Picking You

By Aiiibeeekayyyy

1.1K 76 2

It's been months since Rue and Blake's relationship blossomed. Now Blake's off to college and there's a new r... More

Author's note
First Caller
Jordan, The squad
A Chance
Lost in Booze
Wrong Signal
Once bitten twice shy...
Tomato Red
Dancing in the rain
Missing Girl of the Day
Long Lost
Master of the Game
First, Noah
A Mistake
Game On
Full of Surprises
Meet Amy
Code Red
Make A Wish
It'll Be Fine
Nice To Meet You
In My Arms
Bye to Cheerleading
A Part to the End
The Beginning of An End
Author's Final Note

Everyone, Listen up

35 1 0
By Aiiibeeekayyyy


Thankfully, no one questioned me about what happened with Blake or why I stayed at Jordan's for the night. I haven't spoken to Blake since yesterday and I still feel really guilty for dragging Jordan into it but I just felt very vulnerable and betrayed and I didn't know what to do.

I woke up this morning and I realized that I had made a huge mistake and that was why I ran. I was scared to confront Jordan after last night because I didn't know what he thought of me after what happened.

"Earth to Rue!", Sam said as she waved her hands in front of me. "Hey, you keep zoning out. Are you okay?", She asked as everyone on the table looked at me. I smiled as wide as I could, "Yeah, I'm fine". Then I saw Jordan walking towards our table and my eyes immediately fell to the table, starting to admire the texture of the table.

"Hey man", Jace shook Jordan's hand as he created space for him to sit. "Jordan what happened to your neck? What scratched you?", Mira asked with concern laced in her voice and I immediately looked up directly at his neck. I wounded him, I remember. In my stupid outbreak while kissing him. I looked up to meet his eyes directly on me before he glanced over to Mira, "I fell off my bed this morning. Apparently, there's a nail sticking out that I never knew about". His gaze flickered to me as I went back to admiring the table. "You clumsy dimwit", Mira frowned as she whacked his head with her notebook.

"Anyways so as I was saying, we're going to be playing against South East High after our exams", Jace said as he rested his head on Jess's shoulder. "What school is that?", Skylar asked curiously. Jace shrugged, "I don't know. Probably in another state. Coach isn't giving us details till after exams so you guys better start planning your cheer", he said pointing at us. "I'm so excited!", Sam squealed. "Samantha, exams first, game later", Jess said sternly. "Oh right", Sam muttered.

I walked into my next class as my phone buzzed in my pocket. I pull it out to see that it's Blake, I contemplated picking it when I bumped into someone. "Oh I'm so sorry", the girl rushed to pick her books while I picked up my bag, "No I'm sorry. I wasn't looking...". "Rue?", The girl said and I looked up and immediately smiled when I saw who it was.

"Lizzy!", I squealed as I hugged her tight. "I haven't seen you in forever!", She smiled sweetly.

Last year, when Noah's accomplice stole Blake's phone to send a text to Dylan, may his soul rest in peace. It was Lizzy that caught him and told me about it the next day. She even testified in court just for our sake. Ever since that day, I had grown to like her and we're good friends but after school ended, we lost touch and I haven't seen her since we resumed.

"How're you?", I smiled as we took our seats beside each other. "I'm fine I'm fine. How is everyone? I saw Jace yesterday. He told me that you guys got a private dorm together. That's so cool!", She squealed. Some things never change, do they? The teacher walked in so we kept our discussion till after class.

"So what's up?", I asked as we licked our cones, laying on the grass. "Basically, I'm still working at that restaurant and that's about it", She shrugged. "No guy?", I wiggled my brows at her to which she laughed as shoved me away.

"There is one guy but we're not serious yet", she blushed furiously while l laughed at her. "Okay enough of me, how're you and Blake?", She smiled as my laughter died almost immediately. I cleared my throat and she must've noticed my change of mood. "Hey, did something happen?", She asked as she held my shoulder. I looked at her to see concern written all over her face. Lizzy is the most nonjudgmental person I've ever met. If there's anyone I'd want to pour out my feelings to right now, it'll be her so I told her everything including last night's events with Jordan.

She stayed quiet throughout the time I spoke not giving anything away through her face. I sighed in relief as I ended my sentence.

"I just had to go ahead and mess things up more by kissing Jordan... Jordan! My flipping friend who I know has feelings for me. I feel like a crappy friend and a worse girlfriend", I mumbled as I picked my fingers, an old habit I hadn't let go off. Even Flynn had mentioned noticing it the first day we met at the station.

"Rue, none of what happened was anyone's fault. Blake was at a college party with his guys and he got super drunk. He may have initiated what happened or it might've been someone taking advantage of his state and you were outraged by what happened. You were upset and needed a break, and I guess... You decided to take it on Jordan", Lizzy said as she made a move to hold my hand. "We're all humans Rue. We make mistakes. I don't think you should hold this against yourself", she continued.

I stayed quiet, taking in what she said. "Have you spoken to Jordan?", She asked. "No, I'm scared to", I quietly said. "I think that you should speak to him. He might be feeling confused about all this. Oh and also, I think you should tell Blake about it before he finds out from somebody else", she said patting my shoulder. "Yeah, you're right", I nodded and smiled sadly.

Her phone started buzzing. She picked it up and smiled, "I have to go. We'll catch up again some time". I smiled and held her hand as I pulled myself up.

"Don't run away again!", I yelled after her as she walked away, waving back at me.

I picked up my phone and dialled his number, "Hey, can we meet at the parlor? Yeah... See you soon". I hung up and started walking determinedly to the ice-cream parlor.

He took his seat quietly and folded his arms, waiting for me to speak.

"I'm sorry", I said, looking directly at him.

He chuckled, "For the wound? Or for running out on me this morning? Or maybe last night?".

"Yeah, for all of that", I said.

"It's fine", he said, smile fading.

"Jordan, what happened was a mistake"

"You think I don't know that?", He rose his brows.

"I... I just want to say I'm sorry and I take full responsibility for it. Can we move past it? I mean..."

"Act like nothing happened?", He smiled

I slowly nodded.

He laughed, "Oh Rue, what did you think? That I would run around and be like Rue kissed me everyone!", He laughed loudly.

"Shh, you're attracting attention!", I desperately flung my fingers in front of him.

"Really? Oh hey everyone! Listen up!", He yelled to everyone in the parlor.

"Jordan!", I hissed as I searched around the parlor for anyone we knew.

"You wouldn't believe it but Rue, right here and I were..."

I quickly clamped his mouth shut with my hand, "Shhh I'll buy you ice-cream".

"Really?", He smiled happily, "Yess!"

"Okay", he smiled victoriously while I glared at him.

He stood up to go get his ice-cream and I sat down smoothening my jeans when I spotted something on the floor. I took a look closer at the ground and saw numerous strands of dark curly strands of hair, just like Jordan's.
I furrowed my brows as I picked a few strands and looked at Jordan who was in a deep conversation with the ice-cream lady, probably about something stupid.

Why is Jordan's hair falling off?


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