Falling petals

By Hi1444

296K 14K 2.3K

To be reborn in a game, and a romance game at that! Amber didn't expect to die from a small illness, only to... More

What the heck?!
Why Me...
So this is why emperors like to surround themselves with beauties.
Who're you???
So who shall watch over her?
May have lost the feeling called shame.
....Why is no one fucking ugly???
A Fight Through Words.
A Wild Wolf
The first Meeting of Lifelong Friends. Part 1
The First Meeting of Lifelong Friends Pt.2
The First Meeting of Lifelong Friends Pt.3
The First Meeting of Lifelong Friends Pt.4
I didn't give you permission
I died and gone to heaven
The Second Royal Child
The Second Royal Child Pt.2
A Fairy Like Women
Side story: A Grieving Man
An Unexpected Guest
The Meeting of Leaders
A Walk Through Memory Lane.
A/N A bit of that world.
A Sudden Visit of a Capture Target.
Buzz Off
Don't Abandone Me Please
I'm Sorry.
Let's Help her Make More Friends!
A Sudden Meeting.
Her Smile
Sakura's Fate.
A/N: A bit about this world
The Holy Priest
Best friend.
Are You Kidding Me...
Tragic First Love.
Her Fears.
An old Friend.
A promise.
The First Move.
Powerful Game Piece.
Kano's Devotion.
In position.
Change of Plans.
Commence the Plan.
What Went Wrong?!
Find a Way out.
What Type of Coincidence is This!?
Villainess vs. Villain
One of Many Ends.
Shame on me.
How did you know?
Side Story: 3 year old Sakura.
Adonis and Darius
No Thanks.
A Change
The Past should remain in the Past.
What is Happening!?
A Nightmare or a Prophecy
Release Them.
The Battle.
What will Happen in the Future?
Finally Heading Home.
Old Memories.
What the future will hold.
"From the first Dream..."
Too much of a Coincidence.
Are this things Valuable? Pt.1
Are this things Valuable? Pt.2
How do you know the Language?
Protect Him.
The Last Tear. part 1
The Last Tear. part 2
Through the eyes of the Divine.
The Celebration Banquet(3 years old.)
The Celebration Banquet(3 years old.) part 2
Hidden Away.
What the Dreams Show.
The History of Magic
Control over Magic.
Controlling the flow of energy.
A Meeting of Friends.
Healing Wounds.
A Personal Servant
Hello Again.
Unwelcomed Guest.
What do you Know?
A Deal. Pt.1
A Deal pl.2
I Died by your Hand too.
Fallen Ill
A Message
What are you?

Lets be Friends

3.2K 164 25
By Hi1444

The room had a dimm light, the only light that can be seen was the one that came through the few cracks in the curtains.   It gave a silent and eerie glow. The ceiling was the first think Sakura notices when she wakes. She didn't move at all, she just stared at it.

She turns to the side and notices Daisy slumped over while sitting on a chair, her hand holding Sakura's own hand. Light flows on her face from one of the lights passing through the curtain.

Sakura can see tear stains with the help of the light. Sakura sighs softly and looks a bit higher, and glances behind Daisy. Right next to the door to enter the room. Ivy is sitting in a chair, her arms folded in her chest and her head lightly tilted down, her eyes were closed, but you can see it wasn't a pleasant rest, her face was marred with a frown.

Sakura wondered if the reason for it was her. Sighing again, she turns her gaze back at the ceiling and begins contemplating what her next course of actions should be.

'I ruined all I worked for this past 5 months, soon I could have reached half a  year of being a naive and spotless child, only to ruined it all because of emotions. Heh, as always, strong emotions always ruins a person.'

She glares at the ceiling as if she was staring at her worst enemy, herself.
'The emotional outburst matches a normal 3 year old brat, but it was overblown because of a sudden hatred and emotional betrayal that passed all over me when I looked at the kid. Those feelings that I shouldn't even be feeling just smacked me in the face and I didn't know what to do with them. I'm not even the original Sakura! So why was I so effected by those memories... no, it didn't have such effects at the beginning...... just that I started to feel more when I recall those scenes in the game in recent moments..... but why?'

She questioned the reason for losing herself and felt something strange, even more strange of being transmigrated here.

'Even if I keep on wondering, I won't get an answer just thinking about it. But let's put my mind together, it's in too much of disarray.'

Taking a deep breath, she starts to think of what's next.

'My plan of being seen as a lovable and calm child was thrown down the drain. So let's create a second plan in haste. First thing; I can't seem to control my emotions, even when I try, so best course of action is not to hold it in, try to release some of it out bit by bit so it doesn't end up exploding in one move. Second; if I can't become the perfect child, then just becomes a normal yet not too fussy one. I'll whine a bit, run around a bit, but never pass to the level of becoming a typical brat, I still have my pride of an adult. Then third but not least. If I don't want another emotional outburst because of the strong dislike and  rejection I felt for the capture target, I should make pleasant talk with them, maybe acquainted with them, even friends, but never, ever allow them to become a love interest.'

Sakura now knew after becoming calmer that she can't cut ties with them, each one have a high standing and will pass through her path because they all will have some type of connection, so the second best is having a type of connection that isn't too strong.

'Now I should start thinking about the emotional outburst, and the only reason I can come up with for it, is because this body was already effected by the other Sakura, could be she died and was given a second chance to live, but couldn't take it and was switched with me, but why me? I don't know. But this deep emotions was left and effected my actions, so I need to remind myself it isn't what I really feel, but the late Sakura's feelings.'

But while thinking that, she can only laugh in self mockery.

'Heh, easier said than done. This is gonna be a long process.'

After finishing her mini dialogue, she sits up, waking Daisy from her slumber.

"Good afternoon Daisy."

Sakura smiled at Daisy's confused and dazed state, only to whiden her eyes when Daisy started to cry and suddenly hugged her.

"Oh princess! Your ok again. Please don't be sad anymore. Do you want me to bring Raphael over, he didn't leave you, he just needed to get something!"

Daisy was panicking and didn't want to see her princess crying like she did a few hours ago.

But she was stopped from trying to retrieve Raphael and she turn to Ivy, who woke up from the commotion. Ivy stood up quickly when she saw Sakura up. Taking a few steps, she finally reached Sakura.

"Your highness, are you feeling much better?"
"Yup. I'm hungry."
Ivy sighs in relief and told her she will see if there is anything prepared for her to eat.

"Daisy, I leave her highness with you."
"Aye!" Daisy does a salute and stays beside Sakura until Ivy comes back, but she did not come alone. Raphael appears in the room and looks at Sakura, only to see the girl look down and start fidgeting with her hand.

Sakura didn't know how to face Raphael, she felt embarrassed and ashamed that she had that terrifying fit.

"I'm already in my 20s and I showed such an embarrassment moment to so many people, especially Raphael. I begged him not to leave me!!! Ugh! Cringe worthy to the max man!'

While cringing in her mind of her embarrassing desplay, she wonders maybe another reason emotions are in the rampage is because her body is that of a child.

"Your highness."
'Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit! Be calm Sakura, Be calm.'

"Your highness, are you in better health?"
Raphael was just a hands away, he can tell Sakura was awkward and didn't know how to look at him. But when he thinks of this, he can only try to reassure her.

'It's ok, I won't ever look at you different.'
Raphael reaches out and softly caresses her head, she flinched a bit but sighed in relief, as if the weight of the world left her shoulder that moment.

She stands up and hugs him, her arms around his neck and holding onto him.
"Raphael.... I'm sorry..."
"It's fine princess, I'm sorry for raising my voice at you as well."

"No! You did that because you didn't want people to say stuff about me, you did it for me so you don't have to appolagize."
She lessens her hold of him so she can look him at the face. She was a bit shy and hesitant in what she was going to say, but when she saw his smile, that smiled filled with parental love she didn't hesitate anymore.

"I don't hate Raphael.... I.... really love... Raph..." the bit of courage she mustered up was dimming bit by bit, till the last words left in a whisper. Her cheeks were a flushed pink, she started to feel self-conscious and was having a hard time to express herself in such a sappy way.

'Damn, this is different from having an emotional outburst, in that I don't think rationally so it's less awkward, but I'm more conscious than ever and it sound like a confession. I'm not good at this dammit!'

Feeling that she is starting to regret her actions, she felt Raphael's hand on top of her head, gently patting it.

"I'm truly happy that princess doesn't hate me, because your highness birth was the most joyous moment in my life."
He lightly tilts her head so they made eye contact, Sakura looked at those beautiful clear blue eyes with a hint of green and was enthralled with them.

"I love her highness, no.. I love Sakura as much as you love me, you are my most important child. We may not share the same blood, but I love you as my daughter. I will never turn my back to you, I will always be by your side. And if you ever have a moment were you are lost, I will put my life on the line to bring you back home. Know that."

Sakura felt tears swelling but she quickly shakes it away.
'I've been crying nonstop for a while, I'm not so weak that I'll cry over the smallest things! But.... I'm happy, I'm truly, from the bottom of my heart happy.'
"Hehe, me too Raph. My second papa is you and I love papa Raphael the most!"
But when she noticed what she said she lean closer to his ear, he leans to hear what she says.

"Just don't tell papa Mihkael, he will get sad." She looked at him and did a shhh pose, her finger over her mouth to indicate it's a secret.

Raphael laughs and nods, copying her action. Daisy and Ivy were standing at a distance and looked on with joy that their princess was doing much better.

A few moments later, Sakura was dressed in a light blue dress, which coincidently matched Raphael's eyes, and the only decoration she has in her hair is a red bow that matched her dads hair. Ivy decided not to decorate her hair with anything fancy, nor in a difficult style. The thing that happen was still lingering in her mind, she didn't want Sakura to injure herself with pulling anything or scratching her face with anything. The incident left a clear shadow in her mind.
Sakura knew what Ivy was thinking when she decided to just have a simple style for Sakura. She sighs and feels even more horrible of her actions and decides she needed to make up for it how ever she can.

Raphael calls Sakura, she quickly looks up at him and noticed a bit of hesitation, but he knew he needed to say something so she doesn't get worked up.

"The boy you saw this afternoon.... he will have dinner with you and your father, is..... that fine with her highness, or do you wish to eat in your room."

Raphael worried that bringing up the boy will trigger something in Sakura, but he knew it would be worse just taking her there and having her face the boy with no preparations.

"..... who?"
Raphael looks at Sakura and wondered if she was joking. But what he sees are clear and confused eyes. Which worried Raphael more than her throwing a small fit of not wanting to go.

'Did the incident cause some sort of damage to her mental state!? Did her mind subconsciously erase the boys presence because it viewed it as a type of danger to her emotional state!?'

Raphael felt something was wrong, but felt he should probe around to see how bad it is, if he felt it going south, then he will quickly stop.

"Your highness.... remember we had two guest this afternoon..?"
"Did we?"
"..... yes, the boy was a few years older."
"He was? But Raphael."

"There is kids out there who are close to my age?" Sakura tilts her head as if she was confused, or even surprised at the fact there are kids her age.
That caused him to freeze and start thinking about the surrounding of his princess.

'If I start to think about it..... she never has once met another child till now.... the only people around her are adults, even more so, adult males...'

But the more Raphael thinks about it, he finally notices that the topic was changes smoothly and effortlessly by Sakura, it seemed like a natural question asked by a child, but he felt it was to much of a perfect timing.

".... your highness, the boy is 6 years old, he was here this afternoon at around 2. He had the characteristics of a wolf beastman. He was annoyingly clingy to you."

Sakura held her laugh at the last one, but she just tilted her.
"We.... got into an argument mainly because you disliked him..." he became more serious when he said that, believing that it would have some sort of effect on her if he reminds her of that moment.
".... oh, we did? I think I remember him, but I mostly remember getting yelled at, then yelling 'I hate you!' To you."

Raphael felt his chest being pierced when she replayed that moment, a day hasn't even passed when he heard "I hate you!" Leave her lips, so this topic actually became sensitive to him.

"I see... well your highness, we will meet a boy today close to age, I hope you can be friends."
"Will you be very happy if I become his friend?"

"Um.... yes? Because then her highness will get a friend around her age and be more of a child."
"Hmm~ ok, I'll see."

Raphael didn't know if she meant she'll try or first look at the boy and see if she should or not. But they already arrived at the door to the dinner table. He takes a deep breath and does a light nod, the knights who are on both sides nod back and open the door.

"I believe you said you'll be here a few months ago since you decide this empire to be your first stop."
"I know, but my blasted son, tried so hard to delay his coronation that it took a few months more, it was actually yesterday that he was crown as the next emperor of the beastman."
"You didn't wait a second later."
"Yup!... will your child join us today or..."
".... I don't think...."

Just when he was beginning to answer, the doors were open, they both turned to the door and witness Raphael entering with Sakura in his arms. The girl turn to her father and smiles, waving while calling to him.

"Papa!! I'm here. I'm really hungry."
" ... haha, then come and sit down, we were waiting for you."

Mihkael voice was a bit shaky, but if one looks at him, they can see relief and joy in his eyes.
'She came back safe and sound.'

Mihkael didn't understand why that was his first thought, but he was overwhelmed by those two emotions.

"Papa! Look at my bow, it's the same color as you hair!"
"Oh? It looks beautiful on you my daughter. Come here."

He reaches out and the moment Raphael handed her over, he held her, he felt her tiny arms wrap around his neck and he didn't know why but he wanted to cry.

"I see her highness is at better health."
An older voice reached her ear, she turns and looks at the older man. His hair was a cinnamon brown, but there were a few streaks of gray, indicating his old age. He had a balbo type beard. His eyes were a striking auburn with lavender purple. He seemed that he was just hitting his 50s. He gave off the feeling of a grandfather contrary to Sakura's own grandpa.

"Hello princess, do you remember me?"
".... Hello." Sakura had her father put her down and she walked closer to the older man. He was sitting down so he didn't seem as tall.

Sakura looks at him and then does a light bow.
"Its a pleasure to meet you sir, I'm sorry for my cond- con- conduct! This afternoon."

Hedwig was a bit surprised at how different she seemed from this evening, and wonders if this was why everyone was surprised at her attitude.

'So she is more mature for her age that other children. No wonder Mihkael and and the caretakers didn't know what to do with her.'

He smiles and pats Sakura with a gentleness of a man who has years of experience with children.

"Hahaha, no reason to apologize for being a child, it is my own grandsons fault for frightening you that way."

"....." Sakura took a deep breath and looks up at the man.
"I want to apologize to him too, can I meet him?"

"Oh?! You want to meet him too? Don't you hate him?"
"I... like you said, I got scared when he got so close, and then when he kept getting closer I got mad. But I shouldn't have said I hated him."

Sakura clenched her dress and was growing frustrated with this.
'Actually, should I even apologize? I don't like him, he was a traitor, he.... No!! This isn't what I feel, this is her feelings, not mine. Be calm. Calm dammit!'

"You are very mature and responsible for your age, a very good child. Phelan, do you want to talk to her?"

Sakura looks up when she heard the man ask that, she looked where the man was turn to and saw a kids chair right next to him, opposite from Sakura. She couldn't hear the response of the boy, but saw the chair move and then two feet hit the ground.

She stares at those feet go around his grandfather and then reach in front of her. She moves her head up and makes eye contact with the boy.

His eyes were red, appearing to her that he was crying that day. A feeling of guilt Rose in her, because she treated this child as her enemy, when he hasn't done anything yet.

She takes a deep breath and walks toward him. He flinches a bit but stands his ground, waiting for what she is going to say.

"I'm sorry for being mean to you, sorry I said or did anything mean to you. I won't do that again and hope you are ok. And if you want, let's be friends, ok?"

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