Got A Secret, Can You Keep It...

By Lapeligroza

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Sometimes you're born with a destiny already written for you. But could you just followed what was already wr... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chpter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
List of Love Interests
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48

Chapter 39

104 5 6
By Lapeligroza

Note: People have survived without food longer than a month, but please ignore it for the sake of the plotline.
What was the longest a man could live without food? The longest one of his prisoners lasted without food was a two weeks  without food.  His doctors mentioned that it all had to do with how much fat reserves the body had, but the woman that now occupied one of the cells in the dungeons wasn't any better on that matter. That girl was very healthy, her body was covered with muscle with the years of training.

And yet, it has been 40 days that she had been kept there. She managed to survive with nothing but water. You've done so well so far, but now he received the news that you came with a fever. King Mateus had never set foot at the dungeons, he never had to because he had others to do it.

But this time it was different, he wanted to see it for himself. One of the guards lead him to your cell, only for the King to cover his nose upon the unpleasant smell hit his nostrils. It was a smell of sweat, blood,  and urine. All of that stench came from your cell, and when his eyes landed on your said cell, he understood why.

His orders were clear, to out you in that cell and only to give you water. There was no specification of anything else. Then there you were, on the hard and cold  floor. The clothing that once clung to your body, seemed to pool around your form. You were nothing but skin and bones, your face looked so skeletal. He was surprised to be able to recognize  you, your face was covered in grime.

The shivers that shook your already fragile body made it clear that yes, you had a fever. This fever meant that you needed to be looked at by a doctor or you would die.

Having enough with the stench, he turned around. "Take her to a doctor, make sure she is fed, cleaned and taken care of. She will return to her previous room."

People were not wrong, First Class Soldiers were a complete breed of humans if they could be called that.The He wanted to test that theory for quite a while but he had never had a First Class Soldier in his possession to test it until now. Your bodies were definitely different, but he already knew that.

That wasn't his only goal though, oh no. His Kingdom, as long as it was under his rule, was among the most powerful ones. No, he could be even more but in order to do so his soldiers would have to  be replaced by more stronger ones. The ones that swore to sacrifice their lives for his, were nothing but sacks of meat. Sacrifices for war, they would never provide him with real strength.

Someone with the skills of a First Class Soldier did, and for that he needed to know what made them that strong. However, everything that was tied to the making of those Soldiers simply banished without a trace. There was nothing left, not even the scientist that managed it. So this is what he was left with, with you. But during these 40 days of research, his scientist were as useless as he imagined. They weren't able to give him the results he wanted.

But his experiment time was over. He could give his scientists years but they will not give him good results, that was why he decided that his experiment was over. Your life belonged to him, but killing you was a waste of your abilities even if you did not serve him. He could keep you but for what? A single Soldier wouldn't make a difference.

His thoughts came to an abrupt stop when his ears caught movement behind him. King Mateus turned around only to see one of the guards dragging your body as if they were dragging a corpse. He frowned as he noticed that one of you legs looked abnormal. "Was I not clear with my instructions?" The guard stopped dragging your body as he was startled. In doing so, he dropped both of your legs, and there was a clear snap. "Pray that wasn't a broken leg, if it is, I'll brake both of yours." And the King continued his journey back to his castle. His last remark made the guard to quickly Heather you in his arms and proceed with what he was ordered.

From afar there was a pair of eyes watching, she was always watching. She was always making sure that her vessel was close to her reach. How she wanted to laugh, it was quite pitiful  of King Mateus.

He was surprised with how long you managed to stay alive without any source of nutrition. But if only he knew, if only they all knew that whatever you were, whatever made you had nothing to do with the experiment you went through in ShinRa.

No, if anything, it only awakened a small portion of the powers that your powers possessed. Those powers weren't yours of course, that body wasn't even yours. It belonged to her and as much as she wanted to take possession of it, she needed to wait just a little longer.

The old woman laughed as she banished, so far you have managed to capture the attention of people. You've kept people intrigued and gave the opportunity for others to use you.

She knew everything, she knew about King Ravus and his facade he used to become a friend. But he only found a way to use you against King Noctis.

King Caius was intrigued too, wondering how a woman managed to enter the First Class Soldier Ranks. He knew something was not right, so he tried to keep his eyes on you.

All of them were not wrong, you certainly were not ordinary. You were far from it, but most of all...You were not just her vessel...You  were more than that. You just didn't happen to be her vessel,oh no. But once they realized all of that, the wold will crumble down to her feet. Once they realize it...It will be too late.

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