Portgas D. Ace x Reader

By AAAA0004

31.4K 931 344

Y/n is a 16 years old girl with a smile that almost never leaves her face. One day, she and her dad moved to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Author's note
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 19

570 24 5
By AAAA0004

Y/n's POV

I got up and saw ace and Luffy sleeping deeply. Both of them were in very weird positions, so I laughed at them. I then went out of the room and saw dadan sitting in the kitchen drinking coffee.

"Ma'am, can I have a towel? I want to take a shower" she stared at me for a couple of seconds, and then showed me where the towels are. I grabbed one and left.

After taking a shower, I left and wore my clothes that I'll be wearing on stage. "Hey, if you want, we have a blow dryer since you just washed your hair and it's cold outside," dadan told me, which surprised me. She's really a nice person, despite her looking grumpy. "Thank you so much!" I said in a cheery tone.

I blow-dried my hair, tied it up/ let it down and went to check the time. There were about forty minutes left. Koala then came out of the shower and I told her where the blow dryer is so she use it. After she was done, she took out mascara, blush, and lipstick. I just borrowed the mascara. The boys woke up and took a shower, then we all ate breakfast and went to school.

"Alright, let's practice one last time" sabo said. We practiced it and lucky for us, we did pretty well. We took the instruments to the stage and put them there. The stage curtains were closed. I went from behind them and saw where Ace was, he was where the lighting of the stage is controlled. Mr. shanks was up there with him, telling him when to make the light brighter and when to make it dimmer.

I stared of him for a couple of minutes, admiring how handsome he is, then went back to the room behind the stage. We were waiting till the students showed up, to play in front of them. We weren't the first ones to play; there were people before us who've also prepared some dances, songs or something special for Christmas.

"Alright, is everyone ready?" Luffy asked. I looked at the clock, it was 8:30. We had to stand behind the stage curtains and to wait for our turn. The first group performed a dance, Perona was the only one I recognized. She and Zoro are close friends, even though they fight a lot.

After they were done, it was our turn. My heart was beating fast, but I tried my best to hide it. The stage curtains were closed, and the lights were off. Ace showed up from nowhere.

"So, do you need help with carrying the instruments?" He asked.

" no thanks," all of them said in unison. "

I hope that none of you are nervous." He smirked and looked at me. I looked away, knowing that my facial expression says it all.

Sanji's eyes turned into hearts. "There will be a lot of lovely ladies watching me soI have to do my best~" Zoro glared at him.

"Focus on playing the guitar and not on the girls nosebleed."

Sanji eyes changed immediately from heart-shape to a glare. "Shut up moss head!" they started arguing again.

"Stop it, both of you" Koala stood between them.

"Anything for koala-chan~" Zoro sighed and went to take his guitar, while sabo rolled his eyes.

Ace then left and we quickly put the instruments and stood in our positions. The music started to play and I took a deep breath, hoping that I don't mess up.

The spotlight was on me, which made things worse, but I swallowed it and tried my best to act natural. Before I start, I looked up and met Ace's gaze. He was standing behind the lighting controller, looking right at me. It felt like it was only me and him. The look he gave me made me gain my confidence and do my best on stage.


Ace's POV

The music started playing, and y/n looked quite nervous. My eyes were fixed on y/n. She looked quite nervous when I saw her before the dance. Before she started singing, she looked up and met my gaze, so I gave her a reassuring look while hoping that I can go and tell her that she'll do great. She smiled at me and  looked less nervous. She then began singing.


I admit, her voice is amazing. In fact, it's one of the best voices I've ever heard. She looked at me and smiled happily, proud of her performance on stage.

All of them were done, the stage curtains were closed again, and two students said a short intro about what will the next group do. I left the place and ran to the other stage's exit. When I reached there, everyone was giving y/n complements.

"All of you guys were so...." I stopped talking and looked down for a couple of seconds. They looked kinda worried, so then I smiled and said excitedly "AMAAAZZIIINGGG!!" They chuckled and thanked me.


Y/n's POV
"Are you done with my hair?" Nami was fixing my hair for like eternity "No, not yet. Stop whining and let me finish." 'She told me the same thing an hour ago!' I screamed in my head. Prom starts at 6 p.m, and it was 5:15. Nami was done with her hair, and then she moved to mine, since hairstyles aren't my thing. Robin was helping Tashigi, vivi and koala did their own makeup and hair.

After it took her forever, she was done. She then did my makeup. It was simple, which wasn't what I expected. All of the girls were standing in a circle around us, waiting for Nami to finish my makeup to see how I'll look like. "I'm done. What do u think?" She asked. "It's amazing!" They all said at the same time.

After everyone was done, we left to the school's gym. Ace and the other boys were waiting for us there. When we reached there, we took off our jackets, revealing the dresses we were wearing.

We got in the gym, and my gaze was locked with ace's. His eyes widened, and a light blush creeped on his cheeks. He was wearing a tuxedo, and his hair looked much neater than usual. Still, he looked handsome.

"You look so gorgeous" he said, still fixing his gaze on me. " thanks." He then gave me his hand, which I took, and we went to sit down at one of the tables. We looked around us, couples were dancing, and everyone looked quite happy. The music stopped, and then another song was played. "May I have this dance?" Ace asked. "Sure".

We got up and started dancing. At the corner of my eye, I saw luffy stuffing his mouth with food, Nami was tryin to control her anger issues and not to punch luffy. Thatch, sabo and koala were staring at us with a smirk, while Marco took some pics of us. I decided to ignore them and enjoy my time with ace. Speaking of Marco, it has been a long time since the last time we talked. I've heard from ace that his girlfriend is crazy, so she kinda made him become distant. Sanji was dancing with that girl he was helping at the ski resort, and zoro and Tashigi were fighting as usual.

I then felt someone walking in our direction, so I looked at my side and saw chloe, shooting me a death glare and smirking. She was walking in my direction, "tripped" and fell on me, drenching my back with juice. "What the hell?!" I shouted at her. She gave me a devilish smirk " oh I'm very sorry, Ummm, oh right, y/n. I really didn't mean it" she said sarcastically and left.

I was so angry that I felt like punching her. Then, I looked at Ace. He gritted his teeth, and started walking till I held his hand, stopping him. " Ace, it's alright, you don't have to get mad at her." " but she didn't have to do that!! she purposely spilled her juice on you and you expect me to just be quiet about it?!" He hissed at me. "It's fine, really, I just need to leave the place because staying here is making me feel more embarrassed." It's not only the place, it's that either me or Ace are gonna end up with a fight with her.

We left prom and went to sabo's car. Ace said that sabo would not mind him using it, which is clearly a lie but I wanted to leave the place as fast as possible. "alright, I'll drive you to your place. Now hold on tight"  what does he mea- "Ahhhhhhhhh!!!" I started shouting. He was driving the car so fast that I had to grab my seat to not get my face stuck on the glass in front of me. At that moment, I knew why ace's grandpa didn't buy him a car.


We reached my place, and ace came with me inside. He sat in the sitting room while I went to take a shower. After I was done, I wore a hoodie with tight jeans. Ace was on his phone. When he saw me, he switched it off.

"So what do you want to do?" I asked.

"I don't know. Wanna go somewhere?" Then I remembered that we had to leave prom because of me. I didn't notice that my face expression turned into a sad one, but Ace seemed to notice it.

"What's wrong?" His face showed concern and worry. I looked down. " I'm sorry"

he raised an eyebrow. " why are you apologizing?"

" because we had to leave prom early, and all of that is because of me. I'm sorry." He started laughing, which made me look up at him.

"It's alright, I mean, it would be less fun if you left the party." His words made me smile.

"Thanks" I muttered, which he surprisingly heard and grinned.

"By the way, where's your father?" He asked.

"I don't know, he didn't tell me that he'll be late, but he is usually because of his job" "oh" was all he said.

"Y/n?" " yeah?" He looked serious. "Don't get back together with your ex." What? Why is he mentioning that all of a sudden? "You see, when we were in the hospital yesterday, he called but he was so cold and sounded like he didn't care. I even have a voice recording."

Ace's pov
Y/n looked so confused, I understand because she thinks that her ex cares, but actually, he's just a douchebag.


After I hanged up and was mad at y/n's ex, sabo sent me something. It was a voice message

Me: what's that?

Sabo: I recorded the whole conversation between you and y/n's ex, just in case u want her to hear what he said.

I never thought about that. But really, sabo is a real life saver

Me: thank you sooo much!!!!

I looked up at him,  he just smiled at me.

Sabo: no problem, you're my brother after all, and I want both of you to date. Her ex bf is an asshole and Ik that u'll treat her better.

End of flashback

" I just want you to hear this." I played the recording. She was listening, but then she raised her eyebrows when she heard how rude he was.

" He's acting weird. Tomorrow when we get there, I'll try to figure out what is going on." "Yeah" I answered.

"Anyways, since I packed my luggage yesterday, sabo can get it when we'll meet up with him and luffy at the airport" " ohh cool" she said.

" why don't we watch a movie on Netflix?" Y/n suggested. " sure. What do you want to watch?" I asked. " f/m (favorite movie), if you like it" omg I love that movie! " of course I would! It's my favorite!" She looked much happier. " same!"

Y/n started the movie. We were sitting in the living room, y/n beside me. After like 30 minutes, I felt something on my left shoulder. I turned my head and saw her sleeping peacefully. She looked quite adorable. I hugged her and slowly drifted to sleep.


Hi guys!
I'm so so so so sorry!!! I really wanted to update earlier but I've really been quite busy with my part time job and then school started. I'll try my best to update earlier and hope you like this chapter!

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