TLOK Kyalin Oneshots NEW

By PinkRathian

165K 4.6K 3.4K

Primarily Kyalin Oneshots of different ratings 😏, you can find some Suvira in here too. Cute fluff to angst... More

Beach Volleyball
When We Were Kids
Car ride
Suvira Chapter
Double Date
From Chaos to Order (Kuvira Backstory)
Wine and Surprise
Dangerously Jealous
Kyalin Week
Suyin Part 1
Suyin Part 2
Suyin Part 3
Suyin Part 4
Love is Blind
The Games Part 1
The Games Part 2
The Games Part 3
The Games Part 4
Suvira AU (epilogue)
The City Part 1
The City Part 2
The City Part 3
The City Part 4
The Chief's Secret
Train Wreck
A different kind of Mother
Kyalin Week Prompt 1
Kyalin Week Prompt 2
Kyalin Week 3
Kyalin Week 4
Kyalin Week Day 5
Kyalin Week Six
Kyalin Week Day 7
Two worlds apart
Circumstances (sequel to TWA)
The Guard (Suvira) Part 1
Speculation (sequal to Circumstances)
The Guard (Suvira) Part 2
All over you
Lin and Ikki
Suvira Solstice
Lin Walks Into a Bar
Christmas Party
Suvira Book 1
Suvira Book 2
Suvira Book 3
Suvira Book 4
Lin Goes to the Dentist
The Box
The Office
The Radio
The Dinner
Kyalin Shorts
I Just Know that I Like You
That's Rough
Good Times
Suvira Nanny AU
A Test of Love
Suvira Shorts
I'm Sorry
Signs Pt 2
Like You
Kya Goes to the Dentist
My Wives and I
A Cause For Celebration
A Cause for Celebration Part 2
20 Years Ago
Lin Takes Care of Kya
Suvira Nanny Au (part 2??? I guess?)
Origins: Part 1
Origins: Part 2
Origins: Part 3
An update
Pirate AU Part 1
Pirate AU Part 2
Pirate AU Part 3
Pirate AU Part 4
Pirate AU Part 5
Pirate Au Part 6
Pirate AU Part 7
Pirate AU Part 8
Pirate AU Part 9
Pirate Au Part 10
Pirate AU Part 11
Pirate AU Part 12
Pirate AU Part 13
Pirate AU Part 14
Pirate AU Part 15 (Finale)

Adventures of Zaofu

7K 108 108
By PinkRathian

Lin awoke abrubtly and wiped the sweat from her face. The dream of Amon, reaping her bending from her replayed in her head. She could still feel the concrete against her face as she collapsed to the ground. She got out of her bed and went to the the mirror in her bathroom, splashing water on her face.
You should talk to someone, there's many trauma groups in the city. She remembered Su's advice from when she had brought it up with her sister a couple weeks back. She sighed with relief as the shaking stopped and she relaxed a bit. Truthfully she wanted to talk to someone, but a group, a whole group of people knowing she woke up with nightmares every other night? She flopped down on her bed, her eyes heavy but her mind active. She tried to keep herself awake, but after weeks of this nightly reoccurrence she was tired.

Lin awoke the next morning to the sound of her phone ringing, she looked over at her alarm clock- 7:00am. Usually she woke up at 7:30, she only needed half an hour to get ready for work, but 7:00 would do. She walked at a leisurely pace to the phone, no doubt picking it up on its final ring.
"Lin Beifong," she answered, her voice hoarse.
"Lin?! Hi it's Pema! We would like to invite you to a ceremonial dinner tonight at air temple island!"
"A ceremony for what?"
"Oh well you know... not having to save the world and stuff..." Lin didn't reply. "Okay well maybe ceremony was the wrong word. It's a reunion thing, Katara is coming to town, so is Bumi, your sister said she'd come to see opal, oh and Kya!" Lin felt her heart stop for a moment at the mention of Kya. She hadn't seen the waterbender in a while... and well it would be nice to re connect.
"What time?" Lin asked groggily.
"dinner is at 7." Lin nodded to herself, trying not to insult Pema over the phone.
"Well alright, I'll be there."
"Great I'll tell-" Lin put the phone back on the stand and hung it up. She sighed and rubbed her face with her arm. It's just a dinner, you can do this.

Crime since Kuvira had substantially improved, and this allowed Lin to sneak away as early as five. She went hone and changed into something casual and again into something classy-casual. An earthbender robe modified to be a little less green and a lot more black. She combed her hair, side sweeping her bangs and took a moment to look at the bags under her eyes. She walked to the dock where she knew there'd be a boat waiting, Korra, Asami, Mako and Bolin were already there.
"Hey chief!" Bolin shouted.
"Hello Bolin," she said, not giving him the satisfaction of her showing how glad she was to see him.
"Looking good Lin," Asami smiled, "that robe suits you well." Lin scoffed in attempt to hide her blush.
"Who are we waiting for?" Korra asked, surveying the group.
"Me," Su Yin said, stepping out of the shadows.
"No Bataar? Or the twins?"Lin asked.
"No, the boys had dates tonight, and Bataar well... he always doing something. I told him next time he had to come make an effort to see his daughter." Lin nodded and the group began to board the boat.
"You know, I visit Opal everyday, we eat lunch together." Bolin attempted to impress Su."
"That's nice, Bolin." Su replied, uninterested. Lin stopped herself at laughing. Bolin was still trying to make up for what happened with Kuvira to this day, truthfully Lin believed Su forgave him, but just liked the way he treated her when he felt indebted. The cruise to the island could not have felt any slower, and Lin could not have gotten off the boat any quicker. Bolin and Mako were arguing over god knows what and Korra and Asami we're getting a little to close for Lin to be comfortable. Weirdly, Su had kept her distance and hadn't made much effort to talk to her sister. Stepping off the boat they were greeted by Ikki, Jinora, Kya and Pema.
"Hi everyone!" Jinora said, offering her hand to Su who was stepping off the boat. Lin looked at her sister, something was going on she needed to ask her about it later.
"Lin!" Kya said happily as she came up to Lin. Lin offered Kya her hand, but was pleasantly surprised when Kya went for a hug instead.
"It's good to see you," Lin said in Kya's ear during the embrace.
"And you. I see your scars still haven't healed." Kya teased.
"Well that's the whole gig with scars. Like a tattoo they just don't go away." Kya smiled, rubbing her fingers over them.
"It would be weird, you without your scars I mean. They've really grown on me." Lin blushed, flattered by the sentiment.
"You're welcome," Su whispered in her ear playfully as she passed.
"Kya!" Korra said when they had finished talking.
"Hi Korra! Asami," Kya said, embracing the two of them at once. Lin waited for the hello's to be over as she faded into a stroll alongside Kya.
"You look tired Lin," Kya said, breaking the silence.
"Well you know, it is what it is."
"Is it? Or is one of your problems that you actively suffer through until someone finally pushes you to deal with it."
"I didn't realize that was something I did."
"All. The. Time. Now come on, we're falling behind." Kya picked up the paste, and when her hand accidentally touched Lin's as she passed Lin was greatful she couldn't see her blush. Lin caught up to Su, who seemed to be distracted by her thoughts.
"Su?" Lin asked.
"What? Oh, Lin. Hi."
"Su Yin I actively ignored you for years," oh I see what Kya meant, "and even then you had more to say to me then Hi. What's bothering you." Su smiled, nudging Lin with her elbow.
"Look at you, being all big sister Lin."
"Yes, now stop procrastinating." Su went silent before sighing and taking her sisters arm.
"It's Bataar. He caught something a couple weeks ago and he's just not getting better. I'm really worried about him Lin. I came here to get Opal, I need her to come home, just in case." Lin looked at her sister in shock, how had Su not mentioned this earlier.
"Su! This is the type of stuff you're supposed to tell me."
"I'm sorry, it's just, I don't know what to do. I don't know how to live without him Lin." Lin stopped and took her sister by the shoulders.
"Su don't think like that. Well think about that if we get to it." Su nodded and wiped a tear from her cheek. "Have you talked to a healer?"
"No, not a bender at least. We don't have many water benders in Zaofu, let alone healers." Lin thought for a moment before replying.
"Pema said Katara would be here, I can ask her tonight."
"Thanks Lin. I love you." Lin glared at her sister, a small smile spreading on Su's face.
"I love you too. Now let's go." Su laughed as she followed her sister up the steps.

Kya finished her conversation with Pema in the kitchen before breaking off to the dining room, where a many people already sat, engaged in animated chatter. She took a seat next to Lin, definitely on purpose. Lin was engaged in conversation with her sister, it sounded serious, so Kya didn't interrupt. Sadly this meant she wouldn't get to talk to Lin until the food was on the table.
"So Lin," Kya started, "is Republic city keeping you busy?"
"Oh well, you know. Not as busy as before but the quiet, the peace, it's kind of nice." Kya smiled and Lin returned the smile.
"What about you, hows the South Pole been?" Before Kya could answer Katara answered from the end of the table.
"Kya's been especially bored, and a pain in my ass. I can't get her to leave, maybe a pretty girl like you can get her to stay here." Kya's jaw dropped and she stared at her mom in horror.
"Mom! What the hell?"
"Language!" Tenzin shouted, but he was ignored.
"What? You clearly aren't happy there anymore sweetie, I'm just doing what's best for you." Kya felt blood rush to her cheeks, and she regretted not being able to blood bend and make it go away. Beside her should feel Lin's body harden, any hint of relaxation gone.
"I think I can make that decision on my own Mom!" Kya yelled. "Besides, someone needs to take care of you!" Katara sighed and put some peas on her plate.
"I have an entire tribe looking out for me, Korra's parents are very thoughtful. And Zuko stops by more often now-"
"Um what?" Tenzin added, again being ignored.
"-and of course your father. His spirit may not be bonded with the avatar anymore buts it bonded with me." Kya notice Korra sink a little in her seat, and Tezin looked at them, unable to conceive the idea that Zuko made frequent trips to the pole via dragon back.
"Fine!" Kya shouted. "I'm sorry I wanted to take care of you. I'll stay away from you from now."
"Good, I'll see you at my funeral." Tenzin's jaw dropped and Bumi began to choke on his food after laughing with it in his mouth.
"Mom!" Kya yelled.
"I'm sorry. But it was funny though. You're mom would have thought so," Katara added, gesturing to Lin and Su.
"Oh I will make an effort to retell this whole dinner to her," Su said, a wide grin on her face. Kya folded her arms on the table and collapsed her head into them. She hadn't notice Lin prodding her, and the normalcy of the dinner chatter until the scent of shepherd's pie washed over her.
"What? Oh sorry," she said to Lin, gathering herself as she straightened her posture.
"Can I talk to you later, outside?" Kya was taken a back slightly, was this about what her mother had said?
"Um yeah, for sure."
"Great, I know you like Shepherds pie so join me outside when you're done." Kya nodded and waited until Lin was gone to dig in.

Kya walked out the doors of the temple, she hadn't noticed she was warm until the cool sea breeze ruffled her hair. She could see Lin standing at the far end, and Kya felt her heart drop a bit when she saw Su standing beside her.
"Hi," she said as she walked up.
"Kya," Su started, "I understand that you're not going back to the South Pole...." Su paused in case Kya had any objections, "and I need you're help. Bataar, he's sick. Really sick for the past couple weeks and he needs a healer. A proper healer. I was going to ask Katara but Lin said you're the real deal. Will you please come back to Zaofu with us?" Us? Kya figures if the 'us' didn't include Lin, this would still be a good way to get in closer to Lin, and besides, she had nothing else to do.
"I would love too. I've never seen Zaofu, despite all my travels, and I wouldn't mind seeing the city. After we help Bataar of course. Su smiled and wrapped Kya in a hug.
"Thank you so much. We leave tomorrow afternoon, I hope that's not to soon for you.
"No that's fine, I'm still packed from the trip here." Su pulled Kya into one more hug before speeding back into the temple. When she was gone, Kya and Lin stood in silence for a moment.
"Thank you for doing this," Lin said awkwardly.
"No problem."
"Well I should go-"
Lin stopped and turned to face Kya. Kya felt her heart rate increase, and she took a large breath to stabilize herself. "About what my mom said... um, I didn't know if you knew but um... in a lesbian." Lin smiled lightly and stepped closer to Kya.
"I got that from the context. But also, I got that from knowing you. You're a pretty open book, especially when you're drunk." Kya laughed and resisted the urge to hug Lin.
"Thanks, um you can tell Su. If you need to, or whatever. I'm good about it."
"You can tell her yourself when we leave for Zaofu tomorrow." We.
"Sounds good. I'll see you tomorrow then."
"Good night Kya."
"Good night Lin."

—————————- —————————

Lin hauled her and Su's bags onto the train, infinitely greatful Kya didn't ask to have hers carried as well. Su took a seat next to the window, and when Lin went to sit by her Su placed her hand on the seat.
"What are you doing?" Lin asked.
"Sit with Kya."
"I'm here for emotionally support for you." Su rolled her eyes.
"I appreciate that, but I think Kya is here for you. Go talk to her, the time will fly by I promise you." Lin sighed in defeat, Su smiled as she went over and sat next to Kya in the parallel isle.
"Hey Lin," Kya said happily, inviting Lin by patting the seat.
"Hello." Lin took the seat, acknowledging Kya's eyes on her.
"This is exciting," Kya started, "I can't wait to see Zaofu, Su is amazing I can only expect the same of her city."
"Zaofu is really something," Lin added. There was a couple minutes of silence before Lin got the nerve to ask Kya what had been on her mind.
"What did Katara mean by 'a pretty girl like you'?" To Lin's dismay Kya's smile faded and the waterbender broke eye contact.
"Oh well, she meant that a pretty girl, like you who is also pretty, would give me a reason to stay in Republic city."
"But why me specifically?" Kya panicked silently. She hadn't prepared herself for these questions.
"I don't know, I guess because you were talking?" Lin nodded, trying to hide her disappointment.
"That's the only reason?"
"Yes." Kya replied, a small quiver exposing the lie within the statement. Lin let it go, Kya would share when she wanted to. Lin looked over at Su, who was no longer wat hung the semi-painful interaction and instead watching the world pass by in the train car. Lin had never seen her this upset, even when Zaofu was under siege. Watching her sister in this pain hurt Lin, and she had to hope that Kya's power was enough to save Bataar.
"Excuse me," Lin said, getting up from the seat. She walked through the isle to the end of her car, the bathroom was small, but it fit two stalls at least. She distracted herself in the mirror, running her fingers over her scars, much like Kya had the night before. Amon appeared behind Lin's reflection in the mirror, startling her and sending her to the floor.
"Oh my, miss are you okay?" The reflection turned out to be the other lady. Who had just exited her stall and now crouched to Lin on the floor.
"I'm fine," Lin replied sternly, waving off the help.
"Oh I'm sorry, I startled you." The lady washed her hands briefly before running out of the bathroom. Lin managed to get herself up, and faced the mirror once again.
"I need some sleep," she said to herself before returning to her seat on the train.

Kya awkoke when the train hit a bump. She blinked the sleep out of her eyes and realized that she had fallen asleep on Lin's shoulder. She blushed, greatful Lin was asleep and couldn't see it. Lin's head switched sides when Kya stirred, getting out of her seat. She noticed Su was gone, likely getting a meal from the next car. Kya made her way to the bathroom, and when she opened it she was immediately alerted to the sound of crying coming from a stall. Although she couldn't see her, Kya could tell who it was.
"Su?" She asked cautiously." She pushed open the stall door, Su was sitting on the closed toilet, her elbows on her knees and her head in her hands, trying to suppress her crying.
"Kya, I was just leaving," Su managed between sobs. Before Su could leave Kya went up to her, crouching and placing a hand on her knee.
"Hey Su it's okay."
"It's not," Su said, "My family is breaking apart. Bataar is sick, Opal, I'm so proud of her, but I never see her anymore. Bataar Jr is in jail, even the twins are moving on. For the first time in years I feel alone." Kya smiled at her sympathetically.
"Su, I know it's not easy, accepting these changes in your life. Believe me, the day I found out the only reason the Kyoshi Island girls were interested in me was because they wanted to know if I had a daughter, I had some meditating to do." Su stifled a laugh, not much but it was something. "And then you know, I basically got thrown out of the house last night" Su laughed a little louder this time. "But look where that brought me, here, on a mission just like old times. There's good things with change, Su," Kya told her. "One day, your boys is going to be filled with a bunch of little Bolin's and you'll be able to tell them all about their father's debt to you." Su smiled and wiped a tear with a piece of toilet paper. "And Bataar, I'm going to do my best to make sure he's right there with you. As for Bataar Jr... that's something I think you should talk to your sister about." Su smiled, a genuine smile that made Kya smiled too.
"Thank you Kya," Su hugged Kya, and the two exited the stall.
"And you Kya," Su said before they left the bathroom, "you're going to keep trying to win over my sister." Kya stopped walking to face Su.
"Sorry?" She said.
"Oh you don't have to do this with me. It's obvious."
"It is?"
"Well it is after Katara told me last night." Kya's eyes went wide, before she raised one eyebrow and crossed her arms.
"That sounds like my mom. Does Lin feel the same way."
"She does, she just doesn't know it yet. You know how she gets when it's time to face her feelings."
"Right, and the whole I'm a woman thing..."
"I once saw her make out with a very drunk Mi-Tai during a game of spin the bottle. Mi-Tai was drunk, Lin only had one drink." Kya smiled and stifled a laugh.
"Thanks Su,"
"You're good for her. Besides I think sex will loosen her up a bit." Kya blushed and turned away.
"Oh my god, you definitely talked to Katara. Alright well this has been good, I'm going back to sleep now."
"On Lin's shoulder?" Kya stuck her tongue out as she left Su, laughing, in the bathroom. She went back to her seat where Lin was still deep in her slumber. Just as she sat down, Lin rolled her head, it landed on Kya's shoulder. Kya smiled and used her hand to stroke Lin's face and hair gently, Lin's breath the only thing she could hear.

—————————— —————————

Lin awoke with a start, the harsh sunlight of an earth nation morning crept through the windows, blinding her.
"Well about time, I've been prodding you for twenty minutes." Lin blinked to clear her vision, she saw Kya smiling at her, her face alight with the sunshine. Lin lifted her head up and blushed when she realized where it had been resting.
"Morning," she grumbled, in what she hoped was a non threatening way. She looked over to see her sister, still fast asleep in her window seat. She forced herself to get up and go over to her. "Hey Su," she prodded her sister, "we're almost there." Su moved her head up and stretched.
"Wow, it's going to be a nice day in Zaofu." As if on cue the intercom came on, telling the passengers Zaofu was 20 minutes out, and Ba Sing Se was still another 4 hours out.
"I'm going to find us some coffee," Lin stammered. She went to the very front of the car, there was a line but it didn't take long for her to pour 3 black coffees and take some cream and sugar on the side. She handed one to Su alongside 2 cream and a sugar and the other to Kya with one of each.
"You know how I take my coffee?" Kya asked.
"Of course I do." Lin replied, a smile spread across Kya's face. After the coffee, which was decent by her standards, Lin realized how refreshed she felt. Perhaps it was because she moving while she slept, or because of the company, but her night went undisturbed by dreams of Amon. The train arrived and Lin couldn't get the others off fast enough, everyone carried their own bags this time, Su dropping hers when Wing and Wei appeared at the gate.
"Mom!" They shouted in unison. Su ran to hug her boys, when they pulled apart they talked briefly, before Wei picked up Su's suitcase and led the group out to the Satomobile.
"He's gotten worse, mom." Wing said as he pulled into the driveway. "He's been throwing up all morning." This sent Su into a panic, and Lin trailed behind when her sister ran into the house. The boys were left to carry in the bags as Lin, Kya and Su rushed to see Bataar. Lin and Kya followed Su up the stairs and into the master bedroom, startled at first when Bataar wasn't in bed.
"Bataar?!" Su called.
"In here mam'" a maid called from the bathroom. They rushed in, Su gasping when she saw Bataar lying on the floor, propping his head up by a weak hold on the toilet seat.
"Hey Su," Bataar coughed. Lin looked at Kya, who was watching Bataar with an alarming darkness in her eyes.
"Honey this is Kya, she's Katara's daughter. She's going to try and help you." Bataar just coughed in response and Kya knelt close to him.
"Do you know what it is?" Lin asked as Kya examines him.
"It's not a flu or virus it doesn't look like, seeing as no one else has caught it. Something chronic then. Does his family have a history of anything?"
"I don't think so," Su replied frantically. Bataar groaned and spat in what seemed like a protest.
"Cabbage fever," he managed after a fit of coughing. Kya nodded, clearly finding it to be of interest.
"It could be Cabbage fever, I've never seen it this bad before. But you said he's been sick for two weeks?"
"And then some," Su replied.
"Is it curable?" Lin asked. Kya looked at the sisters solemnly.
"No, but it's treatable. He's going to have to take proper medicine everyday unless you have a healer available."
"What medicine?" Su asked. Kya pulled out scrap of paper from her bag and jotted something down, handing it to Lin when she was done.
"Get him that, I will heal him, but he's going to need continuous treatment if we want him to get better." Lin nodded and raced out of the bathroom, leaving Kya, Bataar, a hysterical Su, and a maid who was undoubtedly going to get a raise after this. "Okay Bataar," Kya said, positioning herself over him. "This is going to hurt for the first little bit, but I need you to bear with me." Bataar nodded and Su went to his side and gripped his hand. She stabilized his head as he screamed from the pain. Kya winced at his cries, but held it together for the sake of Su and her family.

Lin urged the pharmacist to hurry, she thought that if her voice was threatening enough it would work. It did. The pharmacist rushed back, handing Lin a paper bag with multiple canisters of medication. Lin nodded a thanks, dropped money on the counter and ran out of the pharmacy. She found herself huffing as she neared Su's house, swinging off her final cable. She raced into the door, the twins waiting for her. The three of them raced upstairs and into the bathroom, to see that Bataar had been moved into the bath. Su was crying, but she held onto his hand, Kya look concentrated, but her energy was strained Lin could feel it.
"I got it," Lin announced, opening the bag.
"Okay, give two from the white bottle and one from the orange." Lin pulled out the pills and gave them to Kya. As Kya stopped bending Bataar screamed, the pain returning. Kya put the pills in his open mouth, and washed them down with a flush of water. Bataar panted, but within a few minutes he had fallen asleep.
"Let's move him to the bed." Kya said, nearly falling over when she stood up. Lin caught her, allowing her to stabilize.
"Thanks," Kya said greatfully. Lin smiled, before moving to help the boys move their father. They set him on the bed, the sound of Bataars breathing was rough at first, but it had faded into a gentle heavy breath. Kya sighed and sat on a small ottoman in the corner of the room.
"What did you give him?"
" the only real pill I gave him was the orange one, the other two were to knock him out. Let's go downstairs, I can tell you which ones he needs to take from here on out. Su nodded, kissed Bataar on the head, and followed Kya down the stairs. Lin watched as his sons said a few words to their father, and waited until they left for her to go up to him. She took solidarity in knowing he couldn't actually hear her when she spoke to him.
"Bataar you better pull through. Su needs you damn it." She pursed her lips before leaving the room and closing the door slightly, leaving just enough open that he could be heard if something went wrong.

"If he gets like that again, call me. He's in the late stages of Cabbage fever, I used my bending to reverse it as far as I could, but the daily pill routine will have to do." Su hugged Kya from behind, and Kya looked at Lin across the table, who looked at her with a look in her eye that Kya couldn't quite place.
"Kya be honest, how much time does he have?"
Kya gulped and bit her top lip in thought.
"Before I reversed it, I would've said maybe two days, but now, if he continues to take care of himself, he could get a good four or five years." Su sighed in relief. Kya regretted not being able to say more, but she had to be honest now. Su seemed greatful, and that's what mattered.
"I'll do more after I rest a bit, see if there isn't anything else I can do for him. But truthfully, I'm really hungry." Su laughed and nodded in agreement.
"So am I. I'll go have the chef make something up. Boys can you show your aunt and Kya to the guest rooms?" Wing and Wei nodded, they gestures for Kya and Lin to follow them. Kya admired the unique engraving and detail of the metal in Su's home, no doubt the work of a master metal bender.  They stopped after a second corridor, one twin pointing to either room on each side of the hall.
"I'll go right you go left?" Lin asked. Kya nodded and entered the left room. It was beautiful, in a simple yet elegant way. Kya ran her fingers over the bookcases and felt the metal, the slickness of the surface surprised her and she couldn't help but wonder if they used a polish on it. She placed her case on the bed and flopped down beside it, resting her arm on her forehead. It was no secret she was getting old, and healing like that had taken a lot out of her. She wasn't laying there long before she could sense a presence at her door frame.
"Hey Lin," she groaned, forcing herself to sit up.
"I've never seen you this tired after healing." Kya sighed and invited Lin to come sit next to her.
"Some... illnesses are harder than others. What Bataar has, it's been in him his entire life. That's too many years of damage to heal. It sucks, you know, knowing that you can be the best at what you do but it still won't be enough to save those around you." Lin put her arm around Kya's shoulder and looked at her in the eyes. Something about Lin's expression told Kya that Lin knew what she was talking about.
"Do you remember when the equalists were raiding Air Temple island? Tenzin put his family on a bison. I told them to go, no matter what happened to me. I lost my bending trying to save them, and it still wasn't enough." Kya started at her, wondering if Lin had ever shared this with anyone else. "I think it feels kind of like that." My put her hand on Lin's knee, and it stayed there while they looked at each other. Kya watched as Lin's regularly furrowed brow softened, and her locked jaw relaxed. She felt Lin moved her hand to her face, and Kya closed her eyes, cherishing the touch. Lin used her thumb to pull Kya's chin up, so she was facing her. She leaned in, and when she saw Lin leaning to she shut her eyes and went for the kiss. Her stomach fluttered as Lin kissed her back, pulling their faces in closer. Passionate but gentle, Kya found that the hand rested on Lin's knee had moved farther upwards onto Lin's thy. They pulled away, and Lin blushed, matching Kya's smile. Before they could say anything a maid knocked on the doorframe, the same one from earlier.
"Food is served," she said, before clearing her throat and leaving the two alone. Lin smiled, a slight sigh escaped her as she got up and walked to the door.
"I'll see you in a minute." She said before walking out. Kya touched her fingers to her lips, reminiscing what just happened. A smile spread to the corners of her mouth, and no matter how hard she tried she couldn't suppress it.

—————————. —————————-

Lin walked to the dining room, Wing and Wei downed a meal so fast they were already eating by the time she entered. Su sat alone at the head of the table, touching the food with her fork.
"You need to eat Su," Lin said, taking a seat beside her.
"I know but I just can't.... how did I not see it Lin? Cabbage Fever? It was so simple, he's always had minor medical problems but we always dismissed it. I'm a terrible wife." Lin looked at her sister, her face filled with worry.
"Su, don't say that. Look what you have here, look what Bataar has. You guys, you work. For some reason you work and your relationship is really good. You're a good wife Su, I'm sure Bataar would agree with me." Su looked at her sister, water formed at the corners of her eyes and Lin looked away to avoid her own eyes forming tears.
"Where's Kya? I imagined she'd be hungry." Su said, regaining Lin's attention.
"She's coming." Su looked at her suspiciously.
"What happened?"
"What do you mean?" Lin deflected. Su stared at her sister intently, making Lin's blush all the more potent.
"Oh my god!" Su shouted joyously, "you kissed didn't you! Haha I knew it!"
"Su shhhhh." Su covered her mouth with her hands, covering her smile. Lin begged her sister to control herself, Su was not so easy to convince.
"Oh Lin this is so great, you know at first I felt like putting your rooms across the hall was pushing it but I guess a shove was all you needed." Lin looked at her sister, dumbfounded. Su was behind this whole thing? Had Lin really won Kya or was that an illusion created by her sister. Su realized Lin's confusion and distraught because her previous celebration had turned into an apology. "Oh Lin no, I-"
"Su how long have you been... playing Cupid?"
"Not long... since the supper and the whole thing with Katara..." Lin looked at her sleptically and Su swore that was it. "Look, Kya really likes you Lin, and I know you aren't so advent with your feelings I just... I wanted to make it easier for you. So you didn't miss out on this." Lin looked at her sister in disbelief. She couldn't decide whether she was insulted because Su had gone behind her back and meddled with her personal life, or greatful because the meddling had resulted in something positive. Lin could sense footsteps nearing the door so she nudged her sister and told her they would discuss this later. Kya walked in, she had changed, and Lin caught herself staring at the new attire. Her outfit was a bright white, a long flowy skirt and top that shortened, showcasing her abdomen.
"Lin you dropped your jaw," Kya said, blushing at Lin's blush.
"Sorry just um...  you look really nice." Kya smiled and she went up to table, across from Lin she put her arms on the table and leaned in close.
"Mind if I sit here?" Kya asked, despite the fact there was no chair there. Lin nodded, ignoring Su's look of pride. Kya summonses water from the pitcher and made a chair from ice, before taking a seat adjacent to Lin. "You know I was wary at first, about wearing this. I thought it was too young for me, but this is Zaofu. No one knows me here so this is the best spot to try it out." Su nodded approvingly, and Lin struggled to come up with a comprehensive response.
"You look very elegant Kya, the lesbians of Zaofu will bowing to your feet." Kya smiled and Lin released a breath of relief. Su had saved her there, perhaps her sister was right to meddle.
"Now, I know it's been a long morning," Kya started, "but I want to go out tonight, explore the city a bit. But only if it's okay with you Su. I just unpacked herbal remedies and I will do a session with Bataar after I dig into this delicious meal, but frankly those pills will have him sleeping till tomorrow at this time. I'd really like to see your city Su, and I'd like you guys to show me around." Su smiled and looked at Kya approvingly.
"Kya, thank you so much for everything. Of course you can see the city, go where you please. But I'm afraid you and Lin will do the touring yourselves, I need to stay here tonight and watch Bataar, the help needs a night off." Lin looked at her sister in surprise, Su wasn't one to reject a night out, but when her sister winked at her, she understood why.
"Well then Lin," Kya smiled, "it's a date." Lin gulped, suppressing a grin for as long as she could as Kya filled her plate with the smoked salmon and blueberry pie.

Lin paced her room, she had torn her things apart trying to figure out what to wear, how was she supposed to compete with what Kya was wearing? She didn't have anything nearly that special. A knock on the door interrupted her thoughts and maid smiled at her, holding a clothes hanger surrounded by a bag.
"From Su Yin," she said, before handing the bag to Lin and departing. Lin closed the door and laid the bag in her bed, carefully unzipping it.  A dark green jumpsuit with a grey and gold belt lay inside with a small note attached to the shoulder.
Admit it, you like my meddling. Lin scoffed and took the outfit off the hangar. She held it up in the mirror over herself, she was unsure, but if Su thought it would look good then it was worth a try... She put on the jumper, pleasantly surprised at how well it fit, the bottom half was looser and free flowing, but the top was tight and it hugged her form. She was admiring  her own muscles through the shirt when she the sound of footsteps echoed in the hall. Kya was back from Bataar, and that meant their date was just minutes away. Lin took deep breaths before bending some of the medal around the room to relax herself, all of which was thrown out when she heard the knock at the door. She opened it and Kya stood there, a dorky smile on her face.
"Wow you clean up very well," she said, biting her lower lip. Lin ignored the feeling the lip bite incited and nodded.
"Sure am, let's go there's a statue of my mom I can't wait to show you."

Kya marveled at the pristine city of Zaofu, she could see how prosperous the society was just by looking at the structures. The statue of Toph was everything she imagined, and she couldn't help but wonder why her own mother didn't have her own statue in the southern water tribe. The gardens were green and smelled of jasmine, which was no doubt grown for tea. She rubbed her foot over the marble ground, an excited squeal coming out of her mouth as she nearly tumbled, only to be caught by Lin.
"It's so... new! And it's so, perfect?! I don't know it just seems like it's to good to be true!" She said loud enough for citizens to hear.
"It is isn't it. I hope one day Republic City can be half as good," Lin replied, a look of wonder present in her eyes. A large clock rang in the distance, telling Kya it was now 6pm and she looked at Lin with a grin on her face and a glint in her eye. "Oh no what does that mean?"
"It means it's drinking hour Lin. Take me to a bar!" Lin smiled and crossed her arms.
"I shouldve expected this," she said, pretending to be inconvenienced.
"You should have, but you didn't." Lin smiled and waved as she began to walk down the white path, inviting Kya to follow. As the sun set the lights of Zaofu illuminated the city, making it seem like day time lasted forever under a soothing white light. Lin brought Kya into a bar called Tiger-bat in Chains, which Kya definitely pegged to be a naked bar at first. Instead, the place was lively, certainly not what she expected from Lin. Music played and people danced, their were long booths and short tables, a white steel bar was in the Center, illuminated by neon lights. Lin took Kya's hand and pulled her to the bar, Kya ordered herself two drinks and Lin guided her to one of the booths off to the side where it was a little quieter.
"Lin Beifong, I never pictured you in a place like this."
"Well you know, there's people here and these people... they're a good time." Kya looked at her seriously, but blew the spoof when a beer girl walked by offering shots.
"Four please," Kya said, much to Lin's objection.
"Four, there's only two of us!"
"Actually six." Lin looked at her like she was crazy, and Kya just smiled defiantly at her. "Alright Chief, this first shot, this is for Bataar and Su, and May he have good health." They did the shot and Lin gasped in what seemed to be disgust.  "this second shot, this is for Korra and Asami. The avatar and her girlfriend." Kya smiled before tilting her head back and inhaling the shot, checking to make sure that Lin had done it too. "And this shot," she coughed slightly, "this is for us, for putting our emotional problems off for nearly sixty years." Lin grinned, the type of grin that was made to seem disproving but was in fact the grin of a good time.

The rest of the night went by in a haze. Lin remembered the dance floor, how Kya had so embarrassed herself with her provocative moves on Lin, and how Lin had embarrassed herself by embracing them. At some point they stumbled out of the bar, their arms intertwined and bottle of something still latched to Kya's hand. They laughed for no particular reason, and whenever someone tried to talk it was interrupted by a belch or a hiccup.
"We," Kya stammered, "are going to feel like shit tomorrow." Lin laughed, putting her hand to Kya's chin and giving it a small shake.
"I haven't been this drunk... ever, and here I am." Lin replied. They burst out laughing, so much so they almost ended up In a patch off grass next to them.
"I have to pee so bad," Kya giggled and Lin pulled her closer.
"So do I!" They both laughed, not noticing they were making very little distance.
"You ladies need a ride?" A voice called from a public Satomobile. Lin squinted, she thought the driver look familiar but from this distance, in this light she couldn't place him. Kya shrugged and they both hopped in the back seat. It wasn't long before the pro longed looks and and soft drunken kisses turned into a childish make out session in the back of the cab.
"Mmmm you taste like bourbon," Kya moaned while her lips were lazily attached to Lin's.
"It's possible, i don't remember what my last three drinks were." Lin replied, getting a laugh from Kya. The cab stopped and Lin felt herself being pulled out of it and set on the ground. "Ow?" She grumbled, utterly confused.
"Lin what the hell?" Lin looked up, to the best of her ability, to see someone who looked a lot like Su standing above her.
"Oh that is Su. Hey sister!" Lin hadn't noticed she said the first part aloud. "What's up?" Su breathed angrily and crossed her arms.
"It's three in the morning, I've been looking for you two for three hours. Wei get Kya, I'll drag them by their earrings if I have to." Somepoint after that sentence Lin blacked out.

—————————. —————————

Kya awoke slowly, her eyes resisting against her will to wake up. She put a palm to her fire ahead and felt her own temperature. Her stomach gurgled slightly but she didn't think she was going to throw up, of course that was short lived when she managed to sit up and kneeled over the bed to a bucket she saw last minute. "So much for being to old for this," she grumbled to herself as she used the water from a nearby bowl she assumed one of the maids put out for her. After she was sure the vomiting had stopped she got up and made her to the bathroom in her room, as she passed her open door however she could see Lin sitting in the doorframe of the bathroom on her end. She looked at the shower in room and sighed longingly before making her way to Lin.
"Someone feeling rough," Kya said to Lin, causing the younger girl to look up.
"Says you, at least I'm dressed properly."
"What does that mean?"
"Kya, your tit's out." Kya looked down and as a matter of fact one of her breasts had fell out of her cropped top. She turned away and pushed it back in, deciding then and there that she was too old for this outfit.
"So," Kya said turning around, "I can assume that you got us home some how?" Before Lin could answer a third voice came from behind Kya.
"Well that would have been me." Lin released a frustrated sigh and Kya cringed at the situation.
"Oh Su..." Kya said desperately.
"I'd offer help or herbal tea or something, but one of you is a healer I'm sure you'll figure it out. "
"Su!" Lin protested.
"Brunch will be ready in an hour, I expect you both to be there, Bataar is feeling much better today and I'd like you guys to go see for yourselves." Kya rubbed her eye and watched Su leave done the hall, Lin still sat on the floor her head pushed back against the doorframe. Kya looked at her sympathetically before reaching out her hand and helping Lin to get up.
"You know for someone so strong, you really can't handle a hangover."
"Pfft, it's an act so you don't feel bad."
"Oh really so if I put you back on the floor you'll be ready by brunch?" Lin smiled, a symbol that meant Kya had won this one. When Lin was at the door of the shower Kya turned and left, but not without catching a glimpse of Lin's bars back and biting her lower lip. She thought of turning around, but the sickly feeling in her stomach returned and she made way to her bathroom with surprising speed.

Lin had one hand on the shower wall holding herself up and let the water fall over her head. It dropped into her eyes as she forced herself to stand up and straighten out. She thought about how her sister had carried her inside like she was a drunk teenager, and she blushed with embarrassment. How was she supposed to go out there and have brunch with her sister and nephews after that? She huffed and took a canister of shampoo off the shelf and splashed it into her hair, rubbing it in with aggression. And then there was Kya, who had to pick her off the floor. The water fell steadily over her face again, distracting her from the figure standing at the doorway.
"You plan on coming out, your sister just came by giving us the 10 minute mark." Lin smiled, Kya couldn't see her through the tinted glass, but she felt like Kya could sense her grin.
"I never noticed how much Su and I are alike until our roles are reversed."
"Well take it from me, you guys are a lot alike in more ways than you think." Lin turned off the shower, the water stopped hitting her skin and she opened her eyes. She gave the shower door a small push, letting it open before she stepped out. Kya had one arm up on the doorframe and she leaned against it, her hair had been restored to its former ponytail and she wore her casual blue dress. Lin could see Kya tighten as she made eye contact with her. Lin reached to her left, taking the towel off the rack and and unfolding it by grabbing it by the edge and shaking. Lin gulped, she hadn't intended for this to happen, but she wasn't stopping it either, so when Kya left the doorway and came sprinting to her, Lin dropped the towel and embraced the kiss. Lin held Kya's face in her hands, and pushed her body close. Kya gasped when she placed a hand on Lin's abdomen, and smiled as she stroked the muscles. Lin moved one hand down around Kya's back, keeping their lips touching at the same time. Forgetting she was naked, she put her hands under Kya's thys and lifted her up, placing her on the counter. Kya giggled as she hit the wall behind her, Lin still pushing her tongue to her mouth. The moment seemed to drag on forever, and it would have, had the all to familiar voice not called from the kitchen.
"Brunch!" Su Yin's voice echoed slightly and Lin dropped her face into her chest, an exasperated laugh escaping her.
"You better go," she told Kya, "I need to get dressed first."
"Awwe, says you?"
"Probably my sister and her kids. I'm afraid we gave them quite the scare last night." Kya laughed and hopped off the counter, placing her hand on Lin's shoulder for support. Lin felt Kya run her finger down her back as she left, leaving Lin to look at her longingly after she disappeared from the room. "Well," Lin said to herself, "that was anticlimactic."

——————————- —————————

Kya tried very hard to rid herself of the ever present blush on her face before she interacted with Su, after failing a multitude of tims she figured it was fine because she would be blushing anyway. She walked down the hall thinking about Lin, more than usual. She thought about how Lin just stepped out the shower while Kya was there. How she didn't push away when Kya ran up to her. But most of all the moment she placed her hand on the earth bender's abs and was returned with a kiss. Well more than a kiss, but still. Lost in thought she failed to notice Bataar coming up to her, and she almost walked right past him but he stopped her by gripping her shoulder.
"Kya?" He said.
"Hmm What? Oh. Oh! Bataar!! You look a lot better!"
"Thanks to you," he smiled.
"Sorry I just,... have a lot on my mind."
"I get it, when Su and I first started seeing each other-"
"Oh I just meant you and Lin-"
"What about me and Lin?" Bataar blushed and put his hand behind his head, blushing as he backed away.
"Nothing forget I said anything." Kya watched as he retreated into the dining room. She sighed and stood there for a moment, wondering if it was just obvious or if Cupid had been catching everyone up.
"You stuck?" Lin asked, coming up behind her.
"Hmm? Oh no, just something your brother in law was saying."
"Bataar? He's up? How does he look?"
"Oh he looks fine, actually considering how bad he was he's doing really good. But apparently you and I are a hot topic." Lin looked confused, but she gestured for Kya to keep going. The pair entered the dining room and all eyes turned to them. Wei and Wing had their elbows on the table, their jaws in their hands and looked at them with a look that could only mean they knew something. Su sat back in her chair, her arms crossed and unimpressed look that complimented Bataars flushed face. Huan sat in his usual corner, not making eye contact with anyone.
"Nice of you to join us Lin," Su said viscously.
"Yeah I'm not doing this," Lin started to turn around put Kya placed a hand on her chest to stop her.
"Well I am and I'm not doing it alone." Lin sighed, defeated and turned her body away, mimicking her sister's expression. Su watched them debate amongst themselves, clearing her throat with a cough to regain attention.
"Tell me why, after the exhausting day I had, I was woken up at 2 in the morning by Mimi here," she gestured to the maid, "telling me you two were nowhere to be found. I looked all over, and when I couldn't find you I had to enlist my children to help find their aunt." Kya looked at Lin, a sorry expression on her face. Lin grunted and faces away from her sister.
"And when my son hijacks a cab- Wei we'll talk about that later- he drives you two home, and then we have to carry you inside because you were so 'wasted'." Kya cringed and shuffled slightly where she stood.
"I'm on behalf of both of us-"
"Kya you don't have to apologize for my sister." Kya pushes her lips together and remained silent.
"What do you want me to say Su? I'm sorry, I got carried away. I haven't felt this good in a while and well I just got caught up in the moment," Lin retorted. Su's face softened and she looked around the room.
"That's all I wanted to hear Lin. Now please sit, brunch is served." Just as Au finished talking the metal platters revealed the brunch, and Kya's stomach rumbled, she hadn't noticed how hungry she was. She went and took a seat on the left side of the table, and was pleasantly surprised when Lin took a seat next to her. Kya smiled at her, but she didn't get a response until Lin took her hand under the table. Kya let herself blush as she ate a mouthful of scrambled eggs. Wing recounted last night in attempt to refresh their memories, how his brother had gotten a cab, how he was mortally terrified by the make out session in the back, and how they used slabs of earth to carry them in like a stretcher. Bataar thanked Kya again and Kya watched as SU looked into his eyes as he spoke, his illumination back to his storytelling.
"It's no problem Bataar, I'd like to look you over once more today if that's okay, make sure that there's nothing I missed." Kya replied. She watched his expression darken for a second before he nodded in approval. She looked at him quizzically as he looked back at Su, who gripped his face in a kiss, exciting an "eww mom! I'm trying to eat!" From Huan. Kya bit her lip in confusion, was Bataar hiding something?

—————————- —————————

Brunch couldn't have ended any earlier, as soon as she felt dismissed Lin fled to another room in the maze of the house. How could her sister live in a place so big? How did she not get lost? It didn't take long for Lin to realize she was being followed, so when she pretended to go down a corridor and ended up behind her sister she put her hands on her hips and shook her head with disbelief.
"What are you doing Su." Su turned around, startled.
"Lin I was just-"
"Save it Su. Just tell me what you were doing." Su sighed and came up to Lin, a desperate look in her eyes.
"I just wanted to talk to you."
"About what?"
"About..." Su didn't finish the sentence, instead she gestured back the way they came. Kya.
"What is there to say?"
"Ooh there's a lot to say. You took her on date last night Lin. How was it?"
"Apparently you were there so I don't think I really have to explain." Su gave Lin a subtle angry look.
"Really Lin? We're going to do this?" Lin sighed and rubbed her face with hand.
"Fine. The date was... really good we had a lot of fun."
"What'd you do?"
"Drank and danced. Talked too."
"You danced? Lin Beifong can you dance?" Su laughed, causing Lin to scoff.
"I'm leaving now," Lin said, taking off.
"Lin wait." Su grabbed her sisters arm, and to Lin's surprised, she stayed. "What happened this morning?" Lin blushed and looked away, her sister couldn't possibly know about the minutes before brunch. Could she?
"What do you mean?"
"Well you had a date last night, you were staying across the hall, was there any form of a follow up?" Lin avoided eye contact, hoping it would avoid the question too.
"No there wasn't.. um anything." Su smiled, satisfied with the answer.
"Lin you are a very bad liar you know that?"
"Fine we made out for a bit." Su's jaw dropped and she swatted her sister playfully.
"Lin! In my home?" Su joked, getting a furrowed brow from Lin. When Lin stifled a response Su leaned in closer. "There's more."
"No there's not."
"Yes there is, Lin look at you blush!" Lin tried to pull away but Su kept her there.
"I miss the days when you were made at me," Lin smirked.
"Haha. Tell me." We Lin refused again Su stopped pushing her, and instead picked up the vase on hallway table next to her. "Lin I need to ask you something," her tone turned from the previous happy one, Lin looked at her sister with one raised eyebrow and her arms crossed. Su sounded serious, it wasn't like her sister to be serious. When Lin didn't reply Su put down the vase, facing away from her sister, seemingly entranced in a painting she spoke. "I need you to transfer Bataar Jr.'a custody to me in Zaofu. Lin widened her expression and her eyes went dark with sudden anger.
"Su what are you talking about?!"
"I miss my son Lin, I can't keep going to Republic city every week only to talk to him through a glass barrier. Give him to me we'll keep him here." Lin looked at her in disbelief.
"Su, your son isn't being held in Republic city to keep him away from you, he's being held there because his crimes caused the destruction of it. No, only I can keep him from hurting anything else."
"Lin please, I miss my son."
"If I bring him here how do I know you'll keep him incarcerated and not just have him apologize to earn his freedom. Kuvira messed with him Su, he's where he should be."
"Lin you know that's not fair. What makes you think I won't keep him locked up?"
"Oh I don't know because he's your son? What if I had given Asami responsibility for keeping her father in jail?"
"She was pretty pissed at him..."
"Yeah well you seem to already have forgiven him Su. He's a criminal, he tried to blow up the city, he forced Verrick and Bolin to work on a dangerous weapon that almost killed them both."
"Lin don't forget he destroyed my city too, Zaofu was in ruins when I came back. Please just let me have him here, we'll keep him on house arrest or something." Lin put her hand to her face and flailed the other in the air.
"Why do I bother? House arrest Su? House arrest? So he can build another super weapon out of the parts in his room. No. I won't allow it. I'm sorry Su but I'm the Chief, I have to make difficult decisions sometimes. I'm sorry about Bataar Jr I really am, but he will walk in five years I'm sure of it."
"Lin Bataar might not have five years!" Lin stopped, completely lost for words. "You saw him yesterday. You heard what Kya said, he's got maybe five years. I want him to be with his son." Lin sighed. She could feel her sister's eyes staring at her, pleading for Lin to respond. Lin bit her lip, thinking about the do's and don'ts the pros and cons.
"Fine," she said eventually, "I'll think about it. But this is against my better judgement and I need you to know that."
Su smiled and embraced her sister in a hug, saying a barely audible thank you. Lin grunted and stood painfully still, trying her hardest to not return the gesture. Su let her go, finally, and Lin wandered around the hallways, trying to find her way back to her room without her sisters help. "Su! This house is ridiculous!" Lin shouted.
"I know!" Su called from another hallway in another area of the house.

————————— —————————

Kya rolled her eyes in frustration at Bataars continuous procrastinating. Where was Su when she needed her? It was clear Bataar was avoiding the session but Kya couldn't find out why despite her efforts to be understanding.
"Bataar. Bataar. Oh my god. Look I was kind of doing something before brunch and I would really like to get back to it. But I promised your wife I'd look after you so if you could just put that down and let me look you over that'd be fine." Kya felt herself blush when she mentioned earlier, the thought of Lin's lips fresh in her mind.
"Sure sure, I'm almost done."
"See, you say that, but then you sit here for another ten minutes putting different screw drivers in the same screw." Bataar dropped what he was doing and sighed, his back was hunched and he refused to face Kya.
"Kya, thank you for everything but honestly I'm fine." Grunting in disbelief Kya went over to Bataar and slammed her hands on the table.
"Okay what's your deal? Did I hurt you or something? I warned you yesterday it would hurt-"
"No it's not that."
"So there is something?"
"Yes, I mean no. I mean, thanks I'm good now." Kya shook her head, unable to comprehend what was happening with him.
"Bataar, I came here for one reason, to fix you. And if you don't let me do that I can't complete my task and I'll never leave." Bataar looked up at her, a nervous look on his face.
"Alright alright. Fine, just do this quickly." Kya smiled with satisfaction. Frankly she didn't care what was bothering Bataar, she just wanted to get this over with and get back to Lin. Bataar laid on his stomach on the floor of the room (he had requested to go to the bedroom to do this but Kya said he'd lost his chance) and Kya moved her pale of water next to him and knelt down. She closed her eyes and focused on his inner energy. She found a few spots where the energy was blocked and she restored the flow. Bataar grimaced as she rand her hand over his left shoulder, Kya recognized this as a sore spot and put focus onto it. The tension in his face relaxed and Kya moved down to his legs. After not sending any disturbance there she bended the water back into the pot and stood up, brushing off her legs.
"See? Was that so hard Bataar?" Bataar, who was still pressed to the ground nodded and grinned in a very absurd fashion. "Okay whatever this is," Kya said, gesturing to Bataar, "is clearly just you so I'm glad we figured this out." Kya threw a towel over her shoulder and left the pot behind as she escaped the workshop. Out in the hall she retraced her steps doing her best not to get distracted by the vanities lining the hallway. When she reached the hall with her room, she stopped when she saw Lin leaning against the wall, bending her metal cables in the air.
"Lin," she said shyly.
"You're back."
"Please don't leave me alone with your brother in law again." Kya laughed, going up to Lin and leaning on the wall parallel to her.
"Yeah he's weird around bending stuff, especially the deep rooted things. He's probably terrified you're going to bloodbend him."
"I would never." Kya winked, getting a small smile from Lin. "So, what have you been up to?"
"Well my sister talked to me."
"And how was that?"
"A lot. She wants me to release Bataar Jr into her custody here in Zaofu." Kya bit her lip, wondering if she should tell Lin about her role in this.
"And What did you have to say about that?"
"I don't know Kya, he's dangerous. He almost killed us, I mean all of us."
"But Kuvira told him too."
"Kuvira also told Su to surrender Zaofu and she didn't exactly feel compelled to listen." Kya frowned and stood up straight, walking closer to Lin. She leaned on the wall next to Lin, putting her elbow out to stop herself from sliding down. Lin kept facing forward so Kya took her hand and stroked it ever so slightly along Lin's jaw.
"Do you trust your sister?" Kya asked.
"Of course I do, just not with this."
"Why not?"
"When things get personal, judgement becomes clouded."
"And where'd you hear that, old wise one?" Kya asked jokingly. Lin looked at her bitterly for a moment, before breaking the tension sith a small laugh.
"I don't know, probably read it in a book once. You don't think I could say something like that."
"Well you were never one for words." Lin purses her lips and gave a slight shrug.
"Fair," Lin replied after a moment. "Kya?" She asked amidst the moment of silence.
"Can I ask you something?"
"Go ahead," Kya replied, intrigued.
"After you and Bumi had your fall... did you ever..."
"Think about about it?" Lin nodded, an invitation for Kya to go on. "All the time Lin, I had never been so hurt by anything in my life, and when they came with Pema and Ikki and the other airbenders and they had to help me. Yeah I didn't forget." Lin frowned, her attention returned to her cables that were spinning in the air.
"I still think about the day Amon took my bending. All I could think of was how everything I had ever worked for would be gone, stripped from me just like my bending. I have nightmares, Kya. Me waking up on that concrete, not being able to feel it. Watching the sky burn thinking that was the last time I would ever be called an earth bender." Kya looked at Lin, shocked at the honesty and the openness of the situation. "What can I do?" Kya asked, desperation to help fuelling her.
"Can you heal it?" Kya nodded and Lin retreated into her room, before she could lie on the bed Kya stopped her.
"Not like that," she told Lin and Lin stared back at her. Kya gulped, nervousness crept up her spine as she stared into those emerald eyes. Then she felt it, around her waist. The pull of the medal cable as it dragged her closer to Lin. Kya smiled, gripping the sides and embracing it, Lin let the cable back into her pocket just before Kya pushed her onto the bed. Their lips met in a moment of passion, Kya gripping Lin's face and Lin gripping her back. Kya felt a grin tug at the corners of her mouth as she pushed Lin down and crawled on top of her. She could see Lin visibly fighting a grin of her own, and Kya rubbed her thumb over Lin's mouth, revealing the sultry smile. Kya pulled in for a kiss again, this time biting at Lin's neck and ear, causing Lin to release a small moan of pleasure. Kya's hands scratched at the armor, unable to pull it off she groaned in frustration.
"Lin..." she begged. With a motion of her hand the armor left Lin's body and rested on a chair behind them. Kya bit her bottom lip and smiled as she looked at the simple tank top that stood between her and Lin. She felt Lin's nails on her back as she pulled off Kya's shirt, Kya raised her arms, giving Lin no difficulty. Lin's expression when from determination to awe as she looked at Kya bare chested except for the white bra that covered just the most sensitive parts, Kya ran her hands up Lin's shirt, taking extra time going up her stomach muscles.
"I don't usually do this after a first date," Lin smirked.
"Yeah? Well I do." Lin ran her tongue over her teeth as her arms went up and Kya removes the tank top. Kya was pleasantly surprised to see that the tank top was the final upper layer, and she stared obsessively at Lin's breasts.
"This is when Su walks in." Lin said, keeping an eye on the door. Kya smiled and placed her hand on Lin's jaw, pulling her face close and leaning into Lin's ear.
"Then let her. Relax Lin, we're just getting started, I didn't wait in that bloody workshop all morning just for your sister to intrude on my free time." Lin smiled, a look that suggested she was up to something. Kya felt her bra unclip and fell to Lin's abdomen, the look on Lin's face confirming her suspicious.
"What? Never done this with a metalbender before?"
"Can't say that I have." Lin gave Kya that look. That look that told Kya to prepare but also made her want to go into it completely blind. She wasn't expecting Lin to roll over, so that she was now on top of Kya.
"Enough talking," Lin whispered.
"You started I- oh. Mmh." Kya was interrupted by Lin's lips against hers. She shocked when she felt the earth elders hands tug her abdomen, and her tongue fought for dominace. Kya smiled the whole time, even when her energy was exhausted by Lin's efforts she smiled. The feeling of Lin's lips on her stomach shook her body and intensified that feeling in her lower belly. Telling her what she needed. Lin's hands stroked her up and down, they fondled with her breasts and Kya gasped, trying her best to keep still and quiet. Lin's tongue, damn was she good with that tongue. After Kya was finished she made sure to treat Lin with the same care and attention Lin had her, but of course with her own twist.
"This," Kya gasped, "is something from the water tribe." Lin's reaction was enough to let her know it felt good. And when Lin was finished they collapsed down into the bed, Kya resting her head in the nook of Lin's arm, Lin running her fingers through Kya's hair.

"I'm not ready to leave Zaofu," Kya said, wrapped in Lin's arm. "Going back to air temple island seems... exhausting. I enjoyed the quiet here, well most the quiet. Your sister plays a pretty good Tenzin." Lin laughed, just a little as a thought came to her.
"You don't have to go back to the island." Kya propped herself up with an elbow, severing the connection of her head and Lin's arm.
"You could come home with me. My apartment's not much, but it would fit us."
"Lin Beifong, are you asking me to move in with you?" Lin felt her face go red, and suddenly she regretted what she had said.
"I mean it doesn't have to be permanent we can-" Kya interrupted her with a kiss.
"I'd like that. Besides it will give me a chance to put my inner interior designer to the test."
"You're what?" Lin asked, slightly concerned.
"You'll see." Lin smiled as Kya laid back down, putting her head on Lin's chest and placing a hand on her abdomen. Lin stroked her back, and soon Kya was asleep, not long after Lin had dozed off. Visions of the concrete and the masked criminal disappeared and was instead replaced by dreams of Kya, and the future Lin could see herself having with her. She could see it now, their wedding day, her mother standing next to Katara, nudging the water elder on the arm. "I told you so." Lin settled her head onto Kya and dreamt it over and over again, never wanting to dream of anything else ever again.

—————————- —————————-
Wow, okay I did not expect this to be longer than maybe 7k words, but 12k? Goddamn. Also I was initially going to publish in chapters because it was so long, but then I realized it's a one shot book and I want to keep that linear Ya'know? So I divided it up into sections and I hope that makes it easier for you to read because I can assume most people won't read it all in one sitting (or maybe you will we are in quarantine after all) anyway, I hoped you liked it, and go easy on my spelling alright I wrote this into the veeerrrryyyy early hours of my mornings.

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