By asj_28

3M 71.6K 37.5K

Having been in Catholic School since the age of five, Aspen is naive to society. Her life turned upside down... More

Lesson Learned


117K 3.1K 1.8K
By asj_28


Five weeks in and I didn't feel like going to school. But I had to. 

Or did I? 

Chris wouldn't know I didn't go. I mean he'd find out eventually, but because of his busy schedule it would be long before he did. But if I didn't go I'd be committing a bad deed. I couldn't just bail on school just because I felt like it. I was taught responsibility and school was something I was responsible for. If I wanted to go to college. 

So I did go to school, waiting on the sidewalk for my friend to pick me up. Chris had told me he'd teach me to drive, but it was hard. I couldn't just magically learn in days. But thank God that I had gained two friends. 

They were something else, then again everyone was something else. I wasn't used to the boldness of them, or anything really. But then again, they asked me to go eat with them. They helped me navigate high school, they introduced me to people. Trying to help me fit in with them. 

Though with the clothes I wore I didn't really fit in. They were open, bold, uncaring for what people thought. Which made me look at them in awe, impressed by their words. 

It wasn't peer pressure, but the more I spent around them. Around girls in general, I felt myself want to change. To at least wear clothes that fitted me well and not size too big shirts. And I felt I needed that, needed to leave the life I had. Well some aspects of it. 

A blue car came to a stop in front of me, windows rolled all the way down. Lilith in the driver's seat while Penelope sat in the passenger seat. "Get in girl," Lilith tilted her head to the backseat, chewing her gum. 

I did as I was told, sliding inside and buckling up before the car lurched forward. "So I was thinking," Lilith said nonchalantly as she took a turn, Penelope turning in her seat to offer me a muffin. I took it from her hand, mouthing a thank you. 

"What were you thinking?" I asked as I looked at her through the rearview mirror, her brown eyes sparkling as she took a quick glance at Penelope. 

They were up to something, I could see it. "Well you see. We accept you how you are. I mean you are gorgeous even with those baggy clothes, but it's high school," Lilith groaned out. 

"And you are here in the free world away from judgmental nuns," Penelope interjected. 

"And?" I asked hesitantly. 

"We'd like to do a makeover on you. Not to change who you are completely but maybe refine some of your looks," Lilith grimaced. 

I pressed my lips together, I had been thinking about it. Would it hurt? I didn't have to change all of a sudden, it could be a slow process- "Look Aspen. We know how hard it is. But there are boys out there. I mean it would be nice if one asked you on a date. Right?" Penelope interrupted my thoughts. 

There were boys. I did want to get asked out. But…"It'll be a girl's day." 

A girls day. I had spent almost 24/7 with girls, but I doubted what we did in school would be considered girls day. I opened my mouth, to agree. It wouldn't be so bad right? "Okay." 

The car came to a sudden stop, Lilith turning around in her seat. "Serious?-" she shook her head. "Wait don't answer. Tomorrow. We'll pick you up at 10." 

And that was that. I had my first girl's day tomorrow. I'd learn what that meant, what one did. 

Arriving at school, my mind kept spinning with what we would do. It wouldn't be bad to have a change before my 18th birthday, it could be a gift to myself. A new beginning to whatever I would do later on. Classes were quick, my mind sagging as the day ended. 

Feeling better about my decision after Lilith dropped me off, I went in the house to speak with Chris. I walked around, searching for him but not finding him. 

Work. That was the only answer. 

I knew I could text him with the phone he had bought me. He'd gifted it to me shortly after my mothers death, telling me if it was time for me to have one. I didn't get it, didn't like it. It felt something I needed to be responsible for, that I had to worry about. But ever since I got it, I kept forgetting where I left it. 

It took me ten minutes to find my phone, yet I still didn't call him. Instead I took it with me to the kitchen, searching for that app that played music. I liked music, but again as the nuns used to say. It was devil music all because of the curse words that infiltrated it. Because of the double meaning they had.

Playing an artist called Cigarettes After Sex, I searched up online something to cook. I wasn't the best cook, actually got scolded for that. But now I needed to learn, as much as Chris had said I could order food. I didn't want to abuse his generosity. 

Finishing, I ate alone. Leaving a plate for Chris in the oven for whenever he got home. As night crept in and Chris didn't show up, I had no other choice but to text him. 

Quickly finding him in my contacts considering I only had three numbers. 

Hey, I don't know when you'll be home. But can I go out tomorrow? Some friends invited me to a "girls day." They said they'll pick me up at 10.  

I waited, fingers tapping against my thighs. Seconds later he responded. 

Yeah. Sure. I'm still at the hospital. But I'll be there by morning. If I don't catch you, I'll leave the card by the front. Don't be afraid to use it. Take care. 

I smiled at his message, before placing it on the bedside table. Pulling the sheets over my body, falling asleep with a bit of nervousness. I didn't know what to expect. I knew maybe new clothes would be on the list. But that was all. 

I woke up an hour before ten, yawning as I checked my phone for any messages. There were two. One from Lilith telling me she was picking up Penelope first then me. And another one from Chris wishing me goodnight. 

I changed into jeans and a long sleeved shirt even though it was summer. I took my phone downstairs, finding dirty dishes in the sink. At least he ate, that was that mattered. 

I cleaned up, turning on the coffee pot for him. I'd cook for him, but I didn't know how long ago he came in. And if he barely came in, there was a slim chance he'd wake up before he had to go to work. 

Just before ten, there was a knock on the door. I wiped off the counter before jogging to open the door. Seeing Penelope on the other side, "Hiya. You ready?"

I nodded, "Let me just get my phone," I said leaving the door open. I went in the kitchen for my phone, heading to the bowl that sat next to the golf clubs. Seeing a card in there along with a few bills. I shoved the card in my pocket along with the cash, taking the keys with me. 

Penelope waited as I closed the door, leading the way out to the curb where Lilith waited. I waved at her as we neared, her brown eyes sparking with anticipation. "Okay. Ready?" she asked as I took a seat. 

I nodded with a smile. I was. 


I was not. 

We went shop after shop. Seeing and trying on clothes. Both of them shoving clothes in my arms as we entered, begging me to try them on. I did, regretting stepping out of the dressing room. They had almost blown my eardrums, gushing over how the dress compliments my light skin. How it stuck to my body, highlighting what I had kept hidden. They said I had a great body, that my black hair just made me look even more beautiful. 

And I felt beautiful, I felt fresh. A little uncomfortable at the choice of the dress, but they were right. After that, they insisted I buy more revealing clothes since I could pull it off. And I ended up spending a real good amount on clothes, and underwear. 

Apparently I needed something more sexy, if I ever got caught in a compromising situation. That those grandma panties wouldn't land me a good lay even if I had a great ass. I blushed deep red at the mention of my underwear, I liked them. They were comfortable unlike the new ones which barely covered much. 

After that, they took me to a salon. A place I regretted stepping in. The ladies in there took one look at me then at my friends with a nod. They pulled on my hair, trimed it after I refused to let them cut it in half. I was held down as they applied hot wax to my face, a yelp escaping my lips as they pulled. The face wasn't as bad as the legs, by the time I was out, I was stiff. 

"I hate all of yall," I muttered as we sat in a booth. My arms were crossed over my chest, as I gave Lilith and Penelope a hot stare. They didn't even look guilty, only laughed at me. 

"But you look gorgeous." 

There were seven sins. Pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth. I didn't know where the act of being superficial fell into, but I knew I could not let it change who I was. Even if I had disliked the school and majority of its teachings, I couldn't help but also keep close to its expectations. After all it was all I had known. Yet when I looked at myself in the mirror, it struck me. The person staring back was beautiful, and was glowing. 

Both stared at me, “You will rock the world of someone Aspen,” Penelope said. I doubted it. 

We had lunch together, my eyes downcast. It felt wrong to even look up, to let people see me. When I myself barely knew it. Getting dropped off a little past three, I expected to see Chris. Disappointment flickering in me. For a strange reason I wanted him to see me. 

Hauling every bag into my room, I pushed away boxes in my closet. Making room for the bags on the floor, only pulling out clothes I knew would get wrinkled easily. Looking at all the clothes, there were a few pieces I actually liked. Dresses I knew I would wear outside, and others not so much. 

After a while, I went ahead and took a shower. Taking bottles of shampoo and oils inside with me, all of them apparently needed in order to look great. I took longer than I used to, changing into a nightgown afterwards. I even jumped from surprise when I heard the door open, realizing I had taken very long drying my hair.  

I quickly made my way downstairs just in time to see Chris taking off his jacket, tossing it as he rolled up the sleeves of his dress shirt. "You're home," I smiled at him.

Chris took an unnatural step back, grey eyes flickering from my bare legs to my unbound hair. Under his gaze, I felt my blood pulsing. Felt my body heat up, my stomach turning in a way it had not experienced. "You look-" he stuttered straightening- "You look different."

I frowned. Had I done wrong? Had I let the idea of changing go so deep into my head that now I looked like a fool? Chris’s eyes pierced into mine, flickering darkly before light seeped into them. 

"I mean you look good differently. Beautiful," he added quickly. I shied away, my cheeks getting even redder. He called me beautiful, no one had called me that. And coming from him, I could feel the twist in my stomach. Not in an anxious way, but in a feeling that made me smile so much. 

I looked back at him with my hands braced on my back, "I did spend a good amount of your money," I admitted. He shook his head, giving me a smile that made my stomach drop. 

"It's fine." 


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