Immortal Love - #2 (Pennywise...

By ValyriaRizing

6.8K 466 358

It was a tough road, but Nera finally found harmony with Pennywise. Now she learns she is destined for an Imm... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 24

119 12 3
By ValyriaRizing

All Characters and locations borrowed from Stephen King's "It" remain his property. I own only the characters I've created.

Helpful Notes:
"Speaking Aloud"
'Speaking Telepathically'
Subconscious Thoughts, not heard by others.

A/N: This story involves VERY mature and sometimes disturbing situations. If you have any triggers I suggest perhaps trying another story.

*~..Lamia Amorist..~*

..Chapter 24..

The sensual expression on Ezra's face fell and a look of shock replaced it. He knew exactly who Alina was. Carlos had told him and several others he trusted about Alina when he came back from finding the spell for opening the Gates of Hell. Carlos had also told them the heartbreaking story of how another Angel had killed her in a jealous rage.

Oddly enough, it was Asmodeus and Anzu who had hidden Carlos away while he mended from the broken bond Alina's death had caused, and from that point on they had kept his secret for him.

Carlos, however, was never the same again after he lost her. That's when he'd become so unfailingly loyal to Lucifer, refusing even to follow Asmodeus when he rose against him and left Hell.

Ezra looked at Nera for confirmation. She nodded and sat up a bit. "It's true. When we fed from each other it was like a veil lifted and now I remember everything."

Ezra chuckled softly at the circumstances. It was all beginning to make so much sense, like suddenly finding the last handful of pieces to a puzzle that had laid incomplete for so long.

"Well... your chemistry with Santiago certainly makes a lot more sense now." Ezra noted.

Her eyes widened as his words brought forth even more memories from her time as Alina.

"Oh my god... that's right!"

Thousands of years before she met Carlos, she'd been sent with a large number of Warrior Angels to obtain a tablet that had been stolen by a Demon known as Anzu.

The tablet had granted him the ability to transform back to his true form, an ability that had been lost when he'd been turned into a Demon.

In his original form, a Storm-bird, he was much more powerful, and no matter how many Warrior Angels were sent after him, he slayed them one right after the other.

He didn't even need the tablet himself, the spell he'd cast with it was permanent, however he meant to take it to Hell and use it to strengthen Hell's army. The archangels were furious and sent out one last group of Warrior Angels and told them if they came back without the tablet they would be killed.

Alina had been in that last group. She'd gotten separated from the group and ambushed by dozens of Demons. She was able to kill them, but just barely. She lay upon the ground, her wings broken and her legs injured. For the first time she could remember, she was truly afraid.

Alina was an experienced Warrior, a part of Heaven's Army since the very beginning,
but she'd always felt that there was more in the world that she wanted to experience and now she might never have the chance to do anything but die in the field of battle after a long life of simply being someone's soldier and following their orders.

Anzu had killed all the Warrior Angels in her group, but sensed another Angel close by so he sought her out to finish her off. When he saw her, she was dragging herself desperately away from the dead bodies of the Demons she'd slain. She immediately sensed his power and rolled to face him but he'd hidden himself from her, a power gifted by the tablet.

"No, no, no, come on Alina.... you gotta get out of here! You can't die here!" She cried frantically, trying to motivate herself.

She tried to stand with the aid of a nearby tree. Anzu watched as her beautiful broken wings hung loosely behind her, blood steaked across them and bone exposed in several places. It must have been quite painful.

Don't worry, soon you'll feel nothing at all, he thought to himself. I will put you out of your misery. He inched toward her silently.

Just before he reached her, she fell again, and quickly rolled over to face him. Now she saw him, and looked up at him in terror as he towered over her small frame. Her eyes immediately fell on the enormous battle axe clutched in his talons.

Tears streamed down her cheeks, her blonde hair wild and tangled around her beautiful face. Her clothes had nearly been torn off from the Demons who'd tried to rape her. Her breath shook as he slowly raised the axe.

"No please...I...I'm not ready." She told him, her lip quivering with fear. "There has to be more than... this." She sobbed and looked down, her shoulders trembling, expecting him to strike at any given moment. "This can't be the end." She whispered.

Something about her strong desire to live and the words she'd spoken in that moment made him curious, and he hesitated to kill her.

He transformed back into his normal Demon form in an effort to lessen her fear, at least for a moment until he decided what to do with her. His black eyes studied her as he lowered himself down to her level, then reached toward her.

She flinched away, then realized he was just moving her hair from her face. He lifted her chin and forced her to look at him. His eyes were like icy black spheres as they gazed as her curiously, like a cat might do just before it slays a mouse.

"There has to be more than what?" He asked.

She got lost in the depths of those obsidian orbs for a moment, then took in the rest of him. He'd relinquished the more powerful form for the moment, and appeared to be like her, human-like but a bit older.

As odd and inappropriate as it might seem, she found him ruggedly handsome with smooth caramel skin and short, salt and pepper colored hair. She'd always been a bit of an oddball among Angels though, never having found her male counterparts attractive like the other female Angels did.

She didn't know if this was a joke or what, but the Demon seemed to be asking, sincerely. Maybe, just maybe if she was respectful toward him, he would spare her.

"There has to be more than this war between Heaven and Hell. More than fighting and following orders...." she told him shakily.

What a curious little creature, he thought. "What else would there be?" He asked her.

"I... I don't know. Maybe an adventure, seeing new, beautiful places, soaring under the night sky or laying in a field of flowers and looking up from beneath them, seeing what they see." She told him.

He cocked his head in even deeper curiosity. He'd never heard anyone speak of such things. "What else?"

"Explore the caves on Earth, create fire as man does and look for images in the flames... studying the animals and learning about them, making companions with others and laughing together, falling in love with someone and exploring the realms with them, write our stories for future generations to read... you know?" Her bright blue eyes searching his for even a thread of common ground. "There just has to be more. I.. I wanted there to be more." She told him, her voice full of heartbreak and despair.

Hearing these words come from her lips inspired him. Although he'd once been free soar above the open skies, in death he'd been made into a Demon, a soldier, always doing as he'd been told. He'd gotten sick of it and that's why he'd stolen the tablet. He hadn't even been ordered to, he was just so tired of the repetition, he wanted to create chaos to have something to do. Because, as a lowly Demon, what else was there?

He slid his hand down to her cheek and healed the cut that was there, then down to her shoulder and healed the deep wound there as well. She glanced down and saw her wound healed. She looked up at him in shock, then watched as he set about to healing her other wounds.

A healer Demon? She'd never seen such a thing. Not that she couldn't heal on her own, but injuries inflicted by Demons tended to take longer to heal than other injuries.

As Anzu healed her, he studied her. She was magnificent. He'd never once stopped to appreciate an Angel. They were just the enemy. They were to be slaughtered.

Her big sky blue eyes watched him warily as he laid his hands upon her slashed hip, exposed by her torn dress. After the skin healed, he realized how soft and smooth it was, his thumb lingering there and gently stroking back and forth.

She trembled beneath his curious touch as he explored his way down to her thigh, caressing her skin softly. He tilted his head to the side as he watched her reaction. His warm hands glowed as they passed over another injury and healed it.

It took all his restraint to keep from taking her right then and there. She was, without a doubt the most beautiful creature he'd ever laid eyes on.

Eventually she was completely healed. She smiled softly when he removed his hand. "Thank you." She told him.

He couldn't help but return the smile. She was so different from the Demons. She was soft and gentle. He'd never taken the time to appreciate the true nature of an Angel. He always viewed them as Warriors. Were they all this kind and gentle, or was it just her?

He yearned to be closer to her but didn't want to frighten her after what his comrades had clearly attempted to do. As his intense gaze continued to study her, she blushed and looked down nervously and he snorted softly in amusement, realizing he had some sort of effect on her. Feeling more confident now, he drew closer and cupped her jaw, drawing her face up to his.

"You will live to see more, sweet Angel." He told her.

Her eyes sparkled as they looked into his, her smile deepening when she realized he was choosing to spare her life.  Too bad it was all for nothing.

"Thank you, but without the tablet, the Archangels will kill me." She told him.

He smiled knowingly and held his hand out next to him. A brief second later the tablet appeared in his hand, and he immediately placed it next to her.

She gasped in surprise and beamed up at him. "Really?"

He gave her a soft smile and nodded. Through all this, they'd been drifting closer and closer together. He leaned in then and kissed her softly as he knelt between her thighs. Her lips felt like the petals of a flower, and tasted as sweet as honey. He knew he'd made a mistake then, because there was no way he could stop now. He wanted more, needed more.

Her heart was racing and she moaned softly in surprise. Her hands moved up to his chest, and as his tongue slid into her mouth softly, he listened to the sound of her heartbeat as it raced for him. He felt himself throbbing painfully below at the realization of how her innocent, beautiful body was reacting to him.

Her arms slid up around his neck, pulling him closer as the kiss deepened. He began kissing his way down her jaw, then to her neck. "What is your name?" He asked her suddenly, looking back into her eyes.

"Alina." She told him. He purred gently as he slid his arms around her neck and waist, then carefully laid her upon the soft grass there. She didn't stop him, not even as he lowered his body onto hers and devoured her lips, hungrily seeking more of the sweetness she'd given him.

Her hands moved from his neck and explored his body, moving down the sides of his torso. They gently fell upon his hips just as he curled them, pressing a firm, warm erection between her legs. She'd never experienced such a thing and it was like someone flipped a switch inside her and her body was electrified with pleasure.

It was so powerful that she pulled her mouth from his and cried out, her mind unable to process exactly what she was feeling. Anzu slid his fingers into her hair and cradled her head, bringing it up so he could look into her eyes. He read a mixture of pleasure, confusion, and fear.

"Are you okay, sweet Angel?" He whispered to her. Practically gasping for air, her chest heaving from the sheer effort of simply trying to breath, she nodded and abruptly without warning, he did it again, pressing his hips into hers and lighting her body on fire.

"Uhh... mmm...." she lost herself to the pleasure as he did it again. Her legs wrapped tight as he pleasured her.

"That's it, my sweet Angel. Just enjoy it." He whispered to her. He'd never wanted anyone so desperately as he wanted her in that moment. She was moaning softly with every thrust of his hips, and hers soon began to rise and fall with his as she sought any way to deepen and further explore the sensations he was creating.

Suddenly he sensed the energy of powerful Angels heading their way. Archangels. He gulped visibly when he realized their time was over, looking down at the stunning creature in his embrace.

She would have been his, if only they'd had more time... but then again, perhaps it was better this way. Such a beauty deserved only the best, and all he had to offer her was pleasure. She deserved better than a lowly Demon.

"The archangels are on their way. I sense them." He told her. "Do all those beautiful things you desire, Alina." He told her, then regretfully began to pull away, her hands allowing him to go even though they stayed connected with him until the last moment when he was too far to touch.

As their bodies separated, there was an intense sense of loss. They read it in each others eyes. It was more than loss though, it was pain. Neither wanted to let go. Slowly he stood and helped her to her feet.

"Thank you, Anzu." She told him with a bittersweet smile. She stepped forward with the tablet clutched securely to her chest and kissed him once more. "You were my first beautiful moment." She whispered to him, and as she pulled back he saw a tear on her cheek.

He smiled and wiped it away, and with that she took flight. They never saw each other again, but that moment changed them both forever.

Nera couldn't help the grin that spread across her face. It all made so much sense now. Anzu had been the first immortal she'd ever desired and circumstances ripped them apart before they had a chance to explore what they felt for one another. That's why there was always a sense of urgency and desperation between them. Her heart ached. She couldn't wait to see him again.

"My Lord, I have no intention of complicating things... if you'll simply permit me to stay in her life, that is all I ask." Carlos breathed, wiping a bit of sweat from his forehead.

Ezra relaxed at that, glad he wouldn't have to deal with explaining to him that she was destined to be re-bonded with himself and Pennywise. "Of course. If we ever get out of this god-forsaken place, you can come with us... but Sadie..."

"Sadie will come with us too, Ezra." Nera chimed in forcefully.

Ezra sneered in disgust at that. "Do you really think Pennywise will allow it?" He asked doubtfully.

Suddenly they heard a scuffling and whimpers of pain from behind. They all turned and saw Lucifer, clearly heavily intoxicated, dragging Sadie by the hair. Her wings trembled as the Devil roughly pulled her along.

His eyes were gold, wild and full of malice as he gave the trio a terrifying grin. Carlos quickly pulled away from Nera, but Lucifer put his finger up and wagged it playfully.

"Nah-uh-uh! Get back on her... make my Queen cum as you fill her with your own. In the meantime, I've decided to show the little Nephalem a good time, so don't mind us." Lucifer told him.

He then lifted Sadie up and slammed her down into the bed, holding her face down into the mattress so she couldn't breath as he used his other hand to grasp the base of her wing. He cruelly met Carlos's eyes as he began pulling, slowly increasing his strength and silently daring the Demon to try to intervene.

Eventually Sadie's screams could be heard, even muffled into the mattress. A ripping sound filled the air as her skin gave way and the bone beneath struggled to hold. With a sudden twist of the Devil's wrist, the joint there came undone and the wing detached completely away.

Carlos growled angrily, his entire body painfully rigid as his muscles twitched with fury, watching Lucifer torture his mate. Of course he wanted to stop him, but to interfere with the actions of his King would mean a guaranteed death for his sweet Sadie. Carlos knew that. No matter how much it pained him to allow it, he had to if he wanted her to survive this.

Lucifer opened his mouth impossibly wide and ate her wing, then he reached down and proceeded to rip out the other one as well. It was too much for Carlos to bear. Why is he doing this? I've been fucking loyal!

"What are you doing Lucifer!" roared Carlos angrily. Lucifer cackled evilly and tossed the wing behind his back which was swiftly caught by another Demon who was quick to make a snack of it.

"What's the matter Carlos? We used to have fun with little Demonesses all the time, why is it a problem now?" He asked cruelly, knowing full well that Carlos was bonded with her.

Carlos was seething with fury as he watched his sweet, innocent mate struggle to breath into the mattress where Lucifer held her. Finally Lucifer released her head and knelt behind her, grabbing her rear as she gasped for air. He began licking and sucking up the blood that was pouring down her back from her wounds.

"So delicious." He groaned, then stood and kicked her feet further apart as she sobbed uncontrollably.

She looked at Carlos, but instead of begging for help as he'd suspected she would, she just whispered, "I'm sorry." as the Devil thrust violently into her.

Lucifer was considerably bigger than Carlos and her body was nowhere near prepared for it. She released a bloodcurdling scream as he violently ravaged her from behind. Carlos closed his eyes for a moment, the pain in his chest threatening to strangle him. He wanted to kill Lucifer then. Any remaining loyalty he had to his King was effectively wiped out as Lucifer destroyed his sweet little Nephalem.

When he opened his eyes, he could see bright red blood smears on Lucifers dick where he was tearing her inside and she continue to scream and beg for mercy.

'I'm so sorry, baby.' He told her telepathically.

She was too distraught to reply though, her eyes wide and unseeing as Lucifer ruined her inside. As if that wasn't enough, he began running his claws down her back around the pre-existing wounds, slicing her open in multiple places.

Ezra turned Nera's face toward him and gently kissed her for the first time in over a month. Her eyes were full of tears as her friend was brutally tortured and raped on the bed right next to them.

"Nothing can be done about this, kitten. Just focus on us." Ezra whispered to her. She nodded, the torment in her eyes so evident.

"She is an Immortal like us. She will heal and survive this. If we attack him, he may kill her." Ezra whispered to Carlos who's eyes were glued to the horrific scene before them. With a clenched jaw Carlos nodded and laid back on Nera, brushing her hair affectionately from her face as he kissed her cheek.

Soon their lips found each other again, his tongue slipping inside her mouth and tasting her. Ezra stayed close, nuzzling Nera and kissing her every time Carlos released her mouth.

Carlos began working his hips back and forth, rubbing his cock around her entrance as he tried to get hard again, which wasn't easy with his mate right next to them being raped.

Nera's entrance was still so warm and wet though, and it felt incredible on the tip of his cock. He closed his eyes and focused on the sensation. Nera's breath caught when his smooth head poked at her entrance. "Please, I need you inside me." She begged him.

He nodded. "I know baby." He told her and kissed her softly. Her begging him like that definitely hardened him up more, and he slowly pressed inside her. She felt incredible and soon he found the sounds of Sadie's cries seemed a hundred miles away as the feeling of Nera's hot, tight heat wrapped around his cock like a glove. "Fuck Nera, that pussy feels so damn good." He muttered.

Once Ezra could see Carlos got his rhythm down, he stood on the bed and grabbed the Demon by the back of it head, guiding his mouth to his cock which was still hard considering he personally had no problem with what Lucifer was doing to Sadie right now. In fact he was enjoying the show, but didn't let them know that.

Carlos easily maintained his rhythm while Ezra pumped his cock in and out of his mouth. He wasn't sure why he was able to enjoy this with Asmodeus when he hated it with anyone else, but he didn't care. His Lord tasted fucking delicious. As drool gathered around his lips, Asmodeus was running a hand through his hair while the other stroked his cheek tenderly.

"Fuck, Carlos... you suck my cock so good." Ezra moaned. It felt incredible but he made sure to gently pull away before he came. Tonight, he would fill up his sweet mate.

He laid down next to Nera. "Come here sweetheart, come ride Daddy's dick." Carlos allowed Nera to crawl on top of Ezra and he immediately moved behind her. Within moments both their cocks were pumping in and out of her, filling both of her holes.

As amazing as it felt, all she could think about right now was the fact that she was in Ezra arms again. She looked down at him and tears were just pouring off her face.

"I love you so much... I spend most days wishing for death, Ezra. I just want us again." She whispered to him so Lucifer wouldn't hear.

Lucifer was off in his own word right now, still savagely fucking Sadie, this time missionary style with her legs pressed up so high her knees were on the mattress next to her head as the Devil pleasured himself over and over using her body.

"Don't you dare think that for a moment. We just have to bide our time. I will get us out of here baby. Just give me time." He begged her, stroking her cheek lovingly.

"I'll stay strong for you Ezra.... for all of you." She promised.  She had to survive, for Ezra, Pennywise, Santiago, Duke, Carlos, and even Sadie. Her family. Her heart felt so full
When she imagined what life would be like with all of them together.

Hours went by... Ezra, Carlos and Nera had eventually wore each other out and passed out in the bed together at some point. Demons were strung across the room. Some asleep and some still fucking.

Lucifer hadn't stopped. He had Sadie up against the wall now, fucking her roughly but by now she'd healed inside and adjusted to his size and was taking him with pleasure, crying out for more. As soon as he filled her up, this making the 7th time that night, he took her to the bed and dropped her on it, finally having had his fill of the Nephalem.

"Sleep now." He told her and she nodded and slipped under the sheets, grateful her torture was over and falling asleep exhausted from hours of being fucked by the Devil.

Lucifer looked over at Asmodeus, Nera and Carlos. He grunted in pleasure at the sight of them. He crawled onto the large bed, and Nera's eyes fluttered lazily open as he lowered his body down onto hers.

"Did you have fun, sweetheart?" He asked her, kissing her forehead. She reached up weakly, still half asleep, and caressed his cheek affectionately, gazing lazily up into his beautiful eyes as she nodded.

"Yes, my King."

"I love you, Nera. You'll never know how much." He mumbled drunkenly.

She smiled sweetly at him then. She couldn't help it. Despite all her love for her mates, she felt something for Lucifer. Something real. "I love you too, my king." She cooed to him and leaned up, kissing him tenderly. The words just tumbled naturally off her tongue like they'd been telling each other these sweet words for years.

The gesture warmed his heart and made him hate himself for what he knew he was going to do to her.

Nera noticed his eyes almost looked glassy as he looked down at her, tenderly kissing her. He seemed almost sad. A tear suddenly gathered at the corner of his eye, moving down to his cheek.

"What's wrong, my love?" She asked him, leaning up and kissing away the tear.

Oh, my sweet little Angel. You deserve so much better than what's to come.

"I'm so sorry sweetheart... for what I'm about to do." He confessed, then fell limply beside her and passed out.

A sinking feeling settled into her chest when she realized drunk Lucifer just admitted he was going to do something horrible and she had no idea what it was going to be.

* Word Count: 4,251 *

A/N: Hey guys! Just wanted to add if y'all are reading but not voting, if you could please comment why that would be great! I'd love to improve in the future and your feedback helps! It also makes my day! 🤗

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