America: 50☆Stars (Vol. 2)

Por LunarJade

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Arkansas drops turkeys. Oregon sees leprechauns. Kansas holds a sex toy auction. And 2020 ruins everything... Más

Author's Note
Table of Contents
Episode 1: Ah Shit, Here We Go Again
Episode 2: The United States of SMASH (Part 1)
Episode 3: The United States of SMASH (Part 2)
Episode 4: Storm Area 51
Episode 5: Robinson Crusoe
Episode 6: Happiness is...
Episode 7: The Lost Colony
Episode 8: Gates of Hell
Episode 9: Baby Shark Wins Baseball
Episode 10: A Latte Pumpkins
Episode 11: Amonute - The Playful One
Episode 12: Drop It Like It's Trot
Episode 13: Space Sister
Episode 14: Helpless
Episode 15: Satisfied
Episode 16: How Christmas Came to Hawaii
Episode 17: The Rake Who Wrote the Constitution
Episode 18: The Rake Who Wooed the French
Birthday Shoutout
Episode 19: The Chinese Zodiac
Episode 20: Comeback City Chiefs
Taking Questions for Q&A
Episode 21: Matoaka - The Powhatan Princess
Episode 22: February Flowers (Part 1)
Episode 23: February Flowers (Part 2)
Episode 24: Love from Lydia
Episode 25: Q&A
Episode 26: Pink Bluebonnets
Episode 27: Florida Man
Episode 28: The Tale of Patrick O'Toole
Episode 29: The Battle of Glorieta Pass
Episode 30: Our Fiasco
A/N: Thanks for 100 Followers!
Episode 31: Rebecca - The Peace of Pocahontas
Episode 32: Troublesome Tumbleweed
Episode 33: Fascines and Ladders
Episode 34: Mickey Moo & Minnie Moo
Episode 35: Rhinos and Unicorns and Bears, Oh My!
Episode 36: The Grand Empress of Savannah
Episode 37: Better Days (Part 1)
Episode 38: Better Days (Part 2)
Episode 39: This is the Place
Episode 40: I was Surrounded by Heroines
Episode 41: The Honey War
Episode 42: Orphans & Krakheads
Episode 44: Water. Earth. Fire. Air.
Episode 45: The Kansas Experiment
Episode 46: The Beach Episode
Episode 47: Yumburger in Paradise
Episode 48: The Only Woman
Episode 49: Gakuen 50☆Stars (Part 1)
Episode 50: Gakuen 50☆Stars (Part 2)
End of Volume 2

Episode 43: National Dog Day

215 7 15
Por LunarJade

A brindle-coated dog of medium size hopped onto a couch, appearing aloof until it noticed the audience reading every move they did. "Arf! Arf! Arf!" Translation of they said: "Oh, hey. You seem pretty friendly, so I won't bite you." They barked some more. "The name's Barrett. I'm a Treeing Tennessee Brindle. I love hunting for squirrels, but my owner isn't here at the moment. Do you wanna know why?"

The dog sat in silence.

"... That's right! Arf!" They wagged their tail as they let out a celebratory cry. "My owner is bringing home a little sister! Arf! I can't wait to see her!" They suddenly stopped baying for joy. "I know something we can do while we wait for my owner and my sister to come home. How about I give my dogmates a call to tell them the good news?" They hopped off the couch and scampered off. "I don't have hands, but I'll find a way to make it work!"


"Howdy, howdy, howdy, Lacy Blue!" Barrett greeted the Blue Lacy, a blue-coated cur from the Lone Star State.

She barked back, "Howdy, howdy, howdy, Barrett! How ya callin' me on this bright brick without your partner around?"

"I got the audience to help out," he barked. "So, how ya doing?"

"Alright. My partner isn't getting any better, yet she's working hard, helping people prepare for a big storm." She glanced out the window where her partner was packing supplies into her truck, getting ready for a long drive to shelters.

"I see. If it makes you feel any better about today, I have some good news."

"Let me hear it."

"This evening, my owner is bringin' home a little sister."

"Oh? Bark! That's fantastic! I can't wait to meet her."

"Me, too. I can't wait." He wagged his tail.

"So, do you know her breed?"

"My owner says she's a Bluetick Coonhound."

"Ah, I see. A coonhound like her should have a good nose. I bet she can smell ya a mile away before enterin' the house."

"Is that your way of telling me I smell?" He sniffed his coat. "That stupid skunk from three days ago is gonna get some teeth the next time I see it lurkin' around the trash can."

"Yikes. I rather deal with a bear than a skunk." She shook her head. "Anyway, I gotta go. Hope you and your new sister get along."

"Yeah. Stay safe, Lacy. It's nice talking to ya. Bye." He ended the call.

~ Howdy! ~

"I'm so happy for you and your sister," Pumpkin, a Chinook belonging to New Hampshire, congratulated him. "Hope all goes well between you two."

"Thanks. By the way, any advice on how to get along with her?" Barrett asked.

"Hm... I don't have doggy siblings, so I may not be the best dog to ask."

"Yeah. I guess you're right." His head drooped. 'I should've asked Lacy while she was available.'

"But if I were in your pawsition," she pondered, "I offer her my favorite treats."

"Ooh!" He lifted his head in excitement. "That's a great idea! She'll definitely like bacon strips!" He went away for a minute, coming back with a bag of Beggin Strips' in their mouth. "Do you think she'll like them?" he mumbled.

"I'm sure she will." She watched him shake the bag around.

"Grrrr..." He dropped the bag at his paws. "Why do humans have to put delicious food in things I can't tear apart? It's so frustrating!"

~ Woof! Woof! ~

"A sister! That's pawesome!" Brandy, an American Water Spaniel belonging to Wisconsin, smiled after hearing the news. "I can't wait for you to introduce me to her."

"Yep!" Barrett nodded. "I was wondering if you have any advice about getting along with a sibling."

"Obviously, you must play with them to develop a close bond!" she barked. "What kind of toys do you have?"

"Um, let's see... I have this stick." He came back with a decent-looking stick in his mouth.

"Oh, no, no, no! That doesn't count! Don't you have something that doesn't come from the woods?"

"Not really. My owner doesn't buy toys for me."

She gaped in disgust. "I can't puggin' believe it! That's terrier-able! Howl are you ever not bored? Fur Dog's sake, even the badger living under my house has a ball to play with!"

"Quit hounding me with your dog puns!" he growled. "All I need for entertainment is the outdoors. That's it."

She shook her head. "That won't do. You need  proper toys if you ever want to befriend your sister."

"Then, what kind of toy should I get for her?"

"Well, since she's a scenthound, I figure it needs to be something that...catches her nose. Heh." She went away for a minute, coming back with a scarlet beehive-shaped toy in her mouth. "For starters, I recommend a KONG wobbler. Whenever I knock this thing down a couple of times, a treat comes out of this tiny hole." She made a demonstration, playing with the toy until a piece of kibble came out of the aforementioned hole. "Sometimes, my owner puts peanut butter in there, and it sure is tasty." She snacked on the kibble and licked her lips. "Yummy!"

"Hm. Doesn't look as fun as hunting for squirrels, but I'll give it a shot. Who knows? Maybe my sister will like it."

~ Bark! Bark! ~

"I can't believe I'm holding my phone up for my dog to take this call," North Carolina sighed, doing just that for her Plott Hound in the middle of a forested hiking trail. "This better be quick."

Venn let out a low woof, translated into human English, "Don't worry. It'll take a moment." He looked back at the bright brick in her hand. "We're in the middle of an hour-long walk, so I can't talk to you for long. We can talk later if you want."

"It's alright," Barrett barked. "I just want some advice about getting along with a sister. You see, my owner is bringing home a Bluetick Coonhound who'll be my sibling from now on."

"Wow. Congratulations." He made a droopy smile. "Let's see. My tip for you is to behave yourself."

"I am behaving myself." He wagged his tail. "I'm a good, well-behaved boy."

"That's not what I mean. Take my sister, Lily, for example. She's not fond of strangers other than me and our owner, often hiding somewhere whenever we have company at our house. Your sister may have that kind of personality. Then again, she's a Bluetick Coonhound. She should be mindful and friendly. Otherwise, don't make a complete doofus of yourself like what you're doing now."

"What?" He lifted his head from licking his privates.

"... I gotta go." He placed his paw on the red button, ending the call.

~ Bow-Wow! ~

"What do you want? You're interrupting something important."

"Are a dog spa?" Barrett questioned Spartan, South Carolina's pampered pooch.

Lying on top of a cushioned bed, the Boykin Spaniel was getting his nails polished by a dog groomer. Their chocolate-colored fur was already cleaned-up from a refreshing bath, so their peach-smelling coat turned out smooth and luscious after some blow-drying and brushing. He loved the relaxing atmosphere and the spoiled treatment he was getting, so he wasn't fazed by the cur's disgust when he admitted he was getting a pawicure of sorts. (Don't question how he's able to take the call without his owner. It's a fictional story.)

"It's National Dog Day," Spartan explained in an indignant tone. "It would be shameful of my master not to do something nice for me."

"You're not even a toy dog."

"So what? All dogs deserve to be pampered like royalty. Just so you know, I've worked very hard to cheer my master up during these turbulent times. She'll be even happier to see me later this afternoon once the groomers are done making me beautiful."

"You're an embarrassment to hunting dogs."

"Geez. If you're going to act like that, I'm gonna end this call. You're ruining my spa day."

"Hang on. I wanna ask you something."

"Sorry. You've dampened my mood with your insults. Also, I'm about to get a blueberry facial, so I can't talk to you anymore."

He cocked his head. "What's a blueberry facial?"

"Goodbye." Spartan booped the red button with his brown nose. "Now, then. I need to figure out what my master will be doing for my birthday on September 1st. Making a homemade cake, perhaps? If so, I can't wait." He relaxed as the groomer placed cucumber slices over his eyes, preparing him for his blueberry facial.

~ Chuff! ~

Listening to Barrett's story about Spartan, the Chessie named Susan let out a howling laugh. "I mean, he's called a Swamp Poodle for a reason."

"I still don't get it," he grumbled. "Are dog spas that special?"

"Who knows? I never had one, but I'm open to the suggestion." She basked in the sun's rays while laying with Maryland on a picnic blanket at the beach. "Anyway, what's your reason for calling me on my owner's day off?"

"You see, my owner will be bringing home a little sister. I want to know if there's a certain way I should behave around her. Venn told me not to behave like a doofus, but that was it. I know you don't have doggy siblings of your own to call, but your input is much appreciated."

"Well, then." She thought about what he said for a moment. "Has she been spayed?"

"Erm, I don't know."

"If she isn't for whatever reason, be leery of her estrus cycle."

"Estrus?" He appeared clueless in the head.

"Her heat cycle," she clarified.


"I know you and your sister aren't blood-related, but don't make things awkward." She paused. "By the way, she may attract male dogs in your area whenever she's in heat, so be on the lookout for that possibility."


"Also, don't freak out when you see a little bloody discharge—"

"B-Blood!" he whined. "There's so much to comprehend. Have females always been this complicated?"

"Depends," she answered casually. "You don't have to worry about heat cycles if she's spayed for she won't have them. But if she isn't, don't be a doofus. No matter how good she smells or how helpless she sounds, don't stick your red rocket in her."

"I-I won't!"

~ Fetch! ~

"Hershey." Pennsylvania woke her Great Dane up from a nap. "One of your dog pals wants to talk to you." She set a tablet up for her dog before returning to the kitchen.

He yawned. "Who is it?"

"It's Barrett."

"Oh. Hello, Barrett," he spoke slowly like the gentle giant he was. "My owner is making homemade treats for me and Sylvester. Do you want me to send you some?"

"Sure! My sister and I would love to have some."


"Yeah. My owner is bringing home a little sister."

"That's wonderful." He smiled sleepily. "Is she a puppy?"

"Um, I don't know. I only know she's a Bluetick Coonhound. Does it matter?"

"If she's a puppy, you need to be aware of your size. She may not be able to run as fast as you, nor will she have the same strength as you. Believe me." He slowly nodded. "It's even possible she may be afraid because of how big you are compared to her."

"Aw," he whimpered. "If she is a puppy, how do I behave around her?"

"Always be careful," he recommended. "Keep an eye not to step or fall on her by accident. Whenever you play with her, don't get too rough. Even if she acts tough, don't use your full strength unless you're certain she won't get hurt."

"Got it."

"Hopefully, that helps." The Great Dane let out another yawn. "I'm gonna nap until the treats are done baking. Goodbye." He closed his eyes, immediately falling back asleep.

~ Snore... ~

"It's a good thing I have a lot of free time on my hands," Alaska muttered as she brushed one of her Malamute's coat, adding fur from the dog brush to a mountain of fluff. "With two Huskies and a Klee Kai left to maintain, this is going to take me many days..."

Yeti continued to smile without a care in the world, not even paying attention to the Treeing Tennessee Brindle on the tablet. 'Must be patient. Must be patient. My back kinda itches... But I must be patient!'

"Are you listening?" Barrett questioned.

"I think so." The Malamute glanced at the shiny screen. "Say, is she good at sledding?"

"Um, no. I already told you. Her breed is best-suited for scent-tracking and hunting."

"Oh. Okay." He maintained a chillaxed smile. "Sisters are awesome, but they can be very annoying. One time, Yuki stole a piece of venison from my food bowl while my owner wasn't looking. She betrayed me." He tilted his head back and let out a sad howl. "Awooo! Never forget my venison! Awooooo!"

"Did I hurt you? Why are you howling?" Alaska stared at him weirdly.

Barrett wasn't fazed by the sob story in the slightest. "I'm so sorry for your loss..."

"It's okay." He returned to acting chill again. "I love my sister, so I forgive her."

"Oh. Cool."

"My back is very itchy, so give me a minute to get that spot." He slowly rolled onto his back.

"H-Hey! Stop moving. You're getting too close to the fur pile." Alaska tried to keep her dog still.

But out of the blue, her other Malamute named Yuki jumped out of the fluff, creating a snowstorm in the living room. Yeti made things worse by rolling all over the floor, making sure to spread all that fur everywhere. The Huskies, who had yet to be brushed, added to the chaos by jumping at the falling fluff like they were snowflakes. Her Klee Kai yipped in fear, aware of what was to come when her owner went to the closet to bring out the roaring monster for clean-up. Barrett decided he heard enough from the Alaskan household, ending the call before he could hear the loud vacuum.

~ Iruvyou! ~

"You want my advice?" Judy the Boston Terrier questioned the Treeing Tennessee Brindle.

Barrett nodded. "Since you have a doggy brother, I figure I can get a doggy sister's advice about sibling relationships to prepare myself when my sister comes home."

"What's there to say?" she yapped. "My brother is a Merry Cocker. He used to be a hunting dog until he grew out his coat and started behaving like a show dog. He gets on my nerves sometimes, thinking he's stronger and smarter than me. Yet, he'll get stressed whenever he hears a car honk during walks around the city. And whenever I try to wrestle with him, he'll whine and slinker off to our master like a pussy cat. Unbelievable."

"I thought you two get along."

"We do, but we fight on occasion." She scratched behind her ear. "He'll call me a snorting gasbag, and I'll call him a scaredy-cat who sucks at playing fetch. We'll nip at each other's fur on our worst days. In the end, we still live under the same roof, living with the same master who loves us both unconditionally. Fighting isn't so bad as long as we don't let it affect us too much. After all, living with hate isn't good for a happy family. You get what I mean?"

"I think so," he mumbled. "It's kinda like what Yeti told me earlier. Siblings may disagree and get into fights with each other. But somehow, we get along for the good of ourselves, our siblings, and our pack. It's pretty good advice."

"You're welcome." Her ears suddenly perked up, hearing a door creak open. "My master's home."

"That's alright. Your master has been working hard lately, so I'm sure your company will cheer him up greatly."

"Yeah." She smiled. "Alrighty then. Good luck with your sister. I wish you the best."

~ Arf! Arf! ~

"Are you nervous?" Jamie, an old American Foxhound belonging to Virginia, questioned Barrett's nervousness.

"What? No way!" he bayed in denial. "Why would I be nervous? I'm an adult, so there's nothing to be afraid of."

"It's okay to have butterflies in your stomach," he assured. "It's better than the pit of jealousy or the boiling of rage when expecting a new dog to live with you. I've heard some terrifying stories of dogs reacting horribly after learning they'll be living with another dog they've never known."

He laid his head down and sighed, "Do you think she'll like me? I mean, what if I mess up? What if I rough her up so badly during playtime she ends up being scared of me?" He dejectedly howled, "WHAT IF SHE HATES ME?!"

Jamie blinked his eyes. "Why would she hate you? In all my years of knowing you, the only things you've hurt are squirrels, opossums, raccoons, and bears." He softly smiled. "Honestly, it's nice of you to be overprotective of her well-being. I'm sure she'll appreciate it."

"Really?" He lifted his head from despair.

"Assuming she'll hunt alongside you, it's up to you, as her big brother, to make sure she doesn't get hurt. At the same time, you need to trust her. Let her sniff the air. Give her some space to run. She'll gradually grow to love her home and the stuff associated with it, including you."

Barrett smiled. "Thanks, Jamie. That's probably the most useful advice I ever need for this situation."

"You're welcome. Just remember, relationships are like flowers. It may not look impressive at first, but it'll blossom into something beautiful when given time and care."

~ Ruff! Ruff! ~

"Can't talk right now," grumbled the Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dog named Jazz. "I have a litter of pups who need fosterin' until— Quit bitin' my tail!" She growled at a scampering puppy and sighed. "As I was sayin', I'm fosterin' a bunch of fat-headed pups until the big storm passes."

"They sound like a pawful," Barrett noted the yipping and yapping in the background.

"They're more than a pawful," she huffed. "Even with Rouge and Soul lending extra paws, the pups won't let us breathe as long as they have the energy to cause mischief. I swear I'm gonna lose it if they—" The sound of broken glass caught her attention. "Alright. Who did it? Who broke the vase?" She left the tablet on the couch to go scold a bunch of hooligans.

While she was gone, a small, brown, mix-breed puppy managed to get on top of the couch while the adult dogs were distracted getting the other fostered pups in line. They noticed the adult dog on the bright brick and greeted, "Where y'at?"

"Alright," Barrett barked with a smile. "I'll be getting a little sister soon."

"A little sister?" They cocked their head. "Can I be your little sister?"

He chuckled, "I wish you could. You seem nice compared to the other pups Jazz complains about."

"That's because the other pups are a bunch of buttheads." She laid her head on the couch and whimpered, "Jazz told us a big storm is comin'. She said it's going to be bigger and badder than the previous storm we saw a couple of days ago."

"Don't worry, little pup," he assured. "Jazz and the other adults have been through a lot of big storms. You and the rest of the pups will be safe as long as they're around."

"Ya sure about that?"


She giggled, "Whoever's gonna be your little sis, they're lucky to have a big bro like you."

Watching her hop off the couch, he softly smiled. "Hopefully, they feel the same way about me."

~ Yip! Yip! ~

From dawn to dusk, Barrett spent all his pent-up excitement informing every dog about his new sister. After informing the last of his friends, he was left to wait in silence. He hung around the front door, keeping an eye and an ear open for any sights and sounds that indicated his owner's return. He watched the house grow dark and even more silent, eventually succumbing to slumber.


His ears perked up as he lifted his head. "Finally!" He ran to the unlocked door, baying with enthusiasm. "Hey! Glad to see you home! What took you so long? Where's my sister?"

Stepping inside his house, Tennessee was amused to see the brindle-coated dog welcome his return with great energy. "Hey, bud. Sorry for being gone for so long. I know you're excited, but let me settle down first. The drive to the shelter was a long one." He glanced at the blanket-covered pet carrier he was carrying in his left hand.

"Oh? Is that my sister? Is she in there?" Barrett sniffed the carrier while following Tennessee to the living room.

"Calm down, bud." He set the carrier down on the floor, right next to the couch. "You're gonna scare her if you keep baying so loudly."

He whimpered, "Sorry."

He softly smiled. "I'm gonna get some water for your sister." He petted the top of his head. "If you're a good boy when I get back, I'll let you see her briefly. She needs some rest after a long drive." He left the living room to fetch some water from the kitchen, expecting Barrett to behave himself while he was left alone with the pet carrier.

Once Tennessee was gone, Barrett continued to sniff the plastic box, wanting to get a look at his new sister. The cotton blanket that covered the carrier was in the way, so he snagged it by the corner, pulling it away until it was off the cage. There was a metal door that allowed him to get the best look inside the pet carrier. Even then, all he could see was a large softly-snoring mound formed underneath a fluffy blanket.

'Oh. She must be sleeping. He did say she needed some rest after a long drive.' Barrett laid his head next to the metal door. "Hello. The name's Barrett. I'm a Treeing Tennessee Brindle. From now on, I'm your big brother," he softly barked. "Anyway, what's your name?"

"Hm?" A small snout poked out from the soft blanket. "Where am I...?"

"You're home, of course!" He wagged his tail. "Say, you must be hungry after a long drive. Do you like bacon strips?"

"Bacon strips? What's that?" she asked cluelessly.

"You've never heard of bacon strips!" he gasped. "Wait right there."

"Not like I have a choice," she mumbled.

Less than five seconds later, Barrett came back with a ripped bag of Beggin' Strips. "Here," he offered a strip through the metal door.

Her little black nose twitched, taking in a smoky meaty smell. "Is that bacon?" Still covered underneath the blanket, she moved from the back of the carrier to where the metal door was. She nipped at the bacon-like strip and pulled it inside, chewing it like it was jerky.

"Do you like it?" he asked while wagging his tail in anticipation.

"Uh-huh." She continued to gnaw the strip that was rather big for her size. "It's better than puppy chow."

"You're darn right!" he barked happily.

"Barrett!" Tennessee came back to the living room with a bowl of water, his eyes focused on the bag of Beggin' Strips that weren't supposed to be ripped open. "I thought I told you to behave yourself."

"No! You'll never take away my bacon strips!" Barrett ran away with the bag of Beggin' Strips in his mouth while Tennessee chased after him.

"So noisy..." the Bluetick Coonhound let out a yawn before going back to sleep.

~ Happy National Dog Day 🐶! ~

Hey, hey, daddy, get me Natty Boh!
Hey, hey, mommy, hey, hey, mommy!
I cannot forget the taste of that
Smith Island cake I ate long ago!

Draw a circle, that's the Earth!
Draw a circle, that's the Earth!
Draw a circle, that's the Earth!
My name's Maryland!

Draw a circle, that's the Earth!
Looking closely, that's the Earth!
Or maybe, that's the Earth?
I'm the Old Line State!

Ah, with just a brushstroke,
A fabulous world can be seen!
Let's have a toast at a poet's grave!
I'm Maryland!


+ National Dog Day is celebrated annually on August 26th. It was founded in 2004 by Colleen Paige, an animal advocate who also founded National Puppy Day, National Cat Day, and many more days to bring attention to the plight of animals and encourage adoption. Usually, besides adoption, many people spend the day showing gratitude toward dogs by pampering their pets and spending time with them.

- Originally, I wrote this episode as an adoption and care guide for dogs, but the story ended up being very long due to the large amount of information I included. Having recently learned about Tennessee adopting the Bluetick Coonhound as their state dog in 2019 (based on the University of Tennessee's mascot), I decided to write about Tennessee's 'other' dog asking other states' dogs for advice on getting along with a sister instead. In my opinion, it turned out better and wholesome.


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