Ameortentia - Collection of O...

By SlytherinPrincess002

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A collection of One-shots: Fremione Dramione FredxHermionexGeorge Theomione Linny Deamus Cedmione ect... More

Mistletoe (Fremione)
Filthy Little Mud-Blood (Dramione)
Coming Out (Linny)
Pissing off the Old Toad (George x Lee)
Marry me? (Fremione)
Caught (Scorose)
Am I? I am. (Oliver x Percy)
"Make me, Potter." (Scorbus)
Back To You (Charlie Weasley/Hermione Granger)
His Girl (GeorgexHermione)
Defying Fate (Hermione/Adrian Pucey)
Half Off (Fred/Hermione/George)
Guilty (Draco×Ginny)
Imprint? (Hermione/Paul Lahote)(Harry Potter/Twilight Crossover)
Tame Me (Hermione×Charlie)
Gryffindor at Heart (Blaise Zabini × Hermione Granger)
Dauntless (Hermione × Fred)
Friends Dont (Hermione × Ginny)
Let Me Down Slowly (Ron x Lavender)
Thank you, Next (Hermione x Pansy)
First Dance of Many (Fremione)
Secret Love (George x Hermione)
End Up With You (Theomione)
Traitor (Theodore Nott and Hermione Granger)(Part 2)
The Martyrs (Theomione Part Three)
I Dare You
Broken (Fred x Hermione)
Do You See Them Too? (Oliver and Percy)
Changes (Lee x George)
Unbreakable (Deamus)
Sleepovers (Lee x Hermione)
The Cure
Love Lies
Broom Sticks and Bookworms (Oliver x Hermione)
Teasing (BlaisexHermione)
Bravery and Loyalty
Hermione Granger and The Goblet of Fire
Ravenclaw Tower Romance (Hugo Weasley & Daisy Dursley)
The Weasley Eight
She's So Gone (Cedric/Ginny/Oliver)
Running Away From The Past (HermionexCharlie)
Facing the Consequences
Fire and Ice (Scorose)
Kryptonite (GeorgexHermione)
Fist Bumping (Jily)
Misfit (Scorlily)
Aftermath (Vikmione)
Demons in... Lust? No, Love.
The Weasley/Granger War of '95
Dragons (Hermione×OC Muggle Boy)
The Executioner
Interdimensional (Thresh and Hermione)
Are You Gonna Kiss Me Or Not? (Seth Clearwater & Hermione Granger)
Taken with Her (Hermione Granger×George Weasley)
Real or Not Real?
In Another World
In Another World
The Forest and The Ocean (HGxGW HGxFW)
Demetrius Harrison Nott
Evans Sisters
His Mate (Young Remus LupinxHermione Granger)
Hermione Roses and Lily Flowers
Snakes in the Lions Den
Stolen (MiltiShip)
Dirty Blood
Reunion of Sorts (Spencer ReidxHermione Granger)
Color (Soulmate AU)
True Loves Curse
Teach Me
Good Girls
The Wrong Weasley
The Young McCarty (Time Warp - Hermione x Paul Lahote)
Part One: What Makes A Man (Trigger Warning)
Part Two: What Makes A Man (Trigger Warning)
Part Three: What Makes A Man (Trigger Warning)
The Wrong Ginger (HGxFW) (NBC)
Dear Fred,
Hey, Freddie
His Name (Soulmate AU)
Venom (Smut)(GWxHGxFW)x(CW) (HGxFW)(Modern Muggle AU)
Mudbloods (Hermione Granger x Carl Gallagher AU) (Part One, Years 1-3)
Lupin (Chapter One Draft) (OCxRAB)
Lost in Battle
My My I Think We Have A Spy (OCxRemus Lupin)
Spin the Wheel
Life Debt (Hermione x Marcus)

The Beaters Girl (OC/GW)

2.4K 49 57
By SlytherinPrincess002

She was his girl.

From the very moment he laid eyes on her he knew that she was something special.

He didn't give a damn if she was a Slytherin.

He didn't care if she was Blaise Zabini's twin sister...

...or that her brother was best friends with Draco Malfoy.

Something about Astra Zabini was different.

She was unique...

...and unbeknownst to her, she had captured the attention of George Weasley the moment the sorting hat was placed upon her head.

Over the course of her first year, he watched her.

He took notice of the disapproving looks she shot her brother and Malfoy when they went at Ron and his friends.

He took notice of the laugh she concealed when he and Fred pulled a prank.

He took particular notice of the way she carried herself in comparison to her brother.

While Blaise was just as cruel and taunting as his friends, Astra was polite and reserved.

She showed him something he never expected to see from a Slytherin.

She showed George Weasley that anybody could be kind, regardless of their upbringing.

He spent most of his summer holidays leading up to his fourth year thinking about the young Slytherin.

Wondering what would become of her when the new term started up.

If she would remain the sweet girl he observed her to be or if she would become her brother.

When he and his family had arrived at the train station to load the Hogwarts Express, he'd gotten his answer immediately.

Draco Malfoy and her brother had cornered a first year, intending to harass the poor boy.

She'd appeared out of nowhere, like a true guardian angel.

"Blaise Astor Zabini! Stop it right now and get in this compartment or else I'll write Mum."

George had watched in awe as she tiny girl grabbed her brother by his ear and dragged him into a compartment...

...slamming the door closed in Malfoy's face before he could follow them inside.

His fourth year turned out to be a particularly scary one, but even still he proceeded to watch her.

To this day he'll still swear the first time he every truly saw Astra Zabini was the first time Malfoy called Hermione a Mudblood.

He and Fred made to lunge for Malfoy, only to be stopped in their tracks when she appeared out of nowhere.

He'd watched with a dropped jaw as the young witch smacked Draco Malfoy with enough force to send the boy flying.

"You'll learn to hold your tongue, Draco, especially when in the presence of a lady. What would your mother say?"

Those as her parting words the girl stalked off, her head held high.

That was the very moment George Weasley saw the lioness lurking just beneath the surface of the small Slytherin.

She'd have been a hell of a Gryffindor.

It wasn't until he caught her visiting Hermione in the hospital wing, tears streaming down her face did he really realize...

...if he ever wanted to befriend her, he'd eventually have to talk to her.

He made his move carefully by waiting in the library until Theodore Nott, her best friend, left for their common room.

Once he was sure she was alone, he approached her and asked if she'd help him study for his potions essay.

She was reluctant to agree, but nonetheless took pity on him and helped him with his assignment.

By the time the two departed for their respective common rooms a newfound friendship of sorts was beginning to blossom.

By the end of his fourth year the two had become regular study partners and he'd convinced her to write him over the holidays.

It was the holidays leading up to his fifth year that he learned the horrors of her home life.

Her father was abusive.

Her mother an alcoholic.

Her brother reserved and distant.

That was the summer he learned why Astra Zabini was who she was.

It was also the first and only time George Weasley ever approached the Longbottom family for help.

Just days before the start of the new term, Zabini Manor was raided.

Her parents arrested for their affiliation with the dark arts.

She and Blaise were placed with the first family to come claim them from the Ministry.

The Diggory's.

George didn't realize it at the time, but the Diggory's claimed the Zabini twins for a reason.

A betrothal contract.

Written up the very day Astra Zabini took her first breath.

She was promised to Cedric Diggory from the start.

The Zabini line hadn't had a female heir in nearly two hundred years, and mixed gender twins were an anomaly all their own.

Amos Diggory predicted she'd be a powerful witch the moment he found out about her...

...and he wanted to harvest her power into his family's bloodline.

Above all else, even his own sons happiness, the bloodline must thrive.

He learned of her betrothal contract the very same day she did, her fourteenth birthday.

The 2nd of September, 1993.

She was furious, to say the least, and he watched amusedly as she marched to the Hufflepuff table that morning.

She'd yanked 6th year Cedric Diggory up by the collar of his robes and dragged him from the great hall.

She'd given Diggory an earful and informed him, in a way that reminded George way too much of Malfoy, that his father would hear about this.

George had the extreme honor of watching her send the first of many howlers Amos Diggory would receive that year.

His fifth year was the year he established a solid friendship with the girl...

...and they year he came to terms with the fact his fascination with her had led him headfirst into fancying her.

When the term ended, she promised him she'd write him- but George decided to give her a better option.

"Why don't I talk to Mum when we get to the station? I'm sure she wouldn't mind you and Blaise staying a few weeks with us."

Molly Weasley agreed the moment George brought it up, going so far as to approach Amos Diggory herself as he was retrieving Cedric.

She'd asked, well more so demanded, he allow the Weasley Family to take on care of the Zabini siblings for the entire holiday.

All it took was one glare from Astra before he was readily agreeing and offering to help load the twins things into the car.

Astra and Blaise Zabini spent the holiday leading up to their fourth year learning what family truly was.

They spent their days in the company of the Weasley siblings, finding themselves learning for the first time in their lives how to be teenagers.

They played pickup Quidditch, and learned how to cut loose and pull pranks.

That was the summer the Zabini Twins learned what it was like to be loved...

...and what it felt like to love somebody other than themselves.

The start of their fourth year brought along a change in she and her brother they'd have never seen coming.

She was still the kind and courageous girl she'd always been, except now she knew what happiness really was.

Blaise, however, did a complete 180.

George couldn't help but grin when he realized Blaise had changed his ways.

The change, unsurprisingly, looked good on him.

He was not only happier, but healthier.

George will never forget the look on Astra's face the first time Blaise stood up to Malfoy.

It was as if Christmas had come early.

Her fourth year was the year George Weasley realized he was undeniably in love with her.

He'd watched in jealousy as Cedric escorted her to the Yule Ball.

His only comfort in the situation had come from Blaise.

"Trust me when I say this, I know her better than anybody else in this bloody world, she'd give anything for that to be you."

The end of the great Triwiziard Tournament brought one thing for Astra.


With Cedric Diggory murdered, she was free of her contract.

Free to eventually fall in love with a wizard of her choosing.

Sure, Cedrics death was tragic- but she was free and couldn't help but be happy about it.

When they all arrived at the station after leaving Hogwarts, she and Blaise were immediately swept into the arms of Mrs Weasley.

She'd taken the two home and stuffed them full of food along with the rest of her children.

From that day forward anybody who asked Molly Weasley how many children she had would happily be informed.

She was the proud mother of eight brave Gryffindor's, counting Harry, and two ambitious Slytherins.

The summer leading up to her fifth year, and sixteenth birthday, was the summer she fell in love with George Weasley.

It happened out of nowhere, but she wouldn't complain.

George wouldn't either, he'd been panting after the girl for years.

Molly was ecstatic when she'd noticed the looks the two were shooting each other.

She might officially become that girls mother one day after all.

It was the summer Astra Zabini had her first kiss.

It happened the night George offered to take her flying, the other occupants of the Burrow had retired to bed hours earlier.

He'd taken her to a meadow of wild flowers nearby their home.

He'd kissed her soundly, the two bathed in the light of a full moon.

When they'd returned home hours later they found their respective twins waiting for them in the sitting room.

Blaise was shooting George murderous glares, and Fred looked like the cat that ate the canary with the grin he was sporting.

When the lot of them returned to Hogwarts, she and George were an official couple.

The year started off with a speech from the new DA Professor, a speech that set Astras skin on fire.

Something was wrong with that woman, and she wasn't the only one who could feel it.

She ignored it, against her better judgment, and decided to see how the year would play out.

George was ecstatic when she showed up to his first, and unfortunately last, Quidditch match wearing his old jersey.

She'd led The Gryffindors in the stands into a chant he'll never forget.

"Bring the lion out! Bring the, Bring the, lion out!"

After the match was over, Malfoy made a comment that earned Harry and the Weasley Twins a lifetime ban from Quidditch at Hogwarts.

George didn't learn the comment was about Hermione until Fred had returned to their dorm that night.

It was that night that George realized his brother had it bad for Hermione Granger.

It was also the night he vowed to help him earn the young witches affection if it killed them both.

A few weeks later, when Hermione started up the DA with Harry, the students who attended the first meeting were shocked to see two Slytherins in their mix.

Astra and Blaise Zabini on that day became the only two Slytherins to join Dumbledores Army.

They'd signed right after the Weasley Twins, making themselves the third and fourth official members.

When the club was broken up later in the year, neither set of twins had been caught in the downfall.

George had yanked Astra into a broom cupboard to hide from Pucey.

Fred and Blaise had ducked into the restricted section of the Library and hidden among the isles, successfully avoiding Higgs.

The four of them designed a plan that night, while their friends fought for their lives at the Ministry.

A week later, when Umbridge was conducting the OWL exams, they struck.

The four of them had caused such a ruckus when they set off fireworks in the exam rooms, before fleeing on broom, that everybody was sure they'd get arrested.

Molly Weasley had nearly bitten their heads off when they'd arrived home, that is until Blaise apologized.

"We're sorry, Mum."

That slip of the tongue had gotten the four of them off the hook almost instantly.

Molly had immediately yanked the Slytherin boy in for a hug. 

All her anger dissolved.

Blaise had been momentarily horrified, but all that melted away when the woman wrapped him in her arms.

He came to the sudden realization he finally had a real family.

A Mum that actually loved him.

That was one of the only times Astra Zabini witnessed her brother cry...

...but luckily for him she'd pretend she hadn't noticed.

Blaise and Astra declined their offer to return to Hogwarts for their sixth year, instead they opted to school at home.

The day they turned seventeen Fred and George moved them into the flat above the shop.

Astra and George, who had been together just over a year by this point, opted to share a room.

Blaise was given the spare room, much to his delight.

He didn't much fancy the idea of sharing a room with Fred, adoptive brother or not.

The Zabini siblings spent their days working down in the shop, well when they weren't at the Burrow.

Molly Weasley had taken their education into her own hands.

She set out to personally ensure they did every assignment on time.

The end of that school year brought with it the death of Albus Dumbledore.

It was that summer Astra and Blaise became official members of the Order.

It was that summer they were given their first mission.

Return to Hogwarts for their seventh year and be the eyes and ears inside the Slytherin house.

It was also that summer that Astra and George eloped.

At first, the only people privy to the information of their marriage had been their respective twins.

Blaise and Fred had acted as their witnesses.

All of their plans for keeping their marriage quiet had been blown to hell the moment they'd returned to headquarters.

Molly Weasley had taken immediate notice to the new hand on her family clock...

...and even if she hadn't, the news would have been leaked when the Hogwarts letters arrived.

Astra Blair Zabini's Hogwarts letter never came, instead Astra Blair Weasley's letter arrived.

Molly wanted to give the both of them an absolute earful when they arrived home that day, but unfortunately the Order wouldn't allow it.

That night was what would eventually be named the battle of the Seven Potters.

George lost an ear, and Astra nearly lost her mind at the sight of him.

It was in that moment, as Molly watched her biological twins interact with her adopted twins that she came to a sudden conclusion.

The Zabini siblings were two of the best things to ever happen to her family.

Astra was the best thing imaginable for her Georgie.

No matter who gave birth to Astra and Blaise Zabini, they were her children.

She'd be damned if anybody tried to tell her otherwise.

The night before Astra and Blaise were set to return to Hogwarts had been a tearful one.

The two of them spent that night locked away in the flat with Fred and George...

...getting drunker than the Irish after the World Cup.

They drank to drown their sorrows.

Fred to forget the fact his girlfriend was now on the run with Harry and Ron.

Blaise to numb the idea of having to pretend to be the person he used to be.

George to attempt to put his worry behind him at the thought of his wife returning to that dreaded school.

Astra, however, drank to cope with the year she knew she was about to have.

She'd be labeled a blood traitor, and the only way she'd be able to prove otherwise would be to act like Malfoy.

To pretend to be the pureblood princess she always hated in Pansy Parkinson.

That night marked a change in George and Astra's relationship as well.

It was the first night they made love.

It was a slow and passionate coupling, and when they'd finished they held each other and cried.

This year was sure to be hell.

George and Fred hadn't gone with Astra and Blaise to the train, instead the younger twins opted to do it on their own.

This was something they had to do alone.

They spent the train ride to school in the company of only each other, deciding they'd rather appear as a united front.

The welcoming feast had been cold and dark, only twelve first years had arrived for sorting.

Four to Slytherin.

Four to Ravenclaw.

Three to Hufflepuff.

One brave little soul to Gryffindor.

Astra observed the way the new professors watched the little girl as she made her way to the Gryffindor table.

Seeing as she was immediately swept into the protective arms of Ginny Weasley, she realized she hadn't been the only one watching.

It wasn't until her brother elbowed her in the ribcage did she even realize why she began watching the girl in the first place.

Her name.

Well... more so her last name.

Catrina Zabini.

Their cousin.

She and Blaise spent most of their school year aiding their friends in other houses any way they could.

Astra, upon learning she'd have to Crucio the first years began working on a way to alter the unforgivable.

Blaise set out to save his sisters childhood friend, Theodore Nott, from becoming his father.

In the end both twins were successful in their endeavors.

Astras modification to the curse forced the first years to scream and crumple as if they were in pain when they felt nothing at all.

Blaise convinced Theodore, and several other Slytherin Seventh Years, to swear into the order.

They spent what little free time they had perfecting their transformations into their animagus forms.

Luckily for the both of them, their animal counterparts would be great assets in the looming battle to come.

Both of them predators.

Beasts of the hunt.

The night they were called to the Great Hall, Astra and Blaise hugged each other tightly.

Harry was at Hogwarts.

The battle was about to begin.

They knew without a shadow of a doubt that both of them making it out alive would be an anomaly.

She held her cover in the great hall until Voldemort asked for the students to hand over Potter.

Pansy Parkinson made to grab Harry and all of a sudden Astra's wand was pressed firmly into her dorm mates chest.

"Touch him and it'll be the last bloody thing you ever do."

When McGonagall had the Slytherins escorted back to the dungeons, Blaise went with them.

He was still in character and determined to do whatever he could to aid the cause.

Once her brother was out of sight, George swooped in and kissed his wife soundly.

He knew it may very well be his last chance to do so.

The final battle went on for what felt like ages.

At some point Blaise found himself blowing cover to save Hermione Grangers life.

Goyle had hardly muttered the first word of the killing curse in the room of requirement before a blood curdling roar was heard.

The trio and Malfoy had been given the fright of a lifetime when a full grown Male Lion tackled Goyle to the ground.

The force of the blow had killed the man instantly.

The four remaining had watched in shock when the Lion stood on its hind legs and was suddenly the grinning form of Blaise Zabini.

"Family Dinner on Sunday at home if everything goes according to plan!"

Blaise had hardly shouted the words at the three Gryffindors before he was transforming into the Lion again.

He bolted out into battle, leaving them behind.

He'd help win this war if it killed him.

For his family.

Astra had waited, patiently, before revealing her form to anybody.

She'd cut trough the enemy like a battle trained soldier.

She was born and raised in the dark arts, she knew their curses better than most of them did.

She didn't take on her animal form until she saw the Lestrange brothers cornering a young Gryffindor boy.

He was no older than fourteen.

Something inside her snapped and the next thing she knew she was snarling lowly at the men.

Crouched and ready to pounce.

They'd turned around, expecting to find Greyback...

...only to be greeted by a giant snarling, 320 kg, Black Leopard.

The memory of that moment is one she'll never forget.

They'd screamed like teenage girls at the sight of her, both disappearing into thin air before she could sink her teeth into them.

As soon as they were gone she turned on the Gryffindor boy and growled as him as she transitioned back.

"Get the bloody fuck out of here! What the hell are you thinking?! GO!"

She didn't see her family, any of them, until the ceasefire was called.

Upon returning to the great hall she couldn't help the screams of agony pulled from her body.

At the feet of a sobbing Molly Weasley lay two bodies, two of her sons.

One she'd carried in her womb.

One she'd taken in at his lowest.

The Weasley matriarch watched in anguish as Astra collapsed, sobbing and screaming into George's arms.

She knew in that very moment that the two of them would never be the same...

...after all, losing a twin is like losing half your soul.

When the ceasefire came to an end, and Voldemort returned with Harry, that's the moment Molly Weasley truly saw her daughter-in-law.

Voldemort called out to Draco Malfoy, and something inside Astra had snapped.

"That's right, Malfoy, Run to Mummy like the coward you are!"

Malfoy had frozen mid-step at her words.

"Wonder how loud I'll make your Auntie Bella scream when I get my claws into her?! Will she beg me for mercy?! Like she made Blaise beg!?Like she made Fred beg!?"

Anybody listening could hear her breaking as she spoke.

Truthfully had George not been behind her, a protective hand on her back, she'd have shattered before everybody's eyes.

When Malfoy made no notion to move, she turned her attention on Voldemort himself.

"Potter may be dead, but people die everyday. You think you've won but you haven't. The fight lives on inside of each and every one of us."

Reaching behind her she'd taken George's hand, squeezing it tightly.

"I'll never submit to you. I'll fight until I take my last breath... My fight burns for Blaise!"

One by one those behind her began calling names into the darkness.

"For Fred!"

"For Tonks!"

"For Dumbledore!"

"For Remus!"

"For Cedric!"

The voices echoed names until finally Ginny Weasley stepped forth from the shadows, the sword of Gryffindor clutched tightly in her hand.


Everything that happened from that moment on went by in a blur.

Ginny killed the snake.

Harry wasn't dead.

Voldemort was defeated.

All was well...

...but not really.

She and George returned to the flat above the shop that night, both of them mere moments away from breaking.

Their road to recovery was long and hard.

Neither knew how to live without their twin at their side.

It wasn't until they found out of the lives blooming in her womb that next January did either of them feel truly happy again.

Astra Weasley gave birth to a set of identical boys the fall of 2000.

Blaise Gideon Weasley and Fredrick Astor Weasley.

She and George raised their sons on the stories of the trouble their uncles had caused at Hogwarts.

And it came as a surprise to nobody when the time came for their sorting.

Blaise Gideon Weasley went to Slytherin the moment the hat was placed upon his head.

Fredrick Astor Weasley was a hat stall, much like his namesake, and inevitably followed his twin to Slytherin.

Looking back on his life, George Weasley can't help but wonder how his life would have turned out if he'd skipped the feast his third year like he'd wanted...

...but it doesn't do one well to dwell on the past.

(Yes or No? Leave me an honest review! 4,000 words)

(For anybody wondering this is how I imagine Blaise in this story^)

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