Immortal Love - #2 (Pennywise...

Da ValyriaRizing

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It was a tough road, but Nera finally found harmony with Pennywise. Now she learns she is destined for an Imm... Altro

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 19

145 13 3
Da ValyriaRizing

All Characters and locations borrowed from Stephen King's "It" remain his property. I own only the characters I've created. 

Helpful Notes:
"Speaking Aloud"
'Speaking Telepathically'
Subconscious Thoughts, not heard by others.

A/N: This story involves VERY mature and sometimes disturbing situations. If you have any triggers I suggest perhaps trying another story.

*~..Lamia Amorist..~*

..Chapter 19..

Ezra panted in anger as he waited for Elle. She didn't come right away though. She gave him a few minutes to cool down, then finally peeked her head in and found him sitting at the desk just sort of staring into space.

He stood up as she entered the room and paced nervously. He couldn't believe this was happening. He didn't want this. He wanted his mates. He stopped as her watched her peel her dress off and slide it down her body. He'd not even eaten his dinner, yet something in his gut was threatening to come up at the thought of what was about to take place here.

Standing in just panties now, she walked up to him and began to undress him. Once he was naked she pressed her breasts into his chest and slipped her arms around his neck, leaning in and kissing him. She had to force her tongue into his mouth, but after a few seconds she felt him start to kiss back. A wave over excitement overcame her and she moaned loudly, feeling like this was a dream come true.

To Ezra, she sounded absolutely fucking ridiculous, just like every female Demon he'd ever fucked. They were always so over the top and dramatic, like a poorly paid porn star. But... he had no choice. Sighing in defeat, he let his natural instincts take over.

Elle was shocked when she felt his warm, strong hands on her back, and they slid down to the hem of her panties. He gathered them up and pulled the fabric up so it slid between her cheeks. His other hand then grabbed one of her exposed cheeks and squeezed it.

She shivered in pleasure as he then began to push the panties down off her and she kicked them away.

He picked her up and threw her on the bed. She noticed his eyes never met hers though, almost as if he wasn't mentally there with her.

He spread her legs, then laid between them and used his tongue to flick her clit. She moaned in pleasure. "Oh yeah.. Asmodeus.. eat my pussy big boy!" She cried out blissfully. His mouth clamped over her pussy and he began sucking and licking her, pleasuring her expertly until she came.

"Lucifer's sake that was amazing." She breathed, looking at him in delight.

He still didn't speak to her, just continued going through the motions. He crawled on top of her and she wrapped her legs around him as he thrust into her.

He was much longer than the Demons she was use to sleeping with, so when he got too far inside her, she yelped and begged him to slow down. He snapped out of his trance suddenly and looked at her.

"What did you say?" He asked her incredulously, one brow raised in disbelief.

"Just slow down... you're so big!" She whimpered.

His eyes turned red and black and he sneered down at her cruelly. "You wanted this!" He growled at her.

With that, he thrust into her savagely and she threw her head back and screamed in pain. He then proceeded to grab her hips so she couldn't worm away, his claws sinking down into her soft flesh, deeper and deeper until he felt his claws meet bone, then he proceeded to ruin her. She was screaming and crying, begging for reprieve.

"You're a pathetic whore." He told her as he raped her. "Nera can take my entire dick, she can deep-throat it too. You're nothing compared to her you worthless piece of shit!" He screamed at her, then spit in her face. She cried out in disgust, quickly wiping it away.

Then out of nowhere, an intense pain swept through his body, almost as if he'd literally been hit by a bolt of lightening. It shredded through his body instantly and he screamed in agony as he realized with a shattered heart that his bond with Nera had been broken. He'd lost her.

"No!" He bellowed in despair. "Nera!!!"

Still crying in pain from his assault on her, Elle wiped her tears and sunk her teeth into his neck, still stubbornly determined to get what she wanted, and started to feed.

Desperate to escape the pain, he slammed his fangs into her as he continued to fuck her.

I fucking hate you, whore. One day I will find a way out of this and I will kill every last one of you, he thought silently to himself as their energies began to mix.

Once the bond was complete his pain subsided but he noticed neither of them felt any different nor did she transformed as she'd been hoping for. He pulled out of her without bothering to finish and laid down, facing away from her.

"What the FUCK WAS THAT?" She demanded, staring angrily down at him. "I was supposed to transform! I was supposed to finally get fucking wings! More power! SOMETHING!!!" She screeched.

She stared at the back of his head for a few long minutes, seething in anger, not understanding why bonding with the most powerful Lord of Hell hadn't changed her at all. She finally had to accept the reality that a forced bond just wasn't the same as a bond based on mutual desire. Well... at least he's mine now.

Ezra smiled as he fell asleep, realizing the bond was so weak because of his hate for her that it had exchanged no power or benefit to either one of them.

As she tried to lay down next to him, he felt the bed sink in so he turned and shoved her out of it, sending her sprawling to the floor. Finally she'd had enough abuse and just went to the couch to sleep.


The next morning, Nera awoke to see Lucifer asleep next to her. So he sleeps. That's good to know.

She hated herself for last night, but if she was going to gain his trust and avoid unnecessary additional torture, she had to be genuine. Damn it, but I did enjoy some of it, didn't I? What the fuck is wrong with me?

She felt a nearly overwhelming amount of power inside her, almost like she could vaporize him with a mere thought, but he'd done something last night to complicate matters. He'd impregnated her. He flat out told her after he did it.

It came as a shock. As far as she knew, male Angels weren't able to reproduce, but he was an Archangel. They were different than regular angels, so maybe they could. It's not like anyone would know either way. She had never known any archangel to ever be romantically involved with anyone.

Already she could feel the child's life pulsating inside her, in its earliest stages still but further along than a human baby would be. Immortal pregnancies are only about 1/2 as long as humans from what she'd learned in her studies.

The worst part was that if she wanted this innocent child to survive, Lucifer couldn't be killed. Immortal pregnancies were nothing like a human's. The growing fetus feeds not only on the nutrients of the Mother's body, but the Immortal energy of both. If Lucifer died, so would her baby, and despite the fact she hadn't wanted it, she wasn't about to kill her own baby. Devil's spawn or not, the baby was innocent.

After the child was born, she would go to battle with Lucifer. He had no idea what was coming. Bonding with him had increased her power substantially. Nera could barely contain it as it pulsed inside her. She could feel everything around her, right down to the very molecules, even atoms. She felt pretty certain she could even manipulate matter at this point, much like Pennywise could. It was definitely a sensation that would take some getting use to.

Lucifer's eyes opened slowly and saw his Queen hovering above him with a blank expression. He could only imagine how conflicted she must feel after last night. Despite her love for her chosen mates, she'd enjoyed every second of what he'd done to her, and he knew she would eventually fall for him.

Her beautiful sunset pink eyes met his and instantly, she was afraid again. He sat up and cupped her face, kissing her softly. She was with child now, so he couldn't torture her much anymore, or else he might hurt the baby. Of course, if the baby died, I could always make a new one right? He shook off the thought, not wanting to think that way about it.

Despite her fear, she immediately responded to his warmth, running her hands through his thick dark brown hair. He pressed her down into the sheets and moved on top of her.

"Good morning, my love... my mate." He whispered to her, beginning to kiss her neck.

Gut-wrenching nausea burned in Nera's stomach when he reminded her what they now were to one another, but she had no choice but to keep up the charade as best as she could.

"Good morning, my King," she breathed in that silky angelic voice he was quickly growing to love. What he was doing felt so good, she couldn't help the content hum that escaped her as he kissed and nibbled at her neck.

He slid his hand down her body, relishing the feel of it jerking and bucking as he tickled her skin. He wasted no time slipping his finger into her warm folds, already slick again with her desire.

She couldn't even hide the fact she desired him. She hated that, but she also took comfort in the fact he couldn't make her feel those incredible things her true lovers did. No, what she felt for Lucifer was nothing more than lust. The way he touched and pleasured her, her body was designed to respond to. It wasn't her fault.

"So wet, my love... do you want it again so soon?" He purred to her as he slid two fingers inside her.

No, you fucking asshole. I want Ezra. I want Pennywise. I want Santiago! I want the ones I love!!!

Her emotions threatened to get the better of her, tears stinging the corners of her eyes. Gotta keep it together.

"Yes..." she reluctantly replied. No, she had no choice in the matter, but what scared her the most right now was that a small part of her was looking forward to it and she wasn't sure why. She hated these forced circumstances and wanted nothing more than to be back home with her mates again. She didn't want this. So why do I ache below to be filled by him again? Is it the bond? Why do I feel this way?

Within seconds he was thrusting himself inside her and she found herself once again crying out in pleasure, begging him for more.

Minutes turned into hours and he kept going. She was enraptured in sexual bliss and found herself almost forgetting this was all suppose to be an act. They fucked in every imaginable position, the passion between them peaking to a new height.

"That's my girl, cum for me again!"

She lost count of how many times she came that morning. It wasn't till lunch time they finally fell to the bed exhausted and ready to sleep again.


Ezra sat at the desk, staring into the wall and thinking. It was all he could do. Nera had acted perfectly every step of the way. If he didn't know better, he would think she was actually falling for that evil piece of shit, but he did know better. She was in survival mode, and she was smart.

The only way to beat Lucifer was to catch him with his guard down. The only way to do that was to gain his trust. The only way he'd trust her is if he knew she loved him. Ezra had no doubt that when the moment came to kill him, it wouldn't be easy for her given the extent this charade would require of her, but he trusted that in the end she would always be his. She would always choose he and Pennywise, even over the Devil himself.

He hated it but he just knew that was her end game, so he'd have no choice but to play along. Hopefully she would know he was doing the same. The sooner their captors trusted them, the sooner they could find a way to get the upper-hand and escape this Hell.

Trying to be nice to Elle was almost impossible for him though. He wanted nothing more than to watch the life fade from her eyes while she suffered immensely.

Elle turned over on the couch and looked over at him quietly with tear stained eyes. She was deeply hurt after how he'd treated her last night, but he couldn't care less. Her unwavering confidence has finally failed her. She knew now she'd miscalculated how things would go, and for her, the games were over. Little did she know, for Ezra, the games were just beginning.

He sighed, slowly taking his bottom lip thoughtfully between his teeth, then gestured with a finger for her to come to him. Her eyes rounded and she eagerly rose, still nude from last night, came to stand before him.

Elle trembled before him, unsure of what to think. His mood was drastically different than it had been last night, and his smoldering gaze swept her nude body up and down.

"You really do have a fantastic fucking body, you know that?" He asked, his voice dripping with warm and sensual from his lips. He shoved down the bitter taste of shame that spread across his tongue. He had to let himself enjoy this. It needed to be believable.

He set aside his self-made morals and let his inner-Demon free. He leaned in and kissed her lower stomach softly, his hands exploring her backside, spreading her ass cheeks a bit and slipping one finger down between them.

He found her lips already wet, so he looked up at her and caught her biting her lip and watching him timidly. "You're my little slut now aren't you, baby?"

She nodded and he quickly rose, grabbing her by the throat. "Then speak it, darling." He growled lowly.

"Yes, I'm your little slut, Asmodeus." She breathed, her voice quivering with a mixture of fear and excitement.

I hate you so much, bitch, he thought silently.

"Good girl." He told her. "Now get on your knees. It's time for you to learn how to do your job properly." He commanded and smiled cruelly as she sunk to her knees.


Carlos lay in bed thinking about the situation with Nera and Asmodeus. From the very beginning of his life, he'd idolized the Demon Lord, now he was watching the man's heart and mind be ripped apart by their own king.

It would be easy to say that Asmodeus brought this on himself, but the entire reason he turned his back on Lucifer originally was because of how much Lucifer had changed. He didn't start out this way.

Lucifer used to be the life of any party. He was  wild, erotic, and only cruel when he NEEDED to be. He'd wanted his demons to live life and experience things the way God's precious Humans did. He believed in each individual doing what makes them happy, but he wasn't unnecessarily violent by any stretch of the imagination. He was actually good. Hell, he was an Archangel, of course he was good.

Carlos even remembered a time there had been more than just loyalty between Lucifer and Asmodeus; there had been intimacy, something very similar to love even. For many years, the two had been inseparable, but thousands of years of unnecessary and increasing cruelty to his own followers had slowly pushed Asmodeus away.

There was a streak of goodness in Asmodeus that no amount of blood and death could remove. Only stubborn loyalty and fear had left the rest of the Demons behind when Asmodeus turned his back on Lucifer.

While no Lords had followed Asmodeus, many Demons had been rumored to have found protection underneath him within the mortal realm, desiring a normal life among humans. Carlos had been tempted himself to go, but it was blind loyalty to his King that had held him back.

Now, watching what was playing out, he was beginning to see thing a bit differently and realizing he'd chosen the wrong side. He wasn't sure there was anyway to make it right though.

He glanced over at Sadie as she slept soundly next to him. He leaned in and kissed her cheek softly, pausing to inhale the sweet scent of her and enjoying the way it blended with his own. He loved that he could smell himself on her.

She'd had some slip ups, but he felt that she was very trainable and despite her mistakes, he honestly found her absolutely perfect. It wasn't her fault she hadn't been initially taught the right way, but he'd made it his job to show her.

Her eyes suddenly fluttered open and she sat up warily, the same mixed look of desire and fear in her eyes she always had.

It was clear to him that despite the undeniable  chemistry between them, she was still very much afraid of him. He needed to put things in perspective for her. He needed to show her just how good she really had it by his side. It would be a hard lesson for her, but that's just how he was. He was impatient and sometimes cruel, when he needed to be.

He stroked her cheek softly. "Are you hungry, Sadie?"

"Yes sir." She replied softly.

He smiled warmly at her. "You're learning, baby." He purred to her and kissed her head temple affectionately.

The truth was, he should have moved her down to the Dungeons after initially fucking her, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. The first time he laid eyes on her, he felt something for her he couldn't quite put his finger on. While he might not really show it, he liked the little Nephalem, especially now that she'd gotten her emotions under control. She was a work in progress. They were just getting started.

The dungeons were not where she belonged though. She was like a delicate little flower. When she wasn't misbehaving she should be treated right, with care and affection.

Sadie watched Carlos slide from the bed and tried not to get turned on at the sight of his beautiful, smooth, caramel-colored body. Ugh, why does he have to be so hot?! I've never been so torn between wanting someone and wanting to run from them at the same time!

The truth was he terrified her to no end. This entire place did. As soon as he left the room she threw her clothes back on and tried the door. Unbelievable! He left it unlocked!

She wasn't sure where she was supposed to go but there had to be a way out of there. She couldn't just sit around and play house while her best friend was being tortured by Lucifer.

She ran down a long hallway, then turned down another. After 5 minutes of running she realized the castle was like a maze. It was just one dark hallway after another.

Without warning, as she turned a corner she ran into a tall, slender white man with tanned skin, slicked-back dark brown hair with gray along the sides and calculating, soul-piercing hazel eyes. He blinked and they turned red and black. Her blood ran cold. Oh god. A Demon Lord.

"Well, well, well... little Nephalem, you should have stayed where you were. Carlos is much nicer than I am." He informed her and grabbed her by the throat without waiting for a response.

He lifted her up into the air and watched her fight for air, prying desperately at his hands as she kicked and flapped her black feather wings furiously, but to no avail. He was much too strong. He chuckled at how pathetic she was.

As a Demon Lord, he didn't need to breath oxygen like his lessers did, so it was just one more thing he found pathetic and inferior about others as opposed to himself. Eventually, she passed out.


When Sadie awoke, she inhaled a whiff of something absolutely putrid. It stung the inside of her nose. It was like a mixture of urine, feces, and vomit.

She sat up abruptly as she started to dry-heave from the intensity of the smell. That's when she realized she was sitting upon a filthy, torn up mattress in what appeared to be a Dungeon.

Around her crouched five very dirty, black-eyed Demons with no clothes on. They sneered and smiled at her like crazed men. One chuckled evilly and when the stench of his breath hit her, she whipped her head to the side in disgust. She covered her mouth and looked back, terrified and confused as to where she was and what was happening.

She scrambled to the back of the dirty bed she was on and suddenly heard a hearty but cruel, dry laugh. Her head snapped up and she saw the Demon Lord standing outside the cell.

"Ah, the entertainment is awake. So nice of you to join us, little Nephalem." He told her, his words dripping with disdain. Then his eyes slid lazily over to the Demons surrounding her, a sinister smile crossing his face. "Enjoy, my friends."

"Wait! What?" She asked frantically.

Suddenly one of the men jumped on her and held her down with little effort. Another one came to stand next to her, grabbing her head violently and jerking her face toward him. Before her brain could even process what was happening, he shoved his filthy cock down her throat. She screamed and bit down.

"Bitch!" he snarled. She was rewarded with a bone-crushing punch to her face.

Dazed and on the brink of unconsciousness, she barely felt the cock re-enter her mouth and begin moving down her throat again. Next, something was shoved inside her down below.

She realized then with horror that the cruel Demon Lord had brought her down here to let her be raped by these depraved, filthy demons who were imprisoned for one reason or another.

An hour ago she'd been kissed affectionately by a handsome Demon as she lay in his soft, clean bed. Now she was being raped by putrid, disgusting Demons in a filthy dungeon.

Sadie, you fucking idiot.


He'd done it on purpose. Carlos knew it was cruel, but harsh lessons needed to be learned.

He'd known she would run and he'd known she'd get caught. Even the softest of Demon Lords, Abaddon, (well, softest toward creatures not meaning him any harm) would have thrown her down here to teach her a lesson. It was just how they did things here.

He'd genuinely gone for breakfast just in case she stayed. He stepped into their room with a tray of delicious breakfast items for her, everything from fluffy blood pancakes to thigh bacon stripped fresh off the bone that very morning. He'd even added a little vase with a single vivid red rose for her... but she was gone.

Sighing he set the platter down on his dining table and proceeded to eat alone, taking his time to enjoy every bite. Finally, about thirty minutes later, he headed out to retrieve his little Nephalem.

As Carlos stepped into the Dungeons he could hear her muffled cries of pain and terror. He came in front of the cell where Belial stood watching in amusement.

"I found her wondering the halls near my quarters." Belial informed Carlos coldly without ever looking away from the cell. No doubt the perverse Demon Lord was getting off to watching the innocent, sweet Nephalem be raped.

Carlos looked inside to see his beautiful little lover on her knees taking a cock in every hole while being forced to stroke two more. Deep down his blood boiled at the fact that she was being harmed by anyone other than himself. Not just that, but seeing her with someone else's cock inside her seriously pissed him off as well. It was a necessary evil though.

She had tears running down her face and deep scratches, bruises and blood all over her. Vomit, presumably hers, splattered upon the bed and floor around them, but this wouldn't have deterred these depraved Demons. Sadie was a delicacy to such lowlife scum, even filthy and reeking of her own urine and vomit.

He sighed inwardly. Even though he knew she'd run, a large part of him had hoped she wouldn't. He didn't want to see this happen to her, but she'd done it to herself.

Belial chuckled in amusement. "You're really going to waste your time with this one? Of all the delicious Demonesses that would have you? That would throw themselves at your feet, this is what you choose?" Belial pointed out.

Sure, Carlos was letting Sadie be raped, but Belial knew what it meant that he was here. Carlos was training her. But why? She's utterly pathetic. A waste of space!

Carlos tucked his hands in his pockets as he watched her. She jerked her mouth off the cock that was buried inside it and she vomited up a stomach full of cum then, sobbing pitifully and begging for a break. Their eyes met for a moment before her face was grabbed and a another cock forced into her mouth again.

"You and I have very different ideas on what makes a creature worth our time." Carlos stated bitterly, grinding his back teeth into each other.

Belial grabbed Carlos' jaw with strong, bony fingers. Carlos glared angrily at the Demon Lord but didn't dare jerk away. Belial huffed in amusement at how submissive the cruel Marquis was too him, running his finger sensually over Carlos' bottom lip. "Indeed we do, Carlos. You are well aware my bed chamber is always open to you, yet you consistently fail to take me up on the offer. You make me wait for Lucifer to force you..." Belial groaned in pleasure at the memory of Carlos' soft lips wrapped around his cock just a few weeks ago. "But the things you can do with this mouth prove to me that you love the taste of my cock."

Carlos snarled in anger and disgust at the false assumption. How Belial could think Carlos enjoyed that disgusting shit was beyond him. He wasn't attracted to men, he never had been.

"Perhaps we should put on a little show for your new toy?" Belial suggested, reaching down and unfastening his pants.

Carlos vehemently shook his head, then grabbed Belial by the waist of his pants and jerked the Demon Lord down a little hallway next to Sadie's cell and out of her line of sight.

Reluctantly he dropped to his knees without another word, eager to get this over with, and pleasured Belial's erection. Belial let his head drop back onto the stone wall and he ran his fingers into Carlos' hair.

"Fuck, Carlos... that mouth of yours feels amazing." Belial groaned.

Carlos alternated between deep throating, palming his sack, and stroking his cock. Belial was on cloud mine, muttering the Demon's name and talking dirty to him.

Eventually he felt Belial tense and he swallowed his cum as it shot hard and hot down this throat. As soon as he stood, Belial grabbed him and slammed him into the stone wall, his hands wandering his body hungrily. "Come see me more often Carlos. I'd hate to have to punish Sadie for you neglecting my needs, you understand?"

Belial kissed the Demon softly, Carlos reluctantly returning the Demon Lord's kiss. "Good boy." He whispered, then left.

Carlos waited until he was out of sight, then ducked into the closest empty cell and vomited up the cum he'd just swallowed. He cursed silently in disgust. He fucking hated that asshole.

Once he'd cleaned himself up and returned to her cell, Carlos took a deep breath, his jaw clenching in controlled anger as he watched his little Nephalem be raped and mishandled a few minutes longer. He grabbed the iron bars in front of him, clutching them so tight one crunched inward. Finally he could bare no more.

"Get off her." Carlos commanded the Demons. They grumbled, but slowly pulled away from her, knowing better than to cross the powerful Demon who stood on the other side of those bars.

Alternating between sobbing and screaming in terror, Sadie curled up in a little ball upon the dirty mattress. Carlos leaned against the cold dungeons bars, his hands now gracefully threaded through and resting upon them as he watched her.

"Sadie, quiet." He commanded her. She immediately stopped crying but her body still trembled like a leaf in the wind.

"Look at me, my little Nephalem." He purred softly to her.

She slowly lifted her head and looked up at him, her pretty face streaked with dirt, blood, and tears and her eyes red from crying.

"Tell me baby, is this better than what I offered you?" He asked silkily.

"No sir." She croaked sadly.

"Sadie... you're in Hell. I didn't put you here, but I also can't get you out either. You can take what I'm offering you or you can take this, but this is your last chance. I won't come down here again. Next time, I will leave you. Do you understand?" He asked her.

"Yes sir." She answered. He sighed. He really did hate to see her like this. He truly hoped this was her last infraction.

"Come here." He told her. He reached his hand to her and she scrambled quickly toward him, desperate to be away from her attackers. As soon as she touched him, they were back in his quarters.

She kept her head down so he couldn't see the tears as they fell, but he knew better. He could only imagine how pleasant her life had been a week ago compared to now. Earth was a cake walk compared to life in Hell even when in the castle. Sadie still had no idea what it was like outside the castle.

Carlos had worked hard his entire existence to make it into these walls. He wasn't the King or a even a Lord, but he was a Marquis, the next level beneath a Lord. It was a title that had to be earned and with it came powers similar to a Lord but not as quite as strong. His Lord and creator, the one who also made him into a Marquis, had been Asmodeus.

This was one reason why he was stronger than other Marquis that were created by other Demon Lords. In fact, with the exception of Asmodeus, he was nearly equally as powerful as the average Demon Lord. All of Asmodeus's creations were more powerful. It was an honor to be created by him. But, ever since Asmodeus had left and turned his back on Lucifer, Carlos had been used as Belial and Lucifer's errand boy mostly, and on occasion, their unwilling sex toy. He shivered in disgust.

Carlos took Sadie to his bathroom and set her down in the large tub. He didn't bother beating her this time. She'd already been beaten as well as raped by a group of filthy demons not fit to live in the Out-lands of hell. That in of itself was punishment enough. He had a feeling she would never run from him again.

He turned on the hot water and began to rinse her off. He intended to bathe with her but first he wanted the filth and cum washed from her body. He grabbed a cloth and added soap, then gently washed her body. The wounds the Demons had inflicted on her were nearly healed, but still he washed them gingerly.

Sadie watched him silently as her body continued to shake. She couldn't believe what she'd just endured. She wanted to somehow forget it but she knew it would haunt her for years to come. As he slid the cloth between her legs she winced in pain.

"Your hurt there?" He asked her, having been watching her closely.

"Yes sir." She replied quietly.

He nodded and proceeded to clean her with upmost care there. He got a fresh washcloth and soap to clean her face. Her eyes meet his as he cleaned her busted lip gently.

"Mi dulce flor." He whispered softly. (My sweet flower). He then closed the bottom of the tub and ran a hot bath. She didn't even know what he'd said, but somehow hearing the sensual way he spoke the words combined with the warm affection in his eyes during that moment made her blush and look away with a small smile.

He stood then, watching her confidently as he undressed, knowing her eyes would inevitably be drawn to him, and within seconds they were. His mouth curled into a knowing smile as he stepped in behind her and sat down. He pulled her into his arms, his gradually stiffening cock pressing into her back. He slid her hair to the side and began placing soft kisses on her now freshly cleaned neck. She laid her hands upon his bare thighs, enjoying the feel of his smooth, warm skin.

"Stop running away from me, Sadie." He told her gently. "I know you're use to these fluffy little Earth Demons. Time away from Hell has softened them. I know we're harsher here, but you are mine now and if you behave right, you'll be treated right. Do you understand?" He asked, sinking his teeth into her.

"Yes, I do." She replied softly, releasing a small whimper as he began to feed from her. "Can.. Can I tell you something?" She added softly.

'Of course.' He responded telepathically so he could continue to feed.

"I know this might sound crazy. I'm terrified of you, but I've also never wanted anyone more." She confessed quietly, her voice barely above a whisper.

She couldn't see, but behind her, Carlos smiled at the statement. Obviously he wanted her to desire him. He wanted her for himself so he needed her to see and understand the value of what he offered her. "Yet you still ran from me," he pointed out.

"Of course. I'm terrified of everything here, but most of all... I hate myself for getting Nera and Ezra stuck here. I know you probably don't care, but they truly love each other. They were so happy. I've ruined their lives. In a way, I wish you'd just kill me because I don't deserve to live for what I've done to them." She admitted.

He withdrew his fangs from her skin. He didn't like thinking of her death. It immediately made his insides quiver with some unknown emotion. "It would have happened eventually either way, Sadie. Lucifer knew where Asmodeus was. It was only a matter of time before he got him back down here. You know, here in Hell there is a legend that one day a powerful angel will be Lucifer's downfall and will reclaim this realm. Lucifer doesn't believe it, he's too proud to believe anyone could ever defeat him. I won't say anymore on the subject, but that should give you something to think about." He told her.

He turned her around so she was facing him, straddling his lap in the hot soapy water as it rose around their hips.

For a few moments they just studied one another. He cupped some hot soapy water in each hand and lifted it up, letting it pour down her arms, warming her more.

She smiled appreciatively at him, biting her lip as his hands began to caress to her chest, cupping her breasts and softly tugging and flicking at her nipples. She closed her eyes and felt herself relaxing more as he pleasured her body.

As he studied that sweet smile, he realized something. I want this beautiful, sweet creature forever. Not just today, tomorrow, or next year. No... she will be mine for eternity.

He knew she would never be exactly what his first mate was. He winced inwardly, rarely allowing himself to think of her. She had truly been one of a kind and no one would ever make him feel exactly what she did, but damn if Sadie wasn't a close second even if their time together had been short. There was just something special about her, just as there had been with his first love.

It wasn't that much of a shock though. Unlike humans, Immortals sometimes sense a potential mate as soon as they meet. It's not necessarily that they are destined for each other, but something inside them just clicks and they feel more for that individual than others can make them feel. Sadie did that to him.

"You are bonded with a very weak Demon, Sadie. I want to make you mine, but I want you to give me the bond willingly." He explained to her as he caressed her cheek with his thumb.

"That's like me saying I want to spend the rest of my life with you.... and I'm not sure about that yet." She told him timidly, looking down.

He chuckled at that, knowing better. "You are, Sadie." He told her, tilting her chin back up and kissing her tenderly. Then he continued, "You rebel against your desire because of what your life on Earth has taught you, but your heart and body knows what it wants.." his hands slid down her back and cupped a round cheek in each, pressing her into him.

She groaned at the feel of him rubbing against her. He knew without a doubt that she felt what he did, he sensed it. She was just in denial.

"You need a strong Demon to keep you in line, and you know it. Don't you baby?" He asked, sitting forward and pulling on her hair, his words spoken hot and dominantly into her ear, making her insides melt like chocolate over an open fire.

She knew he was right. She wanted him more then she'd ever wanted anyone and that scared her because of how intense he was and how violent he could be. She nodded weakly in response as every word and every movement of his body turned her on more.

"Speak it, baby." He commanded her gently.

"Yes sir."

He lifted her up and positioned her entrance over his cock, then slowly thrust up. She winced in pain as he pressed into her sore hole, but she didn't stop him. She curled her hips forward, eager to have him inside her again.

Slowly, with one hand on the side of the tub and the other on his shoulder, she lowered herself down onto him completely and began working her hips slowly on his length. Carlos moaned deeply, and pulled her close, nibbling and kissing her neck.

Her eyes fluttered closed as she worked herself up and down on his cock. She realized in that moment that she didn't need to be told anymore. She suddenly knew with absolute certainty what she wanted. She wanted him today and every day for the rest of her life.

On some level she'd known it the first time she laid eyes on him. He was hers and in some strange way, it felt like he always had been. She dropped her head down suddenly and sunk her fangs into the soft, fleshy part of his shoulder. With a satisfied, knowing smile, he wrapped his arms tight around her beautiful body and did the same.

'That's it, my baby. Now your mine.' He told her as he ran his hands up into her hair.

As their energies began to bond, she felt a surge of power she'd not felt with Santiago or Isaac. Carlos was considerably stronger than Isaac though and the bond with Santiago had been done as a favor. An emotional connection will almost always result in a stronger bond, and they definitely shared that. Carlos might seem colder on the outside, but he felt something deep for her and she for him.

Her wings became crimson red, bony and almost bat-like. Light brown horns pushed out of her head, curling backward. Her ears grew much longer and became pointed, and her eyes turned red like her wings. Her hair and claws remained black though. Lastly, her skin became an olive tone, with a light golden tan.

Carlos leaned back and looked at her, his heart racing at the beautiful transformation. She's so fucking beautiful, he thought.

He smiled up at her as she rode him. "You looked incredible, baby." He told her. She grinned happily down at him and couldn't deny that this was the best she'd ever felt. She felt sexy and strong.

She winced at the thought of what Isaac was going through, but as selfish as it sounded that wasn't her problem anymore. Carlos was her mate now. He was her future.


A few hours after lunch, Nera rolled out of bed and began walking around the room, looking at the bodies hung on the walls. She wasn't sure if it was because they'd bonded or what, but suddenly she liked Lucifer's style. It was dark, dangerous, and delicious.

She walked up to a torso hanging on some meat hooks, grabbed each side of it and leaned in, inhaling. It wasn't rotten at all. It still smelled fresh. Does he have some way of bewitching these to keep them fresh?

She brought her lips to the skin and licked it. It tasted slightly salty and incredibly delicious. She bit into it and ripped a chunk out. She groaned in pleasure as the taste of it and ripped the entire torso down off the meat hooks, throwing it to the ground and tearing into it.

A few minutes later she sensed someone watching her. She sat up on her haunches and saw Lucifer sitting up in bed watching her with a wicked smile on his face.

In all his years he'd never once met a female as twisted as he, but as he watched Nera feast on one of the humans he'd had brought here for decor, he thought he may have finally found a female that could understand him.

"You should get ready, my Queen." He told her. She wiped the blood from her mouth, then stood and stepped over the body, walking slowly toward him. He stood and looked down at her as she approached.

He loved her beautiful eyes. "How would you like me to look?" She asked him as her claws pressed into his hips, then drug them painfully upward, slicing his skin open as they rose.

It was all an act. She needed him to let his guard down. He needed to believe she was his.

His eyes turned gold with those snake-like slits and he hissed as his blood began dripping down his hips. She smiled mischievously and kissed her way down his chest, then brought her lips down to the top of one of the cuts she'd created, licking and sucking her way down.

She listened to him moan and hiss in pleasure, muttering her name as she continued. His cock grew hard and pressed against her shoulder as she cleaned up his wound with her mouth. She looked up at him as she took his cock in her hand.

"You are fucking amazing, Nera." He growled as she began kissing and licking the cum on the tip of his cock.

Some twenty minutes or so later she'd finished pleasuring him again and stood up, wiping the corner of her mouth as his eyes fluttered back open. Another wave of nausea passed through her gut when she thought of her true lovers again. No matter how beautiful Lucifer was, no matter how skilled in bed, she didn't want this. Lucifer wasn't her true mate. He'd taken her from her mates.

He took a deep breath as he watched her lick a drop of cum from her finger. "A gown." He breathed heavily, continuing their conversation from earlier. "I'm taking you to the pits. We watch Demons battle there. Sometimes each other and sometimes creatures from the Out-lands. It's a fight to the death. Very entertaining."

With a nod of understanding, Nera transformed into a gothic styled mulberry colored strapless gown with a corset-style top. Her hair was pulled up into a formal updo.

She walked over to a large mirror that was hung over a black dresser. She checked to make sure she liked how it looked. I am the Queen of Hell after all.

Her blood ran cold then. What the hell? What am I thinking? The threat of tears stung her eyes. What's happening to me? It was almost like the bond was affecting her mind. First with the body on the wall, and now this?

Lucifer walked up behind her and slid his hands up and down her arms, kissing her bare shoulders. It was hard for him to even stay focused around her.

He transformed himself into a matching jacquard shawl lapel slim fit three piece suit. Swallowing down her distress, Nera turned and looked him up and down. "Very nice." She commented and lifted her gaze up into his, falling into those blue eyes like they were her own personal pool.

She was feeling something she didn't want to feel, and she wasn't sure why, but as he slipped his hands around her slender waist and pulled her close, all she wanted to do was melt into him and be his forever.

"Are you ready my love, or do you require more attention before we go?" He asked with a sly smile. He was reading her almost like she was an open book.

Bonds don't make you feel things you don't really feel... so what's happening to me?

Then again, no one had ever bonded with the Devil. It was in fact poisoning her mind and would continue to do so slowly over time, but she had no idea of this. No one did.

Not even God has known this would happen. The reality was that he'd been so angry when he threw Lucifer from Heaven, that anger had manifested as a poison that had been slowly corrupting Lucifer's mind ever since that fateful day... and now that they were bonded, Nera's energy was beginning to inherit that same corruption.

"I think I can handle a few hours." She replied with a playful grin.

As he watched her facial expressions and the way her eyes were beginning to sparkle for him, he also felt the beginning of something he'd never felt before. He didn't even know what to call it, but she made him want to smile. Not a smile of violence or malice or cruelty. She made him actually want to smile.

"Let's go then, baby." He told her and led her out into the hall. He took her hand in his and guided her down to some stairs.

They went down several flights, making her wonder why he didn't just teleport them, but sometimes just walking was nice. As he led her outside of the castle she realized that Hell didn't have a sunny or clear sky like Heaven or Earth had.

It was eternally hot and the skies were blanketed in a thick dark smog. Despite that, it was still bright out and through the smog you could see the outline of a hot, bright sun filtering through and lighting up the realm.

Lucifer led Nera across a stone bridge that crossed a river of lava. She paused, and walked over to the side, leaning over and watching the bubbling lava. Lucifer stepped up next to her and placed his hand on the small of her back.

There were black creatures slithering through the glowing depths of the lava. "Unbelievable... what can stand such a high temperature?" She asked and glanced up at Lucifer.

He raised a brow. "In the billions of years Hell has existed, I never once thought about it. No one has ever asked either. I'm not even sure how they came to be, honestly." He said with a huff of amusement.

She laughed. "So you create things without even realizing it?"

"I guess I do." He surmised. Most of the creatures in the Out-lands were mutations from depraved demons fucking the few creatures he actually had created, such as Hell Hounds. He lost track of all the creatures in Hell a few hundred thousand years after he'd created it.

Nera looked up at the burnt sky, then her eyes trailed down to the smoke that rose up from the structures he'd built. It was all so dark and evil.

"Was it always like this? In the very beginning?" She asked him.

He looked up thoughtfully for a moment, following her gaze, then glanced back down at her and shook his head. She slid her arms up and around his neck, gazing inquisitively up at him, a million questions running through her mind. None of the texts in Heaven went into much detail about the realm, so she was naturally curious.

"What was it like in the beginning?" She asked curiously. He sighed as he contemplated how to answer that. It was strange. No one ever just talked to him. He couldn't remember the last time he had a truly normal conversation.

"It was like Heaven... but without all their boring rules and stuck up hierarchy." He began.

She giggled at that. "I already like the sound of it," she admitted.

He gave her a lopsided grin then and snorted in amusement as he slipped his hands around to the small of her back. "Yes, and I didn't like the eternal blue sky. I changed it to an evening summer sky, with shades of pink, like your eyes, as well as orange and purple, and it stayed warm year round with a gentle breeze." Her told her, then reached up with one hand and brushed a tendril of hair from her face, allowing his fingers to caress her cheek after he did so.

"Wow... not even Heaven had a temperature.. it was just nothing all the time. Not hot. Not cold. Just nothing." She remembered.

"Exactly. God saved all the good stuff for humans. Wind, rain, hot, cold, pleasure... love. He tried to deny us all those things." He muttered angrily. "Though it was exceptionally rare, if ever an Angel dared to display passionate emotion, it was considered offensive and inappropriate, often severely corrected behind closed doors." He paused and sighed as he gazed at her. "You probably never saw that side of Heaven, but I did."

She tilted her head as she studied the emotion in his face. Suddenly his motivations were beginning to make more sense to her. "I can understand why you did what you did." She told him.

He stiffened at those words. An Angel agreeing with him? Well now he'd heard everything.

"Now that I've spent time on Earth," she began, "I too cherish the little things... something as seemingly insignificant as a hot shower can be the most incredible experience." She rambled on and he watched her with growing fascination. "Or... just the wind in your hair." She brushed her fingertips through the front of his black hair. "Something so little can mean so much."

He felt something when she said those words combined with the feel of her fingers sifting through his hair. It was like she transferred electricity through her fingertips and into his hair, and it trickled down the hair shaft, lighting up his entire scalp before snaking it's way down his spine and making his entire body shiver with pleasure and desire.

Fuck, she's amazing. No wonder Asmodeus fell in love with her.

He took her face into his hands and kissed her then, his tongue snaking it's way into her mouth and tasting her sweetness. He listened to her soft whimpers and brought a hand down and held her tight against him.

Slowly he pulled away, losing himself in her eyes again. "I got rid of the boring places like museums and libraries. I'd seen enough of the shit inside those to last me a lifetime. I made pleasure houses, clubs, gambling dens... choose your poison.... no matter what you enjoyed, no matter what brought you pleasure, no matter how dark or twisted, I had a place to meet your needs." He explained arrogantly, seemingly quite proud of himself.

"Sounds fun, I'd like to have been here then to see it and experienced it with you." She marveled with a genuinely impressed smile.

He rewarded her with a deepened smile at her words. He caressed her cheek softly as he imagined for a moment what it would have been like with her by his side. I would have loved that, he realized.

'So.. what happened?" She asked, intent on keeping him talking. The more they bonded, the quicker he'd fall for her. I just hope I don't lose myself in the process, she worried.

His smile fell then and that strange look came into his eyes again... that crazy look he had in his eyes just before he last tortured her. "Simple, my dear... My tastes changed." He muttered with a dismissive shrug, his eyes beginning to look through her. He leaned in and brought his mouth to her ear.

"That's enough out of you this evening, my love." He whispered, and ran his thumb softly across her mouth.

Suddenly she felt an agonizing stabbing sensation, like someone had stuck a needle through her lip, then again and again. She brought a hand to her mouth in horror and felt a string pushing its way quickly through her skin, lacing it's way though at an alarming speed.

"Shh, shh... don't scream sweetheart. You'll tear the stitches." He warned her softly.

Through a closed mouth she released a muffled scream, which came out as more of a moan, and fell to the floor as he continued using his power to stitch her mouth closed. She sobbed, tears raining down her cheeks as she held a hand in disbelief over her now sewn-shut mouth.

She heard the scuffling of feet then and looked up in time to see Ezra walking quickly toward her. A look of horror crossed his face when he saw Nera's mouth was stitched closed. He glared at Lucifer who still held her hand.

He'd seen them just talking calmly only moments before as he and the other Demon Lords and their guests approached, heading toward the pits. They'd even looked quite content. Lucifer had been talking about something and smiling, holding her closely to him, then just like that his entire demeanor changed.

What could she have said to justify this?

Abaddon avoided looking at their Queen. He couldn't let Lucifer seen the discontent in his eyes. Belial however enjoyed her pain, smirking in amusement as he stepped in front of the other Demon Lords to get a better look. A livid glare from Asmodeus sent him sulking back a bit and wiped the grin from his face.

Carlos and Sadie soon approached, but as soon as Carlos saw what Lucifer had done, he pulled Sadie aside before she could see it. His eyes told her not to question him. He brought a finger to his mouth and shook his head.

Sadie could hear Nera whimpering in pain and dropped her head, covering her ears as tears filled her eyes.

Ezra couldn't bear it any longer. He bolted forward. He had to touch her. He had to comfort his love. Lucifer knocked him back with a wave of energy. Ezra maintained his balance though and skidded backward on his feet.

Nera's eyes were full of tears as she looked into Ezra's eyes. "Lucifer stop this madness!" Ezra roared.

"She isn't your concern Ezra. She is my Queen. Not yours. You worry about your Demon Whore." Lucifer jeered cruelly and reached down to offer Nera his hand again. She took it and he lifted her easily to her feet. He pulled her close and kissed her cheek affectionately.

Elle glared at Lucifer from the sidelines. "Demon whore? If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have either of them!" She screeched angrily.

Lucifer put his hand out and suddenly Elle's body was pulled toward him in a blur. He brought her face right into his. "You dare speak to me that way? Do you really think you ever mattered? I used you to get what I wanted. Be grateful I even force Asmodeus to fuck you, Demon whore." He brushed his thumb across her lips and a thick wire was sewn through her lips fast, much more painful than Nera's had been. She fell to the ground moaning and screaming behind her closed mouth.

Ezra barely glanced at Elle though. He'd been inching toward Nera while Lucifer had been distracted.

Lucifer glanced his way finally. "Take one more step toward my mate and I will skin her right in front of you, Asmodeus."

Ezra backed up quickly and watched her with deep longing, praying God would let her hear his thoughts just this once. 'I love you baby. Please just hang in there. We will be together again. I swear this to you, sweetheart.'

She whipped her head toward him and he saw in her eyes that she had in fact heard him that time. A small, sweet smile curled at corner of her mouth and her eyes suddenly glowed even as her tears drained from them.

Ezra thanked God for the small favor silently, then headed toward the pits, leaving Elle forgotten on the floor.

* Word Count: 9,425 *

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