly covered it with his arms. "Eraser", he said smiling sheepishly.

Avery sucked in a deep breath to keep her calm and shoved her hand in her pockets to get an eraser. "Who keeps eraser in their po-"

"I do", Avery muttered cutting him off.

"Alright, alright, so cranky", Mason muttered grabbing the eraser and allowing Avery to go back to her train of thoughts.
Ethan was Ava's legal guardian, and the head of their tower in C.H.A. And, he's intimidating, to say the least. If Mr. Harrington decides to call him, she didn't think Ava would live to see another day. She started brain-storming for some excuse. Though she thought Ethan should be knowing about Ava, and how her mood seemed off around that day. After all, Ava used his phone to call her every time. But he was an in-charge after all. Why would he-

Avery was interrupted when she felt two people nudging her. She let out a frustrated groan and turned around to look at the two idiots. "Can I borrow a spare pen?" Jacob asked sheepishly.

"And a spare notebook?" Mason asked.

THAT was it. Avery stood up, yanked her bag up, and threw it towards both of them and stormed out of the class to find Ava.

* * * *

Suddenly Ava felt something wet brushing her leg. She looked down perplexed.

There was a puppy looking at her with wide eyes. Ava looked away instantly shaking her head vigrously and muttering something like, "Don't look at me like that."

The puppy sat on her lap and began cuddling with her.

"Oh god." Ava groaned and looked at the puppy. She scratched it behind the ear absent mindedly. She heard the sound of cracking of twigs and dry leaves. She turned around to see Avery who was looking at her with an exhausted expression.

"We can't take it with us. We do that, and we are dead within the next two seconds." Avery said.

Ava pouted, giving her best friend the best puppy eyes, beside the puppy who was already doing the same. Avery covered her eyes with her hands. "I'm not looking, I'm not looking!" She kept muttering before throwing her head back and groaning.

"Please please please please!" Ava pleaded.

"Ethan will kill us for this." Avery said, however picking the puppy in her hands.

"He doesn't need to know." Ava exclaimed looking at Avery hopefully.

"This one is on you." Avery muttered shrugging.

"Done!" Ava exclaimed, grinning while showing a thumbs up to her friend.

* * * *

"Keep quiet!" Ava hissed at the puppy who was inside her bag as the guard gave them a suspicious glance. Meanwhile Avery made a choking sound and said,

"It was me." Avery said while clearing her throat loudly and a letting out a choking-barking sort of sound. The guard gave both of them weird looks as Ava quickly punched her ID Card in the machine, which would notify the head of their tower aka Ethan, and dragged Avery towards the stairs while she was laughing awkwardly.

C.H.A. had five towers, Tower of Enthusiasm, Integrity, Humility, Responsibility, and Confidence. Their tower being Enthusiasm.

"Can't that stupid thing keep quiet for one bloody second?" Avery hissed as Ava fumbled with the keys of their room which they shared.

"Don't blame him. He is just excited!" Ava exclaimed opening the door and walking in. Their room had two bunk beds but they were the only ones who were in that room. So there were two empty spaces in there rooms.

"Excited. Yeah." Avery snorted sarcastically. Ava just rolled her eyes and opened the zip of her bag and let the puppy out.

"What should we name him?" Avery asked slumping down on her bed.

"I have a suggestion. But I have the thought that you won't like it." Ava sniggered.

"What is it?" Avery asked looking at her.

"Ethan!" Ava grinned.

"Oh shoot!" Avery said grinning widely and covering her mouth with her hands. "That's amazing!" she exclaimed a second later. Ava frowned a bit.

"What happened to the I'll-worry-about-every-thing Avery?" she sniggered as Avery just snorted.

"I mean it's sheer misfortune that such a wonderful name belongs to such a horrible creature", Avery said dramatically placing her hand over her heart making Ava giggle.

"I am going to take a shower." Avery said still laughing.

"Ok!" Ava exclaimed and as soon as Avery disappeared in the washroom she stood up on the bed and hid 'Ethan' under her bed.

Two minutes later.

Ava was jumping on the bed and singing at the top of her lungs and Avery was telling her to shut up while she was in the shower.

Suddenly the door opens and in comes two boys. The same two boys who were transfer students in their class.

"Hey, how can I help you? Are you lost? Is the demogorgon chasing you? Oh no you can't be-" Ava is cut midway by Avery,


"That would be my bestie. Anyways, why are you here?" Ava says looking at the two boys.

"Uh.......... actually I think we got the wrong room number-" One boy starts but gets cut off by the other one.

"We got the right number, Jacob. " He says to the first one then turns to Ava.
"I am Mason. And Mrs. Wallyard said that the only room free here is this one-" he got cut off by Ava.

"Oh hell to the no! I am not sharing a room with two boys." Ava said jumping out of the bed and shutting the door in their faces.

"What was that?" Avery asked for who had just came out of the shower.

"Oh that......uh.....I just shut the door in the demogorgon's face." She said grinning widely at Avery who rolled her eyes.

"Who was it, really?" Avery asked looking at her best friend.

"Well, two boys were sent to live here by Mrs. Wallyard and...I shut the door on their faces-"

"You did WHAT!?"

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