Moon and Stars || OT7

By lilosworld

158K 7.1K 1.6K

"How can the reason you don't want me at Big Hit be that you're afraid the boys will fall in love with me?"... More

Prologue: Who's that?
The ISACs pt.2
The Afterparty
The Boyfriend
The Collab
The Collab pt.2
Release Day (m)
The Label
Messed Up
Truth or Dare
I'm Free
Season of Feelings
Valentine's Day
The Kiss
The Kiss pt.2
Enamored (m)
Not So Secret (m)
A Celebration of Sorts (m)
The Tour
Welcome Back
New Friends
The Family
The Family pt.2
Finding Out
Awards to remember
The End
Wake Up
My Choice
In My Feelings
Fake Love
A song about you
The Party
The Party pt.2
The Party pt.3
A Promise
The Date
Christmas (m)
First Time (m)
Stuck With You
The Photographer
What prison has done
New Steps
Another reveal
Hey Sister (m)
No More Playing
Late Nights (m)
The Dinner (m)
The Aftermath
Hurting (m)
The Wedding pt.2
The Morning After
New Beginnings
What happens in Paris
Birth Day
Epilogue: Ever After
~ Character Index ~

The Wedding

1K 31 0
By lilosworld

~Biggest time skip so far and also trigger warning for the beginning of this one!!!~

June 2022

"So who the hell decided a destination wedding would be a good idea?", Yoongi complains while stuffing random clothing items into his suitcase.

The whole dorm area looks like a battlefield with endless amounts of clothes strewn around, reminiscent of when they leave for Bon Voyage.

"Yo, the fuck you mean destination wedding? It's literally right in his home town, Gwacheon", Jungkook replies disrespectfully as he seems to have trouble closing his suitcase.

"Yeah, it's like twenty minutes away and Jin's making us all stay in this elaborate hotel for the night for no reason", the elder groans back, lying down in his pile of laundry.

"It's his wedding, so just go with it", Namjoon sighs before moving to put his hairdryer in his bag. But as usual, he has no such luck in actually doing that and it falls to the floor with a clatter, snapping the handle into an odd angle. "Shit."

"Does anyone have a hairdryer I can borrow?", he then calls out innocently.

"I have one", a voice from the couch answers.

Moonhae lays there, her long raven curls splaying out in all directions as she pouts with her lips painted in red lipstick. Some things just never change.

"What are you even doing here?", Namjoon eyes her.

"Just chillin", she responds nonchalantly, kicking her feet up onto the back rest of the couch.

"Don't you need to pack?", he questions her relaxed demeanor.

"Yeah, Taehyung's gonna help me later at my place", she merely answers.

"Why you haven't moved in together yet is beyond me", Jimin buts in as he walks through the living room, carrying some more stuff to pack.

"Just because Aya's living with you, doesn't mean we have to", she shoots back, finally straightening up from the couch.

"She's not living with me", he retorts, "She moved to her own place here in Seoul."

"Same thing, she moved countries for you", she waves him off.

Taehyung then strolls into the living room with a few different ties draped over his arm.

"Moonhae and I basically already live together. We can't sleep without each other. It doesn't matter if we have separate places", he explains to Jimin, who just shrugs. Turning to her however, he smirks, "But we can make it official if you want."

"Another day, honey", she says jokingly in sickly sweetness.

Instead of grinning though, her boyfriend pouts in response, "You've been saying that for the past two years."

His fluffy black hair that he's let grow again hangs into his granite eyes. There's not a day that goes by that she can't admire him. And truth be told, she's never been happier.

"Okay, fine", she gets up from the couch, standing across from him.

"Okay, fine, what?", he looks at her confused.

"Okay, let's live together, big bear", she grins.

"Wait... really?", his eyes widen, not knowing how to take this sudden change of heart. He was not prepared for it in that moment.

"Yup", she playfully flicks his nose, "We're making it official."

"Wait, are we moving into my apartment or are we getting a new one or... I have so many questions!", he gawks at her, but she merely shrugs.

"I don't know, whatever you want", she then eyes the ties he's been holding, inspecting them and pointing at one of them, "Oh and wear this one at the wedding."

He's about to ask her more questions, but her attention is caught by Yoongi's phone ringing. Snapping her gaze towards him, she can see him check the caller ID, but then silence it and put it back next to the bag he's packing.

"Who's calling you, Yoongi?", she asks, already knowing the answer.

"Oh...", he doesn't even bother turning towards her, "Nothing important..."

"Okay, alright", she mutters under her breath, slightly pissed before strutting into his room and motioning him to follow, "Come on, Yoongi, let's talk."

The cat-eyed boy looks highly confused as to what's going on, but follows her into his own room nevertheless, not wanting to question this girl much. As soon as he enters though, she slams the door shut behind him.

"Who called, Yoongi?", she asks once again, obviously ticked off this time.

"I...", he's frightened by her sudden demeanor, "It was Myeong..."

"Uh huh", she reacts as if she'd known already, "And why didn't you answer?"

"Because... I'm busy?", he hesitates, unsure of what Moonhae wants to hear exactly.

"Dammit, Yoongi!", she slams her palm against the wall near her, "She's your friend! How long do you want to ignore her for?"

"Moonhae...", he breathes, slightly disconcerted with why she cares or knows so much, "It's been almost a year since our falling out. Sure, we've seen each other a couple times, but what else-"

"Do you have any idea what actually happened last year?", she then cuts him off, "I don't mean what went down between you and Minjun, I mean the third person that carried just as much weight as you two did. Myeong came to me for advice, knowing Minjun was cheating on you and she found the strength in her heart to tell you, which wasn't damn easy, because she was in love with you. And then you played with her feelings, because you were hurt and accused her of destroying your relationship. I know you came to terms with it and figured things out, but did you ever- even once- think about how Myeong was feeling?"

"I apologized to her!", he insists, getting flustered.

"Yeah, months after it happened!", she shoots back, "But if you were truly her friend then you would know how much she suffered! Apologizing isn't enough, if you're not there for her!"

"Why are you so mad at me?!", he raises his voice as she raises hers.

"Because after your argument I found her slitting her wrists in the bathroom!", she finally yells out.

"W-what?", he stammers, everything running through his mind at a hundred miles per hour, his stomach turning over simultaneously, "B-but she said... S-she was okay again..."

"Look, I'm not saying it's your fault, Yoongi", her voice suddenly takes a softer tone, seeing how distraught he is over this, "It's not. It's just that she could use the friend she loves so dearly around her. Or at least answer her calls. She's been through just as much as you and Minjun have. Hell, she lost her lifelong best friend. Her whole world came crashing down. She's doing better now, but I think she just wants to smooth things over between you."

"But what am I even supposed to do?", his hint of irritation is back again, "I don't want to lead her on."

"Lead her on?", Moonhae has to refrain from rolling her eyes, "Jesus, Yoongi, just talk to her. Maybe... Why don't you invite her to the wedding?"

"Invite her to the wedding?", he echoes in disbelief.

"Yeah, as a friend", she explains quickly, "We have today and tomorrow off. If she comes, it'll give you more than enough time to talk things over."

"I don't think...", he wavers unsurely, seeing Moon's testing stare on him.

"It's up to you, but... Well you know everything you need to know", she shrugs before walking out of his room like she didn't just jumble up his whole thought process.

With a loud groan, he can't believe he's pulling this next step himself. Taking a deep breath, he finally picks up his phone.

"This place is fucking amazing", Moonhae explores the grand plaza of the wedding venue with her eyes in awe.

"Holy shit I want to get married in a place like this", Taehyung steps up next to her.

The foyer outside of the grand hall is enough of a sight on its own with elegant decor, gold detailing on chandeliers and railings and of course spotless marble floors. All of the arriving guests converse out in this beautiful plaza, greeting each other and exchanging exciting stories about the bride and groom.

It's enough to steal away everyone's attention, especially Taehyung's as he only now notices the kind of dress Moonhae is wearing. The kind of dress that ends barely below her ass and hugs the rest of her curves so tight she might as well be wearing a swimsuit. The front cuts into a low v-neck and shows off her cleavage, while the deep maroon of the garment compliments her beauty in every way possible. For Taehyung, she completely outranks any other surroundings.

"When did you sneak into this get-up, little moon?", he smirks, letting his hand slide around her waist to pull her towards him.

"Now you notice, huh?", she grins back, gliding her hand up along his chest in that expensive tuxedo he's wearing.

"You wanna wear my jacket?", he offers, his trailing fingers near her ass trying to make her realize how short the dress actually is.

"Nope", she winks, seemingly already knowing that.

As she leaves his arms, she struts towards where the other Bangtan members are waiting. Unfortunately, while doing so, her sexy ensemble manages to call some unwanted attention towards her. Taehyung walking after her, can hear it as clearly as she can.

"Damn", a male caterer they just strolled past whistles out to his co-worker next to him, "Did you see the ass on that thing?"

Stopping in his tracks, Taehyung's hands ball into fists, anger quickly boiling to the surface. No one gets to talk about Moonhae like that. She's been treated like an object one too many times. Fire burning in his eyes, he whirls around towards the men to retort. That's when Moon places her hand against his forearm, signaling him to calm down.

With her eyes narrowed in disgust, she stares down the catcalling clowns, "Take a good look, cause you won't be seeing it again."

And with that she struts off, pulling her boyfriend behind her and not sparing another second of her attention to such stupid matters.

"That's my girl", Taehyung whispers down at her, wrapping his arm around her waist again. Her ability to protect herself makes him happier than anything else.

On their way over to the other members, they pass Yoongi, who's standing closer to the entrance and nervously fiddling with his tux. He's been waiting for one special person to finally arrive, probably more scared than anything else.

But before he can conjure up any more bad thoughts, the figure appears at the back of the hall. His breath gets caught in his throat just watching her float across the marble floors towards him. Although her expression is timid, her hand constantly tucking that beautiful auburn hair behind her ears, she's never looked more radiant. Her midnight blue dress comes down over her arms in delicate lace and hugs her small figure perfectly. For a few moments, he just can't take his eyes off of her.

"Hi, Yoongs", she greets him shyly once she's reached him and he snaps out of it.

"M-myeong", he mentally scolds himself for stuttering her name out like an idiot and can feel his cheeks heat up in embarrassment, "G-great to see you."

"Yeah...", she agrees awkwardly, clutching her little purse in front of her.

"Look, I'm so sorry again about everything that happened", he exhales, wanting to get this weird tension between them out of the way, "I was the biggest dick and it was just such a mess and... How are you doing?"

"I'm...", she grins a little at his flustered form, "Better."

"That's good", he breathes a sigh of relief, "Moonhae sort of put me up to this inviting you to the wedding thing and got me all worried about you... But it's good to hear you're okay."

She nods faintly, her expression falling a little at his confession. It was Moonhae's doing. That's the only reason why she's here.

Before they can continue their conversation, the guests are called into the grand hall for the start of the ceremony. If the foyer wasn't impressive enough, this definitely is. It's shocking how many guests fit in this grand place and even more shocking that when they're all seated, the entire place is filled.

"These people can't all be from Jin's side of the family, right?", Eunjin, who's seated between her brother and Jungkook, asks in a whisper tone.

"Nah, Hyunae must be popular", Jungkook snickers back.

"Yeah, Jin definitely doesn't have this many friends", Taehyung chuckles from her other side.

"Shut up, y'all are rude", Moonhae whacks her boyfriend's arm to be quiet as music starts to play.

It's beautiful classical music that a live band near the front of the hall performs. The kind of melodies that melt your heart on their own. You don't even need to see the handsome groom step out in front of the altar with his family and his best man by his side.

But there he is, Jin in all his glory. His deep black hair neatly combed and his fitted tuxedo having never looked better. And standing off to the right, behind him his best man, Namjoon. You can see the emotions in their eyes, feeling the weight of importance and magic this day holds. The sight alone makes the other members tear up in their row of seats.

And that's when she steps in. Dreamlike, she takes slow strides, guided by her father's arm. Hyunae is a rare beauty on her own, but seeing her in this delicately crafted white gown, makes your heart stop. She's completed with a white veil on top of her perfectly styled waves of brunette hair that sway as she makes her way down the aisle.

Jin stares at her in awe, his love striding towards him to spend forever with him. This has got to be the happiest moment of his life. When she finally steps in front of him, he's still not out of his trance called love. It's basically a dream at this point, as they stand at the altar, holding onto their hands while facing each other. Everything the pastor says echoes through them, but they only have eyes for one another.

It must be somewhere around the time that they place the wedding rings on each other's fingers that the happy tears start rolling. She giggles, he chuckles, but the tears still come. Even when the pastor asks if they'll spend forever together until death do them part, they're still lost in one another's gazes.

"I do", his voice rings out.

"I do", her soft voice says it all.

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