Harmonize | niam au sequel |

By twinkiepayne

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" You're a pain, you know that right?" " Of course I know that. I like pushing your buttons." ~*~*~ The... More

last author's note :(


174 8 0
By twinkiepayne

" Lani!"

The Payne brothers embrace their half sister as soon as she stepped into the door. She laughed as they hugged her.

" Hi DJ and Brendon." Lani says. They release from the hug and the siblings look at the parents.

" Uncle Niall, you look absolutely amazing." Lani says.

" Thank you Lani." Niall says.

" Am I gonna have a new half brother or sister?" Lani asks.

" It's a girl." Niall says placing his hand under his bump. Liam kisses the top of Niall's head.

" This is so exciting!" Lani exclaims.

" Yes it is." Liam says.

" Alright Lani, go drop your bag off in your room and come on back. We're gonna go out to dinner." Niall says.

" Actually, I'm gonna go out with a friend tonight." Brendon says. All the family members look at him weird.

" But Lani is here?" Liam asks.

" We can go tomorrow, but I wanted to hang out with them tonight." Brendon says. Drew narrows his eyes. He then realizes that party is tonight.

" Oh shit, that's right. I'm hanging out with friends too." Drew says. Brendon gives Drew a dirty look. Brendon knew what Drew was gonna do.

" Well, I guess we can go out to dinner with Lani tomorrow." Niall says, looking at Liam.

" As long as we can eat together as a family." Liam says.

" And don't worry, Lani wouldn't have to hang out here with you guys. She can come hang out with me and my friends." Drew says.

" But I want to-"

" I would love that DJ!" Lani says, cutting off Liam. She looks at Liam," I know you want to be together daddy, but I would love to meet DJ's friends."

Liam smiles," Fine. But tomorrow it's our day."

Niall looks at the children.

" I don't know what you guys plan on doing, but please make good choices. And I want all three of you home by midnight." Niall says. The three nod their heads. They all ran upstairs and to the boys room. Drew closed the door and Lani looked at her brothers.

" Let me guess. We're gonna go to a party." Lani says.

" I am. DJ's not." Brendon says. Drew lets out a laugh.

" That's funny, little bro. It's a party, anybody is invited. And besides, that 'friend' of yours needs to be watched carefully." Drew says. Lani raises her eyebrow in confusion, but wasn't gonna test anything. This was between the brothers.

" Oh my god, DJ! We're just friends!" Brendon says.

" Sage tells me otherwise." Drew says. Brendon rolls his eyes. He loves that Drew's using Sage to get information about him.

" So, what time are we leaving?" Lani asks.

" I'm being picked up around 19:30." Brendon says.

" Interesting. We're leaving at the same time." Drew says. He quickly types a message to both Sage and his friend group about the party and what time he plans on picking them up. Brendon rolls his eyes again. He looks at Lani.

" So how have you been?"


When the time came, Brendon was picked up by Matt's friends, along with Matt. He was introduced to each one and they hung out at one of their houses before the party began because it started a lot later.

Drew gathered his friends, Lani, and Sage and was hanging out at one of their houses, also waiting for the party to start. Drew informed Sage and Lani that the three of them had to watch out for Brendon, his friends were just there to party.

By the time Brendon, Matt, and Matt's friends showed up, the party was well on its way. They walked into the house and the living room was very crowded and music was blaring. Brendon could immediately smell alcohol. He was nervous about this party.

Matt could tell he was nervous. He slid his hand into Brendon's hand. Brendon gave him a strange look, while Matt smiles at him.

" Don't be nervous. You're here with me and that's all that matters." Matt says over the music. Brendon smiles back at him. He felt at ease already.

" Hey Matt and Brendon, y'all want drinks?" One of Matt's friends, Sam, asks. Matt looks at Brendon.

" Something to drink?" Matt asks.

" Yes please." Brendon says. Matt nods his head at Sam. Sam walks away. Matt looks back at Brendon.

" You wanna go sit?" Matt asks over the music. Brendon nods his head. Matt leads Brendon to a section of the couch that was empty. They both sit down and look at each other.

" Having fun so far?" Matt says.

Brendon nods his head. He always has fun when he's with Matt.

Drew couldn't believe what he was seeing. Him, his friend group, Sage,and Lani made it to the party before Brendon and Matt. But now that those two were here, Drew had to keep an eye out on them. He didn't like that they were sitting on the couch that close to one another.

Sage slightly pushes his shoulder," Let him live."

" I just don't want another Ryan situation." Drew mumbles. They were standing on the opposite side of the room, but Drew could still see the two.

" I don't either, but you have to let him make his own mistakes hun. He's trying to have fun and that's what he needs." Sage says. Drew looks back at Sage.

" I know, I just don't want him hurt." Drew says.

" He's not gonna get hurt. I like Matt, and I can tell Brendon is trying to start a friendship with him first." Sage says. Drew kisses Sage.

" At least I have you to keep an eye out on him." Drew says.

" Thats what friends are for," Sage says. She takes a sip of the drink in her hand. She looks back at Drew," Now live a little. Be like Lani. She's out there just vibing."

Sage mentions towards Lani looking like a real party animal. Caden and Lukas were dancing real close to her and it didn't look like she minded it.

Drew cringes," Now I know Lani loves to party. Makes sense to how her moms side is though. But that is very weird to see her like that."

With that, Drew started to loosen up a bit. He's glad Sage was around to loosen him up.

Back to Brendon and Matt, the two talked the whole night. Brendon could feel themselves getting real close in their relationship. And he's very glad for that.

At some point during the party, Matt brought Brendon outside to get some fresh air. They were standing in the backyard with a few other people who also looked like they needed fresh air. They stood next to a tree, away from the other people.

" Ya know, I really like talking and spending time with you." Matt says.

" I do too. I didn't think I would like to party, but you make it bearable." Brendon says.

" I try my best." Matt says. The two stand in silence for a while. Brendon was admiring the stars as they stood there. Matt smiles at him, love seeing his eyes sparkle as he stared at the stars.

" Brendon, I want to let you know that I don't plan on ever leading you on or using you, unlike some people that you've seen. I really care for you deep down. I will always be here for you, especially when you need a friend or even something more than that." Matt breaks the silence. Brendon breaks his eye contact with the stars and looks into Matt's eyes. He smiles because he really does feel the kindness in Matt's heart. He can tell that Matt does really care for him, just like Sage would.

" Thank you Matt. I really needed to hear that." Brendon says. Brendon could feel Matt leaning in, so he leaned in also. Then their lips touched and Brendon felt at bliss. This kiss felt different than the ones with Ryan. He actually feels something in this. They break apart and Brendon continues to smile.

Matt smiles back," I'm sorry. Usually I ask permission before I do something like that."

Brendon shakes his head," I didn't mind it."

The two continue to smile and enjoy each other's company under the stars. Brendon knew that Matt is probably the one person he needs to help him get out of his funk. And he would love to keep Matt with him for a long while.


Hello!! I suck at ending chapters!!!!

Anyway, I know I'm a couple days late, but I can't believe it's been 10 years of one direction. That's just crazy to me that this band had so much impact on my life.

It's also crazy that their social media accounts has me and every directioner on a string during these couple days. They make us look like clowns!

But I wouldn't change anything in the world because I will continue to love five idiots.

They changed my life and I'm thankful they did.

That is all I have to say for now.

Thank you for reading. I love you all.


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