Missing (One Direction)

By baileekup123

2.5K 68 34

Five girls, Five boys, Revenge, and Betrayal. They say everyone has a fate and I believe it was theirs to go... More

Missing (One Direction Fanfic)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Who Plays Who
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Missing Trailer
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Thank You!

Chapter 26

31 1 0
By baileekup123

Author's Note

Happy Birthday Zayn! This chapter is being posted in dedication to Zayn turning 22! This chapter will be short though because all day my phone wasn't working on the wattpad app but I think that's what is happening to everyone almost because I got a message about it so hopefully it will be fixed soon. I am writing this on my laptop which is finally now working first it was dead then it was doing a whole bunch of stuff. So it will probably be half of what it usually is sorry but at least it is an update mostly just a filler chapter.


Louis POV

I walked upstairs to our bedroom and right when I was about to knock I heard the girls talking. I know listening in on other people's conversations isn't good but I couldn't help myself. (Bold is the girls) "Kaley do you fancy Niall" asked Violet "Honestly I don't really know maybe" Kaley answered. "Maybe that's the problem but Kaley you can tell us if you did it's ok" said Emma. Then the next words said broke my heart "I think I- I fancy Niall"

I can't believe my girlfriend fancies my best mate like what the hell. I'm beyond angry but this kind of just encourages me to try harder with Kaley like prove to her that I'm better than Niall. Now to think of it I never even officially made Kaley my girlfriend so technically she is still single. Great now another thing to add to the list of things to do. Waiting a minute or two until the girls started talking about something else I knocked so they wouldn't think I was listening to their conversation. I opened the door "Kaley I'm sorry for my action today and I also wanted to make sure we are still going on our date Tuesday" I said and Kaley responded with "yeah it's fine your forgiven and yeah sure Tuesday" she seemed a bit dazed not really thinking about her answer which was an advantage for me normally she would of been pissed and cussed at me but she didn't and she forgave me. I quickly made my way out of the room and back downstairs before she could change her mind or say something else. Relived I sat down on the couch next to Niall and instead of talking to me he hastily exited the room after glaring at me. Not needing to question the lads on why my best mate wasn't talking to me I just sat there and kept quiet pulling out my phone and going on twitter. Today just wasn't my day all I could seem to point out at of all the tweets were the nasty one telling me either to kill myself or that I don't belong in One Direction and I can't sing. Exiting out of the app as quickly as possible I threw my phone to side not wanting to read anymore of the hate comments. Before I exited the app I also saw some fans well most fans questioning where the lads and I went which doesn't surprise me we have been gone for like a month maybe more I really don't know. I'll have to ask someone then to think of it. Back to us not being seen in a while maybe we should go to like New York or something somewhere away from here and do an interview telling are fans everyone is fine and we are just on a break for a while. Which is true, but we just won't mention that we are in California or who we are with. I probably should talk to everyone about my idea. If we don't do something soon we will either start losing fans or they will go on some rampage looking for us which we don't need. So the interview has to be scheduled soon which also means we have to talk to management ugh management we hadn't had to talk to them since we got here and were safe and sound. They don't even say anything about our wellbeing if we were hurt or not nope they tell us when we need to be back to start working which really pisses me off. The list of things to do just keeps going and going. Oh speaking of things to do I have to talk to Niall and apologize so he will talk to me again. Lets review this list shall we 1. take Kaley on our date 2. make sure their are no paps 3. talk to Niall 4. talk to lads about an interview 5. schedule interview 6. ask Kaley to be my girlfriend 7. win Kaley over. I think that is it, but I'm not completely sure if I have anything else to do. I'm guessing I do but just can't remember. Oh yeah talk to the 5SOS lads about keeping the paps away from Kaley and I when we are on our date. Ok I think that's it 8 thinks to do and one of them might be impossible fun. Notice my sarcasm. Lets start with number 3.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I had to have Zayn in this chapter ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Zayn's POV

After Violet was done talking to Kaley and rest of the girls she came into our room and sat next to me. After talking for a bit we decided somehow to come up with a couples bucket list. Violet grabbed a notebook and pen and started writing everything we said.

1. Kiss underwater

2. Travel the World

3. Have a Date on the Beach

4. Watch the Sunset

5. Share a Milkshake

6. Go on Vacation Together

7. Go on a Classy Date

8. Adopt a Puppy

9. Go to Disney

10. Go Ice Skating

11. Buy our Dream Home

12. Have a New Years Kiss

13. Kiss under the Mistletoe

14. Go to the Aquarium

15. Carve our Initials in a Tree

16. Make Breakfast Together

17. Watch a Romantic Movie Together

18. Bake a Cake Together

19. Get Married

20. Grow Old Together

Well now we have a cheesy romantic list to complete

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