Immortal Love - #2 (Pennywise...

By ValyriaRizing

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It was a tough road, but Nera finally found harmony with Pennywise. Now she learns she is destined for an Imm... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 21

140 12 2
By ValyriaRizing

All Characters and locations borrowed from Stephen King's "It" remain his property. I own only the characters I've created.

Helpful Notes:
"Speaking Aloud"
'Speaking Telepathically'
Subconscious Thoughts, not heard by others.

A/N: This story involves VERY mature and sometimes disturbing situations. If you have any triggers I suggest perhaps trying another story.

*~..Lamia Amorist..~*

..Chapter 21..

As Lucifer and Nera continued on their way, Nera fell into deep thought, replaying memories from her life in an effort to hold on to her true self. Though she walked hand in hand with the Devil himself, her mind couldn't have been further. She remembered the moment she first awoke in Heaven. It was her very first memory.

When she'd awoken, she could remember nothing, knew nothing. She could see only a white shimmering light all around her. It was warm, and she'd felt as if she were enveloped in love, peace, and acceptance.

She wasn't a physical being, but rather a presence, an energy. She could feel her surroundings grow warmer though, and as they did, she became aware of other sensations, like hair tickling shoulders, fingers resting lazily against outer thighs, and toes gently bumping into something below.

It took her a moment to realize she was now a body, and she felt the distinct urge to move forward. As she did, her foot bumped gently into a step, and then as she moved forward again, another step.

It was like she was floating in some sort of breathable fluid. Slowly she continued up these steps and realized as her head broke the surface, that she was in a milky white shimmering pool.

Once her head fully met air, she ran her hands backward through her long light blonde hair and wiped her eyes, then looked around and found herself in a magical-looking cave, the stone walls a pearlescent white and iridescent crystals jutting wildly from the floors and walls in shades of pink, purple, and blue.

As she slowly stepped nude out of the pool, she felt a warm hand on her shoulder but she was unable to turn around. She felt a tickling along her neck as someone leaned in. Soft warm lips trailed softly across her ear. A gentle murmur followed. "I am always with you, Nera."

Before she turn around to address him, the presence was gone, but instinct told her exactly who it was. Suddenly a beautiful blonde Angel walked into the room and froze in surprise. She didn't look pleased at all to see Nera.

"This can't be..." the Angel muttered in disbelief, then she turned and fled from the room.

Nera was confused as to the Angel's reaction. She uncomfortably hugged her own chest as she was quickly surrounded by the Archangels and several Angels. They weren't speaking to her at all, but among each other.

There seemed to be confusion as to why she was there. No one had been expecting her. Most of them seemed to not want her there at all, and one of them whom she would come to know as Uriel, looked upon her strangely, his dark green eyes almost lewdly traveling her form up and down despite his obvious discontent at her very existence.

Then came the whispers of it being a dishonor to 'recycle' the energy of a heroic fallen Warrior. Apparently whomever she'd been in her previous Angelic life had been well-respected. They wanted her put to rest and remembered as she was, not brought back and made into the inferior Angel that now stood before them.

Eventually the Angel she would come to know as Rencadia came bursting into the room. Though she was just a Dominion Class Angel herself, well below the ranking of an Archangel, she bravely reminded them that only God himself could resurrect an Angel, so they had no right to question her existence.

Michael, one of the few Angels with black hair worn in short but thick waves, nodded and directed his attention directly at Nera then. His steely blue eyes pierced into Nera's coldly. "Very well. You shall be named-"

"Nera." She suddenly interjected.

He raised a brow in annoyance. "Excuse me?"

She swallowed nervously. "He... he told me my name. It's Nera."

Michael and the Archangels scoffed at that, a few even laughed. "And who exactly told you that?"

She burned inside at the disrespectful tone he'd taken with her. "God did." She whispered nervously.

Raphael stepped forward angrily at that point. "Oh please, as if he would ever directly address a lowly little creation like you. I can already see you are going to be a problem." He hissed acidly.

Nera was terrified at that point and looked down, tears stinging her eyes. She felt that warmth on her shoulder again and those words spoken in her ear echoed in her mind.

"My... my name is Nera." She insisted again softly.

The Archangels laughed derisively at her. "Very well, Nera." Michael finally responded sarcastically. "Follow me."

From then on she'd been placed into a life in Heaven that involved learning not only what an inferior creation she was but also the history of God's work.

It was during her studies that she met Lucius. He was the first Angel to truly show her any kindness, but he also made it known early on that he desired more than just her friendship. She didn't see him that way though. It took him nearly a thousand years to weaken her resolve. She'd felt no attraction toward him, but it was nice to have someone to talk to, so eventually she had given in to his advances.

Then she got her first mission to Earth. Yes, that's when everything really changed.

Lucifer had tried several times to address Nera but she was clearly lost in thought.

"Nera." He said firmly, finally gaining her attention. She faltered in her step and looked at him suddenly.

"Oh, yes... I'm just nervous about my first Hell Hunt, I apologize." She quickly responded, then leaned over and kissed his cheek.

"Don't worry, sweetheart. You'll be with me the entire time." He assured her, squeezing her hand gently. Somehow, those words did little to set her mind at ease.

They entered an extremely long stone incline that had clearly been worn down with time and when they reached the top, Nera could see out over a large portion of the part of the city that lay in ruin. There were dilapidated buildings with fires burning here and there, and smoke rose in slender black tendrils from almost every structure. Strange creatures sulked and slithered in the shadows.

Ahead of Nera and Lucifer stretched the first long bridge. They were built very sturdy, but it still made her nervous. If Lucifer pushed her off this one it would kill her instantly. She slipped her arm around his waist and held him tight.

He huffed in amusement and led her to the first platform where there were several rows off stands that would seat maybe fifty spectators. Under the stands was a concession area and restrooms.

Demons moved quickly out of their way as they saw their King and Queen approaching. Lucifer then led her to the middle platform now and this one was much fancier. Lucifer and Nera had a front row seat to the best spot to watch the competition. Ezra sat to his right and Abaddon to his left.

Elle was there as well and attempted to take a seat in Ezra's lap, but he immediately shoved her off and sent to stumbling ungracefully to the ground. Livid and embarrassed, Elle quickly crawled to her feet as Ezra chuckled in amusement at her flared temper, watching her with eyes full of hate and malice.

Elle approached Lucifer then as he sat down on his throne, Nera still standing out to the side. "My King, we need to discuss the way Asmodeus treats me. He rapes me nearly every night and belittles me, constantly comparing me to Nera. You told him if he did this, you would punish him by hurting her. Whatever happened to that? I'm tired of being treated this way!" She demanded.

Inside, Nera was livid that Elle had the audacity to complain. What did she think was going to happen? She forced Ezra to be with her. She drug them all to Hell and ruined their lives. Of course Ezra hated her! She wasn't going to stand back and let the bitch get Ezra in trouble though. Lucifer was head over hills in love with her and it was high time she used that to her advantage.

Nera gracefully moved forward then, pushing Elle out of her way with her power, which now required nothing more than a mere thought, sending Elle stumbling back. Nera gazed down at Lucifer and smiled sensually at him.

"Come here, baby." He purred to her. She lowered herself into his lap and began kissing his neck.

"You don't want to choose a whore over your strongest Lord do you, my King?" Nera asked as she kissed and nibbled at his warm skin. He grunted in pleasure as she began to excite him. "Don't let her boss you around like that. You are Lucifer, King of Hell. She is no one. She is disposable."

His eyes turned gold as he realized how right she was and he glared angrily at Elle. This entire thing with Elle wasn't even working. She was suppose to take Ezra's mind off Nera. She was supposed to be a distraction, but she'd failed miserably at it.

Lucifer wanted to drive a permanent wedge between Nera and Ezra and the seductress just wasn't cutting it. That was okay though. He'd kept an Ace up his sleeve just in case she didn't work.

"I gave you one job, Elle and you failed at it. You're a seductress who can't even seduce the Lord of Lust after you've bonded with him. I no longer have any use for you." He told her, his voice cold and hateful. Her eyes widened in fear, realizing she should have kept her mouth shut.

He looked up Nera. "Would you like the honor, my Queen?"

No sooner had the words left his lips did Nera's eyes turn a vivid red and a wicked smile crossed her lips. "Nothing would give me greater pleasure," she replied, a strange,  creepy undertone evident in her voice.

Ezra watched as his love's entire demeanor changed and noted the predatory way she slowly rose from Lucifer's lap and moved toward Elle.

Realizing immediately she was now in danger, Elle panicked and attempted to transport away, but found her abilities had been deactivated. She backed away as Nera slowly approached her, then turned and bolted in the opposite direction.

This only caused Nera's smile to deepen as she used her power to stop Elle in her tracks. Nera bit back every word she wanted to tell the seductress. She couldn't allow Lucifer to see how much she hated Elle because of what she'd done with Ezra, but this was why she hated her. For touching her true love. For stealing their bond. For bringing them here. For forcing her to be Satan's whore.

Suddenly against her will, Elle's body was lifted into the air and turned to face them as she began screaming for help.

Nera laughed cruelly at that. "Stupid whore. We're in Hell, no one will save you here."

Sadie rose to her feet suddenly and Carlos had to hold her back. "No please Nera...don't!"
she whimpered, still very much in love with the seductress.

Carlos jumped to his feet quickly and backhanded Sadie hard enough to knock her out. He was doing her a mercy. She didn't need to see what was about to happen to Elle. He knew Nera was about to get her revenge on Elle for putting them in Hell and if the bond with Lucifer was affecting her mind as he suspected it was, this was going to get very ugly.

He pulled Sadie's limp body into his arms and laid her head on his shoulder, brushing her cheek gently.

Suddenly the nails on Elle's hands were ripped off by an unseen force, falling unceremoniously to ground, the raw nail beds beneath them now exposed. Elle screamed helplessly. Nera smiled cruelly and walked around her victim as her fancy black stiletto heels fell from her body and her gown and undergarments were ripped off, leaving her in the nude.

The nails on her toes were next, ripped off oke at a time and falling to the ground. Elle was a sobbing mess now, begging Nera's forgiveness.

"Imagine that, begging for forgiveness. How ironic. Unfortunately for you, I am not God. I am under no obligation to forgive." She stated unsympathetically.

Nera's eyes met Lucifer's and he nodded in approval. "Yes, my love... that's my girl." He told her. She smiled and blushed a dark pink at that.

Slowly small strips of skin began ripping upward and off Elle's body, starting at the fingers and toes, exposing blood and muscle beneath. Elle's screams drew every eye in the arena.

Without warning her tongue was ripped from her open mouth, rolled into a wad, then thrust down her throat, forcing her to swallow her own tongue.

Lucifer squealed in glee and rose to his feet, eager to get a closer look. Nera raised a finger up in the air in Elle's direction, moving a single pointed finger as if drawing on the air. Suddenly, as if done by an invisible knife, a bloody line began forming at Elle's hairline that traveled around the perimeter of her head, leaving ribbons of blood pouring down her face and neck as it went. Once the line finally met its start, Nera clenched her fist and suddenly Elle's scalp was violently ripped from her head.

Nera giggled in amusement as she continued stripping skin from the Demonesses body. The screams of the seductress never stopped.

Ezra was no amateur to torture. He didn't flinch or shy away. Not only that but he knew where this rage was coming from. He knew why she hated Elle. This was revenge. It was personal. Despite knowing this wasn't like Nera at all, to be so cruel, he was still enjoying every moment of it.

Abruptly Elle's body began crumpling in on itself very slowly, starting at her feet, like someone rolling closed a chip bag. Her screams were soul-chilling. Ezra had never seen anything quite this cruel.

Elle was out of her mind at this point. She screamed so hard that she began coughing up blood. Her eyes were wide in disbelief and unseeing from the sheer volume of pain.

Nera reached out, palm to the sky, then her middle finger gently curled in a come-hither motion, and suddenly Elle's eyes were ripped out of her head, slowly floating into Nera's outstretched hand. She plucked one from her palm and turned to Lucifer with a seductive smile, holding it up to his mouth.

He stepped forward and opened his mouth, allowing her to feed the pretty blue eye into his mouth. He plucked the other eye from her palm and fed it to her. After swallowing it, Lucifer kissed her softly.

"Oh precious, you are magnificent." He whispered to her. Her eyes sparkled and she turned back, watching the woman's body continue rolling, up to the hip now. Blood was drizzling down her face from her empty eye sockets, reaching her chin and splattering to the ground beneath.

"I imagine here in a few seconds it will get quite difficult to breath." Nera cruelly pointed out as Elle's stomach crunched and rolled. Elle began gasping desperately for air as her chest was crushed down. Soon, she was no longer able to breath and her screams stopped, replaced by a sickening wet, gurgling sound.

Lucifer giggled happily and kissed Nera's neck as they watched her body continue to crush  down to an impossible size. Nera snickered in amusement and threw her arms around him, her eyes never once leaving Elle's body. Finally there was nothing left but a small wadded up ball of flesh the size of a cantaloupe.

Ezra was gripping onto his seat waiting for the pain of the bond separation to hit him, but it never came. With a sigh of relief he realized the bond was too weak and too fresh to affect him. Thank Lucifer for small favors, he thought.

"Fantastic, my Queen! And here I was worried because I forgot to have them prepare a cheese ball for the crackers!" Lucifer exclaimed gleefully. "This is even better!"

He snatched the ball of meat from the air and made it disappear, sending it off to the kitchen to be prepped for their feast tonight.

The arena was dead silent as every Demon silently realized the power of their Queen. Lucifer was too aroused and fascinated by her to realize what they all did, that she would be the one to make the prophecy come true. She had the power to do it. Lucifer was now madly in love with her and he simply couldn't see that she would be his downfall.

Lucifer took Nera's hand and led her back to his seat. As he took a seat and pulled Nera into his lap, his eye caught Ezra's eye and for some odd reason he flashed back to a moment hundreds of years ago when the Demon Lord had looked up at him from that very seat with affection and desire in his eyes. It seemed like a million years ago. Asmodeus had always been his favorite.

Recognizing the nostalgic look in his former lover's eyes, Ezra realized perhaps getting along with Lucifer rather than fighting him was a better plan. Lucifer had always had a soft spot for him. Not only had he been Lucifer's first creation, they shared so many pleasant
memories. It had royally burned Lucifer's ass when he'd betrayed him. He'd acted liked a scorned lover, Ezra thought with a silent chuckle. He then winked at Lucifer and it very clearly caught the Fallen Angel off guard.

Lucifer raised his chin up arrogantly and gave Asmodeus a knowing grin, remembering how much he'd once relished the Demon Lord's touch. Perhaps for one night, they could the past behind them. He would make the Demon Lord his once again.

He turned his attention back to Nera and pulled her face to his, biting her bottom lip hard enough to make her bleed. She squeaked in pain but didn't pull away. He took her lip between his and began sucking blood into his mouth.

She closed her eyes and licked his top lip, tickling the nerves and causing him to plunge his tongue into her mouth.

Suddenly the announcer came on from somewhere above them, causing Nera to jump in fright as he began greeting the arena.

Lucifer chuckled at her reaction and she gave him an incredulous look. "Well look at that. The Devil has a sense of humor." She told him sarcastically and giggled.

A genuine smile spread across his face. She's absolutely adorable. "Only with you, it seems." He responded. This didn't go unnoticed by those around him. No one had ever seen Lucifer smile like that before.

Abaddon cast a worried glance at Ezra, but Ezra didn't look too worried. He felt confident Nera would never betray him, even if she did feel something for Lucifer.

The announcer went on to explain that there were 50 contestants randomly chosen and they would compete against each other as well as having to survive traps and beasts from the out-lands. He also explained there were weapons hidden throughout the city if they were lucky enough to find them.

Slowly, Sadie's eyes fluttered open and she looked up to see that she was in Carlos's arms.
"What happened?" She asked quietly. Carlos looked down at her and stroked her face.

"You don't want to know, baby." He warned her. "It was nothing she didn't deserve though, okay?"

Sadie sighed sadly and nodded. She understood why Nera did it. Elle had ruined their lives. Sadie on the other hand didn't mind it in Hell. Over the last month, she'd become very comfortable in her new life. She was completely dedicated to Carlos now and he'd been training her on the right way to behave. She was taking to her new life quite nicely here.

He slid his arm around her and pulled her close, kissing her neck. She giggled as it began to tickle and this made him laugh. This was one of the things he adored so much about her. She was so sweet and full of life. She brought out a part of him that he'd believed had died a very long time ago. "Why are you so ticklish, baby?"

He kept nibbling at her neck and she giggled again, causing Lucifer to turn back and look at him. When his eye caught Carlos's and he saw how well he and Sadie were getting along, he couldn't resist fucking with it.

"Carlos, I'd almost forgotten you were even there. Why don't you join me in my quarters tonight after the festivities are all over?" Lucifer suggested with a cruel smile.

Carlos stiffened. Not this again. He had no choice though. It wasn't optional when the Devil invites you to his quarters. "Yes, my King." He replied tightly. Sadie looked between the two men in confusion.

"You as well Asmodeus." Lucifer announced, then as a cruel afterthought he added, "Just you two, not Sadie." Ezra nodded calmly then turned his attention back to the competition as he crossed one leg leisurely over the other and sunk back into his seat in a more relaxed manner.

Carlos looked down, feeling too disgusted to enjoy the festivities now. Sadie tried to talk to him about it but he silenced her. She knew better than to question him. She sunk into silence and just reached out and held his hand. He side-glanced at her in an appreciative way, but dropped his head down shortly after.

Curled up in Lucifer's arms, Nera watched as iron cages appeared out of nowhere over the city. They were magically dangling in the air about 30 feet above the ground.

"Demons and Demonesses, here are your fifty contestants!!! Let the Hell Hunt BEGIN!"

Suddenly every cage disappeared and fifty immortal Demons fell into random locations throughout the city. Nera squealed in excitement and tore out of Lucifer's arms and over to the side of the platform to get a better view. Lucifer sat up a bit and watched her with fascination and adoration.

"Can't you control the little bitch, Lucifer?" Belial grumbled in irritation. It wasn't that Nera was doing anything wrong. The truth was that in addition to simply being bitter in general, the Demon Lord was jealous of the power she'd displayed for all to see.

Lucifer bolted upright in his throne, his eyes cut over at the Demon Lord and they glowed angrily. "What did you just call my Queen?"

The crowd around them fell silent. Belial looked at Lucifer in disbelief. "Come on, you can't actually be serious. We all know your just fucking her to piss off Asmodeus for betraying you!" The Demon Lord insisted.

Lucifer stood up suddenly, black smoke beginning to rise off his body. "Oh, I am quite serious, Belial. In fact, allow me to show you just how serious I am." Lucifer roared demonically.

The Demon Lord's body was violently snatched as if by an invisible hand and thrown into the ruins below. Nera watched him calmly with a smug smile as she waved good-bye to him, watching as he fell helplessly to the ground below.

"Fuuuuck yooou!!" He screamed, then disappeared into a huge fire below.

"Correction!" Came the announcers voice. "We now have 51 contestants! Welcome to the Hunt Lord Belial!" The crowd roared in excitement. Apparently Belial was not well liked even in Hell.

Lucifer came up behind Nera and lightly skated his fingertips along her bare shoulders. "No one will ever speak to or about my Queen that way." He told her and took her chin in his grasp, pulling her in for a kiss.

She moaned softly and after he ended the kiss, she gazed up affectionately at him as he stroked her cheek softly. "What is it baby?"

She caught herself then. What am I doing? Is this even acting anymore? As his strong hands held her securely, she realized it felt good. She wanted to be here with him, but she also wanted her mates even more.

Don't forget, she reminded herself, he ruined our lives. He's not good. He doesn't truly love me. He possesses. He corrupts.

Her stomach turned in disgust as she successfully put things into perspective, but she managed to force a smile and pretend everything was okay. "Nothing my King. I just love being here with you."

The side of his mouth curled up in a genuine warm smile as he kissed her temple. "I love you, Nera" he murmured softly. And just like that, her heart fluttered and confusion set in again.

I think I love you too, she thought silently.

A few moments later Belial jumped out of the flames and rolled until the fire on his body extinguished. He angrily crawled to his feet, smoke rising from his burnt clothing and he roared up at them angrily.

Suddenly a huge ape-like beast with 8 arms, hooves, and horns came running at Belial. He wasn't able to use magic but with a few maneuvers he rolled past it as it rushed him. He quickly jumped on its back from behind and grabbed its head, twisting its neck fast and hard. The creature suddenly stopped moving and fell forward, dead from a broken neck.

After the creature fell, Belial staggered back, blood dripping from his leg where the beast's claws had managed to connect while he was rolling past it. He cast one more bitter look up at Nera, then took off running.

Ezra decided to push his luck just a bit. Even if he got thrown in the competition for it he wasn't worried. He'd kill everyone in there, no problem.

He gracefully stood and came to stand next to Lucifer, the wind whipping through the town below and coming up into his face, carrying the scent of fire, blood, and death.

"Lucifer, do you remember our first Hell Hunt?" Ezra asked him. They side glanced at each other and smiled.

Lucifer huffed in amusement. "Of course I remember, Asmodeus. We sat right here, on this very edge and hung our feet over." He began. Nera scooted closer and leaned against the edge as Lucifer spoke, eager to hear their old stories.

"We drank so much wine that night, we were both drunk off our asses." He continued with a chuckle, glancing at Nera and noticing the sweet, inquisitive smile on her face. "The contestants had come up to the wall here and were begging to be released as the surviving beasts closed in on them, so we started dropping acid on them." Both men chuckled.

"You two have a strange way of having fun." Nera pointed out.

"Oh sweetheart, that isn't even the best part of the night. The best comes last. You'll find out tonight, my Queen." Lucifer said and affectionately brushed a hair from her face.

Lucifer side-glanced Ezra then. He reached out and grabbed Ezra by the back of the head, pulling him closer. Ezra hissed in pain as his hair was pulled painfully, but he was only mere inches from Nera now. His heart soured at their close proximity. God, I love her more than life itself.

Lucifer brought his mouth to Ezra's ear where he remained for several long seconds. "I know what you want Asmodeus." He whispered to him and tilted his head, kissing Ezra's neck, sucking on his skin and biting him. He listened to Ezra groan deep in his belly and this heightened his desire for the Demon Lord even further.

He sunk his fangs into Ezra then, pressing them deep and drinking him eagerly. Lucifer grunted as the Demon Lords hot, sweet blood trickled down his throat and pulled Ezra closer. It had been so long since he'd tasted his ex-lover.

Nera gently lifted her foot and rubbed the inside of Ezra's calf, smiling at him lovingly while Lucifer was distracted. Ezra smiled back at her, feeling the happiest he had in over a month.

"I love you." She mouthed silently as he had month ago when they'd watched the fights.

Unlike the confusing mixture of emotions she felt for Lucifer, what she felt for Ezra was vastly different. It was true love, pure and simple. There was no fear, no pain, no doubt, no betrayal... it was simple and warm and beautiful.

He felt his heart race like a heard of wild horses thundering through his sternum as he raised his hand and gently rubbed hers as it lay atop her knee. For a few precious moments they were in their own Heaven. The agony of their separation momentarily faded in that simple touch. A few moments was all they chanced though, quickly discontinuing their touching before Lucifer could catch on.

Moments later Lucifer pulled his fangs out, blood dripping from them. He licked his fangs clean, then hissed into his ear, "Tonight I will make you mine again, and this time you will never escape me." Ezra gazed quietly into his eyes, then brought his thumb up to Lucifer's bottom lip, gently tugging it down and he brought his lips just a half inch from Lucifers.

"If I didn't know any better," Ezra purred to him, "I would say you missed me, Lucifer." He extended his tongue out and curled it upward, flicking it across the bottom of Lucifer's top lip.

Lucifer sneered, a perfect blend of arrogance and dominance painfully obvious, "You think?"

"I know." He whispered to Lucifer, then brushed his hand down across the front of Lucifer's pants. Lucifer was hard as a rock, painfully swollen as Ezra toyed with him.

Lucifer may be his creator but Asmodeus understood the art of seduction more. He knew the power that it held.

Lucifer hissed as Ezra's thumb found the tip of his cock and slowly circled it. "You were mine, Asmodeus. You never should have left me." Lucifer growled in a hushed voice, his eyes closing as he enjoyed Ezra's touch.

"I know that now." Ezra lied to him, then smiled as he placed his hands in his pockets and went to take his seat again.

Lucifer growled deep in his belly. "He always was a fucking tease." He muttered to Nera as he watched Ezra walk away. She giggled in amusement. He looked back at her then with a light-hearted smile.

His nose twitched and suddenly he inhaled deeply. "Baby, you're so aroused. I can smell it." She blushed and smiled shyly. "Would you like to watch me fuck him?" She nodded eagerly.

Despite her consistent attempts at fighting it, Nera had gotten very wrapped up in her bond with Lucifer, so she was completely on board with seeing the two males share intimacy. Not to mention, she saw the desire in Ezra's eyes. He may not love Lucifer as he once did, but he did desire him.

Lucifer released a soft chuckle. "My dirty little Angel... don't worry. Tonight you will see it all. You will feel it all." He told her and winked at her as he went to take a seat.

For the next few hours, Nera sat on the edge of the platform watching the competition below. It really was ruthless. Demons were attacking each other, then whoever won was being attacked by various types of monsters. Some looked like mutated dogs, some like enormous spiders, and others like hideous trolls. That was just to describe a few. There were many others.

At some point, Nera looked back and found herself yearning to be near Lucifer again. Lucifer caught her eye and gestured for her to come to him. She eagerly swooped her feet back to the inside of the platform and cuddled up in his lap. She wrapped her arms around his neck and nuzzled him sweetly.

As she let a long breath out, she glanced over and met Ezra's eyes. As always, he offered her a reassuring smile that both promised they'd be together again one day and also let her know he didn't blame her at all for their circumstances. It was clear her bond with Lucifer was confusing her, but he had no doubt where her loyalty truly held residence.

In the end, not surprisingly, Belial had won, but just barely. As his name was being announced, Lucifer transported the Demon Lord up to the platform where they sat.

Belial crumpled to the ground almost immediately, deep wounds all over his body and his blood staining the ground at his King's feet.

Lucifer healed him and watched as the Demon Lord properly bowed to him. "My King, I will not question your commitment to our Queen again," told Lucifer humbly.

"Good." Lucifer told him as he stood and carefully lowered Nera to her feet. "Come my dear. It is time to return to the great Hall for the remainder of the evenings public activities." Lucifer reported and one by one his court of Demons followed him as he and Nera made their way to the Great Hall.

When they walked in, Nera gasped, a look of wonder and excitement upon her face. There was a long buffet table full of food, most of which was human. She saw fried fingers with toothpicks stuck in them, a large bowl filled with seasoned tongues, a pile of de-skulled human faces that appeared smoked and seasoned with peppers in their mouths, stuffed with meat and sewn closed and much more.

At the end of the table was a delicious looking ball of soft meat that had been smothered with raspberry sauce and was surrounded by crackers.

Oh Elle, I'm going to enjoy feasting upon your flesh tonight, Nera thought.

There were cages with live human women that were dressed like dancers and a spinning dart board with a nude human woman upon it. The walls were decorated with body parts as well as living humans who moaned weakly or screamed, begging for release. A large, prestigious stone fountain in the middle of the room flowed with blood for the guests to dip their food into.

Along the walls there were beds with nude men and women tied to them for the purpose of being raped who would be eaten before the night was over.

Nera turned excitedly to Lucifer, her eyes glittering. "Oh it's absolutely splendid, my King." She gushed.

Ezra froze mid-step, completely shocked at her reaction, watching as her eyes literally glowed with excitement. That isn't acting. She's
actually serious! Since when was Nera this cruel? She'd never enjoyed needless cruelty and suffering. Yes, they'd made a feast of a girl one night back home, but this was on another level.

Her eyes flicked back at Ezra for a moment and he realized she wasn't herself right now at all. It was like she had momentarily been taken over by the same madness which had claimed Lucifer. Is this damage permanent or will it resolve itself after their bond is broken?

"Do you approve, sweetheart?" Lucifer asked her and she nodded enthusiastically.

"Very much my King." She purred as they passed the buffet table. She plucked a seasoned tongue from the bowl and held it to her King's mouth. He grinned devilishly at her and opened his mouth, taking a bite from the tongue and watching as she ate the rest of it.

"You are fucking exquisite, my love." He told her. He led her to their place at the head of the table but this time Lucifer gestured for Ezra to sit next to Nera instead of Abaddon.

Little did they know he had a reason for doing this. He wanted to see just what still remained between them. If they still loved each other as much as he suspected, being close to each other would make it nearly impossible to not to show their longing for one another.

Unfortunately for Nera and Ezra, they were about to prove him right.

* Word Count: 6,104 *

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