Starman | BTS 8th Member | *ੈ...

By happinessnoise

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Jang Jisung joined BTS in 2015 and caused trouble. More

⭑𝘑𝘢𝘯𝘨 𝘑𝘪𝘴𝘶𝘯𝘨
⭑𝘑𝘢𝘯𝘨 𝘑𝘪𝘴𝘶𝘯𝘨


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By happinessnoise

Jungkooks pov

Yoongi tutted behind me as we watched jisung run off to our room. "No manner- ow" he said but jin hit him on the head. yoongi pulled a face and sulked.

"He does have manners you swine, more than you!" Jin said angry sitting down on the sofa

"Oh yeah, he just ignored us and hardly spoke the whole night!" I said flatly picking up a ball and throwing it at the wall. "hes mouthy but quiet at the same time-"

"Well you haven't been very accommodating" jin huffed eyeing all of us in turn. his eyes particularly narrowing as his eyes met mine. i looked away panicking, having the unpleasant feeling that he could read my mind.

"Well he's a stranger who we don't even know joining us from god knows where" Taehyung said through gritted teeth. i nodded agreeing whole heartedly. "i don't want him here." i shook my head.

"you sound like a child. " jimin snapped, clearly agitated. i ignored him. there then was a silence for about a minute where all glowered at each other, a clear divide.

those who were for Jang jisung, then the ones who were against his existence entirely.

after a while, hoseok started to speak, he sounded like he was day dreaming and he went misty eyed. a small smile on his face.

"He tried to pay, for the noodles." hoseok said sitting down next to Jin who was still glaring at me for my previous statements.

"and where does that make a difference?" i said laughing. jin sighed rubbing his temples in desperation.

"Its called being polite, anyway... i didnt take it" jin said looking at hoseok as if wondering what he was trying to prove. we all were also collectively confused on why he was acting so dazed.

"He chose the cheapest thing off the menu, didn't even finish it, and when I offered him food he didn't take any he just looked funny," hoseok said still in his weird tomem

We all sat in another silence. That was true I thought. Did he not like eating in front of people or was he generally full? Small appetite? whatever it was he was acting weird and it was making me tired.

"I'm going to bed," I said getting up, finally done with everyone, not wanting to talk about him. Or be reminded of his existence.

Jimin shook his head, not caring at all. jin still had his head in his hands and mumbled something i didn't hear. namjoon snickered.

i shook my head, walking down the corridor to my room.

I walked in and turned on the light not caring if I woke him up. I looked down and seen him curled up in blankets. One was the quilt we gave him, one was the one I used as a noodle to split the room in half.

It's not even that cold. he must be weak. he wont last long.

I opened another window, sweating. i dont want to sleep. i frowned getting into bed, not planning on sleeping. but lying down would be nice.

The day had drained me.

i stared at him as he slept soundly on the floor. he could be dead and i wouldn't know a thing.

maybe if he had debuted with us, i wouldn't hate him. but i like to think i would. i know i would. the look thats plastered on his face all the time. being next to him for to long i think i care hear the ticking of his brain.

his eyes. i hate them the most. theres something not normal, or unnatural about them. when you first look at him, hes just like everybody else. but when you stared at him for long enough, you realise how weird he is. the way he looks at people is like he's analysing them, studying them. He'd look you in the eye, as if daring you to punch them.

i noticed his hair and how it just fell about his face. covering his eyes, making it more bearable to look at him. he moved kicking his blanket. his hand gravitated to the back of his neck.

i covered my mouth, feeling my heart start beating erratically.

maybe i should see a doctor.

Jisung pov

I woke up, the first thing I noticed was how cold it was, i tried repeatedly tried to get back to sleep. however the more i tried, the more frustrated i became. it like my blanket was permanently cold.

i finally gave up, deciding to stop trying. It was always jarring to wake up and be here. Rather than seeing posters of Freddie Mercury and David Bowie, i saw an ugly wooden floor.

I shivered. the setup was so different to my old room. i looked around , trying to locate my phone in the mess of blankets.

maybe i had a message from jeewoo and ignoring him would put me in alot of trouble. He would probably try and track me down. i found it, in the depths of my Thomas the tank engine blanket.

8 am. i could slept longer if it wasnt so cold. i normally woke up late, 12ish. Somewhere around about that time
But maybe it's a blessing. i dont want to wake up to late or they'll think im lazy.

i looked up at the windows as a particularly cold breeze landed on my neck. i frowned. i seen that he had opened both. as if one wasn't enough. everything gets worse.

its freezing. hes a freak. I wonder if he gets bullied?

I walked into the bathroom and switching on the shower. hes insane. i hope i wont have to share with him until the winter or i will go just as mad as him. its September.

i went into the bathroom, still cursing my new roommate.

I stepped out of the bathroom. I had already put on my clean clothes to spare my self the torture of walking out in a towel and freezing to death in Jungkook's room. also if he was already awake i would rather him not see me at my most vulnerable. he seemed vindictive.

I decided to sit in the living room, feeling abit awkward even though there was no one around. It wasn't home at all.

The sun peered through the window. It was nice feeling its rays. And so my body absorbed its heat.

It must have just come up. Its beams making rainbows on the floor where it refracted through the glass coffee table..

I stared at them, they looked so pretty, like some once in a lifetime event.

But i was interrupted by my phone ringing. Jeewoo.

"HELLO" jeewoo happily answered almost screaming down the phone, deafening me.

"What the hell!" I hissed holding the phone at arm's length

"Sorry." He said equally as loud. he clearly didn't mean it

"Good morning!" he said acting like nothing happened.

i shook my head disappointed "Morning" I said quickly determined to get to the point

"I presume you got back safely?" I said, referring to his work. I stared at the rainbow patch on the ground. it was moving ever so slowly as the sun rose more.

"Yep and I have chocolate biscuits and a slushy-" he said his voice trailed away once he realised he had outed himself.

"for breakfast?" There was silence at the end of the phone, until i heard him gulp.

"right. it is 8am. you need a normal breakfast-" I whispered, fully prepared to go into scientific proof and health advice.

i heard him grumble on the other end. i could picture the expression on his face. one of deepest loathing that i was berating him so much.

"why." he said shortly. i snickered, finding it amusing on how whiny he was becoming.

"you need vitamins my dear boy- vitamins" I said putting on a old mans voice, reiterating what i had been told my the school nurse when he seen how short i was. i remember telling him to shut up and sticking my tongue out at him. i was 7 years old at the time so it was perfectly fine.

"id rather shrivel up and die." he said flatly. i scoffed. "you do that. ill laugh"

"ok. ill die, you wont care about so unlucky...broken...the least favourite of your siblings..." he whined dramatically, this must be a bad attempt to garner sympathy.

"that's unfortunate" i snickered, still picturing his face.

There was silence on both lines for a minute, one of jeewoo sulking and one of me laughing extremely quietly into a nearby pillow.

"anyway" I said calmly.

"Hmm," he said munching

"How is Dowoon." I said looking around the apartment just for something to stare at.

"Oh yeah about him- hes at his friends but I can't pick him up because of work so can you please."

"Sure," I said getting up

"If you go now you can get food. I left some in the fridge unless rat dowoon hasn't stolen it" He cursed to himself.

"right ok" i said quickly ending the call, hoping to avoid any more hateful venting from jeewoo.

I crept back to jungkooks room to grab my bag and jacket. I opened the door carefully the sun was streaming through the curtains. It was still freezing, the sun made no difference. I picked up my stuff and flooded my blanket and set everything neatly. once again fearing i would be seen as lazy.

I took a post-it note and wrote that I would be out for a bit, intending to put it on the fridge. I got up quietly just as I opened the door I noticed jungkook shuffle and turn. I quickly left the room, not wanting to get accused of waking the precious princess jungkook


I had taken the bus to Dowoon's friend's house the journey wasn't particularly eventful, but i did see an old man watching a film on his phone so i was sat up straight the whole way, trying to watch.

Dowoons friend was weird. So he suited my brother perfectly. He liked Harry Potter. This was one of the things i had gathered from him every time I went to pick up Dowoon. This must be why they bonded so quickly. he also liked making paper aeroplanes meaning he got in trouble in school a lot. I don't care about the influence he had on dowoon, as i am a much worse influence.

on the off chance, he wasn't talking about scar head with glasses he was saying how he wanted to be a kpop idol. i strongly advised him (in the nicest way possible) that he should look at other options.

he still was yet the grasp that being an idol wasn't just jumping around the stage and taking pictures. It was about being alright with kissing your mates for a coupon. And getting over worked!

I walked the extra way to the house, dawdling a bit really because i had left so early.

when i arrived i waited, dowoon would come out by himself and im not walking up 8 flights of stairs.

they finally appeared, dowoon and his friend, jeamin appeared, having their conversation speaking about silly things before they finally recognised my presents.

"Hello hyung" Dowoon said fianlly walking over to me. I nodded "hi." I said pulling down my mask and pulling a flat smile.

they finally bid their goodbyes and we set off home.

He told me all about how they were trying to watch all the movies in one go but they couldn't because they fell asleep and that they had failed and that was the sole purpose of him having a sleepover. i hid a laugh behind my mask, of cause, he couldn't do it. he's like 7.


"So you are an idol now hyung!" He said happily as he staggered around with his bag, which i eventually had to take ahold of or he'd throw himself down the stairs.

"yeah, my last days of freedom are ahead of me to." i laughed coldly, thinking about the days yet to come as we walked all the way up the stairs.

the lift had recently broken, that's one of the reasons im not using it. the other is because someone had written my name and a swear word next to it.

it had appeared two months ago when i had accidentally knocked paint off the roof into someone's balcony. i think the rest of the message was wiped off but i could tell it would have been extremely threatening with or without the extra paragraph.

so i avoid the lift so i cant act like never seen the note. i dont want my head kicked in.

"mr park hasn't forgiven you y'know" dowoon said absentmindedly as we finally reached our door.

"of cause he hasnt- he wont rest until my head is on a stick." i shivered, mr parks face flashed before my eyes and i couldnt help but think how i would hate for that to be the last thing i see before i die.

"who's head is gonna be on a stick?" jeewoo called from the living room.

"jisungs!" Dowoon yelled running into the kitchen to eat the food in the fridge. I followed in his wake, only stopping in the living room. he sounded way to happy at the fact my life was at stake.

"im not saying you deserve it-" jeewoo laughed

"oi you prick get your head out the fridge that's mine!" i called to dowoon, who was taking a plate away to his room, probably to never be seen again.

"right little bastard-" i looked over to jeewoo who nodded vigorously.

"hit him with a shoe."


i pushed the door open with my foot, unable to use my hands due to the boxs i had in my hand. after accidentally letting slip how cold i was , Jeewoo has forced me to take multiple blankets back. i must look so stupid.

If Jungkooks freezer room is what im to be living in for about a month of so until my beds built. I fear i will not make it.

I looked up. Jin was in the kitchen and the maknae line plus hoseok was sitting the sofa playing a game.

My face coloured, embarrassed to be holding a box. Which is even more embarrassing than me appearing at the door.

They all looked up when they heard the door jingle.

"Hi," jin said from the kitchen. "Hello." I said, trying to focus on taking off my shoes Jimin smiled at me but didn't say anything. Jungkook sat up from what looked like to be a an uncomfortable position

"where were you" he said, glaring. My eyebrows furrowed, had he not seen my note , did I not put where i was going? who does he not know how to read?

"Are you not going to say anything?" Jungkook said annoyed now. i scoffed. if he let me speak-

hes so impatient. "I went home" i snapped. one day here and hes already sticking his nose in. as expected. "could of stayed." hoseok yawned, not looking at me.

"yeah. I should of." i snarled. I wish i had. Maybe then it wouldn't feel like a court room everytime i did something. or anytime i displayed any independent thought i wouldn't get looked at like i was a specimen.

He looked confused at my reaction. He must be very simple.

i gritted my teeth. i cant be that big of a inconvenience?

i gripped my box harder, as if to stop myself from throwing it him. my neck was hurting and i my patience was running thin. all i wanted to do was to sleep. im not even tired, but its the quickest way to pass time. i started walking off, not wanting to look at them any longer.

"Don't go over the line" jungkook shouted as i walked into the hallway.

"yeah, like i wanted to."

hoseoks pov

"Woah what is that! Thats sick!" Taehyung said, making his character walk to wherever had caught his eye. this being a cave. he would soon become lost then become sad. that is why im watching him play because its gonna be so funny.

"That's iron." Jimin said knowingly. he looked proud that he could share his knowledge with taehyung. but it was never the right knowledge as Taehyung got his pickaxe out and started mining.

jungkook watched this go down in complete horror "No you don't use a WOODEN pickaxe to mine iron!" Jungkook fired, as if this was as commoner knowledge than knowing who the president was. i think tears had formed in his eyes as he tried to wrestle the controller out of taehyungs hands.

it was painful to try and stop laughing. We all fell about laughing until we heard the door jingle

"that must be jisung-" Jimin said excitedly getting up to look but I pushed him down.

"jesus don't wet yourself" Jungkook gave jisung a dirty look as he struggled to take his shoes off and respond to all his greetings while carrying a box of stuff.

Jungkook who clearly couldn't help himself started. "where were you?" He said had gotten up to get a better look at his target. jisung sighed and pushed up his glasses.

you may be picturing him doing this in a cute way. but it was far from that. he looked tired and frustrated that showed how frustrated he was with the younger boy questioning him.

"Are you not going to say anything?" jungkook said with venom. He must really not like him. he seems stupid. and above all childish.

"i went home" he snapped, but it had no force behind it to be taken to heart. i dont think he could ever be mean.

"could of stayed" i said avoiding his gaze. i was disappointed that i didnt get a chance to properly introduce myself. if he stayed probably would of gotten the opportunity. this didn't seem to land well, as jisung now had his eyes set on me. He gave me look of disgust.

"yeah. I should of." his voice dripping in malice

i didnt realise what could of possibly upset him.

all i said was he could of stayed? could of stayed at home. rather than not come back. i smacked my head in realisation. im an idiot. had to admit though, i do like him looking at me.

He walked towards the hallway, ready to finally be free of jungkooks interrogation

But jungkook wasn't finished. in arguments hes rarely is. he wont stop till his opposition cries. "Don't go over the line" he said through gritted teeth. i was pulled out of my thoughts that consisted only of jisung, to wonder what jungkook meant. line? What line?

jisung groaned. "like i wanted to" under his breath.


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