The rose and the wolf (A sona...

By amilearose

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When a girl named Amy Rose goes into the woods to a beautiful mountain sight on a full moon with many stars i... More

Author's Note
The BIG BAD Wolf..?
First time meeting and Familiar eyes..?
A bit of trouble
My New Wolf Friend
Meeting Sonic's Siblings
My Big Bad(Nice) Wolf
Christmas Party
Dropping Tempretures
Moving in and a Mysterious Guy
Roommates and Mistakes
Big brother, Movie night(afternoon), and Sky
Christmas Day and Troubling Pains
Sonic's complete Transformation and Kidnapping
Lost of a brother and Plan making
THE PLAN and...
An acquaintance of Shadows and Who?
Return of a Familiar Friend
Chaos in the Town and a Rose's rage
Freeing Sky and Abduction
Searching and Plans
Big brother and Sky on a mission
Rescue mission Successful
Taking care of the Rose and Friends
Doctors appointment and Unexpected circumstances
The unexplainable realization
Mrs. Robonik
Slowly building rage, and New help
Running out of Time
What used to be a lab and a New Guy?
The waking Rose and safely returned home
Learning something new and odd happenings
Packing up
Sky's Pain
Sonic's Pain
Hidden Secrets and Strang behaviors
Pain and...A date
Ticking Clock
Revealing Secret and Rage
Sonic's Interest/Crush
A Mysterious gift and Rainy days
Strange behaviors and Plan Making
The confession
Sleepover at Amy's and Nighttime work shift
Carnival and Secret protector
Author's note

Years Later...

775 23 8
By amilearose


Greetings, my Kings, Queens, and Royals!! Once more. I have finally come up with a fun fact that is based on the chapter above to explain a little bit of stuff to you all!


Fun Fact: Mrs. Robonik, genuinely loves Eggman. No, he didn't create her, she's human... I promise. They met during one of Eggman's getting away after Sonic blew up his last lab when retrieving all 7 chaos emeralds from him.


Chapter 16


8 years have soon passed.

When the group had stopped searching, all tired from looking both high and low for their friend.

But Amy didn't stop, nor did Sonia and Manic either, as they really wanted to know if he was ok, they wouldn't know what to do if they were to accept the fact that he died or something.

The 20year old pink hedgehog was in her room looking out the window of her new house since she had moved 3 years ago, no she hadn't left the town she still lived in green hill.
She stared up at the moon in the sky, her now long pink hair resting on her back as she wore a beautiful white nightgown that stopped just above her mid-thighs.

"Oh, Sky..." she muttered to herself when a slight knock sounded at her room door earning her attention.

"Come in," Amy said slightly glancing over her shoulder to see her brother entering her room "Rose? What are you doing still up," Shadow asked while walking over to her as she got up from her seating place walking over to her brother.
"I...had a nightmare earlier...I'm sorry for worrying you," she said while lowering her head down.

"Was it about Fak...Sonic?" Shadow questioned correcting himself when he earned a slight nod from his little sister as he then sighed.

"Look, I know you miss him. But we will find him or he'll find us ok," he then said when Amy's ears flopped over "but...but...What if...What if he..." Amy's voice quivered with tears filling up in her eyes until Shadow pulled her into a hug.

"Don't think about it. Don't believe until you see for yourself. There's no proof that he's truly dead anyway," he said keeping his voice no higher than a whisper when Amy slightly nodded her head.
"Ok..." she replied until Shadow pulled away, "now try to get some sleep," he soon said while going over to his sister's window and closing the curtains as the pinkette nodded her head and went to her bed and laid down, "thank you, big brother," Amy whispered while hugging her Sonic plush close to her chest.

"Your welcome," Shadow replied while leaving her room closing the door behind him as he left. 




The next day had soon came around when Amy woke up slightly.

Before she pushed herself up then went to go take a shower while yawning a bit, her mind wandering to what she should do later on today whether it be continuing her search for Sonic and Sky or a nice walk in the park since the flowers were out this lovely spring.

Who knows she might even invite Cream to tag along with her on the journey around the park to look at the flowers.

After a while, the pinkette was finally ready for the day as she wore a pretty white top, her new favorite color, with shorts with a flower print design on them, and cute shoes.
She had her hair pulled in a lower ponytail held up by a white ribbon, that rested on her right shoulder she had moved from headbands to ribbons, which in itself was a bit funny to her as she glanced in the mirror to see if everything fit to her liking before grabbing a small bag to take with her.

Heading downstairs with a soft jog, Amy then b-lined to the kitchen where she saw her brother though he wasn't alone since Sonia was also with him as well.

"Morning," the pinkette says with joy as the magenta hedgehog gave big smile.

Sonia had a dark purple crop-top that hung off her shoulders and flowered around her hands, a black mini skirt, and tights with her favorite purple heeled boots.

"Morning, Amy," she said with joy as Shadow leaned against the counter giving a slight nod of his head "wow, you look so pretty today, what's the occasion?" Amy questioned when her friend blushed softly.
"Well, I found someone and we're going on a date together today. I really hope it goes well," Sonia says with a shy smile on her face.

"Oh, have fun. I hope he treats you better," Amy says giving Sonia a strict look as the manga-colored hedgehog giggled a bit "thank you," she replied covering her smile a bit "you also look really cute today, have any plans?" Sonia asked "besides, a walk in the park not really," Amy replied when she receives a soft nod.

Shadow just listened to the two quietly until Sonia finally took her to leave after a while to head out on her date.

"So, what were you two talking about earlier?" Amy then asked her brother who sighed "for some reason, she was looking for advice," Shadow replied.
"From you?" Amy asked teasingly when her brother glared at her causing her to giggle a bit "I left, breakfast for you in the microwave," he soon said while leaving the room.

"Thanks!" she replied with a soft smile before making her way to reheat her food just in case if it was cold so she could eat something for the day.

With Tails 

He was working the x tornado outside since it was nice out, his tails flicked around a bit while working on a few things.

Until his ears perked up "Tails!" someone called out for him as he got out from under the plane and wipes his hands with a dirty rag "oh, hey Cream," he says when he saw a 14-year-old rabbit walking over to him with a soft blush on her face while holding a Chao in her arms.
She wore a short sleeves flower shirt with shorts and cute pastel shoes, as Cheese had a flower crown on their head.

"Are you working on something else agian?" Cream asked as she tilts her head slightly when the 16-year-old chuckled nervously.

"Yeah, I decided to readjust the tracker is all, and add a few new things," Tails says while patting the large machine explaining his planes to the rabbit who listened to him talk, a soft smile on her face.

Until she spoke up "don't you think you're working a bit too much?" Cream asked earning his attention, as Tails began to think about it for a bit.

"I don't think so," he says unsure while thinking over the things he's done over the years.
When Cream shook her head "Tails, when was the last time you took a walk around the park or sat around in a cafe?" the rabbit asked, this time making Tails think over her question once more.
When he chuckled a bit "I guess, your right. I do tend to work a lot huh?" he says as Cheese squeaked in agreement.

"Why don't we...Go for a walk together," Cream asked as she blushed softly "sure," Tails replied with a sheepish smile on his face "let me just clean up for a bit and I'll meet you at the front," the twin-tailed fox soon says before jogging into his workshop.

When Cream shook her head before looking at Cheese who looked up at her.

Both of them with the same thought in mind about the twin- tailed fox who had just ran off inside the building, when the rabbit headed to the front to wait for Tails as promised.

So they could go out for a walk together.

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