Seven Deadly Sins X Reader, W...

By Nihquon

97.3K 1.5K 415

This is a story about The 8th Deadly sin, Despond. Despond is an outlook of despair and hopelessness. What if... More

The Wolf Sin Of Despond
The Rust Knight
The Captain and the Princess
Vanya Ale
Serpent Sin Of Envy
Time Skip
Journey To The Fairy King's Forrest
Protecting The Forrest
Ban's mission
Time well spent
The Feilds
The Commandments
Lion Sin Of Pride
The Maze
The Second Fight Festival
The Second Fight Festival Part 2
10 Commandments
All Out Attack
Protect them all
Protect The Captain
The Cave
Dissolved Despond
Calm Before The Storm
The Castle
The Assault Begins
Strange Presence
Jericho's Defender
Light's Revenge
Minor Detour
Grand Reopening
The Announcement
A Drink
Jericho's sadness
What I am
The Other Side
Performance Issues
Seven Again
Immense Strength

The Young Forrest

3.2K 47 18
By Nihquon

King starts to tear up at the sight of the forrest. I cant really blame him, he lost his home and everyone in it. At least as far as he knew anyway.

We go into the forrest, King still teary, and Jericho and I are in awe.

Jericho: "Woah, this place is huge."

(Y/N): "Yeah, and it's very nice too.

A cool breeze flows over us. This place is amazing.

Random person: "Look! It's the Fairy King!"

Jericho: "What are those things?"

The fairies start coming down to us.

(Y/N): "J-Jericho, those are Fairies."

Stop it. The stuttering is starting to get annoying, there's no way she hasnt noticed yet.
King gets really happy and say he knows them, but when he flies up to them, they ask him why he's here and call him a traitor. Man I feel bad for king right now. They fly past him and call- wait Ban os the fairy king? That cant be right.

(Y/N): "Wiat what do you mean Fairy King Ban? He's not even a Fairy."

They look at me with disgust and pretend I didn't say anything.

Jericho seems just as confused as I am.
King still hasn't moved, hes just floating up there. This must really be having an effect on him.

Jericho: "They called King a traitor . . .?"

Ban: "King, let's go!"

(Y/N): "Wait, Ban, dont you think he needs a minute?"

Ban: "Why would he?"

(Y/N): "Well, he came to his home that he thought was destroyed, found out it wasn't, and then was called a traitor by the people who used to look up to him."

Ban: "Fine he can deal with it on the way."

As we keep walking, almost every fairy looks at king with hateful eyes. I don't understand, what could he have done that was that bad?

When we come to a stop, I bump into Ban because I wasn't paying attention. He pushes me off and I stumble into Jericho, not knocking us over, but bumping her.

(Y/N): "Sor-Sorry Jericho."

Jericho: "Oh it's fine . ."

I look to see why we stopped, and there is a little girl in a bed of flowers, wearing a white dress.

(Y/N): "Who's that?"

King flies away as fast as he can, and I watch him go, confused.

(Y/N): "Ban, who is that?"

Ban: "Elaine."

He walks over to her and caresses her hair. Then he tells her to just wait.

I turn to Jericho. "Do you know what's happening? Or who that is?"

Jericho: "I have no idea."

Wait I didn't stutter! Let's hope it stays like that.
I look over to Ban, and he's hugging Elaine. Alright then.
A whole bunch of fairies come down, calling him the fairy king again, and ask if they can help at all, or that they would do anything for him.

Ban: "Well in that case, stop calling me Fairy King. All of you know my friends your real boss."

Group of Fairies: "The man who abandoned the Forrest isn't fit to be king!"

I look at Jericho, who is watching intently. Wait did Ban push me into her on purpose? Because usually he- I notice that I'm staring at her, and just as she turn her head, mine darts away. Well that was awkward. Let's hope she didn't notice.

Ban is finishing a sentence that I didn't hear any of. I look at Jericho again, and her head darts back. Wait why did I look back?? What's wrong with me its barely been a few seconds since I looked!

We all start walking away, and we find King up on a rock calling Ban a savage.

Ban: "Hey, who are ya callin a savage? Are you okay? Looks like you've seen a ghost."

King comes down and apologizes.

Ban: "As soon as I'm done here, I'm leaving this Forrest. I'm gonna find a way to bring Elane back to life."

(Y/N): "Ban I'll come with you, you know you can be an idiot sometimes, so who's gonna have your back while King's off taking a nap?"

Ban: "This has nothing to do with you, but since I actually like you, fine."

Jericho: "Well if they're going, I'm coming too!"

Ban: "Why?"

Jericho freezes and gets a light blush for just a moment.

Ban: "Ah. Fine, you can come too I guess."

King asks if Ban has tried getting any help from the team, but Ban just doesn't care.

Ban: "Look, I'm done with the Seven Deadly Sins, got it?"

I wink at King, and he understands. He knows I always have a plan.
King stops arguing.

Ban: "Just go back to the Tavern, You have someone waiting for you."

King: "Wait, really?"

Ban: "Yeah, remember?"

(Y/N): "Diane?"

King: "Not that again, you won't fool me with that lie twice!"

Ban: "No, I'm tellin the truth."

I'm bored of watching these two banter, so I ask Jericho if she wants to explore or something.

She hesitates, then nods her head.

We start to go off to a branching path, but Ban notices.

Ban: "Hey, where are you two lovers off to?"

We both freeze for a second. Wait did she like me? It would make sen- anyway, I gotta save us from this.

(Y/N): "J-Just off to ex-plore. Tha-ats all!"

Ban: "Mhm." He continues walking. "Only when drunk . . . Ha ha."

We look around for a good place to head off to, and decide on the one we were originally heading to.

(Y/N): "Sooo, Jericho, uh, why are, why were you following us?"

Jericho: "Because you saved me! I owe you my life!"

(Y/N): "Woah, you dont owe me anything, Jericho, I was just saving you."

Jericho: "But you could have easily killed me! But you didn't, yo- you saved me."

Wait she just stuttered. Heh. Perfect opportunity to tease.

(Y/N): "Did you just stutter?" I laugh a little.

Jericho: "No, Besides, you've been stuttering all day!"

Well shit.

(Y/N): "No no, I only stutter when I'm drunk."

Jericho: "You expect me to believe that you've been drunk that whole time, but never acted like it?"

(Y/N): "Uh, okay. You got me. I-Im not drunk."

We find a nice, flat, big rock that we can sit on and relax.

(Y/N): "So, Jericho, why'd you grab my arm when the fog came up?"

Jericho: "I already told you, I didn't want to get separated."

(Y/N): "Okay, but mine was the farthest away. Why did you really grab my arm?"

Jericho freezes up for a moment.

Jericho: "Well why were you staring at me??"

(Y/N): "I could ask you the same thing."

She gets a small blush.

Jericho: "Because I thought you had something on your face?"

I laugh and lay down.

(Y/N): "Woah, Jericho, look! You can see stars even though its day!"

She comes over to me and lays down right next to me.

(Y/N): "So how are you gonna explain this one?"

She looks at me, freezes as she realizes what she's done, and tries to speak.

Jericho: "I-it's the c-cle-clearest spo-spot!"

Just to see what would happen, no other reason at all, just, JUST, to see what would happen, I put my arm around her.
She freezes and Blushes instantly, before we look into each other's eyes.
Okay I lied. I put my arm around her for way more reasons than to just see what would happen.

I move in. Closer, closer, closer.

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