Got A Secret, Can You Keep It...

By Lapeligroza

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Sometimes you're born with a destiny already written for you. But could you just followed what was already wr... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chpter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
List of Love Interests
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48

Chapter 40

92 4 2
By Lapeligroza

It was working, what that old woman promised was working.  King Xemnas was winning so far and all without the need of being physically close to the battle. However, there was something far more important that she promised and share had yet to provide them with what she promise.

"Time is ticking," the King glared down at the woman. "You have yet to find who we are looking for."

Oh, she found her but she wasn't about to just give her up. Once they found you, King Xemnas would kill you and she would be left with no vessel. She could take another vessel, but the only thing she would get would be nothing but a be body. All of her powers would be gone. " I am getting close, I just need a little bit more of time."

Rising from his seat on his throne he walked to her,his hand reaching for his sword. "Time is what you're lacking, I suggest you continue to look if you don't want to die."

Or....Still kneeling, the woman raises her head. "There...I found her." Finally she announced, "I think I did. I just need a bit more of time to make sure that it is indeed her."

The King froze as her words made sense he then stumbled back. The witch found her, her, a woman. He returned to his throne and thoughts raced through his mind. A woman, that was why he wasn't able to find her because he assumed it was a man. "Then bring her, it doesn't matter if it is or isn't her. You do not need to confirm if it is her. We will find out once we kill her."

She moved to stand, "you cannot simply kill her. It needs to happen at a certain time, and the time to do so isn't close."

"Who is she?" Finally Xemnas asked, who was this woman? Who was the woman who was the key to give them their hearts back. The person who was supposed not to exist.

Slowly she began to smile, all men were so easy to manipulate. "She is a resident of ShinRa Kingdom. She's a young girl that resides at an abandoned church." Before he could ask she continued, " her name is Aerith Gainsborough."

Xemnas jumped from his feel without a word and walked out of the throne room. He was probably going to order one of his dogs to fetch the woman. The witch laughed as he heard the commotion outside imagining how each member was going to reach when they heard that soon they will get their hearts back.

Those hearts will never be returned, they will never have those hearts. But let them enjoy the moment, to believe that the sacrifice of that woman will bring them back their so desired hearts.

How... Unfortunate  for that woman but she just happened to be such a perfect sacrifice.


Aerith  Gainsborough was an orphaned girl,she never really knew who her parents were. All she could remember was that since she was a kid, she was moving from orphanage to another orphanage because they were all filled.

What no one knew nor would they imagine that something so bad had happened to her as a child. Those memories were buried deep withing her mind, she swore that she would bury them and never remember them.

When she was about to move to another orphanage, an woman came to her rescue. She seemed like a very kind and gentle woman, she appeared in her life with the promise of offering Aerith a happy life. A life filled with happiness and love, she was going to adopt her.

However, because that woman was not married she was not given the opportunity to have Aerith as her daughter. And yet, that woman, from the sidelines, convinced Aerith to escape with her. And she did, she left that orphanage because she was thirsty of love.

That decision was the worse that she took. That woman was no loving woman, she was very cruel. More than cruel, she turned out to be a witch. She loved torturing  people, killing people. She had to witness the worse things a child could see. Not only that but she was just cruel to her too. She would starve her, beat her and have her do some of her dirty work.

That torture lasted for two years, until that woman's sister helped Aerith escape. Since then Aerith continued to move from one Orphanage to another until she was  big enough to find a job and finally move to ShinRa. She came upon the abandoned church and made it her home. She then met Tifa and the church was where she met Zack and Cloud.

When the two of them arrived to the Kingdom, they had no place to stay and the church was big so she let them stay there until Tifa helped them too. Tifa upon hearing about their goal, helped them find the right information and right people  and helped them enlist. From then on, they've been friends and...Well, she and Zack began to see eachother more than just friends.

That was until you arrived,  maybe Zack and Cloud didn't notice but they began to be more distant. But it was okay, it was normal considering the history the three of you had together.

Smiling, she made her rounds of watering her flowers only to pause when she spotted the damage to her garden. Part of her flowers were squashed, as if someone had walked over them.

No one had entered the church before because they all knew who lived there. They respected the church, considered it her home. So having to see that, it made her heart beat against her chest in panic.  The watering por slipped from her fingers as she stumbled back. She needed to leave before the intruder saw her.

But, as cliche as it sounds, someone knocked her out by a blow to the back of her head. The woman slumped forward, her head almost missing the watering pot.

The intruder was a young man, long blue hair and a scar adorned his face. Said man looked over her, his eyebrows furrowed as he stared at her. That woman would give him back his heart, her death would bring it back. But he couldn't kill her now, no matter how anxious he was.

He kneeled down and picked her up, threw her over his shoulder and opened a portal and banished.

The witch may have laughed, but if she could only realize that this decision would be a failure. Instead of keeping them away from you, she pushed you towards them.

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