godhead [COMPLETED]

By uncouthwriter

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Calla was a dreamer; always cherishing the idea of marriage while dreaming of her happily ever after: a magic... More



1.2K 61 35
By uncouthwriter


Every time a ray of hope had peaked through the skies, Leo would come and hide it. I couldn't believe my girlish optimism had blinded me from the truth. For the first time in my life, my mother had been wrong! Or maybe she knew of Leonardo's spirited nature and was just sparing me from a rude realization.

I dunk my head into the waters, trying so desperately to hold my breath for as long as I could but shot up, gasping and looking up at the molded ceiling, counting each ridge and grove. I needed something to pass my time and take my mind off of things.

I make sure to close my eyes as I laid my neck against the barrier of the bath. I was cold and shaken until two warms hands pulled my jaw up, cupping them to kiss my forehead. Instantly, I knew it was Donatello.
He steps into the bath, pulling me behind him and engulfing me in his reach. His soft gentle kisses caress spine, his lips painting their language of love.

"You always seem to know when to come" I sigh, letting his lips stain my skin. He continued to trail soft sensual kisses against my body as I scrubbed in peace then his lips attacked my fingers.

"Donatello?" I say, interrupting our once so tranquil atmosphere.

"What is it empress?" he whispered against my cheek softly pulling my breaths away.


"I am meant to give him a heir" she admits calmly , gently turning too look into my eyes Feelings of anger then sadness consumed me. A son? How foolish I was to imagine a scenario otherwise.

"Oh" I say drumming my fingers against the side of the tub. "I see"

"But it means nothing. I have tried everything to prevent it. Lizzie gives me lemons and I drink a bottle of whiskey right after. It is just..."

"Life?" I interrupted her. She nodded and looked away.

"It means nothing Donatello.... absolutely nothing" she reassures, kissing my lips but I hold her jaw to prohibit her.

"How can I let him do this to you Calla?"

"It is an honor to serve him Donatello. Ingraine this in your mind." she warns me.


I knew my words were not the ones he wanted to hear but I knew Donatello. He was quick to act and would kill Leo in an instant and although I wanted that more than anything, Donatello would die as a result of his defiance.

He shot from the waters, grabbing a towel and wrapped it around his slender torso. He was fuming.

"Donatello. Donatello!!" I run after him taking my robe from the door. "Donatello it is out of my control!"

"Say no?"

"You expect me to say NO to Leo and live?" I ask him skeptically.

"I expect you to live your truth!" he protests.

"And when has Genovia been a kingdom where one can say their truth and live? May I remind you that you were summoned from your kingdom to fuck a woman you never met by declaration of an emperor" I reminded him. He hummed in agreement but turned to face the doors.

"He will kill me Donatello. I have no purpose to him besides giving him a heir. If I don't fulfill that... I will die by his hand."

He dropped to the bed and stared at the patterns on the floor. "My heart is more selfish then I intended Calla" he sighed.

"And who says there is something wrong with that?" I say, climbing behind him and resting my arms around his neck. He takes one knuckle and kisses it in haste.

"I wish we could kill him now"

"We cannot Donatello. Soon but not yet. We must plan a coup." He nodded in ageeemnt.
"But as for now? We loathe him in silence. And plan."

He smirked hearing my declaration before kissing my lips once more. We smacked together carelessly before the passing conversations of the people from beyond the door snapped us back to reality.

" Oh! I have to introduce you to Oslo!" I clapped excitedly.


"He is an advisor to the emperor and he knows of the plan."

"I think I met him once or twice in passing? He frequents the library" he bemuses before looking to the pile of dirty laundry on the floor. "And have you told Lizabeth about us? About me knowing of your plan?" He asked already predicting my hesitancy to inform her. My lack of speech was his answer.


"What! I will tell her ...in due time. I couldn't tell her this morning because Donatello came...and it's just...well, it's just that she made me promise I wouldn't tell a soul and I've already told 2 people."

"She will hate me." He curses, gently rising from the bed.

"No... Lizabeth speaks her mind and doesn't take a liking to a lot of people but I feel as if she likes you?"
I assured and walked over to him, kissing his chest with care. He grabbed my jaw, forcing me to stare into his eyes. "Well, even if Lizabeth hates me, I know she can never be too mad at you"

"Thank you. I needed to hear that before I go see her" I whisper. He simply nods and kisses my forehead.

"So, what are the emperor's plans today?" he cheeses, walking over to his side of the room to find his clothes.

"The usual. Drinking, fucking and feasts."

"Sounds like fun!" Donatello's sarcasm was as mastered as his paintings.

"Meet me in the library then? I need to research some books on how to initiate a coupe."

"Okay Empress Calla of Genovia" he teased.

"I like the sound of that." I sigh, fantasizing about a reign without Leo.

"Don't forget me when you rise to power." Donatello mutters, pulling a cotton blouse over his body.

"How can I forget you... Don... umm." I teased pretending to forget his name. He pulled me into his arms and grabbed my jaw to tease me. "What is my name?" He demands just below a tantalizing whisper. I certainly liked this dominating side of him.

"It escapes me at the moment stranger but in due time I will remember" I giggle, allowing him to kiss me before pushing me out to leave.

"I must go before Leo has a fit." I shrugged, taking a small applefrom his bowl of fruit that rested above his metal chest.

"Ah! Hopefully it's not one of his legendary ones. I wouldn't miss it for the world" he shrugged.

I break away from him and rummage through his things. I was curious to see it there was something I could put on to wear besides my elegant dresses and corsets. I turn back to him and see his eyes glued onto mine.
Why was he watching me like it was the last time he would see me?

"What?" I smile.

"Nothing...you just look so ..." his words falter.

"So what?" I blush, insecure by his prolonged gaze.

"Beautiful" he breathed, gently walking over to where I stood, "you look so beautiful in the morning. Like a vision of effortlessness."

It was so comforting hearing his praises. Again, it was something I was not used to being berated and cursed by Leonardo. I blush and smiled at his words. "Thank you.... I guess I will see you at the library sir Donatello?"

He nodded, still staring into my eyes. I gathered my robe and left before he melted me into a pile of nothingness.


2 months later

And from then on, I was the perfect little empress. I smiled partaking in the games Leo played and being joyful at the feasts he threw. I even encouraged Donatello to take part in Leo's dull witted games.

"Let him win" I whisper, kissing his lips behind the tent near the lawn of the palace. He rolled his eyes before turning back to the game on the lawn. It was a basic game of croquet.

"YES!!! I won again!!
Look Calla! I beat your lover!" He bragged, signaling me to stare. I clapped for Leo, secretly winking at Donatello as he stood there defeatedly.

"Wonderful job emperor!" I cheer, riling the crowds to applause him louder. How wonderful my rouge was for him. Leo didn't suspect a thing!

I introduced Oslo to Donatello and they quickly took a friendship. At first, Oslo did not care for Donatello, deeming him nothing more than a brainless pretty boy, but one night, after they discussed the importance of "art and it's winding trajectory within the confines of Space" , they were warm.

Strangely, Lizabeth was the one who had the most strife against Donatello.

"Lizabeth you liked him before? What changed?" I begged for understanding as she scrubbed my hair in the bathroom.

"Nothing changed empress" she grumbled, washing my hair more vigorously.

"Are you mad at him or me friend?"

"Both of you. Him for going along and you for telling him."

"Then I apologize but please don't take your anger out for me on him Lizabeth"

"Calla, you don't understand! The more people that  know means the less effective the plan becomes. You have brought more men to risk their lives."

"And what about the innocent lives being lost because of foolish war? Do you not understand how many men have already died fighting for Genovia and the thousands more who will die at Leo's brainless descions?"

"Imagine if Leo found out Calla!" Lizabeth protested.

"He won't" I assure her, standing up from the waters.

"But what if he does?" She whispered, grabbing my arm so I could stare at her clearly.

"He wouldn't Lizabeth...unless someone would tell him? Is a certain someone having second thoughts?" I ask. Lizabeth shifted nervously but was quiet.

"No Calla...no" she pouted.

"Then it is settled." I say, turning around to exit the room. I knew Lizabeth was nervous but she had no reason to be! She would not get in trouble even if the plan was found out. It would be my undertaking and any consequence that arose would be shifted solely onto me. I would make sure of it.


Many nights looked like this. Donatello and I sprawled across many books and pamphlets, looking at the greatest coupes in history to see what are chances were on pursing an overthrow.

"We have been planning for 2 months and still nothing!" I cursed. I was growing impatient and quite honestly Leo was getting more irritable. "Why can't I just get a knife, sharpen it, and... stab him?

"You know it is not that easy." Donatello chuckles, flipping through another page of the book.

"But isn't it? Maybe over planning will be our downfall?" He tilted his head but quickly dismissed my words. He couldn't go through a coupe that was so carelessly planned.

I knew Oslo would come soon and I still had so much to ask him. He had duties he had to finish with Leo before our meeting.

Lizabeth was still distant though. I guess she still didn't trust Donatello but I was so disappointed because she seemed to like him before?

Oslo ran in, swiftly apologizing for his lateness. It was late in the night and I knew we only had a few hours to plan.

"We need an army Calla so when you initiate the coupe, there will be a force to stand behind. General J'offre is a number we need"

"He is weirdly obsessed with me"

"Use that to your advantage then!" Oslo exclaimed, happy an opportunity had arisen.

"Oslo! I am surprised at you?" I was taken aback by how easily he advocated for my tempting of him.

"You are a woman with natural born charm. Use it to our advantage" He snapped,standing up to take his book.

"Have you drunken your warm tea yet?" I teased. Oslo had been cranky these past few days and we all knew why.

"Leo's been on my butt and I'm growing quite tired of his voice"

I giggle and throw a knowing glance to Donatello. He smirked and lit a pipe, feeling sorry for Oslo.

Although I had to deal with Leo intimately, I rather that than be in the position of Oslo. He had to deal with him daily, advising, guiding all while being ignored. I would have ended my life if I was Oslo. Just hearing Leo's voice was grating.

"Well, I'm off. Goodnight empress. Donatello." Oslo nodded taking his leave. I stand from the chair and pack my things as well. It was due time we retreated to bed, plus, I knew today was the day I needed to tell Donatello.... something.
I could wait no longer.

I just hoped it would not ruin anything between us.

"I am heading off to bed as well" announce.

"I will stay and look up some more details of the coupe" he explains, standing to kiss my forehead before resuming.

"Are you sure? I was going to take a bath and did find it rather lonely last time" I smile trying to tempt him but Donatello was oblivious to my advances.

"Well..call for Liza? She will keep you company" He says dismissing me off. I stood there, watching him until he looked up. "Oh...I supposed that was my cue to suggest I join you empress?" He smiles awkwardly.

"Now that you say it aloud, I feel needy"

"Never. Never" he smiled closing the books.

"Maybe I don't want you anymore Donatello. The moment is ruined."

He smiled and stood, walking over to me before pulling me into his arms. "A moment is never ruined plus, I do wish to take clean off before going to bed" he suggests.

"Well...I will tell your servants to run a bath in your room Goodnight." I frown. He smiled at my dismissal and kissed my lips before lifting me into his arms. "Or?"

"Or?" I smile, running a palm through his bushy curls.

"I can join the most beautiful empress in the world for a bath. If she will allow it?"

"I will allow it this one time" I tease him. He places me down and we walk hand and hand to my bathroom to bathe.


Author Note:

I make it my mission as author not to reveal any spoilers but this is an announcement from me! Uncouthwriter!!

Donatello is NOT too good to be true.
He is NOT here with an ulterior motive to betray Calla nor is he here to kill Calla. I love him (Theo James) too much to do that to you all.
Him and Leo have no secret alliance. He hates Leo more than Calla! (This is for you VLAGODDESS ) 💀💀

There will be a...secret that surfaces that——
Hmm I'll leave that for later....

But y'all can stop being paranoid and enjoy my good man Donatello. 💕💕😂🥰

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