You're Different || Jimmy Dar...

By Nikoru165

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Melanie, a young teenager living in Florida with her parents has to bear the constant fighting of her parents... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1 A Rude Awakening
Chapter 2 From Tampa to Jupiter
Chapter 3 "Jimmy...Jimmy Darling"
Chapter 4 "Come in Darling"
Chapter 5 An Unforgettable Picnic
Chapter 6 Little Knock at my Window
Chapter 7 Ruckuses at the Diner
Chapter 8 Freaks and Ferris Wheels
Chapter 9 Invaded by a "Monster"
Chapter 10 Blind Beatings
Chapter 11 Breakfast Interruptions
Chapter 12 It's Too Late
Chapter 13 Sunsets Only With You
Chapter 14 Twenty Minute Mission
Chapter 15 "Just Don't Hurt Her..."
Chapter 16 "It's Complicated..."
Chapter 17 Mad At You
Chapter 18 Here For You
Chapter 19 Past Full of Drinks
Chapter 20 Madly In Love With You
Chapter 21 Just a Phony Act
Chapter 22 Losing and Gaining
Chapter 23 "Join me?"
Chapter 24 Mom Found The Pills
Chapter 25 "In Good Hands"
Chapter 26 Stupid Chicken
Chapter 27 Still Falling...
Chapter 29 A Lot On My Mind
Chapter 30 Not a Criminal
Chapter 31 Pancake Breakfast
Chapter 32 Full of Life and Death
Chapter 33 Cat Got Your Tongue?
Chapter 34 Nothing Is Ok
Chapter 35 "We Need to Leave..."
Chapter 36 Life on a Carousel
Chapter 37 Thinking Out Loud
Chapter 38 All That Mattered...
Chapter 39 The Me I Couldn't Save
Chapter 40 Just Waiting To Explode
Chapter 41 "The Name is Rita"
Chapter 42 "No One's Perfect..."
Chapter 43 "We Were Nobody's..."
Chapter 44 "The Only Reason..."
Chapter 45 "I Made A Mistake..."
Chapter 46 Family Reunion
Chapter 47 Cold Blooded Killer
Chapter 48 Tears and Sirens
Chapter 49 "Couldnt Be Away From You..."
Chapter 50 "Need a Hand?"
Chapter 51 Picking Up the Paper
Chapter 52 "Finally Hope..."
Chapter 53 Twins On The Way
Chapter 54 Our Happily Ever After

Chapter 28 "I Know Who You Are"

4.5K 101 20
By Nikoru165

He still glared at me with those mesmerizing eyes of his as he held me in his arms as we stood on the stage all by ourselves.

"I love you..." He said whispering as he took me by surprise and bent down to grab my legs and carry me bridal style.

"I love you so much..." I said laughing as he carried me out of the tent. I started to feel sick again, I swear never ever again am I eating chicken! Again!

"Jimmy put me down. I think I'm gonna-" He put me down right away and I ran toward the bushes near the tent where I puked. More chunks of chicken came up and it was absolutely disgusting. I saw Jimmy run into the trailer probably to get anything to help. I heard rustling and I tried keeping quiet as I heard voices from the other side.

"It that simple just take him to the bar, get him drunk off his ass and hit him over the head! Then bring him to me and I'll proceed with my work, you have 2 days Dell I wouldnt wait if I were you, just bring me the kid. Lets hope time you don't fail like you did with that freak of a woman, what was her name Amazon?" I wasn't sure who it was but when I peeked through a little more I saw that it was the old man from the other day that came with Maggie. He had a gun pointed at Dell, but who the hell could they have wanted anyway and what was the old guy gonna do with "the kid"?

"But Stanly he is my son..." Dell answered back, the kid was Jimmy! Dell tried to kill Amazon!? What the fuck!

"I don't care! Just get it done or else you or someone else is gonna die, maybe your wife? Just do the job." He said walking away like nothing happened as he slipped the gun in the back of the space between his shirt and pants.

Jimmy came rushing over with my ginger ale and a wet cloth.

"Are you ok baby?! What happened?" He said wiping my mouth with the cloth he brought as he urged me to drink the ginger ale.

"I think I got a stomach bug from some raw food. Jimmy you need to listen to me don't-" But I was cut off by Dell coming over and stopping our crisis. Jimmy rose up from the kneeled down position he was in while he helped me and stood up to talk to Dell.

"Mel, go inside. I'll be there in just a sec ok?" He said with a serious tone, he really meant business when I saw the expression on his face turn from pure joy to hate in the matter of seconds.

I kissed him on the cheek before I left for the trailer not paying attention or even looking at Dell, if he touches Jimmy I was gonna flip! I need to know what bar he was taking him to. I closed the trailer door and I leaned up against it as I over heard their conversation. I couldn't hear much but I got a name from it, Donnie's?

Jimmy POV

I demanded Melanie go inside, I didn't want her to see or even possibly get hurt if something ever did happen to go down between that son of a bitch of a father I had that was standing right in front of me.

"What do you want?" I asked pissed.

"Oh just wanted to take you to town for a drink to that bar, Donnie's. I wanna get the 411 on this crap place. Us men we can run this place, that bitch Elsa cant do shit. But us we can do something we can change this place, bring in money and people in by the thousands. So what do you say you gonna come for drink, we can discus at the bar. Come on lets go kid."

Melanie's POV

I snuck out the back after I couldn't gather anymore and I headed to Amazons trailer right away. I knocked and no one was inside so I went to Ethel's tent. Amazon and Ethel were all in an uproar.

"That son of a bitch, he tried raping or even killing me in my sleep could you believe that!" Amazon said in a angry tone. As she sat across from Ethel with rollers in her hair and her silk pajamas.

"Dell hurt one of our own! We cant let him get away with that." Ethel said also upset and angry just as much as Amazon was.

"Woah, girls what is going on?" I asked so confused yet shocked at the whole conversation.

"Oh thank god Melanie your here! Dell tried attacking me and now we want pay back, that bastard has to pay!" Amazon said absolutely furious throwing her hands into the air.

"That degenerate prick needs to pay, he just has to!" Ethel said also in an angry yet upset voice like she had been crying. Dell was already here for just a couple a days and he was causing drama just like Ethel predicted. I know he is Jimmy's father and all but he has to go.

"Where is that bastard, we need to get him right now!?" Amazon said as Ethel agreed.

"Do yall know of a Donnie's?" I asked just making sure it was the bar he could possibly be taking him to.

"Yeah its a bar downtown. Why does that matter?" Amazon asked.

"Because he's going to Donnie's." When I took a peek out of Ethel's tent his car wasn't there, he must have taken Jimmy with him already.

"Why?" Ethel asked.

"Because he has Jimmy..."

Jimmy's POV

"I don't know..."

"Come on kid, just a couple of drinks Man to man." He said patting me on the back.

"If I say yes will you shut up and stop bothering me?" Plus I needed to talk with him also, tell him to get his ass out of here.

"I won't promise a thing." He said as I followed him toward that stupid car of his, before I got in his car I grabbed my gloves from my own car and hopped into his car.

I didn't wanna leave Mel but if I wanted this bastard gone and out of my life and my families life, I had to take any chance I had, take one for the team. I just hope Melanie can forgive for leaving her side if it weren't him I wont leave her side ever, plus I really needed a drink.

The whole car ride was absolutely silent, ever time he tried to talk to me I would roll my eyes and ignore him. Once we got to Donnie's we sat at the bar, it was pretty empty since it was almost 10pm already.

"Bring over a bottle of tequila wont ya." He said to the bartender and he slid the bottle over to us with two shot glasses.

I drank the shot he had already poured. "Jeez what the hell was that, gasoline?" I asked since it really burned this time going down.

"Tastes like piss on fire but its cheap and gets you drunk twice as fast. Here have another one." He said pouring another one into my glass.

"Nah, Im not much of a drinker. I see what it does to Ma and I'm scared I wont be able to stop once I start." I said pushing the glass away, yeah I drank but like one or two it was not even that much whiskey anyway and I drank it once in a blue moon, only on special occasion.

"Aw, come on your not gonna become a drunk after one night. You gotta commit to it, know your limit." He said pouring another shot for himself.

"Fine, so why the hell did you bring me down here? You didn't just offer to buy me free drinks for nothing so whats up?" I asked downing the shot I had pushed away from before.

"That woman whats her name Amazon? She is nuts! I tried talking to her about a strong man and strong woman act for the show and next thing I know she smashes me upside the head with a frypan and even gave me this black eye if you haven't already noticed. She attacked me first!" To be honest I really didn't notice it, I was too busy with other shit on my mind it passed me by that he had a black eye.

"Ha! You messed with the wrong woman. Ooh! Maybe next they will decided to make a lynch mob and string you by the balls, now thats something I would pay to see." I said laughing I think the liquor was getting to me already, why would I say something so stupid, I should have defended them. I pushed away the shot glass again since he decided to fill it up once more.

"God! What are you a mama's boy? This is suppose to be a man to man thing. Well men drink!" He said and I was like the hell with it! I clinked my shot with his and we downed it together. What the fuck was wrong with me, I hated this guy yet we were having drinks. Too late to back out now.

"No matter if you are telling the truth or not, claiming she attacked you first, those gals are gonna mess you up!" I said still pretty pissed.

"You and me aren't friends to each other, and Im not gonna miss you no matter how you go. We've had already enough trouble and the summer just practically started!" I said yelling at him.

I struggled to grab the bottle and I finally was able to pour another shot for myself. I was already off balance, things were getting shaky. I totally forgot about the fact I was wearing my mittens and thats why it was such a struggle to even grab the bottle in the first place. I was so used to wearing them most of the time I forgot they were even on my hands. I wanted to throw them out for Mel's sake because I knew with her I didn't have to hide but the rest of the world wasn't like her, thats why she was different, that's one reason why I loved her.

"You must sweat like a thoroughbred with those things on." Dell said as he saw how hard I struggled just to pour myself a drink.

"Yeah, but its worth it. If I want to actually be normal in this fucked up world where people don't accept you for you. I guess it would be nice not to wear them and when I don't its with Mel. I do it for her...I remember this one time we were camping in Wisconsin all summer and things where going good so Elsa extended our stay till the fall. But when she did that our winter spot in Tampa fell threw so we spent the whole winter up there. It was kinda fun because most of us never really seen snow before but by January we were shitting in our pants from the cold. I went out hunting caught a rabbit, skinned it for...Ma Petite..." Tears started to fill my eyes but I sucked it up trying not to think about it too much, taking a deep breath.

"Anyway, you know those pictures in life magazine, the ones with the tribal warriors? The ones that wear the skin of the lion even the whole head with a cloak, well thats what she looked like...except with a rabbit." I laughed a little trying to make the best out of it, it was still hard for me to get over her death. We both laughed in unison at how we both pictured Ma Petite so small wearing something like that so big.

"Oh I loved that little broad." I said taking another shot.

"Anyway...those were the best few months of my life...because I was just a guy wearing gloves, just like every other guy or at least I pretend that I was." I said pouring yet another drink.

"Give me those gloves." He said holding his hand out, I gave him a confused look and slipped off the gloves letting my hands free.

"You have nothing to be ashamed off. If anyone looks at you funny I'll break their skulls." He said looking me right in the eye and taking another shot.

I had this weird feeling in my stomach, it was hurting really badly. God is this what drinking too much felt, ugh it was terrible!

"Oo man I think I gotta a go." I said getting up and going outside. I could just feel the vomit about to come up any second. I ran into the abandoned ally right next to the bar and I held onto a garbage tin as I bent down and threw up everywhere on the floor. I coughed and more came up burning my throat along the way.

"Ughhh...ugh..." I moaned as the feeling in my stomach still wasn't well, I spit out the rest and held onto the garbage can for comfort as I still was bent down waiting for more throw up to come up.

I started to cry, I have no idea why but I started to think about my childhood and my roots where I came from, all I could think about was Dell. He was my dad but he acted like he never was. I think the liquor was also getting to my emotions, I never drank as much as I did in there. I finally was able to pull my self up letting go of the can for support.

"I-I know who you are." I said in a raspy voice turning to him because I could feel his presence behind me.

"Ive always know, always in the back of my head I suspected it would be you or at least a guy like you. Just the way Ma hates you tells me everything I need to know. But But I have proof! Been asking Ma and some of the old timers since I was a little kid! They told me about your dad and your brother. The famous Toledo Lobster Clan!" I said sniffling from the crying.

"I-I don't know why you don't got um...but you gave me these..." I said shaking my hands in front of him as I sniffled more from the tears and sweat running down my face. He looked at me, gulping hard, I could see the look in his eyes go from the laughing we did in the bar faded to sadness.

"But I wanna hear you say it...your my father." I said looking at him with tears in my eyes as I sniffled some more as I stood there just looking at how his face just looked lost for words.

"Say it. Tell me! Come on say it dad. Your my dad! Please come on! Just answer me!" I said shoving him lightly on the shoulder, now I was just upset and angry at the fact he wont just say it already.

"Come on! Come on!" I said as I began to cry again but I could see him shaking his head as he came closer.

"Yes son...its true." I sniffled more and I looked at him nodding my head as I finally got my self to stop crying.

He came closer and I trudged myself over to him hugging him. His arms gripped me as he hugged me tight.

"We-we-we gotta go dad..." I said slurred as I let go and he held me, supporting me in my clumsy and drunk state.

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